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Title of Chapter: Dinner at the Prestons

Author’s notes: Read, review and enjoy!!!


She stood there, staring into the face of this man before her, his words running round in her head chasing each other.
“My father” Buffy looked at him in shock, shaking the hand that had come out to meet hers. “But – how? I mean, my father never lived here… unless” her last word barely a whisper. Her heart skipped a beat, her mind raced, her throat caught in a gasp.
He laughed, his shoulders bouncing slightly. “Hank living in a small town like Frenton! A small town like this would drive him mad. He liked the hustle and bustle of the big city. How is the big city treating him anyway?”
Buffy’s heart slowed, her mind became blank, her breathing lethargic. “Hank Summers” she said, her own words seeming a distance away. Her head was downcast, as she tried to compose herself. In the span of seconds, she had experienced a range of emotion varying from excitement, to fear, to disappointment, to joy, to contentment, and at this moment, foolishness. To think that this man before her had known her biological father was ill conceived. How would he know what she looked like? And he did after all call her Buffy Summers. Summers, the same last name she inherited from her father. Hank Summers.
She silently cursed her idiocy.
She looked up to meet his eyes, to find him staring at her intently, surveying her beneath dark brows, his eyes poignant.
“How dreadfully insensible of me.” He reached a hand to lie on her shoulder. “I’m so very sorry to hear of your mother’s demise. She was an amazing woman”. He smiled at her comfortingly.
Still lost in thought, she looked up to meet his eyes. “You knew my mother?”
“Yes. I knew both your parents.”. He stopped, then continued, the inquiring expression on the blonds face urging him to elaborate. “Your father and I were once business partners. We had a practice together”
“Oh” was her only reply. Buffy’s train of thought was running rampant. ‘He knows my father. He knows I’m in Frenton. My father doesn’t know I’m in Frenton. This is so not of the good. They were business partners?’
“Listen” he began, raising his wrist to check the time. “I’m running somewhat late for a meeting, and I’d love to talk with you some more. Hank’s little girl”. His face brightens, a surreal smile spreading over his features. He sighed. “God, last time I saw you, you were a little tiny thing. Spunky, and head strong you were.”
Buffy examined his expression. He was lost in his memories.
“You’ve sprouted… grown into such a beautiful young lady”
Buffy smiled at the compliment. “Thanks”
“You’re more than welcome. I just spoke the truth”. He sighed once again, gazing at Buffy with a longing, she couldn’t quite gage. “I would love it if you would join my family and I for dinner this evening. We can catch up on things. You can tell me what that stubborn father of yours is up to”
Being caught off guard, Buffy stumbled to find words. “um – I – I mean. I would welcome the invitation, but I came with a friend. It would be rude to just…”
“No problem. She’s more than welcome to accompany you. Bring her along. A friend of yours is a friend of mine.”
“I don’t want to intrude”
“Nonsense. Rosita over cooks all the time. There will be plenty of food”
“Are you sure? I…”
He gave her a look. “7 o’clock, “ he told her, his hand flying to her lower back, and proceeded to lead her towards the front desk.
“Mya, would you do me a favor and give Buffy here the address to my house. I’m running late for a meeting.” He smiled at them both, before extending his hand to Buffy one last time in handshake. “I’ll see you at 7 then”. With that, he strode off down the empty corridor of the hospital and disappeared into the elevator.
Buffy looked at Mya and smiled as she was handed a piece of paper. She took it, and frowned. “About Rose…”
“You should just come back tomorrow.”
Obviously the presence of William had deterred her nerves. Buffy knew she would no longer be able to persuade this girl to give her the information she needed. The panic and fear that flickered in her orbs was clue enough. Sighing, she thanked Mya and headed out the front entrance of the hospital and back to her hotel room.


“So, do you think you should be knocking away on that door any time soon?”
“Door. Knock. Usage of hands”
“Oh” Buffy exclaimed, slowly coming out of her reverie. On her way back to the hotel from the hospital, she couldn’t help but think of William Preston. Something about him… his presence seemed eerily familiar, but they’d never met. Had they? And now, standing in front of his house… those eerie feelings rammed themselves into her consciousness. On top of that she had stressed herself the entire day, wondering if Mr. Preston had contacted her father, and if so, she could imagine that he would be foaming from the mouth at this instant. Shaking herself of the thought, she feigned optimism, and lifted her closed fist up to the door.
Just as Buffy’s fist was about to make contact with the wood, the front door opened and a tall stately woman in her late fifties appeared, with a smile. “Buffy Summers I presume. I was wondering when you would decide to actually get with the knocking.” She ushered the two in before Buffy had time to respond, taking their coats. “Mr. Preston and his guest are waiting for you in the living room.”
The elegantly rectangular hallway, leading to the living room, was magnificently breathtaking. The walls were adorned with sculptures and paintings, she could only identify with the creativeness of the art museums back home. The stairs to the end and far right of it were dark oak and very warm. A richly pattern carpet in reds and blues emphasized the cream walls and dark woodwork. A refectory table, in blue and red swirl marble, gleamed with polish, reflecting the vase of roses, standing on its surface.
“If you’ll just come this way”
They walked passed the dinning room, the table set for a feast. The chandelier that was the centerpiece of the whole room, cascading glints of light onto the table below it. The housekeeper, Rosita, Buffy had assumed eventually, stopped suddenly, motioning her to proceed with out her. She did, with Willow by her side, only to turn the sharp corner to find an assortment of people engaging in conversation. Three to four small groups scattered about the large room.
“Pet… you made it. Was beginning to wonder if you’d given my father some bull about actually coming. Wouldn’t blame ya if you did. These family dinners can be a drag.” Spike was the first to notice her presence, and his acknowledgement, made the others aware, as they all looked up, smiling welcomingly. Spike stood by her now, while her and Willow exchanged a look.
“I didn’t know…” she stopped short. “Spike Preston I would assume”
“William Preston ll, actually,” her fathers former ‘business partner’ said, as he made his way to her. “Don’t know why he insist on using Spike.”
Buffy heard a snort, and smiled as she looked at Spike, from the corner of her eye. The snort came with a funny face as well. She couldn’t help but laugh. She quickly found her composure. “I’m sorry.” She looked from Willow to Mr. Preston. “This is my friend Willow”
He extended his hand in greeting. “It’s nice to make you acquaintances,” he smiled.
Willow returned the warm smile and shook his hand. Seconds later, the two were steered further into the living room area where they were introduced to all it’s residences… except one, Buffy noticed.
Willow was off chatting with Mrs. Preston. It seemed the two had an uncanny interest in science, while Mr. Preston, his son, and another gentleman… Rupert he had introduced himself, sat, talking and sipping bourbon, Spike though, a few more sips than the others. The housekeeper was back and forth from the living room, bringing beverages, and an assortment of hors d'oeuvre on each trip.
Buffy sat between Amy and Darla Preston. The nieces of William Preston. They were going back and forth, conversing on the importance of having a facial every week, to keep the pours nice and clean. She pretended to be interested, smiled and nodded curtly, every now and then, but her attention was focused somewhere else. By the window, sitting on the edge of the leather arm rest was a…
Buffy’s eyes flew to Spike who seemed to have tired of mingling with his father and Rupert, making his way to Angel, she thought pleased, finally putting a name to the man that had held her attention for most of the evening.
Their voices were muffled now, Spike standing inches from Angel, his voice lowered, no longer a need to have it raised. From their body language alone, Buffy sensed animosity between the two. Glares and snorts were exchanged between the two, along with a few laughs. Obviously, they were friends, if not the best of them.
Buffy eyed the two young males, smiling and nodding sporadically in an attempt to give the impression that she was following the conversation the two sisters obviously thought she was a part of. Minutes later, Rosita made her way into the living room to announce, “dinner is served”.
Buffy watched as Angel rose from where he sat. He was taller than Spike, darker than Rupert, and while Buffy doubted he bore an ounce of fat, there was solidity to him that the other men lacked. His hair was dark brown, cut so that it ‘spiked’ in the front. And his strong chiseled face was soften by a heart-melting smile. Wearing a suit, he appeared to have come directly from where ever it is he worked.
She watched him head to the entrance to the dining room, where she now stood, waiting for Willow, the two sisters already finding their seats at the dining table. His movements were fluid, as he came forward. Her breath caught in her throat as he stopped in front of her, the hand he extended strong and callused, and if all that wasn’t potent enough, his eyes were dark, deep, and direct in a way that shook Buffy to the core.
“It seems we haven’t been introduced. My name is Angel”
“B-Buffy. I’m Buffy Summers.” This was unexpected she thought. A visceral spark was felt as she met his eyes. Angel was very simply the most attractive man she had ever met. Not necessarily the most handsome, or polished, but everything about him was startlingly, stunningly male.
Their hands parted, and with it, his presence as well, as he headed for the table, finding a seat, next to Spike. Willow and Mrs. Preston, made their way to the entrance, the lady of the house, passing by, and taking a seat next to her husband, while Willow stood by Buffy.
“I saw major sparkage”
“Put your glasses on”
“I don’t wear glasses”
“You should,” Buffy finished as she tried to escape the inquiring eyes of her best friend. The two headed to the dinning table, Willow taking a seat on the other side of Spike, and Buffy sitting between Willow and Amy.
The food was amazing and the conversation was informative. From what Buffy garnered, Angel had a sister name Dru, who was invited but couldn’t make it due to a sudden cold. He seemed reluctant to talk about her though, and only did so when goaded by Mr. Preston. Angel worked as a solicitor in William Preston’s interest, while Rupert was Mr. Preston’s business partner. What kind of business? She wasn’t sure. At first she assumed surgeon since her father was one, but in the hospital today, he had been dressed formally, rather than in the accustom surgical scrubs.
Maybe he had no surgeries today?
Buffy shrugged at the thought. She looked at Spike who had been flirting with her all through dinner, winking at her ferociously. She rolled her eyes at him in fun, but it only increased his flirtation. She looked to Angel, hoping for the same attention, but he was deeply engaged in a conversation with William Preston. From the exchanged of document, each being signed by William, as Angel handed them to him one by one, it was obvious it dealt with business. Dinner preceded much the same, Willow, Rupert and Ms. Preston delving into a debate on the wonders of science, Spike jumping into the conversation from time to time, to give his two bits. Amy and Darla still stuck on the facial issue unable to find a more interesting subject to rant about.
The night progressed, and everyone made their way back into the living room, once they were stuffed, Rosita beginning to clear away the table. Buffy offered to help, but the housekeeper would hear none of it, and shooed her away. As she sat in the living room, different conversations filling her head, her mind wandered. She thought about Angel, and how her body reacted to his presence. She thought of Riley, and how the touch of his lips caressing her neck, the touch of his hand on her breast, never once gave her this sensation she felt now. Feeling flushed, she excused herself, left the living room, and found herself on the porch in the back of the house. She stepped out into the nippy air, and stood for a while just looking up at the stars.
She swung around to find Angel gazing down at her. He smiled, and her knees nearly gave way. “Yes they are,” she said, not once taking her eyes from him. He smiled again, and her heart melted. At the moment, she wished she knew his life story. More to the point, she wanted, needed even, to know about his love life. Did he have someone special, someone he loved, made love to? She examined his face, and cursed herself. Of course he had someone. There had to be one, she was sure of it. A man who oozed virility as he did wouldn’t be without a beautiful female to keep him warm at night.
Angel looked at her steadily. “I wasn’t referring to the stars,” he told her.
“Neither was I,” she whispered, averting her eyes from him, and looking out into the darkness.
“Don’t tell me peaches here is giving you some tired line,” Spike made his way out onto the porch, surprising them both. “Cordelia won’t be jumping for joy with this bit of news, and you know how jealous the bint can get,” he smiled mischievously at Buffy, and glared at Angel.
“Don’t you have something better to do,” Angel growled, his arms crossing around his chest.
Spike grinned. “Actually I do. Came out here to see how Buffy was doing”. He walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
Buffy said nothing, and made no attempt to move from Spike’s embrace. What was she to do? Tell him to get the hell away from her? She looked to Angel and saw an impression on his face that she couldn’t quite identify. Was it jealousy? Anger? Contempt? She silently hoped for all three.
“It was nice meeting you,” he said, before glaring at Spike and turning and walking back into the house.
Once alone, she glared at Spike and gently jabbed him in the gut with her elbow. “What was all that about?”
“You got a nice right hook there on you,” he said, grabbing is gut in mocked pain. He looked at her and smiled. “What? Peaches there isn’t your type. I was saving you”
“And you are?”
“I thought that was an obvious”
Buffy rolled her eyes and laughed. Spike, despite his narcissistic demeanor, was so damn endearing. She shook her head in amusement, and led him back into the house.
The night dragged on, Angel and her exchanging glances every so often. By the time her and Willow reached back to hotel, Angel was all that lingered in her mind.

To be Continued…..

Hope you liked all the B/A stuff. There’s more to come, with an abundance of lip smacking between the sexes. Whose lips? Well, just gonna have to wait and find out.

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