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That stupid fuck had done this to her. He stabbed a cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray. Beaten her face in, and cut her skin and raped her. Had used her as a slut and a punching bag, and even Spike found himself getting disgusted at the thought that humans could do things like this to one another. There was an excuse for vampires, they were evil. He guessed that people could be evil too.

The image of her thigh was branded into his thoughts. Every time his lids closed, there it was, pulsating and dripping, the pus and old blood slowly making its way towards her sheets. It was Farmboy's initials, and it would scar, Slayer healing or not. He'd known what he wanted to accomplish. This was something she was
supposed to remember, long after he had left her.

Spike neared the house and was truly afraid about going inside. He sat there in the driveway, the motor idling, every so often looking up at the light on in her bedroom window. This was too strange, too much like Dru. His job was to make her stronger, to listen to her, to help her. But he didn't want to see Buffy like this, weak and out of her mind. But he would, because she needed him to.

He closed his eyes, then rubbed them. Sighing he turned off the ignition and pushed open the car door. Big night ahead of him.

Dawn had done a better job than he had expected at getting Buffy ready. She had a sweatshirt on and a pair of sleep bottoms. Blue ones, with clouds. "I'm going to carry Big Sis to the car and drop you off at Willow's. I want you to stay there with her until I come to get you. If you have to go someplace else, just call me so I can know where you are. You understand?"

"Yep, got it. Stay put."

"Do you guys have any aspirin or whatever in this house? Should have told you to give her some before I left."

"We have Tylenol. Should I go get it?"

"Yea, I'll give her two in the car." He turned to face Buffy in her bed. "Are you ready to go?"

She tried to sit herself up, but instead wavered uncertainly, and would have fallen off the bed if his arms didn't catch her. "No walking for you pet." He hoisted her up towards his chest and she immediately pulled herself in

"Make it stop hurting."

"I will luv, don't you worry. Just hold on a little bit longer. I'm going to do everything to make it stop."

She sighed at his words, but her body was still tense and he knew it would be a long time before she stopped being in pain.
She lay with her head in his lap, and his fingers lazily stroked through her gnarled hair. She'd cooled off a little bit and the flush had gone out of her face. She'd fallen asleep about an hour ago, and still no one had come out to tell him a doctor was available.

If it was any other time, he would have been thrilled that she was this close to him, but her brain was all muddled and it really wasn't her choice. Still, the mere thought of her there made him hard and it was rather uncomfortable feeling like he was going to bust through his zipper.

"Spike?" She rolled over right into his crotch and then bolted upright, her cheeks blushing even more so than earlier.

He tried to ignore the images of Buffy's coral lips on his cock that suddenly popped into his head and the throbbing that had instantly gotten about eight times worse. He was embarrassed and definitely unsure about what he should do. Changing the subject and complete avoidance seemed like a good policy. "How you feeling luv?"

"Wet." The bulge grew in response to her words, the ache growing as even more blood rushed there.

"What was that?" The words squeaked out of his lips and she blushed again. She picked herself up, and he took the few moments to adjust himself, which lessened the agony slightly.

"I'm all sweaty. Why is that? And why am I here? With you? Where's Dawn? Did something happen to Mom?"

"Shhhhh. Calm down luv. You were sick and Bit asked me to bring you here. Your mum's fine, all tucked up in her bed and Dawn's over at Willow's."

"But I feel ok."

"You had a fever before, a pretty high one. The Tylenol must have kicked in."

"Can you just take me home. I have to rest is all. It's just a little bug."

"You showed me. And told me."

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to show or tell you. Are you planning something again, cause I'm pretty fucking tired of your plans that involve showing and telling."

"Keep your voice down. And don't play all stupid with me. I know what happened."

"What exactly is that, why don't you tell me?"

"Miss Summers?" A middle-aged nurse was standing in the doorway, impatiently tapping a ballpoint on a clipboard. "Miss Summers?" Spike picked up a wrinkled issue of People and began flipping through the pages of celebrities. Half clad women. Bad idea.

She raised her hand a little sheepishly. "I'm Miss Summers, but please, I don't think this is necessary at all. I'm feeling a lot better."

He leaned over and whispered into her ear. "It's necessary. I told your sister I'd take care of this and if you don't go, she's going to have to talk to your mum about it. So why don't you be a big girl, go and visit the doctor and you'll get a lollipop when it's over." There was some acid in his voice that he didn't mean to be there, but it did the trick.

"But if you wouldn't mind, can I just quickly see the doctor?" The nurse glared at Spike, but sighing gestured for Buffy to follow her. She got up and went in the same direction, turning back to face the vampire. "You're not

"Only if you want me there."

"I want, I think."

"Then I'll be there." He got up from his chair, tossing the magazine back towards the coffee table and headed towards the door, hands in his belt loops and walking kind of funny.

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