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Title: It had to be you

Author: Alicia08

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: B/A, B/S, and C/A

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All Angel/Buffy characters belong to Joss Whedon and his evil minions over there at Mutant Enemy. Fitting name if ya ask moi.

Description: Buffy and Angel are engaged to be married, just not to each other.

Author's note: Um, ok, yeah I know I live in New York City, but damn it. I'm not a city girl. I'm from Queens and don't know a damn thing about Manhattan. Don't know where anything is, so in my world, the Sheraton hotel is overlooking Central Park. Got that? Good. Moving on.

Author's note 2: It seems I forgot to mention the inspiration behind this fanfic. Well, I was watching the 'ABC Family' channel the other day, and got caught up in this very romantic, yet oh so very sappy movie called. 'It had to be you". Alias fans know the movie I'm referring to. The leading man was none other than that cutie patootie, who plays the very scrumptious and lickable Vaughn, aka, Michael Vartan, aka, Sydney's love interest, who freaking better not be married come fall, or I'm breaking someone's leg. I'm so looking at you J.J Abrams. Um, where was I? Oh, so, as I was saying, 'It had to be you" was the inspiration, but in my fic, a many things are changed, but the basic plot behind the movie is the same.


Chapter 2

Buffy Summers grimaced as she rummaged through her purse. "Here it is," she said wiping it out, and then closing the zipper of her purse. Having experienced the overwhelmingly embarrassing moment of not having the proper payment, when buying, ordering, or in this case, checking into a room in the prestigious Sheraton hotel, was a particular event she needed not repeat. Sighing in relief, she handed her credit card to the hotel clerk.

Roughly thirty minutes prior, she had enjoyed a nice comfortable lunch relinquishing her worries in the confides of her best friend since kindergarten. She had known Willow most of her life. They went to the same high school and even attended the same college, and as if planned, graduated at the same time, in the same field. Now with her getting married, her time spent with Willow was scarce, hence the lunch every Friday evening they both insisted they plan, if only to get updates into each others lives.

Buffy stood patiently as the desk clerk searched through the computer for her reservation. She scanned the area, and noticed the crowds. The foyer of the hotel lobby was extremely busy. There was a conference on, the luggage boy had told her at her arrival. Perhaps because of this no one specifically the desk clerk, noticed that she was lacking her companion. She had the week prior booked a sweet and would now be spending her time in the luxurious and very romantic sweet alone.

Before she knew it, she was speedily shown up to a very stylish room, adorned with a dozen roses elegantly scattered in a pattern on the bed. A bottle of champagne, corked for convenience, resting on the bedside dresser. Buffy was mesmerized from the first, as she scanned the entire room wondrously, from the tapestry that was the height and the breadth of the wall, to the four-poster bed that totally dominated the huge sweet.

Once inside, she tipped the young man that accompanied her up to her room, closed the curtains, and then opened her private mini-bar with the key provided. Buffy poured her self a generous amount of gin and tonic and took it with her as she walked over to the bed.

She touched the silk curtains that hung from above the bed gently, feeling it's softness, knowing by their thickness, that when pulled completely around the bed, would afford it's occupants complete privacy.

Switching her glass of alcohol from one hand to the other, Buffy's eyes aglowed as she walked across the room, and stepped out onto the balcony. The view was absolutely breathtaking-Bustles of green and brown accompanied small lakes, as far as the eye could see. Central Park from above was a sight for soar eyes indeed, she thought.

Breathing in the April air, she turned and walked back into the warmth of her room for the next week and a half.

At another time, Buffy normally would never indulge in such very strong liquor, but damn it. She could care less at this point. The real state company he worked for had called William to an emergency conference. It was a requirement for all the top execs in every branch of the company. She had asked him, if he would make it home before they had to go to the hotel, and to her annoyance, it's seems the main branch of said company was in San Diego.

She had grudgingly packed his luggage, color coordinating everything. William was every thing but color coordinated. His idea of matching was. 'It doesn't matter what shade of blue it is. It's blue. It goes with this other blue.'

Buffy had quickly rummaged through his dresser draw, searching for William's gray tie. The one that went with his black suit. Eventually she found it, and with her fiancé in toe, hastily left his apartment, and hailed a cab to the airport. The two reached 10 minutes before flight 124 to San Diego departed.

Their goodbye was short, but sweet. If William hadn't insisted that she keep their reservation at the Sheraton, she would be home in bed, more than likely reading. 'No. You should go. Have your self a good time. I'll feel better if I know your being well taken care of. Plus, there is still the matter of planning the wedding. Even if I were there, I would be of no help to you. I'm a man. I'm not so good at deciding what napkins goes best with the plate settings or the appropriate band to book or what cake to order' He had told her before he hopped on the plane.

She agreed, leaving her where she was now. All alone in a hotel room, drowning her sorrows away with liquor. Sighing, she dragged herself into the bathroom, turned the faucet to the tub on, clogged it, and let the water run. Right now, all Buffy wanted to do, was soak in a long hot bath and then go to sleep.

Once the tub was filled, she turned off the water, and laid in the bath, until the tension in her muscles began to fade, leaving her relaxed.

Clambering out of the tub, Buffy pulled the long white cotton robe from its place on the small decorative couch in the bathroom. Without bothering to dry herself off, she pulled it on, and stumbled out of the bathroom. Falling onto the bed, she pulled the curtains shut, giving the bedroom and eerie tropical Island effect; heighten by the moonlight peeping in through the windows.

Buffy closed her eyes, shifted within the confines of the bed, trying to become more comfortable. Once settled, she let oblivion sweep over her, gradually carrying her out into it's depths.


Angel O'Connor grimaced as he glanced at his watch in annoyance. The meeting with his editor had dragged on longer than expected, and then the cab drive home lasted forever. New York traffic sucked. It had delayed him a good 30 minutes. Jumping from the cab, he quickly made his way to the apartment complex, he shared with his fiance and up the few flights of stairs, searching through his pants pocket for his keys on the way up. Pulling it from his left pocket, he slid the key in the lock and turned the knob.

Cordelia greeted him with a smile. "What happened?" she asked curiously. "You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago"

"I know, I know" Angel argued, removing his jacket and lying it on the couch. "The meeting with Marty took longer that I thought, and then I got caught in traffic," he said, giving his fiancé a tender kiss on the lips.

She returned the kiss in delight "So. are you as excited about this week as I am" she yelped somewhat giddy. "I mean Angel. How long has it been since we've had an entire week to ourselves" She reached for the collar to his shirt, slowly making her way down to the buttons, as she snuggled up to him. "Seven whole days, being pampered, someone at our beckon call. No work, no bosses" She raised her head and looked at him hard "No editors"

Angel smiled, as he swayed back and forth with his woman in his embrace. "We are going to have a great time," he told her, bending his head and kissing her deeply.

She giggled into his kiss "We should save the fun for when we actually get to the hotel" she playfully ripostes.

Oh, much fun will definitely be had, Angel thought to him self, with a smirk as he parted from Cordelia and tottered into his bedroom to retrieve the luggage they packed the day before. Their small argument a week ago, was the main catalyst for this little rendezvous they planned. Tensions were high, and they found themselves constantly snapping at each other.

Cordelia had been stressed over the Whydahm-Price deal that had been on going for the past month, while Angel had to deal with the fast approaching deadline for his book, hence the meeting with his editor earlier in the day. Things were stressful; they were stressed, emotions ran high, and it had hindered their relationship.

Which is why this early honeymoon; an entire week together to themselves, was planned. It had been Angel's idea, but Cordelia had eagerly conceded and seemed to be far more excited about the prospects than Angel himself.

Walking from the bedroom, Angel emerged with a suitcase in both hands. "Honey. we are only going to be away for 7 days" Angel rested the suitcases on the floor and looked down at them bemused "Don't you think this is a bit extreme?"

"No, now hurry up and bring those down stairs. You still have those to bring down as well," Cordelia said, pointing to two smaller suitcases resting against the hallway closet door. "I'll call a cab"

Forty-two minutes later, the couple stood in the lobby of one of the most prestigious hotels in New York City. "It's mighty crowded" Cordelia noticed, as her and Angel waited as the clerk searched for their reservation in the hotel's computer.

"Here you are" the desk clerk said with a smile as he greeted the couple before him. "I hope your stay at the Sheraton will be one filled with pleasure"

Title Page
Author's Page