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Title: Me, My Bestfriend and Baby Makes Three

Author: Silent Angel of Time

Rating: G Chapter 5

Second Week in January - Week Five

“How do I look?” Willow asks Xander nervously on the first day of her teaching job.

“You look great Wil,” Xander assures.

“Well what about my clothes, do you think they are appropriate for a 5th grade science teacher?” Willow asks shifting nervously in front of her best friend.

Xander takes in the black floral dress and pale blue jacket, “you look fabulous. You know what would look even better?”

“My black skirt, right?” Willow asks.

Xander laughs and shakes his head, “you being on time for your first day would look even better.”

Willow glances at the clock over the stove, “I’m gonna be late!” Willow hugs Xander, “wish me luck.”

Xander kisses Willow’s cheek, “good luck, but you don’t need it, this’ll be a piece of pie.”

“So?” Xander asks when Willow trudges back into the house hours later. “How’d the first day go?”

“They’re monsters.” Willow responds with a dismal sigh.

Xander stops to think for a second, “but Wood says...”

“Not actual monsters,” Willow states. “But Robin said they were just testing me out and that I was stern enough to let them know who’s boss, but I think it’s them.”

Xander wraps an arm around Willow’s shoulder in comfort, “are you going to change before our first doctors appointment?”

Willow nods, “give me a sec, all right?” Within minutes Willow has reappeared in a more comfortable clothes and the two leave the house to make their appointment.

“So everything is all right?” Willow asks staring anxiously at the doctor.

Dr. Grace Kelley, a kindly middle-aged woman, smiles at Willow and Xander, “everything checks out great. You are in great health Willow so I don’t see any real problems with this pregnancy so long as you do everything necessary to keep yourself that way and the baby as well.”

“What should I be doing?” Willow asks.

“Your charts say that you’ve already started taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins.” Dr. Kelley glances over Willow’s charts.

Xander nods, “the doctor in London told her she should start right away.”

Dr. Kelley nods, “that’s excellent. If you’re a coffee drinker you should probably cut back as much as possible if not com...”

“I’m not.” Willow assures quickly.

“Good,” Dr. Kelley thinks for a couple seconds before finally saying, “there’s not much else I have to tell you, other than to get a lot of sleep, take naps whenever you have a chance, drink a lot of water and it might not be a bad idea to pick up some baby books.”

“That’s it?” Xander asks, surprised by the brevity of the visit.

Dr. Kelley nods, “stop by my secretary on the way out and she will make an appointment for your next visit.”

“Uh Wil,” Xander can barely see of the pile of books that Willow had loaded onto his arms.

“Yeah, what is it Xander?” Willow asks, slightly preoccupied as she scans the back of a pregnancy book.

“Don’t you think this is going a little crazy on the buying of the pregnancy books?” Xander asks as his shoulders ache. “Dr. Kelley said to buy some baby books, not buy all the baby books, how are you going to find time to read all of these?”

“These,” Willow holds up two books titled “My Boys Can Swim!” and “She’s Having a Baby, I’m Having a breakdown”, “are your books, the rest are for me, I want to be prepared.”

“I think you’ve got that covered,” Xander groans under the weight, “can we go now? You have a million books.”

“I only have twenty,” Willow snaps, “I want to be prepared when I have this baby...I don’t even know anything about kids.”

Hoping to avoid an argument with an exhausted Willow, Xander states, “you’re right, of course, there needs to be some major studyage, let’s buy these books and get going.”

“We’ve got messages!” Willow calls as Xander is making is third trip from the car with their last load of books.

Willow presses the button on the answering machine and the automated voice replays, “you have two new messages. Hey Willow, it’s Robin I was just calling to make sure that your students didn’t scar you to badly and that you are still willing to come back tomorrow. I’ll talk to you later,” Robin’s words are laughing as the message beeps and then a less expected voice comes across on the answering machine, “Willow, Xander, uh it’s Giles.”

Willow and Xander exchange glances as Giles pauses in his speech, “I understand you are just getting settled into your new house and you have other things going on but we need a favor. There’s a slayer that needs a break from other slayers, she’s coming up from Rome. She doesn’t need training or anything, just a break from slaying, if this isn’t a problem then you don’t have to call back, she’s got a letter from Buffy explaining the situation and money to get from the airport to your house. She should be there tomorrow evening sometime. Alright then, if you have any problems call.” The machine beeps for a final time and then rewinds.

“He’s kidding, right?” Willow asks with a deep sigh that says she knows that nothing about Giles’ message was a joke.

“I wonder if it’s another rogue slayer,” Xander muses, Willow’s question lost on him, “that would make things interesting.”

“Make things interesting?” Willow asks, her voice raising slightly. “Things don’t need to be made more interesting, they are fine just the way they are. And last I checked Buffy and Giles weren’t talking to us, we are to irresponsible, remember.”

Xander shrugs, “I dunno Wil, but we are still part of the Scoobie team, a little disagreement doesn’t mean we should turn are backs on our not-so-sacred duties.”

“I need ice cream,” Willow murmurs, “I don’t want to think about this right now, I just want to curl up in my library with a book and a bowl of ice cream.”

Xander moves toward the fridge, “one large bowl of strawberry ice cream coming up.”

Willow smiles at Xander, “thanks, I’ll be in my library.”

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