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Title: Me, My Bestfriend and Baby Makes Three

Author: Silent Angel of Time

Rating: G Chapter Four

First Week in January-Week Four

“Wil, why can’t we just go with black or white, or how about black and white?” Xander asks standing in the section in a department store that holds only plates.

Willow rolls her eyes at her best-friend’s maleness, “it’s so blah. All right, look here I will pick out my three favorite and you can pick the one you like the most.” Adjusting three sets so that they stand out Willow asks, “which do you like the best?”

Xander stares at the selection, a tan look with flowers that remind him of something his grandmother would have in her antique cabinet, simple lavendar and white set and finally a set that Xander can’t help but see Willow in through and through. A white plate, with some sort of orange flower and a green block was so colorful that they just screamed Willow, he could live with plates that reminded him of his best friend, even if they were incredibly girly, “those I guess.”

“Really?” Willow beams. “That was my pick too.”

“All right so can we get these and go?” Xander asks lifting the box.

“Yes, but we have to go to the grocery store.” Willow responds leading the way out of the dining wear section, as Xander balances the plates, cups and silverware, and right into the baby section. “Oooh, baby stuff.”

Knowing that Willow is about to throw herself into another world that only soon-to-be mother’s go to Xander sets the heavy boxes down on a nearby display. “Here we go,” Xander mutters under his breath so that Willow can’t hear him.

“Oh! Oh! Look at this, when we come back shopping for the baby we have to get it.” Willow holds up a mobile that hands over a crib and places a soothing baby song.

“Right,” Xander scoffs, “cause that’s practical. Can we go now?”

Willow rolls her eyes, “fine.”

“We’re getting this.” Xander is suddenly side tracked as he grabs a small set of baby eating utensils.

“I’m sure we can wait to get those.” Willow responds.

“I don’t think so,” Xander shakes his head, “the kids gonna need one of these, how else is going to feed himself?”

“Sure,” Willow mutters only loud enough for Xander to hear her, “a baby mobile is impractical but the eating utensils that the baby won’t use for years are an immediate necessity, I’m the impractical one.”

In the kitchen Willow is in her element, someone she never thought she’d feel so comfortable. But when she was in Brazil and living in a small house with a couple of slayers who didn’t have the time nor the talent, it seemed to be a genetic thing that Slayers couldn’t cook, Willow had been forced to learn how to cook quickly. The kitchen is huge and Willow can see herself cooking there for many years to come, the phone ringing quickly brings Willow out of her train of cooking thoughts and tunes her more into the world around her.

By the third ring Willow realizes that wherever Xander is he isn’t about to answer the phone so she wipes her hands off and lifts the cordless phone off the charger, “hello?”

“Hey Red,” Faith is the only one Willow and Xander had given the number to, do to the frosty terms they had left everyone else on.

“Faith, how are you?” Willow asks, glad that she’d called before Robin had showed up.

“Five-by-five, you know, but how about you? All settled into that new fancy house of yours?”

“Yeah we are, you know we have a open room here if you feel inclined to visit the states.” Willow suggests, balancing the phone between her shoulder and ear as she stirs sauce.

“I don’t think so Red,” Faith responds, “B and I head back to Rome in the morning, Dawn’s back in school in a couple of days.”

“You know you always have a place here,” Willow isn’t exactly sure where this tenderness toward Faith is coming from, maybe it’s the pregnancy or maybe she’s just getting used to the rough-around-the-edges girl she had once hated.

“Thanks Red, but I’m fine in Rome...”

“Five-by-five, right?” Willow asks.

Faith agrees, “right.”

The two exchange a few more words before Faith gets off the phone, unwilling to run up Gile’s all ready high international phone bill.

“Willow!?” Xander’s bellow is the first that Willow has heard from him since they got home.

“I’m in the kitchen!” Willow calls back while adding a few seasonings to her pasta.

“Could you come out here for a second?” Xander asks.

“Xander I’m cooking,” Willow doesn’t finish the response and wiping her hands on her apron she walks out of the kitchen and towards the living room where it sounds like Xander has been calling her from. “What?”

“Open that door.” Xander points to the closet door in the corner of the living room.

Willow roles her eyes but complies and is surprised to see that it isn’t a closet like she had thought previously but actually a door leading down to what must be a basement, “how come you didn’t tell me about this?”

“I wanted it to me one final surprised,” Xander steps in front of Willow and leads her down the stairs, flipping as switch as they go, once again shocking Willow.

“It’s a finished basement?” She gasps staring at the carpeted floor, with 3 different doors.

“Yup,” Xander responds with a nod, “three bed rooms. Those two connect to a bathroom between them and that one has a bathroom in it too.”

“So people can come visit it.” Willow claps her hands excitedly, “I love it!” Willow’s facial expression falls, “now if we only had people to visit.”

“I’m sure we have some mini-slayers wanting to visit,” Xander responds, “and the rest of the Scoobies? They will come around, we’ve been friends for years, they are going to figure out that we have things handled and they’ll come visit too. This baby is going to have aunts and uncles who love it as much as we do.”

Willow smiles weakly, “I hope so.”

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