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Beholder by Rhi

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Mutant Enemy does. All hail Joss

Spoilers/Ships: This is AU. Angel/Buffy.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know.

Feedback: Is always nice.

Rating: NC-17 for violence and sex.

Author's Note: I wrote this in response to a challenge by Rehatha,
but changed some of the parameters.  This is set in BtVS Season Seven
and Angel Season Four.  Spike disappeared after Seeing Red and hasn't
returned.  Willow and Giles are back from England and living in
Buffy's house.  Xander and Anya are on better terms with each other. 
Cordy's not a higher being (gak) nor evil, just her usual self-
centered self, and the visions still hurt.  Connor and Angel aren't
exactly close, but he lives near the hotel and drops in frequently in
between sulking.  Wes is back in the fold.  I haven't bothered much
with Gunn and Fred.


Cordelia hissed as the vision hit.  It felt as if her skull would
split from the pain.  Through the fog, Cordelia saw a small blonde
woman fighting an immense demon.  Light scintillated off of panes of
glass, momentarily blinding Cordy's inner eye and she realized that
the woman, *it's Buffy!* seemed to be fighting the demon in a
funhouse maze of glass.

She watched as the demon fought the Slayer, both exchanging brutal
blows back and forth.  Despite their disparate sizes, they seemed
evenly matched, and for a moment, Cordy wondered why the PTB would
bother splitting her skull to send her a play-by-play of the Slayer
winning.  Just then the demon feinted, sliding one wicked claw toward
Buffy's face.  When she flinched back from it, it managed to grab her
by the back of the head.  With a roar that echoed through Cordy's
head, the demon pivoted and slammed Buffy's face through the glass of
six different mirror frames. Buffy went down in a shower of glass and
blood. Cordy gasped.  *My god, Buffy's dead!* But the vision didn't
end.  She watched the Slayer's back as she climbed slowly to her feet
and realized that she'd managed to survive. The vision ended before
Buffy turned around.  *God, isn't that just like her…slam her head
through glass doors and she just keeps on going.  What is up with
that outfit, though?  Was she shopping at dykes-r-us again?*

Cordy came out of the vision surrounded by the sturdy coolness of
Angel's arms.  Eyes closed, she groaned at the pain of the Sight
still throbbing through her head and clutched gratefully at the body
of her friend.  *Mmm, he's built,* she thought distractedly, then
opened her eyes to glare at him.  "Like I really need to see play-by-
play of your…"

Doyle paced into the room carrying three huge boxes marked Nordstrom-
by-mail and Cordy pulled rapidly away from Angel to run to Wesley
instead.  "They're here, they're here!" she squealed, jumping up and

"I beg pardon, but what, pray tell, are `they'?" Wes asked

"My new clothes!  Remember that photo shoot that I actually managed
to attend, no thanks to you and these stupid visions that keep making
me look like an epileptic?  Well, they promised me the clothes from
the shoot!  Oh, my god, I can't believe it!!!"

Angel smiled wryly at Wes and then turned to Cordy, who was wildly
unpacking and looked as if she might burst from excitement.  "So,
Cordy, the…"

"Aaaah!"  Cordy collapsed and Angel darted forward to catch her,
staring at her pale face as her eyes flickered back and forth
rapidly.  The vision was short—Wes barely had enough time to grab pen
and paper before Cordy turned to him.

"3rd and Ash," she groaned.  "Smelly yuk demon, one horn, blueish
green skin and slime.  Why is it always slime?  Eats little kids! 
Uck!  Asprin!"

"It eats small children and asprin?" Wesley queried.

"No, dufus, get me asprin…now!  Angel," she said, turning her head to
look at him, "you don't need Wes on this, just take Gunn.  Kill the
demon with a sword, then have Gunn dump some coke on it.  The acid
will keep it from resurrecting."

Angel settled Cordy gently on the couch and moved fluidly to his
weapons cabinet, Gunn behind him.  His mind focused on the upcoming
battle and picking up a coke before he went.

One night later…

"What kind of demon grabs people at carnivals, anyway?" grumbled the
Slayer as she trekked through dirty paper and refuse left by the fair-
goers.  It was late, past 3 am, her least favorite time of night. 
Dusk was more fun, despite the large numbers of early rising vamps
out prowling the streets.

Buffy smiled to herself.  Actually, that was probably why she
preferred it.  Dusk and pre-dawn were her best hunting times…more
bang for her buck.  Even the vamps tended to disappear in the middle
of the night, though…they had either already hunted and returned to
their lairs, or were waiting for careless humans to begin stirring
before dawn.  *Early vampire gets the worm…ewww.*

This demon had been a pain in her ass for days now…ever since the
carnival had come to town.  She'd been extra alert on those nights
and had actually managed to take out a nest of vamps that apparently
traveled with the carnies and fed off of the local populations before
moving on.  It was a surprisingly slick operation…never take too many
from one place and move on before getting noticed.  She wondered
angrily how many teens had "run off" in those towns, never to be seen
again.  No one would think to connect them with the carnival.

She listened carefully.  This demon breathed funny…a slushy snorting
sound that carried surprisingly well on the night air.  She tracked
it past the now-shut-down ferris wheel and through the food court,
redolent with the greasy smell of funnel cakes and curly fries. 
*Ick!  This demon must have unbelievably high cholesterol.* She
turned the corner and saw the demon dart quickly into the funhouse
mirror maze.

"Swell.  That thing is way too ugly to actually *want* to see its
face in mirrors."  Sighing, the Slayer followed the beast in and
began wending her way through the maze.  It was easy enough to do…
they hadn't cleaned the glass and it was far from clean…covered with
grimy handprints that fogged the surface enough that there was no
chance anyone would walk into it.

She paced forward, all senses alert for the beast, and came round a
bend to an open area.  *Probably the heart of the maze,* she thought,
then ducked as a huge clawed hand swiped the air directly above her

"Damn!"  That was close…too close.  Buffy rolled to face the beast,
startled by her first good look at it.  Once again, Giles's books
failed to do the monster justice.  Its claws were easily 6 inches
long and they dripped with something viscous that just had to be

Buffy spin-kicked the demon backwards and it shattered the glass
behind it.  Snarling, it shook its head and charged at her, bleeding
copiously from the pieces of glass now embedded in its thick hide. 
Buffy side-stepped neatly and stabbed at its slime coated back, but
her stake slid harmlessly off the plates of scaly skin there.

"That's not gonna work.  Need something sharper…." Buffy lunged
forward and grabbed for a large piece of the shattered glass.  She
ignored the flare of pain in her hands as it sliced her fingers and
pivoted to thrust the glass spear deep into the demon's chest, just
as it feinted, sliding one wicked claw toward her face.  When she
released the glass, now deeply embedded in its chest, she flinched
back from it.  The demon grabbed her by the back of the head with one
scaly hand.  With a roar, it pivoted and slammed her face directly
into the mirror frames. Buffy went down in a shower of glass and

Pain, pain pain!  Buffy could barely breathe through it as it
exploded across her face directly into her eyes.  She screamed in
agony as the shattered glass penetrated her skin and the delicate
membranes of both eyes.

The world went black, but horribly, she was still conscious.  The
pain was unlike anything she'd experienced before—the loss of sight
seeming to enhance rather than distract from it.  Her wounded hands
instinctively clawed at the shards tormenting her so cruelly and she
sobbed in anguish as she pulled them from her face.  Warm sticky
fluid was pouring down the lacerated skin of her cheeks to choke her
still-open mouth as she knelt in the splintered glass.

*The demon!*  Was it even now approaching, ready to gut her while she
howled?  Buffy forced her shaking hands away from her bloody face and
climbed slowly to her feet, glass sliding and splintering further
underfoot and threatening to send her falling back to the floor.  She
turned in the direction she thought the demon had been and took one
tremulous step forward, probing with her toe and holding her bloody
hands out before her in a futile attempt to guard against its next

She took another step, and another, her senses straining despite the
pain that jarred her head at every footfall.  Abruptly, her foot
rammed into something, and she fell forward, catching her balance at
the last second before she impaled herself on the glass she'd
skewered the demon with.  It was dead.

*Thank god, thank god, thank god.*  With her foe dead, Buffy's brief
adrenalin rush faded and she sank to her bleeding knees by its side. 
Now that self-preservation ceased to be utmost in her mind, her hands
went back to her face.  *My god, I can't see.  I CAN'T SEE!  Please
no.*  She wept.


Giles crept stealthily through the abandoned carnival lot with Willow
behind him.  Buffy had allowed them to come along, but only if they
held back.  Given the virulence of the poison with which the demon
attacked its victims, Giles was delighted to oblige.  Anya and Xander
approached them from the other direction.

"Why do we have to be here now?  There's no money anywhere," Anya
complained, cuddling into Xander's tall form.

"An, we're not here about the money.  Though I really got taken the
last time I played that baseball game…are you sure the carnies aren't
demons, Giles?"

"We've already established that the demon is not associated with the
carnival, Xander.  Please pay attention," the former Watcher
chastised.  "This is simply an ideal feeding ground for it.  Now, if
you've not seen anything, that way, I suggest we move toward that
maze attraction.  Perhaps Buffy managed to corner it there."

The group moved toward the maze and split up to enter through both
doors, not knowing where Buffy might have cornered the demon.  Giles
led Xander and, much to his annoyance, Anya, while Willow made her
way in through the exit, a softly glowing ball of witchlight guiding

Giles cringed from actually touching the smeary glass of the maze. 
The numbers of revolting little children who must have been through
this made him loathe to brush against anything.  The maze was not
terribly complicated, much easier than the hedge mazes he'd grown up
amongst.  *Now those could be bloody difficult,* he thought
reminiscently.  The group reached the open center of the maze shortly
and Giles made out countless shards of broken glass scattered across
every portion of the floor.  In the gloom, he almost missed the
kneeling form of his Slayer next to the bulky body of the (he hoped)
now-dead demon.

Buffy seemed to be rocking back and forth and moaning, and Giles was
immediately concerned that she might have been injured in some way.

Just then, Willow appeared from the opposite direction, bringing with
her the handy ball of witchlight.  Willow gestured and it floated
slowly center and brightened enough for all of them to see.

"Buffy, are you injured?" Giles asked in concern when the Slayer's
frenzied rocking was uninterrupted by the improved lighting.

Buffy flinched from his words, stilled, then slowly rose.

"Giles?" her voice was ragged, barely more than a hoarse
whisper.  "Please, help me." 

She turned to face them and Giles recoiled in horror.  Buffy's lovely
face was a ruin of blood and shattered glass, much still embedded in
her delicate skin.  Her hazel eyes were utterly obscured by blood and
he realized with shock that she was blind.  She reached one wounded
hand toward him and collapsed forward to fall limply in the chaos of


Sunnydale Hospital saw its share of horrific injuries, but the girl
lying still and silent in the ICU was one of the worst any of the
surgeons had ever seen.  Despite painstaking repairs and nearly 16
hours of surgery, she was blind.  The plastic surgeons had done their
job well, removing every sliver of glass from her face, but the
damage to the eyes was far too great.  A corneal transplant was out
of the question due to the scarring on the eyes themselves.  The
surgeons contented themselves sadly with mending as much of the
cosmetic damage as possible and restoring the girl to at least some
semblance of the beauty she'd clearly possessed before.  She would
still have extensive scarring around the eyes, but the rest of her
face was miraculously untouched.

Willow sat numbly outside the ICU room.  With all that Buffy had been
through since her resurrection, it was inconceivable that this was
her reward.  How could the powers let this happen?  And what would
the Hellmouth do to them all without a Slayer to protect them?  She
whispered under her breath, a delicate and utterly good spell of
strength and healing to speed her best friend's recovery.  It was all
she could do for Buffy, and she feared it would not be close to


Buffy lay silently in her hospital bed.  The drugs they gave her wore
off too quickly to dull much of the pain she was still caught up in. 
Her Slayer metabolism was just too strong.  She laughed mirthlessly
to herself.  Too strong, but not strong enough to heal this.  What
use was a blind Slayer?  She couldn't fight, couldn't protect her
friends.  She should have just stayed dead.


Buffy was moved to a regular hospital room quickly, once her
preternaturally strong body healed the grievous wounds it had
received.  Her hands were stiffly bandaged over slowly fading scar
tissue.  She had kept them from her face, not wanting to know how
hideous she must appear to those around her.  The bandages around her
eyes were lightened slowly, until only a thin gauze remained to
protect her healing skin.  She learned to feed herself, awkwardly at
first, but with greater ease once the bandages on her hands were
finally removed.  She combed her own hair, brushed her teeth, and
learned to dress herself without the use of her eyes.  The doctors
pronounced her fit to go home and she left with Giles, Willow, Xander
and Anya at her side.  No one suggested calling Angel.


"This is worse than high school, Giles," Buffy complained acidly.

"Buffy, you have no choice in this.  You need to learn Braille if
you're to function.  Your counselor from social services concurs. 
Since you refuse to deal with her, you shall have to study it with
me.  Come, we'll learn together."

Buffy grimaced and dropped her sightless gaze to the large book on
her lap, running the tips of her fingers over the raised bumps that
everyone insisted spelled out words.  She reached one hand up to push
her dark glasses back up her nose.  Now she knew why Giles played
with his glasses so much.  They were a pain in the ass, always
sliding down her nose.  But she didn't want her friends looking at
her scarred eyes and pitying her.  So she wore them.

They hadn't left her alone for one minute since she arrived home from
the hospital.  The bandages were gone, the antibiotics, completed,
yet they lurked, ever present, suffocating her with good wishes and
care.  Buffy felt like screaming, like killing something, like
crying, but dared not do any of those things with her ever-present

At least tonight, Xander, Anya and Willow had gone out together. 
They'd begged her to come with them, but Buffy had declined.  Her
remaining senses seemed to be getting stronger to compensate for her
loss of sight, and she'd heard all of them gasp in dismay at her face
when the final bandages were removed.  She knew she must appear
hideous…a freak.  She couldn't be with them in public and not react
when strangers recoiled from her in horror.  So she stayed in the
house and pretended to care about Braille.

Giles saw the weariness on Buffy's face and sighed.  His Slayer had
been through so much.  She'd died twice, she'd lost everyone she'd
ever called family, every man she'd tried to love, and now this. 
He'd known the life of the Chosen was difficult, Hell, he'd told her
that himself on too many occasions to count.  But this, this was
beyond anything he'd imagined happening to his charge even in his
worst nightmares.

"Giles," she whispered.  "Could we stop for tonight?  I'm…tired."

"Certainly, Buffy," he answered.  "It's only been three weeks.  I
don't expect you to learn this all in a fortnight.  Why don't I help
you upstairs and you can rest?  Perhaps I could draw you a bath?"

Buffy smiled gratefully in his direction and he smiled back at her,
then realized that of course, she couldn't see him.  He walked to
her, took the book gently from her hands, and slid his hand under
hers to help her to her feet.  He knew that her hands and knees still
pained her where the glass had cut into the muscle, but she didn't
even flinch when she stood.  *She's becoming adept at hiding her
pain,* he thought ruefully, *even from me.  But then, she's had years
of practice.*

Giles guided her carefully to the stairs.  Buffy was learning to
count steps around the house and her friends were learning not to
move things, but the situation was difficult for them all.  Just that
morning, Xander had left his jacket on the stairs and Buffy had
slipped on it and fallen.  Xander had apologized profusely, but Giles
had hated him in that moment, actually hated him, more for the look
of shame on Buffy's face than for any actual hurt she'd felt from the
fall.  She was withdrawing further and further from them with every
passing day and he was helpless to draw her out.

Buffy moved slowly up the stairs, one hand gripping the rail tightly,
the other feeling the wall.  She was counting silently to herself,
but Giles could tell.  She reached the top and turned toward her
room.  "I'll just draw the bath for you, Buffy," he said.  "Do you
want vanilla?"  It was her usual choice in scent, but one she hadn't
bothered with since her return home.

"Vanilla?  Oh, um, yeah.  Vanilla is fine, Giles.  Make it hot,
please." Buffy responded, turning toward her room.  Once inside, she
closed the door firmly before moving slowly to her bed.  Buffy
undressed and folded her clothes neatly, then moved toward the
closet, which she'd left closed that morning.  She opened the door on
the left and reached down for the laundry basket there, placing her
clothes carefully into it.  Then she pulled her pajamas from the hook
to the right and closed the door.  She took two steps toward the bed
and stopped when her knees brushed it.  She laid the pajamas there
and moved to the door of her room, pulling her long fuzzy robe from
it and wrapping it securely around herself.

She opened the door and counted steps to the bathroom.  She could
smell her favorite scent wafting on the steamy air.  Giles spoke from
the end of the hall, "Buffy, I've left everything I thought you might
need on the counter to the left of the sink.  Why don't you see…" he
paused awkwardly…"feel what's there and tell me if you need anything
else before I retire for the night?"

Buffy nodded and walked slowly into the bathroom.  In that moment,
Giles desperately missed the darting grace with which she used to
move.  The slow, methodical pace she kept to these days seemed so

Buffy reached her hands out tentatively over the counter and found
soap, washcloth, towel, shampoo, conditioner and comb there.  "This
is fine, Giles," she called.  "Thank you."  She closed the door
gently and hung her robe on the hook before gathering the bath things
and stepping into the tub.

The water was hot, as hot as her tears, as hot as the hell to which
she'd sent her only love, as hot as the bile that rose in her throat
at the thought of what she must do tonight.  Sunnydale needed a
slayer.  A functional Slayer, not the crippled freak that she had
become.  Buffy bathed herself slowly, lathering the vanilla soap with
her scarred hands and rubbing it into the washcloth.  She ducked her
hair under the water and washed it, turning on the faucet to rinse it
briefly.  She didn't bother with the conditioner.

She stayed in the tub until the water was cool to the touch, as cool
as the skin of her lovers, first and last.  Fitting that her sterile
life was bookended by death.  She drew Angel in her mind's eye…the
tall, powerful body, the huge but oddly graceful hands, so talented
and gentle with her despite their size.  The thought that she could
never again gaze into his deep brown eyes and see the beauty that was
her only love drew a sob from her.  She muffled it in her towel, cut
it off, lest Giles notice and come running.

Buffy climbed from the tub, drained the water and set her things
neatly into the basket on the side.  *Mom would be so proud,* she
thought.  *Finally Buffy learns to put her stuff away.*  She moved to
the counter and picked up the comb, working it quickly through her
hair, then placing it in the drawer.  She folded her towel and felt
for the towel bar, hanging it carefully before grabbing her robe from
the door.  She put it on and opened the door, realizing as she
reached automatically for the light switch that she'd never even
turned it on.

Buffy walked slowly to her room, entered it and closed the door
gently behind her, hanging her robe upon its hook.  She walked to the
bed and felt for her pajamas, pulling them on before moving to her
desk.  She felt around until she found one of her old, spiral bound
notebooks from college.  She'd had space left in all of them at the
back…her note-taking abilities less than stellar, even after high

She fumbled for a marker and ripped a page from the book.

"Dear Willow and Xander," she printed as carefully as she could,
feeling her way with her left hand as she printed with her right.  It
would be sloppy, she knew, but she thought it should be pretty
legible.  "I'm sorry.  I love you both.  Buffy"

Her note to Giles was similar.  She couldn't write much, it was too
difficult to tell where her letters were going.  She thought about
writing to Angel, but couldn't bear the thought.  It was night.  He
would be out helping people.  She called his number carefully, her
fingers finding the pattern on the phone's keypad without
difficulty.  How many times had she dialed that number only to hang
up before it even rang?  She had lost count years ago.  Years before
boys or keys or death or pain had separated them so surely that they
could never regain the comfort of each other's arms.  She listened to
the phone connecting and ringing, one hand on the receiver poised to
hang up if someone actually answered.  But no one did.

Cordelia's canned voice came on the line.  "You've reached Angel
Investigations.  We help the hopeless.  Please leave a message."

Hopeless.  But they couldn't help her.  No one could.  Willow had
tried, god knows, but her healing spells had only sped what the
Slayer's own body was doing already.  She couldn't restore lost
sight.  Buffy didn't blame her.

"Angel," she whispered, his beloved name lilting from her mouth like
one last kiss.  "I'm sorry I haven't called before this.  Sorry I
didn't get to see you one last time before…anyway, I just…" her voice
broke.  "I just want you to know I wish you happiness and joy.  I
wish…I wish I could have seen your son in your arms.  If I still had
our ring, the heart would point in…always."  She hung up abruptly,
afraid that she'd said too much already.

Buffy left the notes on her desk and rose from the chair.  She walked
decisively to her closet opened it, and reached for the chest that
had remained untouched for the last month.  The lid opened with
practiced ease and she pulled out the tray and set it on the floor
next to her.  She reached in and felt carefully inside for…yes, there
it was.  Faith's knife.  Buffy smiled mirthlessly at the irony.  It
had nearly killed one slayer in her hands.  Now it could kill
another.  She laid it carefully on the floor by her scarred knees,
lifting the tray and replacing it before she closed the chest.

She grabbed the knife and rose to her feet, closing the closet door
absently.  She paced slowly to the door, counting steps and listening
intently before opening it.  Giles was in his room, her mother's old
room, listening quietly to his ancient records.  She smiled
wistfully, remembering them together that night and her mother,
looking like that Stevie Nicks woman in the long floaty coat.  They'd
seemed so young to her then.

She walked carefully to the top of the stairs and inched her way
down, listening for any sign that her friends had returned.  All was
silent.  She made it to the kitchen, still counting to herself,
trying to picture everything in her head.  She unlocked the door and
stepped out into the cool California night, closing the door quietly
behind her.  The porch steps should be…there.  She sighed with
relief.  She'd not been out of the house since she'd returned from
the hospital, and she hadn't been certain she remembered this
properly.  Three steps down into the backyard. 

She leaned against the post and placed the knife handle carefully
between her knees, pressing them cautiously together to hold it
steady.  This was too messy to do inside, where her friends would
have to clean up after her again.  Better out here under the stars. 
The night was her time and she had missed it this past month, trapped
inside where she'd never belonged.  The Slayer needed to be free. 
Since that wasn't possible, and Faith was in prison, she'd free a new
Slayer to take her place, to do the job she could no longer handle.

Buffy grit her teeth and clasped her hands, then felt for the knife
blade with her wrists.  It was…there.  She pushed inward with both
wrists until she felt the sharp kiss of the blade, so like the kiss
of fangs she'd once felt from her Angel.  That gave her the strength
to pull her wrists sharply upward.  She knew she'd cut deep, nearly
to the bone, and blessed Faith for having such a good blade.  She
felt the blood gush from the deep cuts and her head lolled back, her
eyes closed as she sank into blissful calm.


Chapter 2

The phone rang, interrupting Giles's enjoyment of his classic Bread
album.  Snarling, he grabbed it off the receiver, hoping it hadn't
awakened Buffy.  God knows, she got little enough actual rest these
days.  He'd hoped she might start feeling better, but he knew that
her sleep was plagued with dreams and nightmares over which he had no

"Who is it?" he asked brusquely, his habitual manners lacking.

"Giles, what the hell is going on?" roared Angel's angry voice.  "I
just got home to a message from Buffy, something about wishing she
could see me one last time…"

Giles dropped the phone with a curse and raced to Buffy's room.  It
was empty, as was the bath.  He clattered downstairs, glaring hastily
about the room.  Empty.  The kitchen was empty as well.  He turned
towards the front, then tried the backdoor, on a whim.  It was
unlocked.  He stepped outside. 

Buffy sat propped against the post, a knife…Faith's knife laying next
to her.  An ever-widening circle of blood surrounded her and Giles
felt his heart leap into his throat.  He ripped his shirt from his
body, tearing it hastily into strips as he lunged for his fallen, oh
so fallen, Slayer.  Cursing ineffectually, he tied the strips tightly
round the deep gashes on Buffy's wrists, then lifted her tiny, too-
light body into his arms.  He carried her into the house and laid her
on the couch, then reached fearfully for her neck to check her
pulse.  For a moment, he thought he'd been too late, but then, under
his fingers he felt the faint pulse of life beating in her throat.

He reached for the phone, dialing 911 quickly, then waiting for the
ambulance to arrive.  He hovered over Buffy as they started an IV,
then scribbled a hasty note to her friends before climbing into his
car to follow the ambulance to hospital.

Buffy's condition, though drained, was not serious once she'd
received a transfusion.  It was only after Xander, Willow and Anya
arrived that Giles remembered that Angel's phone call had begun the
chain of events.  What must the vampire be thinking there in LA?


"I still don't see why you have to go to Sunnydale *now,*" Cordy
whined.  "It's not as if I've had any visions about Buffy since last
mon…" she shut up hastily, hoping that Angel hadn't caught that last

"I have to go to Sunnydale to find out…wait…what did you just say?"
He turned toward her abruptly and Cordelia was reminded that whether
Angelus was in control or not, Angel was still a big, bad,
bloodsucking vampire.

"I, um, I had a vision of her a while back."

"When?" he bit out tersely, coming to stand directly before her.

"About a month…the day I got my new clothes from the Nordstrom
shoot!"  Her voice lifted with excitement at her remembered enjoyment
of that day.

"And you didn't tell me because?" his voice was getting growlier, she
noticed apprehensively.

"Well, my clothes came and then I got that other vision and my head
hurt and besides it's not as if she didn't get up after he hit her…"
Cordy's voice trailed off into the ominous silence.

Angel grabbed her by the shoulders and growled into her face, "Before
who hit her?  Who hit Buffy?"

"Um, ouch, Angel, you're hurting me.  The demon.  The slimy one with
the claws and the scales.  But he didn't kill her…she got up!"

Angel cursed under his unneeded breath and released his seer,
stalking into the night without another word.


Willow, Xander, Giles and Anya sat in the waiting room at the ER. 
Buffy was stable, they knew that much, but her suicide attempt had
drawn the psychiatric attending down for a consult, which was still
going on.  At last, she stepped from the room and motioned to Giles.

"Are you related to Ms. Summers?" she asked.

"I am her guardian, or I was," he answered.

"You live with her?"

"Yes, along with her friend Willow, who rooms in the house, as well,"
he added, trying to make the arrangement sound more normal and less…

"Fine," she nodded approvingly.  "Ms. Summers has not dealt with her
blindness at all, and I believe this attempt was born out of despair,
rather than a true desire to do harm to herself.  I'm keeping her
here for observation for a couple of days, but I will release her
into your care, provided you think you can do a better job of it than
you have been."

"I…we will all work together to help Buffy however we may."

She nodded brusquely, jotting indecipherable notes on her tablet.

"May I, that is, is it possible to see her?  Just for a moment?"

"Provided you don't upset her.  I have her on light sedation right
now, but she's awake and alert.  No more than 10 minutes."

Giles nodded and stepped into the room.  After the bustle of the
hallway, the private room was quiet and oddly peaceful.  Buffy lay
silently in the bed, no expression on her face.  Her bloodstained
pajamas had been removed, and the hospital gown emphasized the pale,
drawn features of her too-thin face.  Her eyes were open and Giles
realized he'd not seen them since she'd left hospital the last time. 
She'd hidden behind her dark glasses for nearly a month.

"You can stop hovering, Giles," she said calmly.  "I'm sure there's a
chair by the bed."

"How did you…"

"Know it was you?  I know your scent," she said.  "Xander smells like
Dial and Anya's perfume.  Willow smells like strawberry shampoo and
sage and sometimes other herbs depending on what spells she's been
working on.  You smell like tea and cream in the morning and like
scotch after dinner, all mixed with wool and that aftershave you like
so much."

"Buffy," he said, drawing the chair near to her bed and resting one
hand lightly on hers.  "This isn't the answer.  I know you've been
depressed lately, but this isn't the answer."

"Isn't it, Giles?  I don't think you understood the question.  I've
waited, hoped that somehow, something might improve, but it's not and
it's not going to.  This is as well as I'm going to get and it's not
enough, Giles!  How can I protect them, how can I keep them safe? 
How many vampires have killed people since I went blind, Giles?  Are
you even keeping track?  I'm useless like this.  A blind Slayer.  You
should have slit my throat yourself, once you knew for sure.  I'm
worthless.  I can't protect anyone this way.  The world can't afford
to have a blind Slayer.  If I die, though, then a new one will be
Called and she *can* protect them.  It's the only way, Giles."

Buffy twisted her hands within the soft restraints that held them in
place.  Giles knew that she could snap those restraints if she
wished, snap them with the strength that coiled within her…the
strength that, god help her, she wanted to gift to another.

"Buffy, dear girl," he whispered.  "I thought you were giving up,
giving in.  I had no idea that you thought…Buffy, the Slayers' line
no longer passes through you.  If it did, another would have been
called when you died on the tower.  The line passes through Faith
now, don't you understand?  Your death would have been for nothing,

Buffy jerked her head to stare at him with her sightless eyes.  "But…
Faith is in prison, Giles!  She's not due to be paroled for years and
years!  What am I supposed to do till then?  I can't see, I can't
hunt, how can I protect them?"

"You can't worry about that right now, Buffy, please.  Just get well,
get strong.  We need you. We will always need you."  He pressed a
gentle kiss to her forehead.  "Rest now, I must leave.  We'll talk
more after you come home."

She listened as his footsteps moved out of the room and were lost to
her in the noise from the hallway.  Tears trickled from her useless
eyes until she fell into a uneasy slumber.


Angel pulled his car into Buffy's driveway with a sharp jerk, then
raced to the front door.  No one answered the bell, no one responded
to his pounding fist.  Cursing, he stalked to the back, but was
nearly knocked off his feet by the scent that greeted him when he
rounded the corner.

Blood.  Her blood.  The scent was overwhelming, powerful, and fresh. 
Angel ran for the steps and stopped in horror.  Faith's knife lay on
the porch.  It glistened evilly in the moonlight and it sang to him
of Buffy's blood, blood he'd tasted, glutted on, and never
forgotten.  A pool of it lay, barely disturbed and only hours old, in
a nearly perfect circle on the porch.  Someone had cut her, cut her
deep, and from her message, he feared that she was that someone. 
Viciously suppressing the urge to reach his hand down and grab the
knife, to taste her blood, dried but still irresistible, from its
evil blade, Angel strode inside, just as the front door opened,
spilling Xander (Angel snarled), Willow, Anya and Giles into the
stillness of the Summers' home.

"Dead boy," Xander sneered.  "Great, nothing else could possibly go
wrong now."

Angel stalked to the young man and grabbed him by the throat.  "Where
is Buffy?" he snarled.

"Angel, put Xander down at once," Giles ordered.  "Buffy is fine. 
Well, perhaps not fine, but she's in no danger.  She's in hospital…
for observation.  They plan to send her home within a few days. 
She's as well as can be expected and I'm quite certain she would not
be pleased if you killed Xander in her living room."

Angel dropped Xander with a snarl and paced after Giles, who was
walking to the kitchen.  "Scotch?" he asked as he pulled a bottle
from the cabinet.

"Giles, what the hell is going on?  I got this cryptic message from
Buffy, her blood is practically covering the back porch, and now you
say she's in the hospital for observation?  What happened?"

Giles looked at the dark vampire.  After Buffy had come home, he'd
suggested calling Angel, but she had forbidden any of them to contact
him.  She didn't want his pity, Giles knew, and he respected her for
her decision.  He knew how much it had cost her, how much she wanted
her ex-lover with her.  He couldn't go against her wishes now, not if
they were to work together.

"Buffy was…hurt in a fight with a demon approximately one month ago. 
She felt that her capabilities as Slayer were sufficiently
compromised that she should pass the power on to the next potential
in training.  She attempted to do so tonight."

"Pass on the…Jesus, Giles, there's only one way to do that, she

"To kill herself, yes, that's correct, Angel."  Giles tossed back the
scotch in the glass and poured himself another.  "I don't believe
she'll attempt to do so again, however.  I pointed out to her that
the line no longer passes through her, hasn't in fact, since Kendra
was Called.  Faith is the head of the line now, and only Faith's
death can trigger a new Chosen One."

"Faith is redeeming herself, Giles," Angel insisted.  "I know you
don't believe me, but she is!"

"Whatever the situation with Faith is," Giles said, "Buffy is no
longer involved in the line of Slayers.  She is outside of it, an
anomaly.  I believe that now that she understands that, she will
attempt no further harm to herself."

"But Giles, what the hell is wrong with her that she would do that

Giles flinched from Angel's brooding regard.  This was tricky.  "I
believe that for reasons known only to her, Buffy simply felt she
could not go on any longer, Angel.  You weren't here last year when
we discovered that she'd been pulled back not from a hell dimension,
as Willow believed, but from heaven itself.  She was quite…
traumatized by the entire experience.  She hasn't been quite herself
since then."

"If you're talking about her fucking Spike, Giles, you don't need to
protect her.  My bastard offspring regaled me in glorious detail
about his…conquest of my mate."

"Spike?  Oh, that was over months ago, Angel.  No one has seen him
since spring."

"Regardless, Angel, I apologize for worrying you when you rang. 
Buffy will be fine.  You can return to Los Angeles now if you wish."

"I don't wish, Giles.  I've stayed away for Buffy's good, but this
mess convinces me that I was wrong, dead wrong about that.  When we
met after she…came back, she was so…distant, I thought she didn't wa…
need me, but she sure needs something.  The Buffy I knew would never
have considered suicide.  She kept me from killing myself when The
First was tormenting me, she told me that "strong is fighting."  I
don't know what happened to her, but I'm going to find out."

"I'll be at the hospital tomorrow night.  Tell them to expect me.  I
*will* see Buffy."  Angel turned in a swirl of black leather and
stormed from the house.

Chapter 3

Buffy had been moved to the fifth floor for observation.  Her room
was quiet and out of the way, and someone, Xander, she thought, had
brought her a change of clothes and her dark glasses.  She sat,
facing the window.  Earlier, she'd felt the sun on her face, shining
through the glass, and had been glad that they'd pulled the drapes
for her.  Now, long after the sun's warmth had left her room, she
remained there.

Her door opened and she shivered in reaction.  She knew who stood
there, knew with every fiber of her being.

He stalked almost silently into the room, snapping her light on as he
entered, and his scent washed over her like a memory.  Sandalwood and
soap, with a hint of the musky maleness that had attracted her like a
moth to a flame.  She flinched from his unseen regard, then forced
herself to remain still.

"Buffy," he growled, his gaze resting on the stark white bandages
that adorned both of her slender wrists.  "What the hell did you
think you were doing?"

She continued staring out into the night, ignoring him.  The dark
glasses annoyed him and her unnatural calm annoyed him even more.  He
paced angrily behind her chair, wanting with everything in him to
shake her out of her complacency to threaten her with violence for
daring something so stupid and foolish.

"I was…confused, Angel.  Giles talked to me.  I'm fine now, see?  You
can go home."

"How dare you?  You leave that god-awful message on my machine and
expect me to, what, to go on my merry way?  It doesn't work like
that, Buffy, and you know it.  Or you used to.  What the fuck
happened to you in heaven that you treat us like this now?  Huh? 
Look at me when I'm talking to you, god damn it!"

Buffy turned her head and he stared at the damned glasses, wondering
what was going on behind her hidden eyes.  She cocked her head at him
and smiled grimly.  "Angel, you told me before, you have a life in LA
and I'm not in it.  I accept that.  I was just, I'm sorry, I
shouldn't have called you, shouldn't have bothered you.  I
apologize.  I was wrong."

He was so angry he felt as if the demon might rip its way out of his
skin standing there.  He couldn't look at her anymore, picturing her
lifeless body left behind, *again,* like so much offal.  He wanted to
shake her, to knock some sense into her, to kiss her and fuck her and
force her to scream his name and promise to never ever do anything so
foolish again.  But he couldn't and the tension was driving him mad.

"I can't stay here and look at you like this, you selfish bitch!  All
calm, as if nothing has even happened."

"Then go.  I'm not stopping you," she replied, turning back to the
window.  "I like to look at the stars, they're so peaceful and calm. 
Go home, Angel.  Go back to LA.  I won't bother you any more."

"You're a coward, Buffy Summers, a hypocrite and a coward!"  Angel
growled in fury and stormed from the room, moving down the hall so
fast that he nearly bowled over two doctors and a nurse.  He seethed
all the way down in the elevator and continued to curse and mutter as
he strode through the now pouring rain towards his car…*pouring rain…
pouring rain…stars…she likes to look at the stars…to look…dark
glasses…no, it can't be.*

He turned and raced back into the hospital, ignoring the elevator for
the stairs…he was faster than an elevator any day.  He burst back
into her room, her once-again-dark room and saw her leaning her head
against the window, her glasses discarded on the chair behind her. 
He flicked on the light and thought, for a moment that he'd been
mistaken, then she turned, startled by his abrupt entry and he
glimpsed the sheen of tears on her face. She reached quickly for her
glasses, but missed and knocked them to the floor.

He watched as she knelt awkwardly and reached her hands out,
searching…searching blindly in the brightly lit room for the glasses
directly in front of her.  Angel backed into the door and closed his
own eyes as he sank to the floor.  He groaned in pained
horror.  "No.  Buffy."

Buffy found the glasses at last and pushed them quickly onto her
face, standing and turning away from him to face the window again as
she did so.  He watched her back shake with suppressed sobs, heard
the quick intake of her breath before she forced herself back to the
deadly calm with which she'd faced him earlier.

"Did you forget something, Angel?"  She was staring up, he realized,
staring where she thought his face would be if he were standing
instead of crouched in denial on the floor of her hospital room.  And
now he understood her actions completely.  Now they were perfectly in
character for his love…his Slayer.  She couldn't fight like this and
she couldn't live with herself if she didn't fight.  For all her
years of experience fighting demons and vampires, Buffy was literal
minded to the point of stubbornness.  She would have seen only one
way out, one way to renew the Slayer Line.  And she took it.

He stood and stalked to her, putting one hand up to touch her face. 
She flinched from the unexpected touch and he pulled the dark glasses
gently away.  Her face was nearly untouched, except for her eyes. 
The scars there were livid and angry looking, a bright purple-red. 
Her once-hazel eyes were visibly scarred as well, a haze of scar
tissue that obscured their color and clearly allowed no light
within.  His golden girl, his love, whom he'd left so she could walk
in the light, would now walk only in darkness.

"I don't want your pity, Angel.  I don't need your pity.  You said
your piece, it's no less true, you can leave now," she said coldly,
the edge to her words belied by the tears dried upon her still-lovely

"I'm not going anywhere, Buffy," he said solemnly.  "You told me…"
his voice cracked for a moment.  "You told me that if you still had
our ring, that the heart would point in…always.  Or didn't you mean

"I didn't mean it," she lied, tilting her face away as if, even now
that she could no longer see him, she couldn't look him in the eye
and lie.  "I was stupid and melodramatic.  I…I shouldn't have called
at all."

"I can see the truth in your face, little liar," he growled.  "Don't
try to deny it.  You are my mate until we are both dust and beyond. 
You shared your soul with me and I will not release you because you

"I think what," she broke in.  "That you had a child with another
vampire?  That you left me, left this "freak show," she gestured at
her face, then turned abruptly away from him.  "It's really a freak
show now, Angel.  I know how awful I look, I know how revolting the
scars are.  I can hear my friends talking when they don't know I'm
can hear.  I don't need your pity and I don't want you hanging around
the crippled girl like some lovesick puppy."

"Look I'm really tired now, and I have to pass my psych evaluation
tomorrow or they won't let me leave.  Could you go please?"  She
walked haltingly to the bed and he cringed to see her feeling for it
with her fingers.

"I'll leave…for now.  But I'm not leaving Sunnydale.  We need to
talk, Buffy."

He placed her glasses gently in her hand and tipped her face up to
his own.  "I didn't even notice," he quoted at her, before kissing
her lips as gently as a breeze.  Then he strode out, switching off
the lights once more and leaving her alone in the dark.

To be continued…

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