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Title: Castaways 15/16
Author: Gileswench
Spoilers: Through Older and Far Away
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.

"So what you're saying is we just sit here and wait until they reach some pre-determined level of emotional connection and then 'poof', they're back?" Anya asked.

"The same level as they had before they disconnected, as it were," Ethan agreed.

"Where will they appear?" Tara asked. "Will it be her house or England or this room or what?"

"I've arranged for it to be this very room. Well, I couldn't let old Ripper go without giving him a chance to thank me, now could I?"

Xander fought down the urge to protest. He didn't want Ethan to be right, but he had to agree this was something that might actually deserve thanks. He settled for glaring at Ethan. He was pleased to note that Willow and Tara had decided to take the same out.

"Do you really think he's going to thank you?" Anya asked. "After all, you've stranded him somewhere, possibly in a horrible demon dimension or something, for days now with nothing but what he took with him and a very resentful Buffy. Maybe Giles will be pleased - he's strange sometimes - but he might decide to hit you very hard."

Travers smiled smugly.

"I think he'll be much happier this way. And I can assure you that no demon dimensions are involved. Mr. Rayne went out of his way - with a bit of encouragement from the Council's more observant members - to find a safe, pleasant spot for this experiment. No, I doubt there will be any hitting involved on his and Miss Summer's return."

"I wonder how much longer it'll take."

"Let's see, Buffy and Giles, the two stubbornest people on the entire planet, with a whole big boatload of resentment going on," Xander said. "This could take a long time, Will."

Ethan smiled greasily at them.

"More tea, anyone?"


"More! Oh God, Giles, more!" Buffy cried as she reached her release.

Giles groaned against her sex and redoubled his oral efforts. Mere moments later, he was rewarded with another cry from Buffy as she went over the edge a second time. Giles smiled when her legs went limp on either side of his head. He continued dropping gentle, nuzzling kisses to the entire area for a while before he slid back up to take her in a warm embrace.

"I take it the experiment was a success?" he asked her a bit smugly.

"You take it right," Buffy agreed breathlessly. "I didn't know it could be like that. Sex. It was never like this before."

"And just think; we've barely begun."

He pulled her closer and ravaged her lips. Buffy returned his passion equally. They kissed and petted and explored one another's bodies for long minutes. Moans mingled with laughter and soft words of desire in the makeshift tent. If either noticed the unforgiving nature of the ground as opposed to bedsprings, neither mentioned it.

At last the moment arrived and Buffy picked up the precious foil slip from where it lay on the ground. She peered at it curiously in the half light of near dawn.

"It's flavored. Okay, why do you have a flavored condom? Mint, no less."

Giles blushed as he replied.

"I got it from a vending machine in the gent's at a train station. Just be glad I didn't get the curry flavored. Or prawn."

"They don't really make them in those flavors, do they?"

"They do," Giles confirmed. "I'm afraid that's the only one I have, flavored or not."

Buffy shook her head.

"You English people are so weird. Okay, one Mint Milano Giles, coming right up."

"You have no idea how accurate that is," Giles breathed as she rolled the latex over him.

"What? Are you telling me you have no staying power?"

"Staying power? Didn't you know? I'm legendary...among about four women."

"Four? Four women? Is that all you've slept with? I've done it with four guys and I'm way younger than you. I feel like such a skank."

"Buffy," Giles laughed, "I've been with a few more than that. It's just...those were the ones it was good with. And you are not remotely a skank. You're an exceptional woman, and I cannot wait to be inside you."

"Really? Exceptional? And you meant that in a good way, right?"

"The best way. Now come here and let me make love to you, please."

Giles lay on his back and held his arms out to Buffy. She kissed him tenderly and climbed on top of him, guiding his cock into her tight warmth. As he slid home, they both groaned at the delicious sensation.

"You were right," Giles told Buffy. "We fit perfectly."

"And everyone else will be puzzled," she agreed cheerfully.

They both laughed, then moaned as Buffy lifted herself up and sank back down Giles' hard length.


" long do you think this is gonna take?" Xander asked. "And what happens when they show up here?"

"It takes as long as it takes, which might well be until Hell freezes over," Ethan replied cheerfully.

Travers glared at his associate.

"I doubt it will be quite that long," he observed. "When they return, we will take Mr. Giles home for a brief time to put his affairs in order and then we send him back here to train Miss Summers and stand in loco parentis to her sister."

"I thought you didn't want him to be like Buffy's father...if Buffy's father cared," Willow said.

"That's precisely what we don't want," Travers agreed blandly. "But the Slayer must devote herself to her destiny. She must not be distracted by the mundane requirements of working for a living or raising a child."

"Wouldn't it be easier to just pay her?" Tara asked. "Then she wouldn't have to have a job and she could take better care of both the Slaying and Dawn."

"And I suppose you think a housekeeper could train a Slayer? This is why the Slayer has a Watcher to begin with. It is the Watchers' job to keep the cares of the world from a Slayer as well as train her in combat techniques."

"I guess we're some of those cares of the world you're talking about," Willow said. "We've helped keep her alive lots of times."

"She does have you there, Quentin," Ethan smirked. "The reason those two have survived this long is because they don't follow your rules."


Giles smiled up at Buffy as she rode him with abandon. His hands roamed her body, delighting in her soft skin, her strength, and her obvious joy in the coupling.

A part of him still couldn't quite believe this was happening. Then again, if this was another dream, she would still have had her long golden tresses rather than the shorter, mousy cut she now sported.

And the Buffy in his dreams never laughed so happily.

Now she began to moan louder and moved faster atop him. Giles took hold of her hips and ground his pelvis harder against her. Buffy threw her head back and cried out as she gripped his cock internally.

With her orgasm, Giles went wild. He could feel his groin tighten, signaling his own release. He shouted her name as the first wave overtook him. He thrust wildly into her as each succeeding spasm hit.

At last the fury passed, and Buffy collapsed against her lover's chest. Both panted heavily in the aftermath of orgasm.

Giles reached up and petted Buffy's hair back from her face. Buffy dropped a tender kiss on his shoulder.

"You're incredible," she purred. "Why didn't we do this ages ago?"

"Damned if I know," Giles chuckled. "it wasn't my idea to wait this long."

"You could have told me earlier."

"And been 'eeeiwwed' for my trouble? No thank you."

"I'm not eeeiwwing now."

"I'm glad."

He kissed her gently and extricated himself from her arms to dispose of the condom.

"Too bad you didn't have a few more of those," Buffy said. "I could have gone for another round."

Giles returned to the sleeping bag and took Buffy in his arms.

"You are a thing of evil, my love," he told her.

"Your love? Really?"

"I notice your hearing hasn't improved, but yes, really. I do love you."

"Well that's convenient because I love you, too. And I heard you call me evil; I just choose to ignore your insults."

She snuggled closer into his arms as he kissed the end of her nose.

"It's nice to know some things will never change," he said.

"Mmmm, sleepy now."

"I thought I was the one who was supposed to fall asleep right away."

"When have we ever done things the normal way?"

Giles laughed softly and tucked the sleeping bag around her shoulders. They shared a final kiss before they drifted off to sleep.


Ethan was the first to notice the change in the atmosphere.

"I do believe they've worked it out. Pity. I picked three weeks in the pool. Ah well, Ripper owes me five quid. I'd move that coffee table."

Xander took the offending piece of furniture out of the way as the air began to shimmer in the middle of the room. He dropped the table when the sleeping bag materialized where it had been mere seconds before. The others crowded around the sleeping pair, eyes wide with surprise.

"That's...unacceptable!" Travers sputtered.

"I dunno, I think it's sorta cute," Willow smiled.

"I'd say they've bonded just fine," Anya observed. "In fact, I don't think they've ever been this close."

Xander goggled and Tara smiled softly.

"Well done, Ripper!" Ethan smirked. "Ought we to move them to the bedroom, do you think?"

Tara turned and glared at the sorcerer.

"I think we all ought to leave them alone for a while."

"Umm...already did that," Xander said. "Now I think we should make sure they have clothes.

Any plans to quietly leave and procure the sleepers something to wear were ruined when Buffy stirred and blinked. She looked about herself owlishly, taking in the faces of her nearest and dearest...and Travers and Ethan. She frowned.

"Okay," she said at last. "Somebody tell me this is some kooky dream."

"It's a kooky dream, love," Giles murmured sleepily, "go back to sleep."

A moment later the absurdity of that sentence registered in his brain and he made a disgusted noise at himself. He rubbed his jaw, letting his arm land on the floor afterwards. His hand explored the unexpected surroundings.

"Buffy? Why is it that our sandy clearing suddenly has shag carpeting?"

"Maybe for the same reason it suddenly has bad hotel art and Ethan Rayne in it."

"And speaking of shag, Ripper..."

Xander turned on Ethan, Mr. Wrenchy raised on high.

"One more word and I swear you're going down, buster."

"It's all right, Xander," Giles told him mildly. "Besides, if anyone gets to thrash Ethan I believe it should be Buffy. She's quite the strongest person in the room, after all. And then there's all that rage she's built up from the little pranks he's pulled on us over the years."

"Serious, quality rage," Buffy agreed cheerfully. "Could get ugly. I suggest we put down a tarp before I get started, y'know, for all the blood and guts and flying body bits."

"An excellent idea," Giles agreed with a smile.

Ethan swallowed hard.

"Perhaps I'll just be on my way..."

He turned for the door only to find Travers blocking it. A livid, red- faced Travers.

"You!" he spat. "This is all your fault. You said they would return when they reached their previous level of connection. I certainly didn't expect this."

"Ah, well, you see I didn't know they were in love," Ethan said. "Lust, surely, on Ripper's side, but this was a bit unexpected even to me. Then again, that's chaos."

Buffy sat up, holding the sleeping bag to her bosom. She turned to Giles.

"You were in love with me before? How did I not know that?"

"What about you? It would seem that the feeling was mutual and you never gave me a bloody clue."

"Ain't love grand?" Xander observed. "The king of Repressionland and Miss Fugue State 2002 didn't know they were in love. I'm just crazy about these wacky kids."

Two voices spoke simultaneously.

"Oh for God's sake, Xander, do shut up."

"Shut up, Xand!"

Willow and Tara grinned at one another.

"See? How cute is that? They even rag on Xander the same way," Willow said. "I never thought about it before, but this is so right."

"I know," Tara agreed. "Some people just belong together."

The two girls looked at one another. After a moment, Willow held out her hand. There was only a small hesitation before Tara took it and smiled at her.

"I'm bored," Anya announced. "And Buffy and Giles are back. When do we get to leave?"

"I think sooner rather than later," Giles said. "And if someone would be so kind as to provide us with some clothes, Buffy and I would appreciate it more than I can say."


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