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Deep Inside

By Heather Martin

*You can lie to others. You can lie to yourself. But you can’t lie to your dreams .*


Spoilers- Grave

Disclaimer- Joss owns all the characters from Buffy TVS. The soul mate principle idea was taken from L.J. Smith’s book series called Night World.

Distribution- Sure, just ask

Summary- Anyone know what dissociative fugue amnesia is? Well, Spike develops such a case after his sudden shiny soul, along with the unexpected return of humanity. He just can’t cope, so he pretends to be somebody he‘s not. As for Buffy, she lies to herself that Spike’s absence hasn’t effected her. But at night, she cannot keep him out of her dreams. What will happen to these two lost souls? Will they ever find their way? And will it be together?

This occurs after Grave. The time between episodes are unclear. Pretend that everything after ‘As You Were ‘only spanned a couple weeks. If you think about it, that makes sense. Seeing Red, Villians, 2 to Go, and Grave all happened in a couple days.

Chapter 16

Buffy sent Spike a glare of disapproval. “Why did you have to do that?”

Irritation came over Spike’s face. He sighed. “Was I just supposed to ‘let’ him hit me?”

“Yes,” Buffy retorted.

“What!?” he protested.

“You’ve got extra healing strength. Xander doesn’t,” she reasoned.

Xander recovered from the blow. He touched his nose, feeling a tiny amount of blood. He straightened up and pointed at the blond man before him accusingly.

“Your chip stopped working!”

“Oh, balls,” Spike muttered.

Buffy’s eyes darkened even more. “Why couldn’t you let me handle this?”

“Excuse me, I think it’s the whelp who started all this.”

“And he wouldn’t have if you could keep your lips shut and hands to yourself.”

Anya looked worried. “He’s not going to eat us, is he?”

Everybody ignored the vengeance demon’s comment. The witches and Dawn were too busy processing the fact that Spike was standing in front of the open door. The door that let in a stream of sunshine. Spike, Buffy, and Xander, however, were too involved to realize this.

“So I was supposed to prance in here and just stand while you explain? And if someone decided to smash my face in I would let them?”

“Yes,” Buffy confirmed.

“You are amazing, Summers.”

“Yeah, well. . . Yeah .”

They stared at each other challengingly. Spike couldn’t take it any longer and burst out laughing. Soon Buffy followed. Xander watched in total confusion.

Cleo raised an eyebrow at Willow. “What is going on?”

The red-head shrugged. “Don’t look at me.”

“I thought he was a vampire.”

“He is. Was. Uh . . . Should be.”

Buffy wiped her teary eyes, her laughter fading.

“I fail to see the humor,” Xander remarked.

“Sorry,” Buffy apologized.

Dawn stepped toward Spike. He looked curiously at her, not sure what to expect. He waited for her to make the first move. The teen took his arm and examined it. She noted the smooth surface.

“Why aren’t you smoking?” she asked.

Spike turned his head, noticing the open door for the first time. “You see, bit . . .”

“He’s human,” Cleo announced.

Xander’s eyes hugged out. “What!?”

“I can sense his aura. He’s alive.”

A smirk came to Spike’s lips. “That’s right. I got a beating heart and everythin.”

Anya looked relieved. “Oh, good, he’s not going to eat us. Unless he is a cannibal. You’re not a cannibal, are you?”

“No, luv. In fact I have this urge for hot wings at the moment.”

Buffy gave Spike a smile. “Oooo, I’m hungry too! Ice cream sounds good.”

Gesturing to Spike, Xander accused Buffy by saying, “ Is this why you went to England? To bring ’him’ back!? It had nothing to do with Giles, did it?”

“I wanted to talk to Giles, but yes, I did go to bring Spike home.” Her voice was defensive.

“I can’t believe this, Buffy! After what he did!”

Beside Buffy, Spike looked down at his hands in shame. He wished that he could forget that night in the bathroom. Of all his crimes, that one built up more regret than any other. He knew it would haunt him forever no matter what he did.

Buffy’s eyes flared. “You know nothing about what happened, Xander.”

“I know enough,” Xander shot back.

“Will you two shut up!” Dawn shouted. She was still holding Spike’s arm, but now it seemed to be a touch of tenderness instead of examination. “There has to be a story to this and I want to hear it.”

“Dawn’s right, we do have a story,” Buffy told them. She frowned at Xander. “But I don’t think right now would be a good time to tell it. Why don’t we meet up at the Magic Box later? After everyone has had time to calm down.”

“Yes, that sounds good,” Cleo said.

Xander was silent for a moment. Then, he said, “Fine, but I don’t think a whole month would change my feelings.”

They all left, agreeing to meet back up at seven that evening. Buffy collapsed on the couch, looking exhausted. She gazed over at Dawn.

“Why did they all have to be here when I got home?”

“I’m sorry,” Dawn said. “I told them not to go to the airport and they insisted on waiting for you here.”

“You want that ice cream, luv?” Spike questioned.

The slayer nodded. “There’s some rocky road in the freezer. Three scoops. I need some comfort food.”

“Sure thing, pet. Be right back.” He went off to the kitchen.

Dawn noticed Spike’s suitcase on the floor. “Is he staying here?” Her voice sounded surprised.

“Uh, yeah, Dawnie, I think he is.”

“I demand a very detailed explanation later on.”

Buffy nodded. “I know.”

“Till then, I’m gonna go study my vocab.”

Buffy smiled. “Okay.”

Her sister climbed up the stairs as Spike came back with a heaping bowl of ice cream. He handed it to Buffy, along with a spoon. She dug in, making a sound of ecstasy. Spike sat down on the couch next to her. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

They were both oblivious that Dawn was coming down to retrieve her forgotten backpack, which she had left in the living room. She halted at the sight of Buffy leaning against Spike.

“What am I going to do?” Buffy inquired.

Spike took a hand and stroked her side. “What’s that?”

“Xander couldn’t handle you being human. How is he going to react to the baby?”

A gasp escaped Dawn. She stared in shock and disbelief. She couldn’t have heard what she had just heard. It was impossible. Wasn’t it?

“He’ll have to deal somehow. This is your life, you can live it the way you choose,” Spike told Buffy.

“He’s my best friend, Spike. I don’t want to lose him.”

“If he really loves you he’ll deal with it.”

She nodded. “What am I going to say?” She sighed. “And I don’t have much time to figure it out. My jeans are already tight as can be.”

Spike grinned. “You’re going to be so cute.”

Buffy looked over at him in horror. “What!? I’m going to be the size of a watermelon.”

“A very cute watermelon,” he confirmed.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna have to train non-stop for months after this is through.”

“It’ll be worth it.”

“I know,” Buffy whispered.

Dawn blinked, taking in that Buffy and Spike were now kissing. Buffy’s bowl of ice cream was on the coffee table, forgotten and melting. She turned away, heading back upstairs. Doing vocabulary was the furthest thing from her mind.


Chapter 17

Buffy was in a meadow. Yellow dandelions dotted the green carpet spread out before her. She gazed up to see a clear, bright blue sky. She wished Spike was by her side. He’d love to see such a scene, now that he no longer needed a sunscreen level that no one made. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling very content.

“Like it?” a voice asked. “I wanted somewhere cheerful.”

Buffy spun around quickly. There stood a girl, maybe 19. She had long golden hair that cascaded down to her waist. She wore a flowing white gown that looked like something out of a fantasy painting.

“I know,” the girl said, looking down at herself. “It is a bit much. But I always dreamed of being in a fairytale. So I couldn’t resist creating this attire.”

Buffy opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it again. She simply stared in confusion.

“Oh, uh, yeah, this is a dream by the way,” the woman told Buffy.

Coming out of her stupor, the slayer asked, “Who are you?”

“Call me Elena,” the girl answered.

“Okay, Elena. . . So, this is a dream?”

Elena grinned. “Yep! Pretty wiggy, huh?”

“Hey, that’s my word!” Buffy protested.

“Chill, and get over it.”

A sigh escaped Buffy. “So, is there a point to this dream or what?”

“Oh, yeah.” Seriousness came over Elena. “I came to warn you. She’s coming. You have to be ready for her.”

“Ready for who?”

“Medora. She’s powerful. You have to be ready.”


“I don’t have time to explain anymore. Just be ready for an enemy, k?”

* + * + * + *

Buffy’s eyes shot open. She sat up off Spike, making him stir. He mumbled something unintelligent.

Buffy let her eyes focus, and tried to clear her head from slumber. She glanced around for the time. When she found it, she reached over to shake Spike.

“Wake up. We fell asleep on the couch and now it’s past seven. We’re late,” Buffy exclaimed.

He moaned, sitting up straight. “Huh, wha?”

“Past seven, as in late to meet up at the magic shop,” she informed.

That got his attention. “Oh, we better go then.”

They stood up together.

Buffy went over to the foot of the stairs. “Dawn!” she called. “Are you coming with us!?”

There was the sound of a door opening. A few seconds later, Dawn appeared. She stared at them for a moment, then stammered. “Uh. . . Y-yeah.”

“Hurry up and get your jacket. We’re late.”

The three walked in silence. The sky was overcast with no moon, making the night dark. Spike began to hum a little diddy, not being one for quiet. Dawn fell back behind the two.

“What’s that you’re humming?” Buffy inquired.

“Oh, nothin much. Just somethin my mum sang to me.”

“It’s pretty,” she commented. He’ll have to hum it to the baby, she thought to herself. I bet he’ll be a good father. She took her hand and interlocked their fingers.

Behind them Dawn watched, not sure what she thought of all this. She liked Spike, really she did, and she had rooted for Buffy and Spike to get together for a long time. But he had tried to rape her sister, and that confused her. She wanted to completely forgive him, yet that also didn’t seem right. And now he was human and, she still couldn’t comprehend it, had gotten her sister pregnant. Which, surprisingly Buffy was totally content with. Except for the telling her friends part.

Buffy looked back at Dawn. “Get your vocab done?”

“Oh. . . Yeah,” the teen lied. In reality she hadn’t even started the unit.


They made it to the Magic Box. Buffy took a deep breath before opening the door and going in. Spike and Dawn followed.

The rest of the scoobies, including Cleo, were sitting at the round table. They all raised their heads, eyes going on Buffy and Spike. Dawn shied away, to stand to the side. She hoped she could go through the meeting without much involvement.

“So, Buffy, please tell us your story,” Anya said, eagerly.

“Yes, Buffy, tell us why you went across the globe to bring back a vampire that tried to kill and rape you,” Xander said.

“Xander!” Willow scolded.

Buffy fought to hide the hurt that Xander was causing her. She composed herself, collecting her strength.

“I love him,” she announced. “I love Spike. I’ve been denying it ever since he confessed his feeling for me. I told him it was hopeless, that there was no chance. But I was lying to myself. We understand each other.” She smiled sadly.

“After Willow . . . brought me back, the only one I could turn to was Spike. He was the only one that knew what it was like. He knew death.” She paused. “I used him. I took what I needed to feel better. But I hurt him. I wasn’t interested in a relationship. A relationship is give and take, but all I did was take. I finally realized what I was doing and ended it. The thing is, I told him it was over so many times in the past when I didn‘t mean it. No meant yes. So, in the bathroom . . .”

She surveyed her friends. Xander was still angry. Willow was puzzled. Anya seemed enthusiastic for her to go on. Cleo was interested.

“Spike went to get a soul. Which he did, but got a little humanity along with it. I missed him when he was gone. When Cleo came with Willow we did a location spell, finding him in England. I went, found him, and came home. We‘ve worked our issues out and now we‘re together.”

“That’s it, huh? You love him, went to get him, and that’s it?” Xander spoke up.

Buffy met his gaze. “Yes. I love him. End of story. Better get used to it.”

“That’s not the end of the story,” Dawn said softly.

Buffy turned. “What did you say, Dawnie?”

Dawn stepped forward. She glared at Buffy. “Aren’t you going to tell them?” she demanded.

“Tell them what?”

“I know,” Dawn told her.

Buffy faltered. She couldn’t know? Could she? How?

“Come on, Buffy, aren’t you going to tell them?” Dawn urged on.

“I. . . I,” Buffy stammered.

Spike looked over with worry.

“I overheard you both in the living room. I know your pregnant, Buffy,” Dawn accused.

Buffy covered her mouth. “Oh, god!”


Chapter 18

If it were possible, the eyes on Buffy became even more intense. She stood there, not sure what to do. Beside her, Spike took her hand. He squeezed it, trying to give support. Inside, he was trying to calm the demon that lay deep within himself. It wanted to leash out at Xander for making his slayer so upset.

Out of nowhere, taking everyone by surprise, Xander exploded with laughter. The attention switched from Buffy to him.

“What?” he questioned. He gestured toward Buffy. “You all actually believe she would be dumb enough to get knocked up? Besides, he would have had to be a vamp at the time, and we all know that is a no go.”

Buffy’s eyes widened and her mouth parted.

“Yes,” Anya quickly agreed. “Vampires are dead, and their reproductive organs stop working.”

“Hey!” Spike shrieked. “I’ll have you know my bits and pieces worked just fine.”

“Oh, well, I know that. I experienced them first hand, remember? They were quite working. All I meant was that your semen were no longer able to reproduce.”

“It isn’t possible, is it, Buffy?” Willow asked.

“Well . . . No, not normally,” the slayer confessed.

Xander pointed a finger. “See! So, what is with the pregnant declaration?”

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Cleo said. She stood up, looking out of place. She gave a small smile. “But Buffy is pregnant. I saw her aura, and I sensed another mixed with it. I‘m the one who diagnosed her, and I’m positive there isn’t a mistake. ”

“There isn’t. I went to the doctors,” Buffy told them.

Dawn crossed her arms. She stared at Buffy with bitterness. “You knew!? Before you left you knew and you didn’t tell me!”

“Dawn . . .”

“We’re supposed to be sisters.”

Buffy blinked, feeling guilty.

Spike couldn’t stand being silent any longer. “Shut your holes all of you! You’re supposed to be her mates. The ones who care about her and stand by her side when things go wrong. And I’ll give you credit for that. You rush off to fight apocalypses whenever she asks. But when things are going right, and she finally figures out what she wants, and has got it; you lot turn your back. It’s bloody disgusting!”

“Are you saying she wants your kid?” Xander said, appalled.

Spike shot him down with a dirty look. “Yeah, Harris, that is exactly what I’m saying. Me and her are soul mates. That’s why we could create life. It’s a bloody miracle.” He said the last part with his face toward Buffy, his expression full of love.

Abruptly, Xander stood up. “I can’t take this,” he affirmed before heading to the door.

“Xan?” Buffy squeaked, hurt.

Xander turned back. “Sorry, Buff, but I need some time.” With that he stepped outside.

“This isn’t fair,” Anya pouted. “I want to have children. I can’t do that until I get married, though. Doesn’t look like I ever will.” She seemed as if she were about to cry, clearly thinking back on the ‘Xander leaving her at the alter’. She caught herself, though, and collected her emotions. “Wait! Vengeance demons do not have offspring! I shouldn’t even want them.” She frowned, puzzled.

“Uh . . .” Buffy began. For some reason she actually felt sorry for Anya. Which was a weird thing.


Buffy shot her gaze to Willow.

“Soulmates? I don’t understand.”

Buffy shrugged. “Neither do I really.”

Willow tugged a smile to her lips. She was trying to be a good friend and be happy for her. “I can research!”

“Okay,” Buffy said. She smiled back. “Giles is looking into it too.”

“I’m tired,” Dawn announced. “I’m going home.”

Buffy’s face turned to worry. “Are you sure you should go home alone? Spike and I can walk you back.”

“NO!” Dawn snapped. “I’ll be fine.”

Buffy sighed as she watched her sister flee the store.

Spike touched her shoulder. “She’s sixteen, luv. The bitty slayer can walk home. Besides, you’ve been teaching her all your moves, and she always carries a stake.”

Nodding, she said, “Yeah.”

“I’m going home too,” announced Anya. “I have to get up bright and early to sell things.”

“Bye, Anya,” Buffy found herself saying.

Anya seemed surprised. Then she smiled. “Bye, Buffy. Oh, and congratulations on the baby. I’m sure you will be a good mother, despite the slaying.”


Buffy turned to Willow and Cleo. “You guys can go too if you want.”

“But, Buffy, I can research for a while. I really want to help,” Willow offered.

“Nah. There’s no rush. It’s been a long day. For all of us, I’m sure.”

The red-head shut her Apple labtop, that she always carried to the magic box just in case it was needed. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

“Yeah, I am.”

Willow got to her feet. She went over to Buffy and gave her a hug. The slayer held her back, glad that at least Willow wasn’t against her. Even if she knew that the witch did find the situation bewildering.

Pulling back, Willow said, “Buffy, I want you to know that I love you. And if having a baby and being with Spike makes you happy, then I’m all for it. It is wigging me out some, but I’ll try to get used to it. I mean, you did the same for my relationship with T-Tara.” She still had trouble saying her demised lover’s name. The hurt was still fresh and painful. Not to mention the guilt that came along with it.

Buffy’s eyes misted. “Wills, I love you too. And thanks.”

The two girls hugged again. Then Willow grabbed her computer, preparing to leave.

Spike caught her before she went out the door. “Thanks, Red. For trying to be understanding. She really needs it right now. The whelp has her all distressed. I know you hate me, so I’m thankful even more for you putting that aside for Buffy’s sake.”

Willow’s eyes grew larger. “Hate you?”

Uncomfortable, he said,” Well, yeah, with the . . . incident before I left and all.”

“Oh.” She paused. “I don’t hate you, Spike.”

Surprised, he replied, “You don’t?”

“No. How can I? I’ve done worse things than you ever have?”

“I doubt you murdered hundreds of people, draining them dry, pet.”

“No,” she admitted. “But I killed and turned against the ones dearest to me. I did it all with a soul. ” She turned away. “Goodbye, Spike.”

Spike came back to stand next to Buffy. “That Wicca really is having it rough.”

“I know. I wish there was something I could do,” Buffy stated.

He shook his head. “No. She’s gonna have to deal with that on her own. Not that your support won’t help, mind you.”

Buffy headed toward the backroom. He trailed behind. “Luv, I thought we would be off toward home.”

“I can’t go home. Not yet.”

She went over to the punching bag and began to hit it fiercely. She let out her anger and frustration on the swinging device.

“Ah, I get it,” Spike remarked.

Suddenly Buffy stopped her beatings. There was fire in her gaze. “Let’s go patrol.”

“I dunno, Buffy . . .”

“Come on, please. I need to kill something.”

He sighed. “Oh, all right. On two conditions.”


“Number one, you make an appointment to see the doc. And two, if there is anything really nasty lookin, like somethin with sharp claws, I’m doing the killing. I’m not taking any chances of you getting punched in the stomach, you hear.”

She frowned. “Deal.”

They walked over to the exit. “You are going to be one of those overprotective fathers, aren’t you?”

He smirked. “They’re the best kind, Summers.”

She nudged him. “I know.”

As they stepped out into the cool night, he said, “You know you will have to stop patrolling eventually. How do you plan to release your tension then?”

She grinned evilly over at him. “That’s where you come in,” she muttered.

Images of a very hormonal slayer, letting out her stress filled on him his mind. It was enough to make him want to let her patrol as long as possible. With him chaperoning that is.


Chapter 19

Buffy paused outside the door. They had just returned home from patrolling. The stimulation had been refreshing, giving her the satisfaction of four kills: three vamps and a demon. Now she had to face her troubles once more, which she wasn’t ready to do.

Behind her, Spike touched her shoulder. “Okay, luv?”

She shook her head. “I feel like I’ve totally let down Dawn.”

“She’ll get over this. She’s just upset cuz you didn’t tell her what was going on.”

“I was too scared. Otherwise I would have.”

He gave her a slight squeeze, and then released her shoulder. Buffy took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob. Bracing herself, she turned it. They stepped inside, the place dimly lit from the living room lamp.

Dawn stood up from her place on the couch. She came over to meet them. Her expression was unreadable.

“Can I talk to my sister alone?” Dawn asked Spike.

He nodded and turned to Buffy. “Right then. I’ll be taking a shower.”

The slayer watched him retreat up the stairs. When he was out of sight, she faced her sibling with uncertainty.

Suddenly, Dawn gave Buffy a hard hug. Surprised, it took Buffy a minute to respond. She slowly wrapped her arms around the teen.

“I’m sorry, Buffy,” Dawn told her.

Buffy blinked. “Dawn?”

The former key lifted her head. Strong emotion showed on her face. “I was just confused. I’m good now. You being with Spike is cool.” A smile lit up on her lips. “And the baby, I’m all for it. I fully take on the aunt responsibility.”

This was definitely not what Buffy had expected. She thought she would be walking into a yelling zone. Either that or the silent treatment. Instead her sister had switched into acceptance mode. With everything that had happened it was a big relief. Her eyes began to water.

Not knowing what to say, Buffy said the only thing she could. “I love you, Dawnie.”

A few moments later, Buffy walked into her bedroom. Over the summer, while Willow had been away, she had transferred into the master bedroom. She had reasoned that her friend would want to avoid the location of her lover’s death. Now that Willow had her own apartment the spare room could be converted into a nursery. A smile crept up on her mouth.

“It went well I take it?”

Buffy’s eyes fell to the bed. Spike lay here, still damp from the shower, naked from the waist up. He looked. . . edible. Buffy licked her lips.

“Yeah, it went well. She’s all right with us . . . this now,” Buffy answered.

He nodded.

Buffy headed over to the bed. She climbed ontop of Spike, straddling him. A seductive gleam showed in her gaze. She leaned down to murmur in his ear.

“Dawn’s going to sleep.”

The scent of her, the warm breath on his skin, the weight on his chest, set him afire. He smirked up at her. “Yeah?”

She stroked him. “Yeah. And I won’t be so flexible in a while. I say we take advantage of my time left.”

Spike narrowed his eyes. “You sound as if you’re dying. This isn’t an end, this is a beginning.”

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I . . .”

Her sentence trailed off as Spike crushed his lips to hers. When they pulled away he touched her cheek.

“Don’t act like you won’t be sexy pregnant, Buffy. You’re going to be adorable. I’ll always want to make love to you.”

She kissed his chest. “Good to know.”

He sighed in pleasure as she started to do miraculous things to his body.



The sun bathed Buffy in its glorious intensity, making her groan. She rolled over with displeasure. Her eyes were shut tight, trying to block out the light.

An arm snaked around her, pulling her near. She snuggled even closer. The man lying beside her pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.

Buffy’s eyes fluttered open. They met swimming blue pools of love. “Mmm, what a wonderful way to wake up,” she mumbled.

“Breakfast, my lady?”

“Nah,” she replied. She delighted in the sound of Spike’s heart pumping in her ears. It was the most beautiful music she had ever heard. “Sleep more.”

“It’s past ten, pet.”

She lifted her head from his chest. “Ten? How did I sleep so long?”

“Musta been tired.”

She grinned. “Musta been. Wonder what could have possibly worn me out so much.”

A smirk passed over his lips. “Slaying?”

They both laughed.

“Dawn made it to school okay?”

“Heard her get up around six. I snuck out to check on ‘er. She was fine, pet. Fixed a bowl of cereal and was ready when Harris came round.”

“Xander? Did he say anything to you?”

“Surprisingly no. He honked the car horn and didn’t even come in.”

Nodding, she said, “Oh.”

“So, you gonna come downstairs and eat, or do I gotta carry you?”

A groan escaped her. She dragged herself out of bed. Then she went to the closet and searched through her clothing. She grabbed a pair of jeans and began to put them on. She was fine until she tried to zip them up.

“Troubles, luv?” Spike questioned, amused.

She sent a death glare his way. She tugged the jeans off and went for her black slacks. These fit, but still were snug.

“We’ll have to go shopping,” Spike stated.

Buffy hated to admit it, but he was right. She was beginning to show.

Spike fixed some pancakes and they both had a nice breakfast. At three, after Passions, Spike suggested he go and fill out some applications for a job. Buffy insisted she go along. They left a note for Dawn, telling her where they had gone. While out, they also went clothes shopping and stopped at the Espresso Pump.

By the time they came back it was getting dark. They walked up to the door hand-in-hand. The couple entered, finding the house completely dark.

“Dawn?” Buffy called. Surely her sister wouldn’t be asleep at this hour.

All of a sudden the lights came on. A chorus of ‘Surprise!’ rang in the slayer’s ears. She took a step back, startled. She glanced around seeing balloons and streamers. Willow, Xander, Dawn, Anya, and Cleo came rushing at her.

“What is all this?” Buffy asked.

“A baby shower!” Dawn exclaimed.

“Yeah, Buffy, we wanted to show you that we were all ok with this,” Willow said.

Buffy smiled. She turned her head to see the happy expression mirrored on Spike’s face.

“Thanks, guys,” Buffy said.

“It was Xander’s idea,” Dawn told her.

Buffy’s eyes shot to her male friend. He took a few steps toward her, giving her a hug. “I’m sorry, Buff.”

Her vision misted. “It’s ok. You were in shock. I’m sure everybody was. Thanks for the party, Xander.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I suggested having it in a few days, but when I brought Dawn home we found you gone. It was the best opportunity.”

The slayer took in all her friends. “You all are the greatest.”

Hesitantly, Xander went over to stand before Spike. He offered his hand. The ex-vampire took it, shaking it.

“Congrats, man,” Xander said.

The men looked at each other awkwardly.

“Let’s open the presents,” Anya suggested. “That is what parties are for.”

Xander and Spike took advantage of Anya’s statement and separated.

Anya thrust a big box at Buffy. She led the slayer to the couch and made her sit down to open it. A rush of contentment came over Buffy. She was alive, in love, having a baby, and with her friends. Who could ask for more? Life was perfect. At least for the moment.




Chapter 20

Buffy flipped through the pregnancy magazine. She stopped when she came to an article about the merits of breast feeding. It went on about how the baby was so much better off when it got the mother’s vitamins.

“This is taking too long,” Spike complained. He sat in a green chair next to hers. He shifted in the seat.

The slayer put down her reading material. Then she took Spike’s hand and entwined their fingers together.

“It will be worth the wait,” she assured him.

“Of course it will be worth the bloody wait. But meanwhile. . . “

“Buffy Summers,” the nurse called.

The couple stood up. Hand-in-hand they followed the dark-skinned woman. She led them to a sterile room with a bed and monitor. The nurse directed Buffy to lay down while she waited for the doctor.

Spike huffed. “More waiting.”

Buffy squeezed his hand and chuckled. He was so cute. She couldn’t believe how much she loved him. And it kept increasing everyday. Months ago, when she had been using him, seemed like another lifetime entirely.

It didn’t take long for the doctor to arrive. Her name was Dr. Stouffer. She was in her thirties, with short black hair. She greeted Buffy and Spike with a wide smile.

“Are you both ready for the show?” Dr. Stouffer asked.

With a twinkle in her eye, Buffy replied, “Most definitely.”

Buffy’s shirt was lifted. Her belly was only slightly rounded, not very noticeable at all. The ultrasound wasn’t necessary yet, but Buffy had wanted to see her baby. It was a miracle and she felt the need to witness it first-hand.

Cold gel was rubbed on her skin. The doctor took a probe and spread the substance over her stomach. Dr. Stouffer moved the instrument around until she found the target.

The mother-to-be watched the screen intently, looking for the slightest form of a baby. All she saw was gray designs that didn’t make any sense.

Dr. Stouffer pointed to a small blob. “There it is.”

“That’s it?” Spike asked with doubt.

“It’s still very small. But if you look closely you can make out the head.” The doctor indicated where it should be.

Buffy’s eyes stung. “Oh my God,” she murmured. “Oh my God.”

The slayer had never seen anything so beautiful. To others it probably would have been a figureless nothing, but to her it was everything.

“Would you like pictures to take home?” Dr. Stouffer questioned.

“Yes!” Buffy eagerly answered.

“At a later time we could do another ultrasound. More can be seen then. Do you want to schedule one?”

Buffy nodded.

She was given a towel to dry her stomach off. She left, holding the photos as if they were precious diamonds.

The parents were quiet on the way to the SUV. They were both submerged in their own thoughts.

Spike got behind the wheel, while Buffy settled on the passenger side. The bleach-blonde didn’t make any move to start the car.

“Are you all right, Spike?” Buffy asked, concerned.

“Can I see those pictures?” he inquired.

She gave him the pictures. He looked at them for a long time. Then he turned his face away.


He slowly turned toward her. His blue eyes shined with tears.

“Oh, Spike.” Buffy cupped the side of his face.

“We made ‘er,” he choked.

Buffy smiled. She leaned forward and gave him a deep kiss.

* + * + * + *

The cloaked figure knelt before her, humbly. She stared at him with contempt.

“You failed,” she said.

“Yes, Medora,” the Eliminator replied.

“The ex-vampire lives.”


Medora rose to her feet. She wore a long black dress, tightly molded to her form. She had flowing red hair that fell to her waist. She was exotically gorgeous, and lethal.

“I hired you for something gravely important. I thought I made that clear!”

“You did, my lady.”

“And still you fail!”

The Eliminator raised his head. “I drained the male as you asked. But still, he managed to survive.”

“I don’t care!” Medora shouted. “It is not acceptable.”

“They are extremely strong.”

“Yes. That is why I want them disposed of. They are strong. Especially when they are together.”

The witch stepped toward the reaper. “I’m going to have to do this on my own now.”

She put her hands on the sides of the Eliminator’s head. He struggled, but was too weak to escape. Even if he was not lacking energy from his encounter with Buffy and Spike, Medora would still have the advantage. She closed her eyes. Heat pulsated from her fingers. It spread into the Eliminator, catching him on fire. She moved away then, watching as he burnt up.

A new Eliminator would take his place. The hell dimension needed someone to do away with unwanted individuals.

Medora went back to her chair and sat down. Soulmates usually did not give her so much trouble. Yet, this Buffy and Spike wasn’t your typical couple. They were special. They were chosen to use their love against evil. And she was included in that cluster. She had to get rid of them before they got rid of her.

The only problem was that being together made them so damn powerful. They were destined to overcome everything that they encountered. If the Eliminator couldn’t do away with them . . .

Maybe killing them shouldn’t be the first step, Medora thought. Her lips rose into a sinister grin. Maybe splitting them up should be the first priority.

* + * + * + *

“Right there,” Buffy told her sister, pointing.

Dawn squinted. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Buffy insisted firmly.

Laughter came from the teen. “Sorry, Buffy, but I only see something that resembles an inkblot.”

The slayer withdrew the photograph. “Hey, that’s my baby you are making fun of!”

Dawn laughed some more. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I was just teasing. You have to admit it doesn’t look like much.”

“Well, no,” Buffy admitted. “But she is going to be cute. I can tell.”

“I’m sure she will be. All the Summers gals are.”

Just then Spike came into the room. He held a mug of steaming hot chocolate. He set his drink down on the coffee table and then went up to Buffy. He snaked his arms around her waist, sniffed her hair.

“And this is the cutest one of them all,” he remarked.

“Aw, thank you, honey. Will you still think that when I’m big and fat?” Buffy asked.

“Especially then.” He nibbled on the side of her neck.

“Ewww,” Dawn commented. “I’m leaving so you can have your make-out session alone.”

The youngest left, a secret smile on her face.


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