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The Key to Connor II Chapters 1 - 4
The Key to Connor II
The Angelus Chronicles: Chapters 1-4

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Spoilers/Ships: This is AU. Angelus/Buffy. Angelus/Spike. Cordy/Gru. It follows my Key to Connor Series with the Buffy/Angelus ending.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know.

Feedback: Is always nice.

Rating: NC-17 to XXX for violence, rape, blood play, sex, slash, and bad, bad words.

Author's Note/Warnings: Ok, guys, here's the deal. After all the endings that I did for The Key to Connor, I became most interested in continuing this thread…Angelus has Buffy, Connor is alive and presently safe with Spike and the remaining Fang Gang. So I've spun this off into The Key II: The Angelus Chronicles. I'm telling you right now, I don't guarantee that anyone will survive…you know how dark I write Angelus. I don't consider Angelus to be cranky Angel, broody Angel, or Angel on a bad day. Angelus is a mean son of a bitch whose idea of an appropriate Valentine is a still warm heart pulled from a shop girl or a puppy nailed live to your front door. This is NOT a nice guy. Are we utterly clear on that? Don't flame me later for not warning you.

I want to explore the dynamics of Angelus's marking of Buffy, as well as develop some of the differences I perceive between childer and minions. That's what I plan to do here. If that interests you, feel free to come along with me for the ride…should be exciting…


It was hard, almost impossible to control himself with the Slayer's blood flowing so freely into his rapacious mouth, but Angelus dimly remembered that he didn't want to kill Buffy, just yet. Too many interesting uses for his little darling. Sighing reluctantly, he gave her wounded hand one last lick and wrapped it back up in the bandages.

Buffy was moaning low in her throat, no longer even bucking against him…too weak to do anything at all. He grinned in sadistic glee as her eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out from blood loss. *Perfect.* He climbed off of her and wrapped her frail body in the white cotton hospital blankets and lifted her easily into his arms. She was so light, like a tiny bird for him to break the wings of and torment until it could no longer even flutter against him. *Control, Angelus, control. You didn't get this far by giving in to the blood lust the minute you saw a tasty prize.*

But Buffy was so much more than that to him, though he was loath to admit it. She was his marked mate, and his passion for her independent spirit, her luscious body and powerful blood were hopelessly entwined. Were he to be honest with himself, he'd have to admit that he didn't really want to kill her at all. He wanted to torment her and break her, then sire her, so she'd remain his in unlife, never to be touched by another again unless he allowed it…which he never would. Angelus did not share his playthings. He'd rather kill them.

He strode into the hall and nodded to Gunn, who had hovered intimidatingly close to Buffy's room while Angelus played with her. They walked rapidly from the hospital, moving too swiftly for mortal eyes to really register their presence or remark on the unconscious girl they were taking away.


Cordy watched warily as Spike downed his third bottle of warmed blood from the microwave. He'd burned his tongue on the first one, too ravenous to wait for it to cool even slightly. He took far better care of Connor than of himself, these days, and most of his thoughts were for Buffy. Cordy had to admit, Spike had proven himself over and over again since Angelus's return.

It was Spike who called the Scoobies for the spell to disinvite Angelus from her apartment. Dennis could probably have kept the vampire out, but she was unwilling to test that theory with her life. Spike had arranged food and clothes for Connor, sneaking back into the hotel in order to steal the things they needed when Gunn, Fred and Angelus were out hunting. Spike had even stolen the books and petty cash out from under Angelus's nose.

He'd laughed when recounting the story to Cordy and Gru, laughed like a boy who'd successfully raided the cookie jar. Cordy rolled her eyes at the two of them together…for all their ferocity, they really were children. Spike was teaching Gru British swear words, which Gru repeated out of context and in totally inappropriate situations, which made Spike laugh even harder. He certainly was the happiest vampire Cordy had ever met.

Spike finished chugging the last bottle of blood, sighing in relief as his system returned to what represented normal for him. "All right with you if I grab a quick shower before headin' back, princess?" he asked Cordy, absentmindedly checking on Connor, who was sound asleep in the pack-n-play now set up in a cramped corner of Cordy's kitchen.

"Sure, Spike, but no smoking in the shower."

"Hell, won't bloody let me smoke at hospital, won't let me smoke here, what's a bloke to do?" Spike muttered.

"Perhaps you should consider desisting with your habit of burning noxious weeds soaked in carcinogenic chemicals and wrapped in white paper?" replied Gru, unaware that the question was rhetorical.

"You've been letting him watch Discovery Channel again, Princess. Remember, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!" Spike sneered half-heartedly at them and closed the door to the bathroom.

"Truly the flaxen-haired vampire who fights for the Slayer speaks the truth, my Princess. I have little knowledge of the ways in which your world works. I must learn more if I am to be of proper service to you." Gru was, as always deadly serious and frightfully earnest.

Cordy sighed. "Gru, you're doing great, really. None of us expected you to assimilate nearly as well as you have. Of course, none of us expected Angelus either. Stupid…I should have seen him coming. Of course, nothing but Buffy has ever made Angel that happy, except for drugs, and they wore off quickly."

Dennis floated a diet coke her way and she grabbed it gratefully. "Thanks, Den. We'd never make it without you…" her voice trailed off as a surprisingly good singing voice rang out from her shower stall.

"Dancing with myself, I'll be dancing with myself, if you have the chance, just give the world a glance and you'll be dancing with yourself, oh-uh-uh-oh…"

Cordy burst into laughter, grateful to Spike for anything that could make her smile these days, let alone laugh out loud.

The phone rang, and she picked it up, wondering if it was Willow updating them on the sitch in Sunnydale. Cordy's face paled and she sank to the floor in shock as she listened to the voice on the other end. Gru watched her, concerned and unsure of what was happening, but certain that it was dire.

Cordy hung up and buried her head in her hands, sobbing in fear and despair. The shower shut off and Spike stuck his wet head out of the bathroom. "Where's the towels, princess? My danglies are getting all chill…" his voice trailed off and he stepped from the bathroom in alarm, forgetting the water dripping from his naked body, forgetting all else but his worry about the Slayer.

Dennis saved Cordy's vision and Spike's non-existent modesty, spiriting a towel from the linen closet and wrapping it around Spike's slender waist. "Thanks, Den…Cordy, what is it?"

Cordy looked up at Spike with tears in her eyes. "It's Buffy, Spike. She's gone. Angelus must have taken her." She sobbed again and Gru rushed to comfort her as Spike turned in fury and punched his fist completely through the wall and began swearing a blue streak, furious at himself for not seeing this coming.


Angelus settled Buffy gently into the expensive linen sheets of his brand new bed. His soulful alter ego hadn't touched the monies that years of accumulating interest had built in his overseas accounts, a fact which amused and gratified him. He held the soul's memories of starving needlessly on the streets of New York, penniless, filthy and alone. The entire time, a fortune of ill-gotten monies, jewels, lands and rents had been waiting, a mere telegram away. *Ah, well, his loss is my gain…I won't have to kill some bourgeois millionaire and finagle the estate in order to set myself up properly,* he thought with satisfaction.

Buffy sighed in her sleep and he leaned over her, smoothing her short, tousled hair away from her drawn face with deceptive gentleness. His mate looked like hell, he admitted to himself. She was clearly in need of significant care before he could even begin to enjoy himself, otherwise she would expire entirely too quickly for his needs to be sated. Her blood called to him from every wound, but he backed quietly away, controlling his desires with the patience of an old, old predator.

For now, he'd set Gunn to guard her. A shame he hadn't made Gunn a childe instead of a minion, but he hadn't had the time then, and now it was too late. Gunn was fated to be nothing more than an indifferent shell, following his master's orders to the letter and no further, unable to think or act of his own volition unless his very unlife was in jeopardy.

Fred's admittedly brilliant intellect had survived the change intact, but she, too, lacked any independent will. All the easier for Angelus to control their every move, but he did spare a moment to wish for a childe of Spike's stature again. Someone who could plan and plot on his own; who functioned as a separate entity.

Of course, independent childer posed their own hazards. Spike had required constant care at first and extreme discipline later to keep him even marginally in line. Penn had been more amenable to Angelus's will, but Dru had been so broken and mad that she'd been virtually uncontrollable until he gave her to Spike to care for.

Angelus shook his head, irritated at the introspective mood he'd fallen into. "Gunn," he bellowed.

The handsome vampire appeared in the doorway and looked inquiringly at Angelus.

"Watch the Slayer. You may not drink from her. Give her water if she wakes and needs it. Don't let her move from the bed," Angelus commanded.

"Yes," his minion replied, moving obediently to stand near the sleeping girl without additional comment.

Angelus strode from the room, taking the elevator down to the ground floor from his sumptuous penthouse condominium. He had plans to put in motion and people to see, but first, he was more than hungry; he was starving for a kill. Someone innocent and sweet to roll across his tongue and savor.

Angelus found his victim only a block away as the teen walked his dog. It was a Rottweiler, nearly too big for the youngster to handle, but apparently protective enough for his parents to let him out on the streets of LA at night. Angelus laughed to himself and pulled the boy into the next convenient alley, killing the hapless dog with one vicious blow to the head. He caressed the boy's slender neck, reveling in his cries of anguish over his pet. Blood always tasted better with strong emotion in it and the boy's despair was sweet indeed. Angelus sank rampant fangs into the boy's tanned neck, penetrating him slowly and delighting in the pain that flavored the teen's blood.

The boy moaned against his attacker in terrible rapture as the overwhelming pain of the vampire's bite flooded his system with endorphins. The rush carried both of them to the pinnacle of pleasure before they crashed down on the other side. Angelus sucked the last rich drop of the boy's blood from his body and dropped the spent corpse on the ground next to his dog, uncaring of who might find it.

Relaxed and energized by his feeding, Angelus strode into the night, intent on visiting an old enemy. Lilah had made a grave mistake when she harmed his mate and it was a night to settle old scores.


Angelus crept stealthily into the Hyperion. His senses were fully alert as he searched the darkness within for any signs of his former allies or his irritating childe. Satisfied that the place was empty, he ducked into the office and grabbed a leather weapon bag, in which he placed a select few of his favorite weapons and toys, then slunk up the stairs to the room where the Gate had opened. Sure enough, Spike had abandoned everything in his hurry to get the Slayer to the hospital.

Smirking with pleased anticipation, Angelus scooped a few items from the room into the bag and proceeded to his room. There, he salvaged a splendid Nyassian dagger from the wreckage and headed back downstairs. He ducked outside into the garden for a last item before leaving his one-time home with nary a backward glance.


Buffy awoke, aching and afraid. She remembered why when she looked into the beautiful but blank face of Gunn. He'd been a formidable fighter as a human, by all accounts, and she could tell he would make a deadly vampire. It was a moot point…there was no escape for her until her feet healed enough to run. That could take weeks, if it happened at all, without the physical therapy the doctors had insisted she would require.

*One thing at a time, Buffy,* she thought to herself. *Let's test the bars of this cage.* "Um, Gunn, I need to use the bathroom," she said in an intentionally thready voice. Let him underestimate her…it was all to the best if he thought her too weak to escape.

Gunn nodded inscrutably at her and scooped her frail body from the bed with ease. He carried her to the windowless bathroom and plunked her down on the toilet. Buffy would normally have blushed with embarrassment to be so intimate with a man she didn't know, but Gunn's total lack of expression made the situation somehow easier. He watched indifferently as she relieved herself and then she realized that with her hands still wrapped in the copious bandaging she had no way to clean herself. As if he were caring for a dog, Gunn cleaned her, flushed the toilet and carried her back to the bed, placing her in it with equal indifference.

Buffy decided to continue to press her luck. "I don't want to sleep right now, Gunn," she said. "Will you push my pillows up and open the window?"

Again, the vampire moved to obey her every whim, fluffing the pillows up behind her and sliding her back into them in a sitting position. He strode to the curtain covered window and pushed aside the heavy black out drapes. Buffy gasped as she looked out over the lights of the city, realizing for the first time that they must be on the very top floor. That tracked with what she'd read of Angelus's patterns before he'd been cursed.

She nodded at Gunn in thanks and he moved silently to the doorway of the room, closing the door behind him as he left.

Buffy waited a few moments, her acute hearing picking up the sound of his retreating footsteps down what seemed to be a marble-floored hallway. Sure, now, that he was gone, she grasped the bandaging on her right hand between her teeth and began to painstakingly unwind it. Although it was the hand Angelus had played with earlier, it felt better than the left, which throbbed in time to her heartbeat with dreadful flares of pain.

Finally, she pulled the last twist of bandage from her hand and dropped it from her teeth. Examining the wound, Buffy was surprised at how well it seemed to have healed in what she thought was a short amount of time. Perhaps she had Angelus and that damned vamp mouth of his to thank. There was no sign of infection and indeed, the back was completely scabbed over. When she examined the palm, it only wept a little. Experimentally, Buffy attempted to flex the fingers. Agony shot up her arm, almost making her scream.

All right, then. Now it was time to try out some of the exercises the doctor had briefly described to her. She had to get total control of at least one hand back before she'd be able to escape from Angelus. And that meant pain. Luckily, she and pain were old comrades. Buffy began trying to stretch each finger to her thumb, flexing the tight, newly-healed tendons and delicate bones in dreadful pain. At least it was a start.


Angelus glided on soft carpet to the door of Lilah's apartment. *This could be interesting,* he thought. Somehow, he needed to get her to invite him in…but that shouldn't be too hard, given the way she seemed to react to him. He knew that much of her hostility toward the soul was due to his instant rejection of her advances. A woman spurned and all that. Angelus had spent centuries perfecting his seductive charm and he was certain he could coax this woman into opening her home to him.

He knocked on the door, leaning against the jam with indolent ease. He heard stirring in the room within and pasted a knowing smile on his face.

Lilah opened the door, clad only in a red silk negligee and matching robe. She startled a bit at his presence and took one involuntary step backward before stopping when she remembered that he couldn't enter without her invitation. She smirked at him, "So, Angel, come to thank me for letting you retrieve your son?"

Angelus laughed throatily, his eyes trailing down Lilah's scantily clad body and back up again, knowingly. "Lilah, my dear, you have no idea how grateful I am. The little brat was screaming up a storm the last time I saw him. Luckily, I have minions to take care of that irritating child so I can focus my attention on more…important matters."

Lilah cocked her head at him and looked quizzical. This didn't sound like Angel. The voice seemed deeper, somehow and the seductive tone wasn't something she'd ever heard from the souled vampire. Understanding dawned and she looked into his eyes. A darkness welled within them that she'd never seen before in the tormented gaze of Angel.

"Ah, but you're not Angel, are you? You are Angelus. The Scourge of Europe. What do I owe this honor to?"

"Why, Lilah, darling, I simply wanted to thank you." Angelus replied silkily. He pulled a single blood red rose from under his long black duster. "That pesky soul has been driving me mad for a century. I thought its loss deserved a very…special…thank you to such a lovely lady." He held the rose out to her with a flourish, but was halted by the invisible barrier to his kind.

Making a moue at her, he shrugged in seeming acceptance. "I know that Wolfram and Hart wanted me dark, not dead," he said. "But I completely understand your reluctance to let an ally into your home. Perhaps I'll stop by the office and see who there might be able to deal with me," he teased. "I'll just drop this here by your door and you can retrieve it once I'm gone." Sighing as if in resignation, he laid the rose at her feet, crouching there for a moment and staring at her delicate feet before he rose, once again sliding his eyes up her body with a sensual stare.

Lilah felt as if she'd grown ten degrees hotter just from his stare. Angelus was reputed to be an amazing lover. The annals detailed days of debauched cavorting with Darla and Dru, as well as his many minions and other childer. The heat in his glare made her shiver in reaction at the same time her brain registered what he was saying. *Wait…if he goes to the office now, he'll be dealing with someone else. Someone else will take the credit for bringing him in as an ally. I can't have that…not after all the work I've put into this file!*

"Oh, Angelus, I don't think that will be necessary," Lilah replied, tossing her hair back over her shoulder and giving him her best come-hither stare. "After all, if we're going to work together…and I hope that's what you intend, then a certain amount of trust is going to be required. I invite you in." She backed away from the door and he leaned down to scoop up the rose and his bag before entering and kicking the door closed behind him.

Angelus stalked forward and stopped inches away from Lilah, dropping the bag to one side. She backed against the expensive wood paneling of her wall and flinched as he raised his hand to her, then sighed as he took the rose and stroked its soft petals down her elegant cheekbones to her neck. "I've been wanting to do this for a long while," he growled seductively at her as the rose continued its slow downward journey. His large hand slid inside the silk robe and pushed it aside as he teased the sensitive skin of her neck with the rose, drawing it down her chest to the v of the silk negligee.

Lilah moaned in lust as the soft rose petals aroused her long neglected nerve endings. Never had she been with such a masterful lover. Apparently the annals hadn't been exaggerating.

Angelus slid the robe from her shoulders, shrugging the duster from his own and crouching suddenly at her feet. He teased her toes with the rose, drawing it up each one separately before moving to the delicate arch of her foot. He brought the rose up her inner calf, stroking the delicate skin behind her knee until she sighed. Moving higher, he began bunching the nightgown in his other hand and sliding it sensually against her thighs, still teasing with the rose in his right hand.

Lilah was awash in sensations she'd repressed for far too long. Rising to the top at Wolfram and Hart had demanded the total sacrifice of any life outside the office, a sacrifice she'd gladly made in order to achieve her goals. But cutting herself off from her body's needs and demands made her all the more vulnerable to Angelus's practiced charms.

He grasped the negligee and pulled it over her head in one smooth gesture and she stood before him, naked. *She is a lovely creature,* he admitted to himself. Her breasts were heavy in his hand as he stroked his thumb over their supple skin. Teasing the nipple of first one, then the other with the rose, he gazed at her rapt face, gauging her every reaction to his touch. Handing her the rose, he moved his fingers to his own clothes, stripping his shirt rapidly from his large frame. He stepped back from Lilah for a moment to unfasten his leather pants, then moved forward to kiss her passionately.

Lilah writhed against him, reveling in the silky feel of the warm wood behind her contrasting with the velvety cold surface of his broad chest. She ran her hands over him, stroking his muscular shoulders and strong neck while he delved deep into her open mouth. His hand teased lower, running the softness of the rose against the sensitive skin of her belly before stroking it against the pulse points of her hips. Lilah groaned in want when he trailed the rose over her downy mound. The rose caressed her hard clit before moving lower to tease her outer lips with soft strokes up and down her slit.

Lilah parted her legs to Angelus's more insistent caresses as he dropped the rose to the side. She sighed against his mouth as skillful fingers spread her delicate nether lips, dipping inward to test the dew that gathered there. Angelus wasted no more time and lifted her up against the wall to plunge her downward onto his hard prick. Lilah screamed as he penetrated her, stretching the tender walls of her cunt with his width.

He moved her up and down on him easily, his arms flexing and pulling at her until he was seated completely in her depths. Lilah's head fell back against the wall and he lapped delicately at her splendid neck before moving lower to tease her breasts with blunt teeth.

Lilah was overcome with the sensations Angelus's skill drew from her neglected body. So overcome that she didn't question when he crouched to open his bag, still holding her steady on his hard cock. He slid her back up the wall with his left hand, thrusting and pulling back again before thrusting even harder into her.

Lilah shrieked in growing lust, then screamed in helpless agony as Angelus drove one metal spike through her left hand into the wood behind her. He pulled out of her abruptly, grabbing another spike and pinning her to the wall like some overgrown butterfly. Lilah screamed and screamed as the blood ran from her tortured palms.

Angelus shifted abruptly to game face and lapped at the blood as it trickled from her, grinning with pleasure at her nearly continuous screams. He crouched again and drove the spikes through each of her feet, spread- eagling them on the wall so she was pinned open and helpless, much as she'd done to his mate. Of course, Buffy had been on the floor, so her weight had been supported by that. Lilah's weight, on the other hand, was slowly ripping the spikes through her hands and feet, causing ever more excruciating agony as the flesh ripped and cartilage tore. She wouldn't stay pinned there forever.

Stepping back to admire his handiwork for a moment, Angelus decided that it still needed something else. But what? Ah…his dagger! He pulled it from the bag and stood before the quivering lawyer. Lilah stared at him in dread, unsure of what he planned next, but certain that it would destroy her.


Angelus drew the flat of the blade up Lilah's cheek, teasing the skin without breaking through and stopping centimeters under her left eye. The lawyer stilled her shuddering and screaming and stared, transfixed at the point so close to her vision.

"I'm going to teach you a little lesson now, Lilah. It's a lesson about acceptance. In time, most humans or demons can learn to accept almost any treatment at all, in fact they will crave it, given the right motivation. Let me demonstrate," he growled seductively into her ear.

Angelus pulled the dagger away and traced the callused tips of his fingers down the same path the dagger had followed. Lilah shuddered at his touch, her nerves still screaming from the agonizing pain in her hands and feet. Angelus swirled his fingertips around one breast, spiraling in towards the nipple but refusing to touch it.

Lilah moaned, as completely different nerve ending awoke to his delicate touch. Angelus teased the other breast in a similar fashion and Lilah felt her attention shift from the pain he'd caused her to the pleasure he now gave her as she hung helplessly before him.

Angelus took the dagger next and followed the same path, scraping lightly across her skin but not cutting, just teasing. He traced delicate lines and symbols across her chest, studiously avoiding her nipples until she actually thrust them at the dagger in hopes that he would pay them some attention. Instead of using the dagger, Angelus leaned over and took one hard nipple into his mouth, sucking on it gently and then with more force as Lilah groaned in anguished pleasure. He switched to the other breast, according it the same treatment and Lilah began to loose track of what sensations she felt and where they were coming from. The protective endorphin rush that her body supplied in response to the terrible wounds in her hands and feet spilled over into a rush of pleasure as Angelus continued to play with her sensitive nipples. He pulled back and drew the dagger blade down her chest again, harder this time, and raised a thin line of blood to the surface.

Lilah gasped in shock as the dagger neared her nipple. Angelus dug into the fleshy tip, gouging the tender flesh with the razor-sharp end of the dagger and Lilah screamed. Then Angelus followed the blood trail with his cold hard tongue, transmuting the pain of the thin wound into pleasure as he sucked tenderly at the welling blood. When he reached her bloody nipple, he sucked so gently that Lilah cried in pleasure. She moaned as she felt the hilt of the dagger moving lower, tracing the edges of her now wet pussy before plunging into it. The ornate hilt was cold and smooth against her flesh, and she came almost instantly from Angelus's skillful tongue and the penetration.

Angelus removed the dagger from her streaming cunt and forced the hilt into her mouth, grinding it against her tongue until she sucked it clean of her juices. Backing away from her for a moment, he cleaned the hilt carefully on her expensive silk robe and studied her. His dark desires were flaring again. Perhaps she was ready for the final lesson.

Dropping the dagger carefully into his bag, Angelus stalked back to his crucified victim. He stroked his hands gently up Lilah's heaving sides and over her shoulders. Without warning he pulled, ripping her from the wall with one motion. Lilah shrieked and actually blacked out for a moment as the spikes were torn completely through her flesh.

"You should have known better than to harm my mate, Lilah," Angelus purred provocatively into her ear as he threw her to the floor on her wounded hands. She tried to rise, but he was on her back in a moment, pushing her to the floor and ramming his cold, hard cock into her unprepared ass. Angelus stroked in and out of the tight hole for a moment, reveling in Lilah's agonized moaning. Then he leaned over her neck and sank his fangs savagely into her throat. Lilah bucked futilely against him as he rode her, sucking the blood from her ravaged throat while fucking her into the floor. He drained her dry and came with a gutteral growl as he drank her death and despair. Pulling out of her ravaged hole, he wiped himself clean with her robe before dropping it on top of her corpse.

Angelus laughed in satisfaction while he fastened his leather pants and pulled his shirt and duster back on. *I think you learned your lesson, Lilah. That was a good night's play,* he thought. *I'm relaxed, I fed well, and my darling mate is waiting for me at home. Unlife is good.* He strode from the apartment, bag thrown over his back; completely satisfied with himself.


Buffy was crying in pain. She slowly extended her right foot inside the bandages, gritting her teeth as the bones grated against each other. After holding the point for a few seconds, she flexed the foot, curling her toes upward as best she could. The pain was excruciating. Her feet hurt far worse than her hands did. She supposed it was all those little bones and tendons in there. She seemed to recall from the occasional high school Biology class that she'd managed to attend that feet had lots of bones in them.

Deciding that she'd tortured herself enough for one night, Buffy swiped at the tears on her face with the bandages on her hands. She'd already stretched the left one, which had hurt far more than the right. *Hmm, maybe Angelus would like to take a taste…he seems to have improved the right one, even if it did hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.*

As if her thoughts had conjured him up, the burly vampire strode into the room. Buffy heard the faint sounds of Gunn and Fred leaving, probably to go hunt before the dawn. She winced, knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent the deaths of whatever innocent people they happened to run into.

Angelus took her wince to mean something else entirely. "What, Lover, not happy to see me? And after I spent practically the whole night punishing one who did you wrong. I'm deeply hurt," he smirked at her, holding one hand to his heart as if it actually beat. "I'm your dark knight, my lady," he sneered. "Your every wish is my command."

"All right…go to hell."

"Oh, sorry, Lover. Been there, done that. Not doing it again. Though I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sending me there. Nothing like 500 years of torment to really get a man ready to see his lover again," he growled, still furious about his ignominious ensouled entry into hell instead of what should have been a triumph.

He walked to her bed and sat on it, leaning into her in a mock-cuddly way and stroking a wayward lock of hair back from her face. "I really missed you, Buff. You know that, don't you? The soul was the one that left you. I'll never leave." He smiled down at her wickedly and she shuddered as he stroked her face gently.

Looking at her most hated enemy staring at her out of her lost soul-mate's eyes was more than Buffy could stand and she closed her eyes and tried to turn her head away. Angelus seized her chin in his strong fingers and held it there, refusing her even that small gesture of denial.

"Don't look away from me, Lover," he hissed menacingly. "I noticed something very interesting at the hotel. You remember how my childe tried to protect you? I knew he'd been chipped, but this was more than that, Buff. Spikey seems to think you belong to him now." His hand gripped her harder and she held back a whimper with difficulty. "Buff, if I thought that you'd been fucking my childe, well, I really wouldn't be pleased. Tell me you haven't been screwing Spike. Tell me!" he thundered.

Unwilling tears leaked from Buffy's eyes at Angelus's brutal grip on her face. He had shifted unconsciously to game face, so angry was he at her perceived betrayal.

Buffy was scared. And of course, when she was scared, as always, she got angry. "Hello, time to get over yourself, Angelus," she sneered at him. "Spike wasn't the first I fucked, you asshole, and he won't be the last. I'm not the scared little seventeen-year-old girl you tormented. I've learned plenty about men since you left me behind," she said lasciviously, licking her lips and staring into his eyes, "and trust me when I say, you really can't compare."

Angelus roared with rage and grabbed Buffy by the shoulders, pulling her up to glare into her eyes before he claimed her mouth in a savage kiss. Buffy pushed at him with her bandaged hands to no avail, his strength far exceeded hers right now and she had incensed him to the point of madness. Angelus didn't share. The thought of other males touching his mate…the woman he'd claimed as his at the mansion when the soul had slipped away, prepared to die…was more than he could stand.

He tore at Buffy's mouth with fang and tongue, cutting her in half a dozen places and sucking voraciously at her powerful blood. It was only when she slumped in his arms that he released her to take a much needed breathe.

Buffy was barely conscious, her mouth and lips torn and leaking blood, but she felt strangely victorious. As long as she had the ability to provoke Angelus into loosing control, she felt as if she held power of some sort over her situation. She smiled up at him and chuckled, "Poor Annn-jealous. What a perfect name for you. Go ahead and kill me, it won't change the truth."

He snarled down at her, incensed that this diminutive woman could so mock him. Him…the Scourge of Europe. But he would break her…just wait and see. He'd kill her with kindness.

"Oh, Buff," he crooned, tenderly stroking her face with his long fingers. "I'm not going to kill you. Where would the fun be in that? No, I'm going to tend you, and get you all strong and healthy again and then I'm going to turn you. And when I do, we'll hunt down every single one of the men who were stupid enough to touch what is mine and we will destroy them and dance in their blood," he growled.

Buffy flinched. She hadn't realized that he meant to keep her. Death was far better than being turned. Death she could deal with…it was her gift, after all. But being sired by Angelus…no, she couldn't allow that to happen. Somehow, someway, she had to prevent it. He felt her shake and smiled his knowing evil smile at her.

"Oh, Lover, we're going to have lots of fun," he promised, leaning down to lap at the blood that spilled from the corners of her mouth.


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