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"We got all your lab work back Ms. Summers and it doesn't appear that the infection is STD related but that it is only from the cut being improperly cleaned and uncovered. You will need to be on antibiotics for a few days."

"Alright, am I getting them here, or do I need a prescription?"

"I took the liberty of filling it for you at the pharmacy here. But before I get them for you there are still some things that I would like to discuss with you. There are only a few questions."

"What is with you and these questions? What do you need to know?"

"Maybe you'd like that young man you were with to come in while we talk."

"Not a chance."

"I really think it would be wise if you had someone with you while we went over this."

"Look, you can either tell me what you came in here to say, or I can get the information from your supervisor. I've had a really long night. I'm starting to not feel so great again, and this whole experience has been more than traumatic, so can we continue?"

"Of course, I was just suggesting, for you, you understand. But we ran a particular test, we run it on all rape cases, and your results came back positive. They showed a rise in particular hormones in your blood, but it would be wise to run the test again in a few days, it's a little doubtful at this point if it's a false positive or not. We believe that you're pregnant."

"I'm what?"

"You're most likely pregnant Ms. Summers. Have you been with anyone besides your boyfriend?"

"I want to go home." A very calm, quiet voice she didn't think she had in her came out.

"Ms. Summers, I'd feel a lot better about this whole thing if you'd just let me call someone for you to talk to. You can discuss your options. Get information on pre-natal care."

"I said I want to go home." It was more hostile this time.

"It's against my better judgement to let you go so soon, especially without seeing a psychologist."

"I just want to go home. Give me whatever I have to sign and let me go." She started picking up her clothes, slipping her pj's on underneath the gown.

"You do understand that you will be leaving this hospital without having a doctor approve your release."

"Yeah, I get it."

"Ms. Summers, we're not sure that you are pregnant, it's a little on the early side to be able to tell at the moment, you should really be re-tested at a later date."

"I'll make sure to schedule an appointment. Drink all of my orange juice before I come in too." She laced up her sneakers and held out her hand. "Can I have my prescription and the release slips?"

He slipped them to her. "I really wish you'd reconsider."

"And I really wish this wasn't happening to me. Where do I sign?" He pointed at a few places on the sheet and she wrote down her signature. Thrusting the clipboard back into his hands she remarked, "Thank you. I'm sorry for my behavior" and walked out the exam room door.

The entire way down the hallway she clenched her hands over her stomach. One time was all it took. One lousy fucking time.

"So how did things go luv?" She hadn't even noticed him there, hadn't noticed anyone. "Give you your meds and all that?" He took the paper bag from her hands.

"Take me home. I just want to go home." He led her through the corridor to the elevator, and they rode it down in silence. Walking out the mechanical doors, she headed away from the parking garage, leaning against the walls. "I have to sit down."

"Ok, s'alright pet. Take a breather." She lowered herself shakily onto the ground and he sat down beside her.

He pulled out a pack of Marlboros and slipped one out with his fingers. When he went to slide the rest of them back into his pocket she said, "I want a cigarette."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea Buffy."

"Just give me a damn cigarette." Her voice was tired, and she sighed after she said it, not really willing to argue over it.

"Fine, here." He handed her one from the pack and his lighter, but she couldn't really get the thing to work. Her hands wobbled and she couldn't get the spark to catch. So instead she just held it in her fingers, cradling the lighter in her palm.

"They said I was raped."

"I know."

"I believe them."

"Me too."

She tried again to get it lit, and this time she managed to do it. She kind of just stared at the paper smoldering and the little tendrils of smoke. "They think I might be pregnant." He didn't say anything to this, just reached over and took the cigarette out of her hand, flicking it out into the ambulance bay. "I want to just wake up and have it be over, I just keep hoping every time I open my eyes I'll have imagined the whole thing." She got kind of quiet after she said it, flipping the tiny Zippo back and forth in her fingertips. "It's never going to be over is it?"

"Probably not pet."

"Just thought I'd ask." They sat there, next to each other on the concrete and he put his arm around her when she cried.

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