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BTVS Season 8 (PG)

Warning Intense spoilers for Chosen

So, I just got done bawling my eyes out. *L* Yeah, it didn’t hit me until after Chosen ended. I just was sad. Everything followed the spoilers to my disappointment. And now I am bereft. Poor Anya and Spike! *sigh* I have got myself all depressed at the thought of Buffy being no more. Of Spike being no more (except for him to miraculously somehow end up on Angel) Anyways, I just needed the series to continue somehow. So here it is, my version of season 8.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8

Written by: Heather Martin

Episode 1: The Break of Dawn


It was the dawning of a new day. The sun was waking up, making the shadows fade away. With its rays it cleansed the world of uncertainty and doubt, clearing a path that was straightforward and true. The light crept through the bus window, hitting Buffy’s face. She shut her eyes, letting the intensity of it seep into her skin.

A smile made its way onto her lips. She felt as if she were sleeping beauty, just now awakening from a deep slumber. Everything was new and promising. She was truly alive, rejuvenated, and free. She was ready for whatever might come her way.

In the seat next to her, Dawn stirred. She opened her eyes and groggily sat up. Moaning she muttered, “Is it morning already?”

Her sister turned toward her, still smiling. “Yeah, it’s morning.”

Dawn took a hand and began to massage the side of her neck. “God, we better find a motel soon cause these seats not very cushiony.”

“Not muscle friendly, huh?”

“That would be a no.”

Dawn glanced around the bus. She took in the sleeping people occupying the seats.

“So we won?” Dawn asked.

“Looks like,” Buffy answered.

There was a span of comfortable silence.

Finally Dawn said, “So, what now?”

Buffy looked down at her grungy attire. “Well, I’m gonna need a new wardrobe and a shower. No, make that a bubble bath.”

“No, Buffy, really. Where are we going?”

Buffy took a few seconds to ponder that question. Then she replied by saying,” That’s the amazing thing. Wherever we want.”


Scene 1

Two beings resided in the upper plane. The entities knew all: everything that had been and everything that would be. They were sometimes referred to as the higher powers. They had no form at the moment and spoke telepathically.

“The world is one step closer to the balance,” one said.

“Yes,” the other agreed.

“They fought bravely and won honorably.”

“They have won a battle. But the war is far from over,” the second power told the first.

Scene 2

The bus had stopped to get gas. Andrew had been given the job to pay to his delight. He felt important because of the menial task, grinning as he went into the mini-mart.

Buffy stood by the bus entrance, breathing in the fresh air. The slight breeze blew through her hair.

Giles sat in the driver’s seat. He shifted himself so that he could face the slayer. “Buffy?” he asked, addressing her through the door.

She turned her head. “Huh?”

“I need to know what direction to go,“ he informed.

“Oh,” she said softly.

Her ex-watcher removed his glasses. “I know this is difficult for you. Your home was just destroyed. . .”

She surprised him by smiling. “Some part of me will miss Sunnydale, but another part, a much larger part, finally is free. I have choices now, Giles.”

Nodding, he showed his understanding. “And I ask that you make a choice now. Where do I drive?”

She took a moment to think. Then she said, “Why don’t we head toward LA? I think I owe it to Angel to inform him that I’m still alive. Oh, and thank him for the necklace.”

“Yes, Buffy, that would be a wise decision. It will also give you time to decide on what to do next.”


“Also, Buffy . . .” Giles sighed. “You should inform Angel on . . . uh, Spike.”

A faraway look crossed Buffy’s face. “I’ll do that,” she responded in a monotone.


Scene 3

They pulled up to the Hyperion Hotel hours later. The group filed out of the bus, to be confronted with the huge structure. Faith supported Robin Wood as he made his way down the stairs. The former potentials clamped together. Except for Kennedy, who clasped Willow’s hand.

“Wow,” commented Andrew. “This is like Wayne Manor.”

“Except for the fact that this is a hotel,” Xander said.

“Oh, yeah, except for that.”

Buffy took a deep breath. She began to walk towards the door without saying anything.

“Well, troops, shall we press on?” Xander said.

They stepped inside the lobby. Rona and Vi lingered behind everyone else. Uncertainty fell over them.

“So, this is where the other souled vamp lives?” Vi whispered.

“No, this is where the ‘only’ souled vamp lives,” Rona clarified.

A woman came into the room. She had long dark hair, and was carrying a box. She noticed the people gathered and smiled. “Welcome to Angel Investigations. We are in the process of moving. Uh, I can give you our new address and in a day or so we can work on your case.”

“Actually we’re here to see Angel. I’m Buffy and . . .” the slayer began.

The woman’s eyes widened. “Buffy Summers? The slayer? Oh my gosh!” She became flustered. She came over and shook Buffy’s hand. “It is an honor to meet you. I’m Fred.”

Buffy was about to tell Fred that she wasn’t ’the slayer’, but just a slayer among many, when Angel exited his office.

“Fred, have you seen my pencil sharpener?” the vampire inquired.

Fred held up her box. “I packed it.”

“They have everything we need there.”

“Y-Yeah, but we should have some of our own things.”

Angel saw Buffy, the scoobies, and the former potentials. “Buffy?” he said in surprise.

“Hey,” his ex greeted.

“You’re all right,” he observed.

“Yep. We saved the world again.” Buffy glanced around at the others. Then she went on, more flatly, asking,” Can I talk to you alone?”

He nodded in reply. “In my office.”

She followed him into the side room. He shut the door and then stood in front of her. There was a span of silence.

“So, you’re moving?” Buffy asked, breaking the quiet.

“Oh, yeah. Not my living arrangements, but the agency. We’re moving into a law firm.”

She looked at him curiously. “Okay.” She didn’t know why he would be moving into a law firm, but that was his business not hers.

“We were offered a deal that we couldn’t refuse.”

“Oh, good.”

Tension filled the room.

“Buffy, why are you here?” Angel asked.

She fingered the hem of her shirt. “I thought it would be only right that you knew I wasn’t dead.”

“So, the necklace worked then?”

“Yeah.” Her voice came out strained.

“Can I have it back?”

Buffy blinked. “Huh?”

“Can I have it back?” Angel repeated. “It is rightfully mine, me being the champion and all.”

Astonishment came over Buffy. “No, you can not have it back.”

Angel breathed in deeply. “Spike lost it didn’t he? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him with it.”

Something kindled in her green gaze. “Spike didn’t lose it! He used it to save the world. He stayed until the very end as Sunnydale crumbled to dust. He sacrificed himself to save us. Have you ever saved the world, Angel? Sure, you’ve killed your share of demons. But have you ever been willing to die for the sake of others?”

Angel stared at her with shock.

“So, tell me what your definition of a champion is!” Buffy said loudly.

She wasn’t aware of the tears that streamed down her face as she spoke. Or the fact that she was shaking with emotion. Angel did, however. He felt sympathy for her grief, but also anger toward Spike for creating it. His grandchilde didn’t deserve her sorrow.

“Would you like a room, Buffy? You can stay the night. Maybe you should go calm down,” he suggested.

Buffy shook her head. “I don’t need to calm down!”

“Okay,” Angel stated. “If you want to scream and cry in here go right ahead.”

Buffy realized she was crying and furiously wiped the wetness off her cheeks. She deflated then, her strength leaving her. “Maybe I should go rest,” she reluctantly agreed.

The vampire gave her room 22. It was nice, with a large bed and a table. There was a bathroom down the hall for convenience.

“Thank-you,” she told Angel.

He noticed her appearance then. “Fred could show you a nice place to buy some clothing tomorrow. Do you want me to ask her?”

Buffy nodded. “That’d be nice.”

“Goodnight, Buffy.”

“Night, Angel.”

He turned around and walked out of the room. Buffy looked at the room blankly. She went over to the bed and crawled onto the mattress. Not bothering to get underneath the blankets, she lay on her side and curled up into a ball. At that moment she allowed herself to banish the slayer in her and be only Buffy.

She cried herself to sleep.


Scene 4

It was late, when everyone was supposed to be asleep. Dawn sat on the bottom step of the hotel, her chin resting on her hands. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear or see Xander come up behind her.


She jumped. She turned to see the man, who seemed so much like an older brother. Xander. Can’t sleep either?”

He settled on the stairs beside her. “Nah. Tried, but my mind had other ideas.”

She nodded. “I didn’t even try. Thank God the school went cablooey. There is no way I would be able to concentrate for class.”

A sigh came from Xander. “I keep thinking about her,” he told her.

“Me too,” Dawn said. “All of them, but mostly Anya and Spike. And I feel kinda bad, ya know. Like I should have gotten to know the others.”

He touched her arm. “I understand.”

“I wish I would have talked to Spike before. . . I forgave him and I never told him.”

“I think he knew.”

She shook her head. “I said something horrible to him. I told him I would come after him when he was sleeping if he did anything to Buffy. I think I scared the shit out of him. We used to be really close and could have been again if I had only talked to him.”

Their conversation took a pause. Then Xander said,” I should have married her. You only have so much time in this world and we should push fear aside and do the things that matter.”

Dawn looked over sadly at him. “She knew you loved her.”

“Yeah,” he replied softly.

A minute went by. Dawn’s mind was trying to remember everything she could about each person that died. There was very little she could recall about any individual potential. She always liked Anya. She wasn’t afraid to express herself and was often funny. Spike . . . Spike was her friend. He hadn’t treated her like a child and told her the truth. Why hadn’t she told him she forgave him? Now he would never know.

Dawn stood up. “We should have a memorial service.”

Xander raised his head. “Now?”

“Why not?”

“Oh maybe because it is five in the morning.”

“Does it matter? I betcha no one is sleeping soundly anyways.”

Xander got to his feet as well. “All right, let’s gather everybody.”

Scene 5

Everyone was gathered outside in the garden. Even Angel had joined them. It was the perfect temperature and the sky was clear. A gentle breeze rotated through the air.

They had already spoken for the fallen SIT and had begun to speak about the two people closest to their hearts: Spike and Anya.

“I loved Ayn,” Xander addressed. “I don’t really know why exactly, I just did. I wish I had married that girl. I should have never broken her trust. I lost a lot of time because of that. Time we could have spent together. I’m really sorry for that and I’m going to miss her terribly.” He stepped over next to Willow, emotion on his face.

Andrew took Xander’s place in the middle. “I uh. . . Anya saved my life. I hadn’t expected to live. I don’t deserve to. Anya did. We both used to be evil, but she was different. I’m just a big nuisance, while she actually did stuff to make up for her wrongs. If I could go back and take her place I would.”

Dawn came forward. “Anya was often annoying. I’d roll my eyes at what she had to say. But that was just Anya, ya know.” She gave a small smile. “I actually enjoyed her outbursts. She would talk about taboo things like orgasms. She was like no one else. I’ll miss her.”

Anya was a very remarkable young woman. She embraced the world and all it had to offer. I enjoyed watching her muse over simple things, such as commerce,” Giles stated. “I can not think of a better person than her to mind my store.”

It was Willow’s turn. “At first Anya was the outsider. We really didn’t know what to think of her. But then she became part of us: family. A hole has been created that will never be filled.”

Buffy took a step before them. She glanced over her friends. “I’m going to be honest. In the beginning Anya wasn’t on my Christmas card list. She would say the worst things at the worst times. She was very ignorant and annoying. But Willow is right. She was family. She stuck with us when she didn’t have to. I admire her for that.”

Xander went back up. “I guess it is time for Spike. The peroxide and I weren’t the best of pals. We exchanged insults like crazy. We did it so often in fact that it became expected. After awhile, when Spike got his soul, I actually started to like him. God, I hate admitting this, but it is true. We still bantered some, but it no longer had the same impact. We both knew it too. Anyway, the guy saved the world and I’m grateful. I hope he ended up somewhere without fire.”

“Spike told me never to tell anyone this,” Andrew began. “He said he’d kill me. But he isn’t here to show his fangs so I’ll take my chances. Spike was a cool guy. Giles sent us on a mission together. I don’t think he wanted me along, but that’s okay. The point is we talked. We talked about the blooming onion and stuff like that. We got along. I think maybe we were even friends.”

Dawn took the speaking position. “Spike was my friend. I don’t think I ever told him that. He understood me and treated me like an important person. When I found out what he did to Buffy I wanted to hate him. I made myself believe that I did. Later I realized I didn’t, but was only hurt and angry. I forgave him because he really felt sorry and was trying to be a better man. I never told him, though. With everything going on I didn’t. I’m so sorry I didn’t. I wish Spike could have known that I cared.”

Giles cleared his throat before talking. “I once told Spike that he might have a higher purpose. I had been inferring to him killing a ten foot monster with horns. I never expected his part to go to these magnitudes. He was a one of a kind. He was willing to go against everything he was to change. There will never be another like him.”

“I was Red to Spike,” Willow announced. “I think it was because of my hair. I never said so, but I liked it. Spike tried so hard to be accepted, but we never completely let him in. That was wrong of us. He deserved it and we couldn’t forget the past. I remember when Tara’s family was accusing her of being a demon. Spike knew the chip would go off but he punched her in the nose to prove she was human anyway. He pretended he didn’t care about us, but I know he did. He was always being the tough guy, but that really wasn’t who he was.”

Buffy hesitated before taking her turn. She stood there without opening her mouth for a moment. “I didn’t treat Spike very well. He loved me and I kept rejecting it because he was a vampire- a demon. But that isn’t the truth. I didn’t see it until after I hurt him. Spike was a man. A good man. A champion.” Her voice broke. “I made myself believe that I hated his smirks, his nicknames, his duster, his rude remarks, his smoking. I was fooling myself. I. . .” She took a deep breath. “I loved those things about him. Everything about him. Well, except for the smoking. I. . .” She looked down, mustering the courage to continue. “I loved Spike. I loved everything about Spike.” She raised her head again. Her green eyes swam. “And I’m not ashamed.”

After saying that, Buffy fled into the Hyperion. The tears multiplied, falling down her face and blinding her vision. She fell to her knees on the lobby floor, sobbing.

“I loved him. I loved him,” she repeated over and over.

She didn’t know how much time passed before she felt the hand on her shoulder. It was Dawn. Through the water, Buffy could see that the teen was crying also.

“Buffy, it’s okay. You can let yourself love him,” Dawn told her.

Buffy reached out and embraced her sister. They clung to each other, struggling for comfort.

Scene 6

Buffy stood near the window of her room. She gazed out into the lightening sky. She touched the glass. “Goodbye, William,” she whispered as the sun peeked over the horizon.


End of Episode 1: The Break of Dawn.

Next week on Buffy . . .

Episode 2: Champions

The powers that be make an offer that a certain vampire can’t refuse. Buffy is plagued by disturbing dreams. A slayer has a death wish. And the future of the scoobies is decided.


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