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Chapter Title: Things Happen

Author’s notes: This chapter is angsty as hell, so you have been warned a second time.  It’s a bit sexually explicit; so if anyone finds that offensive, don’t read.




He strode across the foyer, until he came to a halt at the front desk.  He looked around curiously… not a person in sight.  Tapping the bell that rested on the counter, he waited patiently for someone to show.  In seconds, a young lady stepped from the doorway, and made her way to the front desk. She eyed Angel enviously.

“Angel… what are you doing here?”

He leaned across the desk “I need a favor,” he smiled, his pearly whites glistening.  This shouldn’t be too hard, he thought.  After all, he was very charming, and usually, all he had to do for someone of the opposite sex to respond to him in kind, was to be the charmer that he was.  Plus, Christine was very obvious in her desire for him  “I need to know what room a Buffy Summers is staying in”.

‘Wow.  He is so gorgeous’… he smiled at her and she felt a frisson of response shake her body.  ‘Hot damn… he was really something’.  “Sure, no problem,” the words melodically sprouted from her lips. Christine quickly searched through the computer for the name Buffy Summers.  “Here it is,” excitement filled her voice.  “She’s in room 210”

Christine clutched the handle of the chair directly behind her.  The smile Angel bestowed her was enough to weaken her senses. Her heart raced, the hair on her body tingled, and her limbs turned to jelly. She used all her strength to stay upright.


Buffy spent a long time in the shower, letting the sting of the water from the showerhead massage her back.  She savored its calming affect, relaxing, pushing all thoughts from her mind.  Toweling off, she pulled on the white linen robe that rested on the hook over the bathroom door.  Slipping into her favorite fuzzy bugs bunny slippers, she made her way over to the bed, dropped down and sighed.  She desperately needed to talk to Willow. 

Picking up the phone, she dialed the number to Willow’s room, a floor below hers.  It rang once. 


Three times. 

A fourth and a fifth. 

By the sixth ring, Buffy hung up the phone annoyed.  Frustrated, she fell back on the bed, smoothing her golden locks back and out of her face.  “Grrrr,” she breathed to the empty room.

Restless, she clambered from the bed.  Her restlessness and frustration were due to events that took place earlier that night.  In one word… Angel. 

Barefoot, she wondered over to the window, thoughts of her mother filling her head.  Both of them.  Her heart ached for the loss of Joyce, but at the same time it delighted in the possibility, that somewhere outside the window she stood, was a woman who shared her blood.  A woman who had given birth to her.  A woman who was in the most literal and biological sense of the word… her mother.

Tomorrow she told herself.  She refused to put it off any longer.  She was determined to find out the truth about her heritage.



Angel stood in the dimly lit lobby, waiting for the elevator doors to open.  His chest pumped with the rhythm of the mellow acoustics that drifted through the staff office and into the surrounding area of the foyer. He waited impatiently, watching the numbers above the elevators flash red, reducing and decreasing far too slowly for his liking.   

When Buffy had left him back in the parking lot outside the Bronze, he made no attempt to stop her or follow her.  He just watched as her car disappeared into the night.  Soon after, he made his way to his own vehicle and started for his drive home. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into his driveway, turned the engine off, and just sat, staring out into the hellish darkness. He thought about the emptiness it beheld… just a vast expanse of vacancy, and how it in some ways resembled his own life.  Besides Dru, he had spent a large quantity of his life alone. His parents had died, when he was young, so he learned to be independent earlier than normal.  Death, sickness and pain was not a rare occurrence in his life, hence he had distanced himself from ties and attachments.  And specifically, from love. 

Once, he’d given in to love, or so he thought it was, but like everyone else who meant something in his life, opening his heart to someone eventually led to pain.  After that ordeal, he’d sworn never again, to let anyone else in.  Buffy though, was creeping and sneaking her way into his heart, even though he tried his hardest to resist and expel her from his mind and soul.

Sitting in the car, Buffy plagued his thoughts.  He reminisced, on how her lips felt when they touched his.  The way his body ached at her touch.  The way his lips would curl just slightly upwards at her site.  Sighing, he cursed himself, started up the engine and had headed for the Preston Hotel. 

Now, standing in the lobby, he cursed himself again, as the elevator doors opened, and he entered.



Failing to reach Willow for the past 30 minutes, Buffy gave up the quest.  She shimmied out of the robe she had adorned, and wiggled her way into her nightgown.  She looked at herself in the mirror and chuckled at the site.  “Seductive,” she laughed.  She remembered buying it at Victoria’s Secret a few weeks ago. It was one of the many sexy attire she acquired in an attempt to spice up the love life Riley and her were lacking. Out of the blue, she subconsciously wondered if Angel would like it, then berated herself for the thought.  He was all she could think about at the moment.

Buffy sucked in a weary breath when a knock came at the door.  She went still with panic, then relaxed.  Walking to the door, she wondered if Oz would be with Willow, or would she open the door to find her best friend solo.  “I tried to call….” Her hands went to the doorknob.  It turned “…you tonight”, and the door slowly creped open as she pulled.  “ But you didn’t ans….”

Her words died out, and her eyes went wide at the sight before her.  “Angel”. 

The ‘tap’ ‘tap’ of the dripping bathroom faucet slowly faded, as the world around her became still, the silence consuming. All she heard was the sound of his voice, her name echoing through her ear.


The beating of her heart reverberated rapidly throughout the quiet room, the rise of her chest increasing second by second.  She stood there, unable to find words, looking up into to depths of his dark penetrating eyes.

“Buffy,” he repeated, in little more than a murmur, his voice fading away altogether as he let his gaze roam over her face, and she did not protest when he crossed the threshold and entered the small hotel room.  He walked past her, but she did not move.  She remained with her hand on the doorknob, her back to him, her head bowed.  She waited for him to speak.  To say something that would calm her nerves, to slow the rapid beating of her heart that threatened to jump straight from her chest.

But he remained silent.

Taking a deep breath, she closed the door and turned to face him.  “What are you doing her…” Her words died away, and her breath was thick in her throat at the taut, harsh expression on his face.  “Angel!  Don’t”

Her ignored her, in two swift graceful steps he stood inches from her, and drew her tightly against him, swooping down to cover her lips with his, his hand tight on her back, his mouth harsh and plundering. He had clearly known, that she would fight him. Try to resist, hence he had ravished her, leaving no room for maneuver. He held her tight, his hands caressing every curve of her tiny form, until they reached the side of her face.  Needing to take a breath, his lips left hers, and she sighed, resting her head into his chest.

“Why – why did you do that?” she asked her body still, her mind in a drug like state.

“I wanted to see if what I felt when I kissed you earlier had been a fluke.  Something that had been manufactured by the moment” Buffy lifted her head from his chest to meet his eyes.  His dark eyes bored into hers holding her gaze with such ease. “It was no fluke Buffy.  There is something between us, and I know you feel it too”

She pushed away from him, averting her eyes to his stare.  “Nothing.  I’m flattered.  Really I am, but whatever you think you feel, it’s just you.  I don’t feel anything for you.  There is nothing between us. It’s all in your head.” Her eyes flew to his, and she quickly regretted it.  Her breathing suddenly became difficult, and she turned her back to him.  “Leave please.  I need you to leave”


She turned around to lash out at him, and found him inches from her.  “Now look Angel,” she began heatedly, no longer weak either from her freight or his nearness.

“I am looking Buffy.  I’ve been looking since the first day I set eyes on you, and I can remain here and continue to look for days to come.” His dark eyes found the length of her neck, where a pulse beat frantically, in time to the rhythm of her heart.  It traveled down her creamy shoulders and moved over the beautiful mounds of her breast, where the lacy top to her nightgown, only added to his arousal and desire.  “I want you,” he commented softly.

“You - you just think you wa - want me, b - but you don’t,” her voice trembled.

He shook his head, his eyes claiming hers, a fire raging out of control in their secret depths. “But I do Buffy,” he murmured, his gaze moving to the rise and fall of her breast, and then back to her face. “ I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life”

She wanted to tell him that she didn’t feel the same way, that she had no desire for him, but her mouth became dry and words were beyond her.  He had come in to her room, and she had been ready to kick him out, if only to save herself from her own actions, but now… now it was too late.  She waited too long.  Now, she couldn’t tell him to leave even if she wanted to.  She looked at him then.  He was sensual and arousing, his eyes compelling, his whole demeanor dominating her mind, taking her breath with it. She wetted her lips with the end of her tongue in an attempt to cool her passion, and she saw his eyes follow the movement hungrily, his fingertips moving to trace the same path along her lip.

“Angel. Please.  I can’t do this.  I – I”

“Shhh,” he touched her cheek, caressed the silky softness there, moved to the delicate line of her chin, slowly moving down to stroke the slender length of her neck. A smile creped it’s way onto his lips as he followed the movements of his fingers as it explored her features.

His hand continued to move downward until they lingered on the curve of her breast.  He claimed it possessively, and heard her gasp in reaction.

“Angel. Please.  Rile – I have a…” She was lost in fervor, her body his to explore and concur.

“Boyfriend?” his hands trailing carousingly across the tips of her breast. “That you love?” he added. He lifted his head and looked at her with a strange twisted smile, before tenderly, gently, kissing one corner of her mouth, then the other.  Her lips opened and parted to taste his, and it sent a current through him that made him tremble with ardor slightly. His mouth was possessive now, his tongue probing deeply, and she welcomed it with no resistance.  He sucked gently, nibbling her softness until she felt weak, and feverish.  Then his lips descended and traveled to her throat and shoulders.  They burned a path that made her gasp, as she flung her head backwards, welcoming whatever onslaught he had next.

She waited and when she felt his lips leave her flesh, her heart dropped.  She lifted her head, and saw him looking at her intently. 

“Your reaction to my kisses, my touch, is not one of a woman in love with another man,” he stated firmly.  “He may love you, but I know for a fact, that you do not love him”

Buffy looked at him and said nothing.  What was she to say?  He spoke the truth, and she lacked the strength to lie to him.

His hands reached up, to brush a strand of hair from her face, touching the curve of her ear. “I want to kiss you again, and when I do, this time, I won’t be able to stop,” he told her as warning, his voice serious.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, not even recognizing her own voice.

Before her words left her, Angel’s mouth was forcibly claiming hers. His tongue outlined her lips, and slowly pried them open and entered her mouth.   She let out a small whimpering gasp, as she felt his heat, his strength and his arousal. At that moment, a tiny voice inside her head screamed at her to push him away and run, but it was suddenly deafened by the louder more dominant voice in her head, that told her stay and indulge in his closeness.   

God he felt so good

Angel took control, twining their tongues together while he explored the sensitive insides of her mouth. He could feel her body tremble as she clung to him.  When he released her, he caught her face between his hands and kissed her again with a feverish passion. He buried his hands in the mass of her blond hair, and his desire grew fierce, and uncontrollable as he sought out her breast, and its ripe buds. 

His kisses deepened, as his hands explored, finding their way to her shoulders, moving to slide away the lacy top of her night gown, letting the straps fall down the smooth skin of her arms, exposing her pink-tipped loveliness. Taking a breath and removing his lips from hers, he moved his eyes over her as she stood spellbound naked from the waist up, the nightgown clutching to her hips.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her, before claiming her lips yet again.  This time, the gentleness was gone, only a fierce demand, a need to show them both that this was what they wanted, what they hungered for.  His teeth gently biting her upper lip, the pleasure pain sent a fervor of delight through her entire body.  She trembled slightly, as he nibbled harder on her lip, before plunging his tongue down her throat, demandingly.

Her legs gave way beneath her, but she did not fall.  Angel swung her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. He rested her on the bed, slowly, their mouths still fused together, tasting her, taking her, feeling the current move from him to her as he kissed her again and again.

While he explored and ravished her upper lips, the inside of her mouth with his tongue, his hands caressed the length of her body.  Buffy’s breathing became erratic as Angel slightly grazed the sides of her breast with his thumb, and gasped as his lips joined in on the action.  She could feel her breast rise and harden with passion.

He pulled the nightgown lower, shoving it down the length of her legs, until it fell to the floor in a pile.  She lay completely naked under him; save her pink-laced underwear that was a matching set to the nightgown she had worn.

Buffy felt as if an electric current ran through her body, as the sensation overwhelmed her.  Tiny pinpricks of pleasure sending her mind reeling in a blitz of emotions.  She moaned in pleasure, and arched up into him, wanting more and receiving it as he nibbled and sucked, nibbled and sucked.  Her head flew back as Angel nibbled and went from one breast to the next, lapping at them with his tongue.

He rose and removed his clothing, removing the remainder of her clothes as well. She watched him in delight, enjoying the sight, absorbing everything about him.  His body was like that of a Greek god.  Long and lean, with tightly pulled muscles.  He stomach was flat and rippled, and lacking any sort of chest hair.  His manhood was large and throbbing, and she yearned to have him touching her body.  She lifted her self up, grabbed his shoulders and fell back on the bed, taking Angel with her, welcoming his weight upon her. 


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