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Title of Chapter: Endeavor

Author: Alicia08

Author’s note: Um, ya know what?  I’m suddenly not feeling the idea of a Cordy/Angel pairing in this fic.  It just doesn’t provoke any emotion in thy.  Soooo, I’m gonna kick it to the side, and bring in Cordy/Spike?  What do you think?  Working for you?  Not working?  I’m ridiculously flexible so, let me know, cause, as always, I’m here to please you people.  Or maybe I can just leave out Cordelia all together?

Author’s note 2: Ok, right off the bat… I want to apologize for this chapter.  I was going through writers block, and words were lacking.  I have most of chapter 3 and 4 completed, but chapter 2 was giving me serious problems.  It might have to do with my love for the Buffy/Riley pairing. It’s hard to write for a couple you adore, in a non-flattering way.  I also apologize for the shortness of said chapter.  Words were lacking ok… lay off!!



Chapter 2

In early March, Buffy received a phone call from Sam Harris.  He was one of the many editors at Harliquin Magazine, though one of the nicer ones, and also a very close friend of Buffy’s.  He wanted to know if she was interested in being part of a particular project he had on the side.

“Well it all depends on what that is” Buffy responded smugly

“One of our stories unfortunately didn’t pan out how we’d planned.  Something having to do with a death in the family of one of the main writers or some nonsense of that sort”

“Gee, Sam.  Very caring” Buffy rolled her eyes

“Yeah, well, you know me.  I’m full of love,” Sam said in the half sarcastic, half genuine tone of his.  “That’s just the kinda guy I am.  Listen I was wondering if you’d be willing to take on this project?”

“Details Sam”

“It’s an in-depth piece on small rural towns.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  The original idea was to follow two students around for a week.  One from the big city and the other from a small town, and extract the most interesting moments, and put it in writing. Since that fell through, we thought we’d spice it up a bit.” He paused for dramatic effect before continuing.  “The single scene”


“And come on Buffy.  Help me out here.  You’ve done stories like this before.  Improvise”

“That was back when I was in College Sam.  And I thought you said this was a project you had on the side.  From you’re lack of specifics, it seems as if you’re trying to discard this little menace of a story onto moi”  Buffy responded buoyantly, twirling the telephone cord within her grasp.

“You know me too well” Sam responded upfront.  Ok, Terri, needed a story to fill the quota for next month’s release.  And like I said, the story they were working on didn’t fall through, so they assigned me with the task of filling it.  Now look Buffy.  We’re friends right?” Without waiting for a response he continued.  “I wouldn’t ask you to do this for me if it wasn’t important.  My brother is getting married next week and he would never forgive me if I missed his wedding” Sam pleaded into the phone, his tone desperate.

Buffy didn’t have a doubt in the world about that.  Xander, Sam’s brother was an acquaintance of hers, and Xander was definitely not the forgiving type.  Buffy pondered for a good minute, before finally putting Sam out of his misery and agreeing to take on the project.  Any other time, she would of no doubt turn him down and said no, but it had occurred to her, that this was to be her alibi.

In the weeks that followed the conversation Willow and she had, they’d been racking their brains trying to figure out a legitimate reason, or better yet, an alternate reason, to go to Frenton.  When one hits her over the head repeatedly, she was sure not to ignore it.

“Please.  Just this one favor.   Come on. I haven’t asked you for a favor before.  Ok, yeah.  There was that one time with the tutoring thing, but you told me you actually enjoyed that, so in a way, I did you a favor.  And, ok you bailed me out on the Marie Claire fiasco, and I’m so very grateful for that….”


“But if you’re a friend, you would come through on this for me Buffmister”



“First off, if you value your life, don’t ever call me that again, and secondly, I’ll take on the project”

“Thank you, thank you, and thank you.  You have done a great service this day” Sam thanked Buffy over the phone.

“Can I come in” came a voice from the doorway to Buffy’s office

She looked up, to see Riley, his head peeping through the half opened door.  She motioned him in, and with a gesture of her hand, offered him a seat.

“Sam, I’m gonna have to call you back later so we can go over the details.  Oooh, and give my best to Anya and Xander would you.  Thanks.  Bye”  Buffy hung up the phone, fell back into her chair, and smiled at her boyfriend.  “This is a surprise”

“Well, good.  My planned worked” Riley said, with a smile

“And what plan would that be?” Buffy queried enthused.

“The plan to surprise my very beautiful girlfriend at work and take her out to lunch”

“So, I’m beautiful huh.  Well, now that I think about it, that’s pretty much accurate” Buffy grinned, rising from her chair, to give Riley a kiss on the cheek.

“So, where would you like to go?”

“hmmm” Buffy pondered.  “How about Chinese.  I’m feeling Chineesy today” Buffy acknowledge, pulling on her jacket, and walking towards the door

“Chineesy?” Riley arched an eyebrow.  “You and Willow have created your own language it seems” he mocked her, shutting the door as the two exited the office.

“Well, ya know.  We wanted to get in on the trekkie action”.  She looked up at Riley and noticed his utter confusion.  Laughing, she changed the subject.  “Guess what?”

“What?” Riley responded eagerly as the elevator doors opened just as they arrived in the hallway lobby.  He made his way into the steal box, leading Buffy in, his hand to her back. 

“It looks like I will be taking a little trip next week” she told him, pressing the button that would lead them down to the lobby area of the building.

He gave her a confused look.  One she found so very endearing.  Riley, as smart and well read as he may seem, he was very much gullible.  It was one of the traits Joyce loved about Riley.  Both her parents loved Riley dearly, as did his parents in regards to her.  All four, envisioned that the two would eventually marry.  Her father and mother goaded her on the subject enough times already.  And more than likely, Riley received the same goading from his parents, when it came to their relationship.

Buffy remembered the time during her childhood, when she had envisioned herself growing up to marry Riley.  The two were inseparable as kids.  Then came her teenage years, and thoughts of marriage, were pushed to the backseat, and replaced with adoration for ‘New kids on the Block’ and a yearning desire to become Molly Ringwald in the movie  ‘Pretty in Pink’.  Riley bless his heart, had endured all that torture for her sake.

Now she was in her early 20’s, and her and Riley, were still best friends.  She loved him with all her heart, but she wondered if that love was more platonic than romantic.  They had decided to start dating because it was the inevitable next step.  Their parents were thrilled, so they had to of done something right… right?

But lately if not at the very beginning, Buffy felt as if something was missing from their relationship, especially from their sex life.  Riley wasn’t the first guy she had ever been with sexually, hence comparisons were made. 

None sadly in the favor of Riley. 

The excitement was missing.  Sex with Riley was ‘fine’, but sex is never meant to be fine.  It’s meant to be something you blushed over, just thinking about.  It’s something you run to your best friend to, and squirm with delight as you dish all the rousing details in great dept.  It’s something that your body responds to and grows warm remembering.

Despite all the negative, Buffy gave her all in this relationship.  Riley was sweet, caring, affectionate, sensitive… just a great person.  Sex wasn’t all that important in a relationship anyway, she had convinced herself.  She had no desire to lose Riley.  Besides Willow and her father, he was an important staple in her life, and she didn’t want to lose that.  Her mother’s death and departure had been excruciatingly agonizing enough.  She never wanted to experience such pain and loss again.

“That was Sam on the phone earlier.  He wants me to work on a project he had on the side” Buffy explained, sticking with the false story Sam had given her initially.  “It’s an on field project, so I’m going to have to be gone for a week or two”


“Connecticut” Buffy refrained from being too specific, knowing that Riley and Hank converse over the phone from time to time. The more vague she is, the better.

By the time they reached the Chinese restaurant between 5th and 6th,  Buffy had explained to Riley the details of her rendezvous in the week to come in as little specifics as possible.

“Can I take your order”?

Buffy’s eyes flew to the uniformed waiter that had snuck up on her from behind.  “Uh… yes thank you.  I’ll have the general Tso chicken” She looked at Riley and waited for him to place his own order.  Buffy watched as the waiter retreated into a back room, her eyes turning to Riley.  He was looking at her, and she couldn’t help but feel as if she owed it to him to say what was on her mind.

“Do you love me?” she asked suddenly, wanting to take back every word the minute it left her lips.

Buffy saw Riley’s eyes widen at her sudden question.  His hand reached over the table to take hers in his own.  “Of course I love you.  You know I do”  He looked at her quizzically, thinking something over in his head.  “Do you love me?”  He asked, deathly afraid of what her response would be.

“Riley… of course I love you.  It’s” she paused to concentrate on how to word, what she would say next.  “It’s… just that we are so used to each other, that we never even considered the possibility that we may not be right… romantically for one another.”  The hurt in Riley’s eye, at her words made her heart pain.  She had tried desperately to say what she wanted to tell him, without hurting his feelings.

“Buffy.  I don’t get you.  Where the hell is all this coming from” he spat, his voice dripping with irritation.

Buffy held her glass of soda with both hands, trying to figure out if it was the questioning of their relationship or the realization Riley had that also questioned what they shared together that made his voice raise in anger.  “Riley please.  You know exactly where it’s coming from.  Things between us have been great, but you know as well as I do, that a very vital part is missing from our relationship.  Do you really want to pretend as if you’re not aware of it?”

“Aware of what Buffy?  That our chemistry doesn’t permeate and ricochet off the walls when we’re in each other’s company” He lowers his voice before continuing “That the sex, doesn’t make either of us scream with ecstasy?” he stared at her for a long while, before looking up, to see the waiter approach with their meals.

With a hefty swallow, Riley settled back in his chair as the waiter placed their order before them.

“Does it really matter?” Riley finally said, as the waiter left them. “I’m aware of it all Buffy, but I love you, and I want us to work.  If anything… I want us to work”.

“Even if it means we are both missing out on something… someone better.  Someone we can love and have that passion with.  Som….”

“Someone that isn’t you” Riley interrupted, his orbs boring a hole through her soul.

On impulse, because it was preying heavily on her mind for so long, she said “Yes.”

“Maybe that’s not what I want” Riley stated firmly, his eyes never leaving her face.

But that’s what I want.

“I’m not sure what I want” Buffy communicated to him… the man she loved, but wasn’t quite sure she was in love with.

Riley reached over the table, brushing a strand of loose hair from her face.  “Let’s give it more time.  We can learn to create the passion” Those last words were soiled with desperation.  More than anything, Riley wanted what he and Buffy had to last.  He was sure, time was all they needed, to make things right.


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