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Title: Me, My Bestfriend and Baby Makes Three

Author: Silent Angel of Time

Rating: G Chapter 6

Third Week in January - Week Six

A.N. All right well this chapter is a little on the short side but I kind of just couldn’t go any further...I found a stopping point and this was it...

“This is ridiculous.” Willow states staring out the living room window watching the snow settle in swirls.

“We could have told them no.” Xander responds.

Willow shakes her head, “no, you were right we are still a part of the Scoobies and they need us to take this girl, but there’s just...” Willow’s face pales quickly and she states, “I’ll be back,” before she hurries out of the room.

Xander sighs, Willow’s morning sickness had kicked in and she refused to let Xander help her. Willow had made it very clear that she didn’t want Xander anywhere near here when her morning sickness was at its worst. Just as he hears the downstairs bathroom door slam a taxi pulls up in front of the house and Xander grabs his jacket and enters the cold as well.

The instant she steps out of the taxi he can tell that she is a newer slayer by the way she carries herself, tall but every muscle twitching ready to attack, from experience Xander knew not to surprise new slayers. “Hello there!” Xander calls down from the steps, “do you have luggage I can help you with.”

The girl shakes her head as she lifts a duffel bag out of the taxi cab and pays the driver before heading towards Xander, “I’m Oria.” The girl states holding out her hand for Xander to shake.

“Xander.” Xander shakes her hand firmly, “come on in, it’s freezing out here.” Once inside Xander says, “Willow is indisposed right now, but I can show you were your room is.”

Willow brushes her teeth and rinses with mouthwash and then stares in the mirror, she was pale and she hated meeting the new slayer looking sick, but that couldn’t be helped. Drying her face Willow steps out of the bathroom prepared to meet the girl who would be living with them. “This will help you.”

Willow is startled by the appearance of the shorter Asian girl standing in front of her, she probably only stood at five feet with long black hair streaked pink. “Excuse me?” Willow asks.

“It’s a tea, it helps settle the stomach,” Oria holds out a porcelain jar, “it will help with your morning sickness. It’s an ancient Chinese tea leaf.”

Willow accepts the jar, “thank you.”

“I can make some for you.” Oria offers.

“You don’t have to, I can do it.”

Oria shrugs, “it’s all right, I’ve nothing else to do.”

“Well thank you.” Willow smiles, letting Oria take the jar back. Once they are in the kitchen and Oria is making the tea Willow asks, “why exactly did they send you to us?”

Oria’s back remains turned to Willow as she speaks, “we had differences.”

“Where were you again?” Willow asks, everything about Oria being here was unclear.

“Rome, with Buffy and Faith.” Oria responds.

“She seems nice.” Willow lays in front of the fire with Xander after Oria has excused herself to sleep.

“Yeah, I don’t understand why she’s here though.” Xander responds. “So do those books say about our little baby?”

Willow rolls off of her stomach and onto her side facing Xander as he slides from a chair to the floor beside Willow, “there’s not a whole lot.”

Xander draws a circle on Willow’s stomach, “hi baby, it’s your daddy.”

“Xander you know that the baby can’t hear you right?” Willow asks. “The baby is like the size of a blueberry.”

Xander’s face screws up in thought, “well I’m still going to talk to her or him, which ever. Hey little baby.” Xander taps his fingers on Willow’s stomach.

“Xander, that tickles.” Willow laughs lightly.

“What?” Xander asks repeating the process, “this?”

Willow laughs, “yes, that!”

Xander continues tickling Willow and as her laughter continues both Willow and Xander can’t help but feel that they are back in high school, everything that had happened over the years seemed to melt away. “Okay, okay,” Willow laughs, “I give up.” Willow rolls away from Xander and crawls toward the couch.

“You can’t give up that easily,” Xander pulls Willow back toward him but the quick change in force causes Willow to land on top of Xander instead of next to him and both freeze. Willow lays on top of Xander for awhile, both have different reactions Willow’s breath catches while Xander’s heart races and his breathing speeds up.

Willow quickly jumps up, “I’m tired, I should go to bed...I’ll see you in the morning.”

Xander sighs, “as if things with me and Willow aren’t complicated enough.” Pushing himself off the wood floor Xander drops onto the couch and picks up the phone on the table next to him. “Robin my man, I need a favor. You’ve been here awhile, you’ve got to know a lot of single, non-demon women, think you could set me up? Really? All right, thanks man.”

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