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Warning spoilers for the whole
BTVS series Buffy The
Vampire Slayer Season 8 Written by:
Heather Martin Episode 4:
Welcome Home Prologue “That is
because we haven’t purchased everything yet. But when we do there won’t be so
much room. It will be filled with wonderful Buffy-goodness,” the slayer
replied. They entered
the bathroom. Buffy smiled.
“I know, isn’t it great? And I can’t believe how good the price was. Makes me
wonder what is wrong with it.” “So far I see
nothing wrong. I’m very envious. My apartment is small. I try to think of it as
cozy, but it is . . . small.” Seriousness
came over Buffy. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, Will? I mean, you can
live here too if you want. Laura won’t mind rooming with Dawnie.” “Yes, but Dawn
might. No, that’s all right. It is time for Buffy nodded.
“I understand.” The couple
entered the living room. Buffy sat down on the green couch, one of the few
pieces of furniture she actually had at the moment. She grabbed the matching
pillow and clutched it to her chest. “I feel
guilty,” Buffy expressed. “Huh?” asked Buffy shifted
her gaze to fall on the red-head. “Giles. He’s getting money from his “Well, you can
start by hugging him and going, ’Thanks, Giles,’ ” Buffy’s mouth
went up a little. “I did that all ready. Actually a couple times.” “He wanted to
do this, Buffy. He loves you, ya know.” Buffy nodded.
“I know. And I love him too. I’m still gonna havta throw him a party or
something. Maybe with cake.” A giggle came
from “You guys are getting
pretty close, huh?” Buffy inquired. Her words clearly said, ‘Give me all the
juicy details’. A giddy grin
passed over Buffy smiled
back. “That’s great, Will. I’m really happy for you.” A couple
minutes later Willow left. Buffy sat on her comfy couch, feeling out of place.
The house was too new. The walls were too white, without any dings or
scratches. The carpet was flawless, without any stains. The place had already
been lived in, but it appeared to be just made. Wonder how
long the house will stay this way. Kinda hard to keep your house in mint
condition when you are a slayer, Buffy thought. The sound of
footsteps made Buffy turn. Laura stood before her. She wore a white top and
tight jeans. Dawn had helped her pick it out at the mall. They both had so much
fun and Laura could almost imagine that they were sisters. “Hey, Laura,
how you doing? You like your room?” Buffy asked. “Yes,” the
girl said. “I want to say thank you. I’ve never felt so at home before.” “Oh,” Buffy
muttered. “That’s good. Me, I’m going to have to get used to the place. It
doesn’t seem like home yet.” “What I meant
. . .” Laura sighed. “It isn’t the house. I feel at home because you and Dawn
are here. You make me feel wanted. My foster homes never did that.” “You are
wanted, Laura. I’m happy you are here.” Laura smiled
brightly. “So, why don’t
you feel okay here? Is it too foreign?” the youngest slayer questioned. Buffy nodded
in agreement. “I miss Laura came
over and sat down next to Buffy. She bent one leg, while the other draped over
the couch. “If you could
bring one thing back from Sunnydale, what would it be?” “A picture of
mom, Dawn, and me,” Buffy lied. Silently,
Buffy answered truthfully. If she could have saved anything from the rubble it
would have been Spike. ************************ Dawn hung up
the last shirt she owned. Then she stepped back, eyeing the closet. There was
too much space left. Back in Sunnydale her closet had been jam-packed. The teen
stepped over to her bed. Next to it was a cardboard box. She reached inside and
pulled out a blue book. Dawnie’s diary, number eight. She turned to the first
page and began to write. Dear diary, I got you
yesterday at the mall. I had seven before you, but they all got destroyed. So
many memories, even if they weren’ t real. I hope I don’ t forget them. So, we are
finally settled into our new home. It is strange to be here. I’ve spent my
whole life in Sunnydale. Which was actually only two years, but to me it was
much longer. A knock made
Dawn jump. She put her pen down and glanced around her. That didn’t come from
the door, she realized. She went over to the door and opened it, poking her
head out into the hall. She could vaguely hear Buffy and Laura talking in the
living room. Besides that, it was quiet. Shrugging, she went back into her
room. She picked up
her pen again, prepared to continue her entry when it happened again. This time
it was louder, though, and she could distinguish where it came from. The
pounding was coming from the wall. ____________________________________________ Scene 1 Buffy came
home from patrol early that night. The girls were
in Dawn’s room when she got back. She glanced in to see them sitting on the
floor. A bowl of popcorn was between them, and they reached into it greedily.
Teen chatter about some boy-band traveled between them. The scene warmed
Buffy’s heart. She was glad the girls were getting along so well. It was hard
for Dawn and she often felt like an outcast. Now she had someone who understood
her. Laura also gave the impression that she needed a friend. The slayer
walked away, heading to the back door. She stepped out into the cool night air.
A slight breeze blew through her hair. She tucked the strands behind her ears.
She sat down on the porch steps and looked up at the sky. Lights dotted the
whiteness above her. They entranced her, drawing her in. She felt as if she
would be able to snatch one for her own if she reached out. Some people
think the stars are a guide to heaven. I wonder if Mom’s up there, she thought.
Maybe every soul is visible as a star. Was I a star? She wasn’t aware of the
hot tears that glistened in her eyes. Is Spike a star? She had been
trying to banish him from her mind. It hurt too much to think of him. It
brought up questions like: Was there something she could have done? What if
Angel wore the necklace instead? And the worse one, where is he now? She’d like to
think that he was at peace. That he could finally rest. He definitely deserved
it. If he had been rewarded by ending up in some hell dimension . . . “Is there something
I can do?” That voice
made her freeze. The soothing, deep, sound that had often sent chills down her
spine. The British accent she never thought she’d hear again. The scent of
leather overwhelmed her. Then she felt a comforting pat on her shoulder. The
touch broke her, and more tears fell. She turned her blurry eyes to the left. She stared at
what must be a mirage by her side. Bleached hair, duster, and stunning electric
eyes. He was even tilting his head in that cute, curious way Spike used to. Am I the first
slayer to go crazy? she speculated. “Buffy?” he
asked, worried. He took his thumb and brushed the wetness from her cheek. “Come
on, luv, say something.” Buffy breathed
in deeply. “A-Are you real?” she stammered. A small smiled
formed on his lips. “I feel pretty real.” She reached up
with a shaky hand and cupped his face. His skin felt soft and smooth. It was
cool, just the way she remembered. Yes, he felt real. “How?” she
whispered. “The Powers.
They sent me back. I need to earn my way to the good place,” Spike explained. “Oh, oh my
God.” She embraced
him to her. The action surprised him greatly. They had slept together many
times, but this was new. The hug was tender and gentle. It seeped warmth not
only into his body, but also into his soul. “Buffy, God
I’ve missed you,” he murmured. This was a
miracle. The Powers were finally giving her something besides pain, in return
for being their slayer all these years. Buffy took his
head and brought his mouth forward to meet hers. She sweetly caressed his lips.
There was so much said in that kiss. He could sense her longing and torture
while he had been gone. They parted,
still holding each other. Her green eyes danced before him. The emotion he saw
made him believe that the Powers had been telling the truth. Maybe Buffy really
did love him. “Twenty-four
days,” Buffy whispered. “What was
that?” he asked. “You were gone
twenty-four days. It was unbearable. How could you possibly survive
one-hundred-forty-seven?” “Twenty-three,”
Spike clarified. “Today doesn’t count.” Buffy smiled.
“No. No, it doesn’t.” She leaned
forward to give him another kiss. Moonlight streamed down, illuminating the
couple’s reunion. ___________________________________________ Scene 2 “I hear Freddy
Prince Jr. is coming out with another movie,” Laura announced. She wiped her
buttery fingers off with a paper napkin. Then she reached for her diet Pepsi. “No way,” Dawn
said. “I so wanna see it! Is it one of the romantic teen flicks?” Laura nodded.
“Yeah. It’s about this girl who he loved since sixth grade, but he never told
her so. And well, later they . . .” The sound of
tapping filtered through the room. Dawn quickly sprung to her feet. She stared
at the wall next to her bed in fright. “Dawn, w-what
is that?” Laura asked, her voice wavering. “I don’t
know.” Dawn looked over at her friend. “Go get Buffy.” “Okay.” Laura headed
for the door. She hesitated, though, when she heard the tapping become banging.
The pulsating was fast and loud, and Laura imagined that it mirrored her
heartbeat. She glanced back at Dawn. The other girl was frozen in place,
transfixed by the wall, and not blinking. “Dawn!” Laura
said harshly. She came up and shook her. “Snap out of it!” Dawn flung
Laura away from her. Laura landed on the floor with a thud. She sat up, a
little disoriented. She watched as Dawn walked up to the wall and stop. The
tapping suddenly vanished, filling the room with unsettling silence. “Dawn?” Laura
inquired, scrambling off the carpet. The wall
shifted, becoming liquid, with ripples. A scaly, green arm shot out. The hand
wrapped around Dawn’s neck. Laura let out
a piercing scream. Scene 3 Spike tore
himself away from Buffy. His head turned toward the house. “Was that
Dawn?” he asked. Buffy shook
her head. “No. I think that was Laura,” she clarified. He had no idea
who Laura was, but he kept the question to himself. They both hurried inside
the house. Spike didn’t have a chance to examine the slayer’s new
accommodations. He followed Buffy to a cracked door down the hall. She threw it
open. The sight
before them was something they would never have expected. A hand, which came
out of the wall, had hold of Dawn. It looked as if it were attempting to
strangle her. A girl, which Spike deduced as Laura, was pulling at her, trying
to get her free. Dawn’s face unnerved him. She was placid, oblivious as to what
was going on. Laura glanced
over at the new arrivals. “I can’t get her loose,” she cried. Approaching,
Buffy took hold of Dawn. Laura let go, backing up. She didn’t even seem to
notice Spike. Buffy tried to
pry the hand loose, but it wouldn’t budge. “Spike,” Buffy
called over to him, “Go get a sword.” He nodded,
going to the door. Then it occurred to him that he had no idea where her
weapons were kept. “Where?” “Huh?” “Where are
your swords?” One sword, she
thought. All the rest were dust in the remains of Sunnydale. “Under my bed.
Next room down the hall,” she informed. Spike rushed
out to obtain the blade. Sure enough it was where the slayer said it would be.
He snatched it up and then brought it back to the scene. He tossed it to Buffy,
and she caught it with no trouble. The weapon
felt good in her fingers. She tightened her grip and brought the blade down on
the green wrist. The sound of a screech could be heard from the wall. The arm
retracted back into the wall. The fluid paint solidified once more. The severed
hand fell to the ground. After a second it dissolved, disappearing as if it had
never been there at all. Buffy turned
Dawn around to face her. The teen’s expression was confused, as if broken from
a spell. “Dawn?” Buffy
asked. “What . . .?”
Dawn looked over at Spike, then to Laura, and then back to focus of Spike.
“Sp-Spike?” Dawn fainted. _________________________________________ Scene 4 Dawn awoke in Laura’s
room. A very concerned trio hovered over her. Her eyes widened when she
recognized one as a very ‘dead’ vampire. “I’m seeing
things,” Dawn croaked. She closed her eyes again. Spike knelt
down beside the bed. He took a hand and tenderly brushed the girl’s hair away
from her face. “How you doing, Nibblet?” “Oh God, I’m
hearing things too.” The slayer
smiled down at the two most important people in her life. “If you’re hearing
and seeing things then so are the rest of us,” she declared. With that, Dawn
opened her eyes. She looked questionably at her sister. “Really?” The hope in
her voice was clearly detectable. Buffy nodded
in confirmation. Dawn sat up.
She studied Spike intently. After a long moment, she threw herself at him. The
act stunned him. He was not used to hugs, at least not since becoming a member
of the undead. Also, Dawn hadn’t been too warm toward him before their parting.
He hesitated, and then returned the embrace. “I missed
you,” Dawn murmured. “Me too,” he
answered. The teen drew
back. “We ‘all’ missed you.” Spike glanced
over at Buffy. “So I gathered.” A slight blush
appeared on the slayer’s cheeks. She averted her eyes, embarrassed. “This is
really weird,” Laura commented. Spike turned
toward Laura. “So, you’re a slayer?” She nodded.
“Yeah. And you’re a deader than dead vampire?” He let out a
gentle laugh. “Bout right.” “Yes,
defiantly weird.” Buffy crossed
her arms. The slayer in her called for authority. “Okay, we need to find out
about this wall demon.” “Oh, right,”
Spike muttered. He stood up. Dawn began to
get out of bed. “You sure,
Dawn?” Buffy asked. “You were doing an impression of an inanimate object a
moment ago.” Dawn got to
her feet. Her legs seemed to be supporting her fine. “I feel fine.” “Okay, first
off, no one is to go back in that room,” Buffy said. “It is strictly off
limits.” “Hey, I’m not
arguing,” Laura commented. “That was the most scary thing I’ve ever seen.” Dawn furrowed
her brow. “Wait a sec, wall demon?” Spike eyed
Dawn with worry. “What is the last thing you remember?” “Well, I
remember seeing you. Before that, um, the tapping. I asked Laura to go get
Buffy. Then, nothing.” “She must have
been in some kind of trance,” Laura deduced. “She didn’t even blink.” “A hypnotizing
wall demon,” Buffy said. “Sounds like we need to do some research.” Spike shoved
his hands into the pockets of his duster. He smiled. “Guess it is time to
gather the scoobies.” Buffy smiled
back at him. “Come on, we’ll assemble at Giles’s.” Scene 5 The ex-watcher
had purchased a nice home, similar to the one he owned before moving to A while later,
the door swung open. Giles stood there, in a blue robe. His hair was
disheveled, and he looked at the visitors with contempt. Suddenly he
comprehended who was before him, coming out of his groggy state. “Buffy? Do you
know what time it is?” Giles asked. “Hey, Giles.
Sorry about waking you up,” Buffy apologized. “Do you need
something?” “Yeah. We
found out why the house was so cheap,” Buffy told him. He looked at
her confused. “Excuse me?” “Wall demon.
We need to research.” “Ah,” Giles
remarked, as if he understood perfectly, which he couldn’t possibly. He opened
the door invitingly. Buffy went
inside, Dawn and Laura filing in after. When Spike followed, Giles’s gaped in
disbelief. Spike smirked. “Nice to see
you again, Rupert,” the vampire greeted. “S-Spike?” He
took off his glasses and cleaned them. When he put them back on the image of
Spike was still there. “How is this possible?” “Later,” Spike
said. He took a step toward the door and then stopped. “Uh, can I come in?” Flustered,
Giles replied, “Yes, um, c-come in.” They gathered
in the living room. Buffy called Xander and “Spike’s
back,” Buffy informed happily. “How?” “Yes, I’d like
to know that as well,” Giles said. “It isn’t as
interesting as you people are making out,” Spike voiced. “It can wait until
after this whole demon mess.” “There’s a
demon?” “Wall demon,”
Laura added. Just then
Xander walked in. “A what demon?” “Wall demon,”
Dawn said. “Oh, a . . .
Hey, what is dead dead boy doing here! Isn’t he supposed to be dead. Um . . .
Deader?” Spike rolled
his eyes. “Fine, you people want to know so bad? The powers brought me back.
They couldn’t send me to hell or heaven, so they sent me back here. End of
story. Now, back to this demon. . .” Everybody
stared at Spike. “The powers?”
Xander questioned. A groan came
from Spike. “Okay, the powers are . . .” _______________________________________________ Scene 6 “This will
take hours. It will be a miracle if we find anything at all without any books
of reference,” Giles commented. He sat in a chair and watched “I found
something!” “No, no, quite
all right. I just have to come to terms with my loss and surrender to the
modern era. As much as I loathe it.” They all
smiled at him, not so sympathetically. The slayer in
the room stepped over to gaze at the computer screen. “What have you got,
Will?” “Sarah Parker
was the first person to occupy the house,” “Why?” Buffy
asked. Shrugging, Buffy frowned.
She didn’t want to say it, but this bit of information didn’t help much. “Two other
families have lived in that house since. They both uh . . . disappeared.” Buffy’s green
eyes widened. “Disappeared?” “Yeah.” “I say they
were torn to pieces and then eaten,” Laura spoke up. “That demony thing was out
for Dawn‘s head.” “My basement’s
free, Buff,” Xander offered. Buffy looked
over at him. “Thanks, Xand, but no thanks. I would rather sleep with an
attacking demon than shack-up with Andrew down there.” Everybody was
apologetic that Xander had to live with Andrew. It always seemed like Xander
got stuck with the lowlifes. Giles took in the boy for a day, but found that he
couldn’t control his temper. He actually made Andrew cry by yelling at him over
crumbs on the couch. “Don’t worry,
I’ll get rid of this thing. I already chopped off its hand. If I have to cut it
up piece-by-piece that is exactly what I’ll do.” “Well, where
can I get in contact with her? And please don’t tell me she lives in “Actually no.
She lives here in “How is that
possible? I thought you said she moved.” “She did,” “Oh.” Buffy
grinned. “Good. Let’s go then. Who wants to go with?” Giles cleared
his throat. “Buffy, may I remind you how late it is.” “If this Sarah
is connected with this bad then I think she deserves a night of unrest. If not
. . . I think a good apology is in order.” A giant yawn
came from Xander. “I’m right with you, Buffy. Just let me go get my wake-up
pills.” Buffy smiled.
“Go home and sleep, Xander. I can handle this.” He nodded.
“Thanks.” Buffy looked
over at “You sure?” “Yeah.” Buffy faced
Giles. “Can Dawn and Laura sleep over here?” “Of course,”
Giles answered. The blond
woman met Spike’s blue eyes. “You tired?” Spike laughed.
“I got plenty of sleep to last me awhile.” “Right,” Buffy
said with a knowing smile. She understood
what he meant. After coming back from the great beyond she slept only because
it was a means of escape. She hadn’t really gotten tired until weeks later. A
warm feeling rose up in her chest. Spike didn’t seem like he wanted to run
away. No, he was happy to be there. With her. She had the urge to grab his
hand, but didn’t. There were too many people around and she wanted to save her
tender moments with Spike for when they were in private. “So, are you
inviting me on your outing, pet?” the vamp asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re
welcome.” “Right then.
Off we go.” Spike headed
for the door with Buffy right behind him. Giles came over, stopping his slayer.
“Buffy, may I
have a word with you?” Giles inquired. They went into
the hall. “Okay, Giles,
but be quick. I sorta want to go home sometime without having to worry about my
little sister getting eaten,” Buffy told him. Giles took off
his glasses. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Buffy, about Spike . . . “ “Okay, stop!”
Buffy said sharply. “If this is about Spike and me, stop!” Giles raised
his head, peering at her. “Giles, about
my speech on you teaching me all I need to know, I wasn’t shutting you out of
my life totally. I still want you to give me advice. About ‘slaying’. When it
comes to my personal life, I want you to stay out. I think it is time I made my
own decisions about how to live, don’t you?” The man
sighed. She was right. That was the whole reason he left for “Yes, Buffy. I
understand. And I wasn’t going to give you a lecture.” She seemed
surprised. “You weren’t?” “No actually.
I was going to tell you that as long as you are happy I will standby whatever
decisions you make.” “Oh. Good.
Then you will be okay with it if I decide to have Spike stay with Dawn, Laura,
and me,” Buffy declared. Before Giles
could make a come-back, Buffy left saying, “See ya, Giles.” Scene 7 She found
Spike waiting for her outside by the door. He smiled at her as she approached.
“So, what did the good ol’ watcher have to say?” “Nothing
much,” she said cryptically. Spike let it
drop, although he was very curious as to what had actually been discussed. He
imagined it had something to do with himself. Buffy held up
a small piece of paper. She scanned the writing on it. “Okay, Sara Parker lives
on “Sure, pet,”
Spike agreed. The two walked
in companionable silence. They moved in congruent strides, a little too close.
Occasionally, they would pause and give each other a smile. After what
seemed like hours, Buffy broke the silence. “Nice night.” The vampire
glanced up at the darkened sky. “Tis that, luv.” They stopped,
standing in front of each other. Green eyes met blue, and just held in place.
Finally Buffy took initiative and rested her head on his solid chest. She
breathed in the scent of him, savoring it for future reference. “Have I told
you that I missed you?” Buffy whispered. He stroked her
silky hair. ‘My Goldilocks’, he thought, his lips tugging upwards. “Mighta let it
slip in there somewhere tonight. Maybe not in so many words, but I think I
picked it up.” She raised her
head to look at him. “Well, if I didn’t, I’m saying it now. I’ve missed you,
Spike.” “I missed you
too, Buffy.” She grabbed
him and brought his lips to meet hers. It was hard, yet tender at the same
time. Spike took his thumb and ran it softly down her cheekbone. The touch made
her shutter. They parted,
Buffy breathing in heavily. I love you, she wanted to say. She almost did, but
hesitated. It wasn’t time yet. She didn’t want to tell him on the way to
interrogating someone about a demon. She wanted it to be in bed, preferably
naked. Naughty Buffy, she scolded herself. Instead of
speaking her emotions, she tried to show it. She took his hand and they both
continued their way to ___________________________________________ Scene
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