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"If you just have a seat on the table here the doctor will be with you in just a moment. In the meantime, please put on this gown and lay down." The nurse shoved a paper shirt into her hands and quickly slammed the door behind her.

"Can you go into the hallway?"

"First you want me to come back here with you, and now you're kicking me out. Why can't you make up your mind."

"They want me to get changed and you looking at me without my clothes is perhaps the last thing I want to happen. Ever. So just wander for a little while, go find some blood down on level four and come back later."

"A little too late for that luv. Seen the Slayer in much of her glory already this evening." Her eyes flickered all hatred and disgust.

"What does that mean?"

"You'd come a little undone in sleep's all pet. Nothing I haven't seen before." Or felt, or desired.

"You were watching me sleep?"

"How do you think we got here in the middle of the night, you weren't exactly up doing the tango. Nothing happened Buffy, if that's what you're worried about. I swear."

"I'm sure that's worth a lot down at Willie's, but the Slayer doesn't really believe a vampire's words of trust."

"Another point right there. You, Slayer. Me, vampire. There was not a single thing that went on between the two of us. Dawn was there the whole time too anyway."

"I'm sorry." She kind of muttered under her breath.

He wandered around the room, picking up random instruments as she shifted uncomfortably with the dressing. "I'm never letting you drag me anyplace again, I just want that made clear. You're way too finicky."

"Maybe you're the one with the fever all of a sudden, but I remember you being the person who did the dragging to this place and why the heck are there stirrups here?"

Spike would have blushed if he were capable of doing so. "Aren't they things that ladies need?"

"Not for what I have." She walked towards the exam table. Turning, she glared at him. "What did you tell them?"

"Just what you told me."

"Which is what? I was kind of delusional at the time."

"That Riley…"

"Ms. Summers?"

"Yes?" Both heads turned to look at the very tired looking young man standing in the doorway.

"I'm the medical student on call for tonight, the attending asked me to come in and start your chart. But I can see that obviously you didn't have enough time to get settled. I'll give you a few more minutes to get ready, the gown's right there." He closed the door as quickly as he had opened it.

"That Riley did what? What genius idea have you come up with now? I have no idea what interest you have in me, or in him for that matter, but I'm tired of it. Just leave me alone."

"Fine. We'll do things your way. What a surprise. I'll be in the hallway. Whenever you're ready to go home, just find me." He flung the door open, but she grabbed his free arm.

"I have an idea, why don't I just get changed behind this curtain alright? Please don't leave me in here by myself."

He didn't answer her, but closed the door and went to sit on a stool by the side of the bed. She proceeded around to the other side of faded yellow drapes, and he watched her silhouette. She was thinner he thought, but what did he know.

"Are we all ready now? I'm Dr. Hoover by the way." The kid was back, a little more impatience in his voice than the last time and a little less caring.

She reemerged; desperately trying to keep herself covered in the item that would not stay tied. "Yea, I think I'm ready."

"I'd like to confirm some things with you before the nurse brings in the rape kit. Now…"

"What was that? I wasn't raped. No one raped me." Her eyes crystallize into frozen spheres. "Spike. Spike! What the fuck did you do?"

Hoover's looking at Buffy, and then back at Spike. Buffy. Spike. Buffy. "Pet, I didn't do anything to you. We just went over this."

"You told them he did this didn't you? Didn't you? Do you like hurting me and ruining my life, because so far this week you've been doing a wonderful job of it."

"I don't want to hurt you, would I do all this shit for you if I wanted to hurt you?"

"Why don't you tell me? This is a new low Spike, even for you this is disgusting."

"I think I'm going to go and grab my supervising doctor…" He was completely ignored as he slipped out.

"Think about it luv. Where did the cut on your leg come from, and all these bruises?" He gets close enough to brush at a light patch of yellow still on her chin.

"He didn't do this."

"Then how did it happen?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know, or you don't want to tell? Where's he been if it wasn't him?"

"That girl, he was with that girl. You showed it to me, you know where he is."

"You told me Buffy. Before we got here. You told me not to call him, told me he was the person to do all of this."

"I'd never say that."

"You know what Buffy? If you want to live in your little world of denial for now that's great. Makes a lot of sense too. I hear you have a lot of experience with running from your problems." She slapped him hard across the cheek and split his lip. Gasping, her hand retreated and she used it to clench onto the blue robe. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Buffy. I'm a horrible person."

"Your lip…"

"It doesn't even sting. It'll heal fast." He sucked on the slowing blood absently, tongue flicking out over the crimson speckles.

"It looks like mine." She lay down on the exam table. "I want the doctor. Now."

"Not a problem." Spike left the room quickly returning with Hoover by the white collar of his jacket. "Fix her up real nice Doc," he said, pushing the man by the bed. "I'll be in the waiting room."

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