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"I take it you're ready to begin?" Hoover waited by the foot of the table, nervously pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"As ready as I can be. Just what exactly are you going to do?"

"Well I'm going to start a chart for you. Medical history, allergies, medical complaint, things like that. Depending on what instruction I'm given, I might administer the exam, or our attending will come in. So why don't we start with why you're here."

"Spike brought me in."

"That young man who was with you?"


"Alright, I understand that, but why did he choose to bring you in?"

"He said I had a fever, but I feel alright now and can't really remember feeling to bad before I went to bed. And there's this cut…" She got very silent, knotting her hands in her lap.

"Where did you cut yourself Ms. Summers?"

"I didn't cut myself."

"Well where is the cut then?" She lifted the hem of her gown a little. "I see. Do you have any idea where it came from?"

"I can't, I can't remember. He says that I told him, but I don't know if he's right. He mixes things up sometimes, for his own benefit. And there's no way. He'd never hurt me. He just thinks it was him, but it's not. Oh God, I'm so confused."

"Who are you talking about Ms. Summers?"

"Spike said it was my boyfriend. But he'd never do something like that to me. He loves me. I know he does. And I'm stronger than he is. It doesn't make any sense."

"What does Spike think your boyfriend did?"

"There were all these bruises, and these cuts. I don't know how I got them. The last thing I remember was going to his house and having something to drink and then I was home again."

"Did you have any alcohol, or drugs before? What exactly did you have to drink?"

"It wasn't anything alcoholic. Water, I think. Just water."

"Did you pour the drink yourself, or did he give it to you?"

"He gave it to me…"

"When was this?"

"A couple of nights ago, you don't think that he…"

"He very easily could have slipped something into your drink. But we don't know anything yet and I don't want you to become concerned. You've showered since the incident?"

"Yes, a few times."

"Ok, too much time has elapsed already anyway to collect semen samples. Did you wash the clothes that you were wearing?"

"No, I threw them away. They were all ripped and bloody."

"Have you had any sexual intercourse since this event took place?"


"Have you been sexually active before this?"


"For how long?"

"Since I was sixteen."

"And you're how old now?"

"Nineteen." She wanted him to stop asking these questions; this was none of his business.

"Have you ever before not been able to remember pieces of your life, or have entire events go missing?"


"Are you on any medication?"

"I think I had some Tylenol tonight. Is this going to take much longer? My sister is over at my friend's house. I'd like to get her home before she has to go to school. I'm kind of responsible for her at the moment."

"I only have a few more questions. Do you know if he had a condom on?"

"I don't know. I can't honestly remember, I'm sorry."

"Has he been tested for any STD's?"

"He was clean the last time he went. Or he told me that he was."

"Are you on any form of birth control?"

"No, we would just always use a condom."

"Ok, that should do it for now. I'm just going to have the nurse take a few blood samples and we'll see what the results are, alright?"


"As soon as we have those results back, I'll come and speak to you again. How does that sound?"

"Fine. Good."

"Alright then." The student moved towards the door, scribbling a few side notes onto his clipboard.



"Do you really think that this happened to me? That I was…"

"Raped?" She flinched at his words, her fingers gripping the gown's strings a little tightly. "It's possible. Anything is possible. We'll know more after the results of the blood work, and if nothing comes up there we'll do some further investigating. Would you like to have someone come down and talk to you, a psych consult? It might be more helpful."

"Maybe after the labs are back."

"If you change your mind, or need anything, just press the call button. A nurse will be with you as soon as they can."

"Thank you. Oh, and if you see Spike, can you just tell him to call Willow, give her an update?"

"I will." He closed the curtain around her and headed out towards the front desk.

Buffy picked up her gown and looked at the wound there. She really wished that he had cleaned it before he left. Maybe they'd have to wait on that too.

The more she looked at it, the more the lacerations seemed to take shape. An R and a F. Right there, plain as day. She wanted to throw up, felt the bile in the back of her throat, acidic and scalding, but couldn't do it.

She knew.

She couldn't really remember when she stopped knowing, she could see now, right while it was happening, and after too. The whole scene with him hovering overhead, wanting to come, wanting to beat, wanting to torture.

His cock all purple, furious at her. The blood seeping down her sides, it had felt like tiny little legs scurrying all over her skin. A pulsating stream of warm fluids sinking into her as he stretched her delicate walls and broke everything inside of her.

She was there again, on the floor. And it replayed and replayed and replayed and every time she thought that something would change, that he would apologize, or that she would fight back, or that she would just snap out of it and stop seeing it, it would just continue and she was as helpless as she was the first time.

More came into play, things she hadn't even realized when they were happening. She'd been bone dry when he had thrusted into her. He never even bothered to take off his pants. The neighbors had been listening to the radio.

He'd raped her.

"So this is my fault Riley Finn, is that it?" Her words loop-de-looping around and around. It was her fault. She was the slut to blame.

She sat very still while the nurse inserted the needle listening to her words to sit still and to just breathe that it made the whole thing go much quicker. She stayed like that while the vial filled and while they cleaned her flesh and wrapped it. While they inserted some fluids and antibiotics through an IV. Eyes staring straight ahead, furiously straining not to blink, she sat. Because she didn't know what else to do.

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