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Warning spoilers for the whole BTVS series



Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8

Written by: Heather Martin

Episode 5: Broken Hearts



It was a beautiful day in Cleveland, Ohio. The sky was blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. A slight breeze blew through the city. Willow and Kennedy were making the most of the weather. They held hands, walking through Willard Park. Both women admired the flowers, glancing now and then at each other. Flutters ran through Willow’s stomach whenever she saw Kennedy shoot her a smile.

They came to the Free Stamp and stopped. It was a steel sculpture that looked like a giant ink stamp. The handle was red, and the stamper held the words FREE in backwards letters.

“I read about this,” Willow told her girlfriend.

“Really? I don’t know anything about it,” Kennedy said. “But I’m not on the internet for hours.”

“Oh, this is one of Cleveland’s biggest landmarks. The pop art sculpture was donated in 1991 by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen.”

Kennedy reached out and ran a hand through Willow’s red hair. “You are so cool with the knowledge.”

“I just enjoy learning about stuff. Demony stuff, wordly stuff, just stuff.”

An evil smirk formed on Kennedy’s mouth. “I hope there are things you enjoy more.”

“Most definitely.”

Willow leaned forward and kissed the other woman on the lips. It began tender, but Kennedy made it more furious and passionate.

They broke away, breathing hard. Willow and Kennedy resumed their walk. Another pair on a park bench caught their eye. A woman with long white hair and a muscular man with blond gazed at each other. They were oblivious to the world around them. Their fingers were weaved together, as if they couldn’t bare to separate.

“That is so sweet,” Willow commented.

“They must be in love,” Kennedy acknowledged.

The witch nodded. “I wonder if we look like that.”

Kennedy grinned. “I don’t know about me, but you are very cute.”

That made Willow blush slightly.

“K-Kennedy . . .?”

“Yeah, Will?”

Willow met Kennedy’s gaze. “I think I love you,” she admitted.

Kennedy’s eyes widened. She was silent for a moment, in what seemed like shock.

“Are you going to say anything?” Willow prodded. “Or on second thought, don’t say anything.” She began to walk again.

Kennedy grabbed her hand, halting her in place. “No, wait!”

Willow turned back to face her, question in her expression.

“I love you too,” Kennedy replied too quickly.

The women continued to walk together. Their hands were locked, but Willow didn’t seem connected anymore. Something undecipherable was nagging at her.


Scene 1

“Now that was amazing,” declared Faith, rolling off Robin Wood. “This is how I want to spend every morning.”

They had just spent three hours having mind-blowing sex. It was weird for Faith. She had never been with the same man twice. Well, when she meant twice, she meant a repeat on a different day. But this had been going on for weeks now, and the surprising thing was she wasn’t bored yet. Every time they took the plunge it seemed like she was heading in new territory. There was always something new to discover about Robin.

Strong arms reached out and hauled the slayer back on top of him. He settled her on his hard chest, her head near his heart.

“There. I want you right there,” he told her.

Faith froze. She felt him begin to stroke her disheveled locks. Panic overtook her. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Sex was sex, and when it was over it was over. There wasn’t supposed to be warm fuzzies afterward. That was reserved for real relationships.

Her eyes widened. Did Robin think this was a real relationship? He couldn‘t! She’d never been in a real relationship. She wasn’t one for tenderness.

She tried to get up. He pushed her back down. He was strong for a regular guy.

“Come on Faith, relax,” he whispered.

“I have to take a shower,” she said.

He sniffed her hair. “You smell all right to me.”

Faith used her slayer strength to get off him. “I-I really need a shower. I’m … uh, I’m dirty.”

She fled the room, going into the bathroom. She locked the door, concealing herself away in the sanctuary. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her brown eyes were scared and unsure. Who was that girl in the glass? Was that really her? She looked small and fragile. That can’t be her. Can it?

She quickly shed her clothes. She got into the shower, turning the water on cold. The spray stung as it hit her body. She shifted her face so that the water shot in her face. Clean water. So much purer than she ever would be.

Scene 2

Buffy awoke feeling safe and warm. Something strong and comforting was enveloping her. She moved gingerly, turning to see what was holding her. Her eyes landed on the most gorgeous creature. The man she had thought she would never see again.

His eyes were closed, lost in slumber. His blond hair was unruly, tiny curls sticking up, free from gel. A smile crept onto her face. It hadn’t been a dream. Spike had come back to her.

“I love you,” she softly breathed. He didn’t hear, oblivious to her voice.

Not able to stand it anymore, she reached out to touch him. She ran her thumb over his cheek. She remembered last night. After defeating the wall demon, and had seen Willow off, they both settled down in the master bedroom. They’d held each other until they fell asleep.

Suddenly Spike began to stir. His eyes opened, swallowing her up in crystal blue.

“Buffy?” he moaned. He held her tighter.

“That’s right.” She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“This is heaven, pet. The powers didn’t send me back to earn heven, they sent me to it.”

She laid her head on his chest. He was right. This was heaven. If only she had realized that after she came back from the dimension with the same name.

“Remember when I said I wasn’t ready for you to go?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah,” he said, a little uncertain as to where this was heading.

“Well, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. Stay with me, Spike. . . Forever.”

“Till the end of the world,” he vowed.

Scene 3

Every morning Willow read the newspaper while drinking coffee. It had become a daily ritual.

She sat down at the table, a steaming mug of gourmet chocolate coffee, and the paper before her. She took a sip of her drink, satisfied with the taste. Her fingers took hold of the paper. They were about to turn the page when she stopped, captivated by the front page. There was a picture of a woman on the front. Déjà vu came over her. She was sure she had seen this person before. Then it hit her. The park. This was the same woman from the park.

Willow scanned over the article, her eyes widening. She jumped up, grabbing the paper. She went into the bedroom.

Kennedy was a late sleeper. She often didn’t rouse until nine or sometimes even ten o’clock. She was on her side, her arms under her head.

The red-head came over and shook her girlfriend. “Kennedy?”

A groan came from Kennedy. She groggily woke up. “Will?”

Willow shoved the paper at her. “This is that woman from the park. Recognize her?”

Slowly, Kennedy sat up. She examined the picture. “Yeah. So?”

“She killed her husband. The same guy we saw her with the other day.”

Kennedy shook her head. She didn’t understand what Willow was getting at. “I still don’t get what the big deal is. This is a city, Willow. Crime happens.”

“But . . .” Willow sighed. “They were so in love. At least, it looked that way.”

Kennedy raised her gaze to meet Willow’s. “Sometimes appearances can be deceiving.”


Scene 4

On Thursday, the gang gathered together and went to the Touch Supper Club on Lorain Avenue. It didn’t take the place of the Bronze, but it was a good place to hang out. It had a chic urban atmosphere, with installation art decorations on the wall. That night had rock and roll music, playing from a DJ.

Buffy and Spike never left each other’s side. Willow and Kennedy couldn’t stop touching. Which left Xander and Dawn pretty much stuck together.

The food was great. Xander, Dawn, Willow, and Kennedy had pizza. Buffy had the house salad, which made Spike speak up about how thin she was. He told her that she didn’t have to watch her weight and should go for the calorie rich meals once in awhile. “But I like greeny goodness,” she defended. He smiled and tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. This made her smile back, Dawn roll her eyes, and Xander turn his head. Buffy did agree on desert, though. She could never reject chocolate. Of course Spike ordered the spicy buffalo wings.

After dinner, they headed downstairs to dance. The six paired off. Kennedy and Willow went off to sway slowly together. Buffy and Spike grinded to the blaring music, eyes locked, lusty grins on their faces. Xander and Dawn danced during a song, but eventually stood aside, instead watching the other couples get their groove on.

“I’m not used to being alone yet,” Xander told Dawn sadly.

The teen looked over with an expression of sadness. “I remember how Anya always dragged you out on the dance floor. You guys looked so good too.”

Xander smiled slightly at the memory. “Yeah.”

There was a span of silence. Xander watched Spike and Buffy. God, they were so into each other. Their movements were sensually heated and intense. The sight made him want to shiver.

“I can’t get used to that,” he commented.

“Buffy and Spike? Oh, I know,” Dawn replied. “I came down for breakfast this morning and guess what I found. Spike and Buffy.”


“Yeah, but Buffy was on Spike’s lap.”

Ugh, now that was an image Xander didn’t want going through his head. The concept of Spike as a good guy was something he wasn’t ready to grasp. Spike as Buffy’s boyfriend, well that was something he would never get used to in his entire life.

Suddenly Xander spotted a female step out of the crowd. She was tall, with long legs and a lean body. Her hair was white, flowing around her in gentle waves. Her make-up was dark and heavy. She moved straight toward him.

“Want to dance?” the woman asked.

Xander gulped. He wasn’t sure about this. He glanced over at Dawn. She gave him a ‘go for it’ look.

“Uh . . . Sure,” he answered.

The woman smiled, leading him out into the moving people.

Scene 5

Faith and Robin entered the dancing floor. The slayer felt awkward. This was an actual date. Robin had even called it that. She stood there, not knowing what to do.

Wood took her hand. He tugged her forward. “Come on.”

She reluctantly followed his lead. She stopped in her tracks, however, when a very shocking scene filtered into her vision.

“Oh boy!” she exclaimed.

There before them, was Buffy and Spike. They were grinding their hips, oblivious to everything around them.

Beside her, she felt Robin stiffen. His hold on her tightened.

“Nice moves, B,” Faith commented, loudly over the music.

Buffy and Spike halted. They looked over in surprise.

Robin let Faith’s hand go. “I thought I was rid of you,” he said to the vampire.

“Sorry to disappoint you, mate,” Spike replied.

The two males stared at each other, cold and challenging.

“Whoa, down boys,” Faith stated. She took Robin’s arm. “Let’s dance. That is why we’re here, right?”

Robin Wood took a deep breath. His gaze still was focused on the bleached-blonde with antipathy.

“I don’t like you, Spike.”

“Well, uh, duh,” Spike said. “Don’t expect you too either.”

“But you did save the world. So, I’ll leave you be for now. But if I find out you’ve done anything shady I’ll be right there with a stake in my grasp.”

After a moment Spike nodded. He seemed to accept Wood’s warning.

Robin grabbed Faith’s hand again. “Come on, let’s dance.”

Buffy smiled. “See ya, Faith.”

Her sister slayer gave her a toothy grin. “Sure thing, B. Oh, and Spike, nice to see you undead and not . . . uh, deader.”

Scene 6

The woman’s name was Sirena. Xander felt weird dancing with her. She was too tall. Anya had been the perfect height. He stopped himself before his thoughts trailed off toward angst-ville.

“So, you’re here with friends?” Sirena questioned.

“Yeah,” Xander answered in mono-tone.

“I saw you eating together earlier. They all seemed to be in love. Except you, Xander. Why are you alone?”

Xander’s good eye became murky. “My girlfriend died.”

Understanding came over Sirena. “I had a boyfriend. He died too.”

Their gazes met.

“I’m sorry,” Xander told her.

She gave him a sad smile. “So am I.”

Scene 7

The next morning, Buffy awoke on something hard. She rolled off, sitting up. When she saw what she had been on she jumped off the bed.

The vampire stirred. Then he opened his eyes to meet hers. He bolted up. “Slayer.”

“Spike,” Buffy replied.

Spike got to his feet. They faced each other.

Buffy gestured toward the bed. “We were in that bed together last night. I can’t believe it. It’s like Willow’s spell all over again.”

An ‘ah hah’ expression came over Spike. “That must be it! I was under a spell!”

“So was I!” Buffy said.

“At different times, pet?”

“How else do you explain the feelings we had? You must have been hexed first and then me. It is the only explanation.”

He ran a hand through his bleached locks. “Oh well, it doesn’t bleeding matter. Whatever has been happening is broken. We’re free.”

Buffy smiled. “Yeah. And I know what I must do now.”

“What’s that?”

The slayer took a fist and hurled it into his face.


Scene 8

Faith pounded on the Summers’ door. She needed help. Robin was acting strange. She had awoken from him pushing her out of bed. He had gone off about how disgusting she was. He had even called her a whore. That had almost made her cry. Almost.

The door burst open. She was greeted to the sight of Laura behind it. Faith didn’t wait for an invitation. She pushed her way inside, past the other slayer.

“Where’s Buffy?” Faith demanded.

Laura sighed. “In the bathroom.”

“Well, she better hurry up. I need answers to a prob I have. And she’s all researchy and crap.”

“You see . . .” Laura began.

She was interrupted by a British yell. “This is cruel and unusual punishment! I haven’t tried to kill anyone today.”

“Was that Spike?”


Faith headed toward where the voice had come from. She was led to the bathroom down the hall. The door was open. She entered to see a blond slayer with crossed arms. She was scowling at Spike, who was in the bathtub. His wrists were chained up, keeping him in place.

“If this is something kinky you really should use a lock,” Faith commented.

Buffy glanced over. “Hello, Faith,” she said calmly.

“B, what’s going on?”

Buffy shrugged.

“I’ll bloody well tell you what is going on!” Spike shouted. “The slayer here tried to burn me up outside.”

Shocked, Faith widened her brown eyes.

“It didn’t work unfortunately,” Buffy told her sister slayer. “For some reason he is protected from Mr. Sunshine now. I‘m only keeping him undead right now so we can figure out why.”

Spike struggled against his binds. “Come on, let me go. I told you I don’t want to kill ya or your little pals. Remember, I got that soul while I was under the spell?”

“Spell?” Faith questioned.

“Spike and I were under a spell.”

Faith peeked her head out into the hall. “Laura, girl, get your ass in here!”

The teen slowly made her way into the bathroom.

“What the hell is going on here?” Faith swept a hand toward the two blondes.

“I don’t know,” Laura confessed. “I woke up to find them both fighting. Buffy was ready to dust Spike. I had to persuade her to confine him instead. Spike doesn’t seem too fond of Buffy either. At least he isn’t trying to snap her neck or anything, though.”

“Something is definitely fucked up here. I was kicked out of Robin’s apartment this morning.”

“We should contact Giles,” Laura reasoned.

Ol’ Mr. G. Yeah, he can help.”

Scene 9

Giles cleaned his glasses with a white handkerchief. Then he placed them back on his nose and peered at Willow. She was sitting on the sofa, very upset.

“I can’t go back there. Please, just for tonight,” Willow begged.

Willow, I just don’t understand. You are telling me that you cannot stand the sight of Kennedy anymore?” Giles inquired with puzzlement.

“I don’t see how I could have shared a bed with that bitch!”

He was surprised to hear Willow use fowl language. It wasn’t like the witch at all.

Just then the phone rang. He went to answer it, after glancing at Willow once more.

“Rupert Giles speaking,” he said into the telephone.

“Hey, G, this is Faith.”

“Faith, hello. I’m a little busy right . . .”

“It’s important. It’s about Buffy.”

That got Giles’ attention. “What about Buffy? Is she hurt?”

“No, nothing like that. She’s gone insane or something. In fact, I think Robin and Spike went wacko too. Robin kicked me out this morning. Buffy wants to stake Spike. And Spike is back to calling Buffy slayer.”

On the other line, Giles heard Spike yell,” I may have a shiny soul, but I am on the verge of sinking my teeth into your throat! I bet I can have a taste without much guilt!”

“Dear lord,” Giles muttered.

“See what I mean? I say get your ass down here before Luara and I go crazy too from their bickering.”

The ex-watcher looked over where Willow was seated. “I think I may have some insight as to what is going on. I think Willow has been affected as well. I’ll be right over.”

“Thanks, G.”

There was a growl from the Summers’ household.

“And please hurry,” Faith added before hanging up.


Scene 10

Convincing Willow to accompany him to Buffy’s house was easy. She seemed quite eager to see her friend.

Buffy’ll understand,” Willow told Giles. She gave him a pointed look. “I don’t know why you don’t. Are you a big fan of Kennedy? I could give you a long list of faults that will make you change your mind. She drools when she sleeps. She eats with her mouth open. Oh, and this one time when . . .”

“Do be quiet!” Giles commanded.

The red-head frowned. “Fine. But Buffy will want to hear. That’s what us best-friends do. We listen to each other. I guess watcher-type friends don’t.”

A sigh escaped Giles. The woman sounded as if he should be ashamed that he didn’t stay up at night gossiping with his mates. He didn’t know how much of this he could take. He needed to get to Buffy and Spike. The sooner he did that, the sooner this whole thing could be resolved.

He managed to get Willow into his new car. She kept prattling on about how no one really liked Kennedy that much in the first place. He tuned her out.

Giles drove five miles over the speed limit the entire way. Finally they arrived. He parked the red vehicle in the Summers’ driveway, quickly opening the door.

“We’re here, Willow,” he announced.

She peered out the window, clearly just noticing. “Oh.”

The two were greeted by Dawn. She ran out of the house.

“Make her stop!” the teenager begged.

“Who stop?” Giles asked.


“What is it that needs to be stopped?”

Dawn took his hand, leading him inside. “Just come and see.”

They went inside, Willow following behind them. Giles became unsettled when he acknowledged that they were on their way to the bathroom. Entering, the scene before him made him clean his glasses to make sure it was real.

Spike was chained in the bathtub, a scowl on his face. His fingernails were painted hot pink. His hair shot up with gel, a replica of Angel’s. A boom box was set nearby, blaring some horrid boy band.

“What in God’s name is going on here?” inquired Giles.

The vampire turned to face the ex-watcher. “Rupert,” he said in relief. “You have to help me. Buffy’s gone mad.”

Giles took it all in again. Suddenly he began to laugh.

“Hey!” Spike shouted. “This isn’t funny!”

Giles simply laughed louder.

Dawn smiled. “I know it’s funny,” she remarked. “But something is seriously wrong here.”

Just then Buffy came in. She held a makeup kit. “I couldn’t find the coral pink, but harlot red will do.”

“If you dare to put that on me, slayer, I’ll. . .” Spike threatened.

Ooo, you’ll what?” Buffy mocked. “Shoot me angry death-glares? Really that’s all you can do given the circumstances.”

He struggled against his manacles. “I’ll get out of here somehow. And when I do, soul be damned!”

Buffy shook her head. She selected a light crimson lipstick. “Princess Passion. Yeah, I think I’ll go with that.”

“What is going on?” Willow asked, confused. She glanced at Giles and then Dawn.

Giles stepped forward. “Buffy, what are you doing here?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m torturing Spike.” She glared at Dawn. “Dawn, Faith, and Laura won’t let me do it physically.”

The slayer took off the lipstick lid.

“Buffy, don’t you wonder why all of a sudden you wish to hurt Spike when only a day ago you did not?”

She shrugged. “It was a spell.”

“Wouldn’t it make more sense to think that you are under a spell now?”

She shook her head. “NO! I don’t love Spike!”

“That’s right,” Spike agreed. “We hate each other. Loathed enemies.”

“I can see that trying to reason with you is pointless. Very well, carry on with the makeover.” Giles waved a hand at them. “I guess we’ll just have to deal with this on our own.”

“There is nothing to deal with,” Buffy said. “Nothing is wrong. This is the way things should be. I wish you would realize this so I could go ahead and dust him.”

There was a scream from downstairs. Everybody ran down to find out what was going on. That is, except for Spike.

They found Faith sitting against the front door. There were tear-streaks running down her cheeks. Somebody was pounding outside.

“It’s Robin,” Faith informed. “He has a stake and is trying to use it on me. Says I’m no better than a vampire.”

Buffy eyes widened.

“Good lord!” Giles exclaimed.

Faith shook her head. “I don’t understand. He told me he loved me only yesterday.”

“Something is going on,” Buffy announced. “We have to fix this.”

Her sister put her hands on her hips. “So now you’ll admit that things aren’t right?”

Buffy gestured to Faith. “About this, yes. Robin can‘t be wanting to kill Faith for no reason.” She frowned. “Spike and I are a different matter. I know you like him for some weird reason. But, Dawn, you have to stop. It is my duty to take care of him.”

Dawn let out a frustrated sound. She spun toward Giles. “Please do something.”

He concentrated. “I do think I have a hypothesis.”

“What is it?”

“The ones effected seem to be the couples of our group.”

“You mean the ones that get hot and sweaty and night?”

Embarrassed, Giles said, “Er, uh, actually I was thinking along the lines as the ones that are in love.”

Understanding came over Dawn. “OH! And Faith and Kennedy aren’t effected because they aren’t in love.”

“Precisely,” the man confirmed.

“Kay. So how do we fix this?”

“That’s where research is required. We need to assemble everyone and hit the books.”

Then he remembered that there were no books. “The internet I suppose,” he reluctantly corrected.


Scene 11

Xander arrived to find a crowded living room. Everyone was there. A sulking vampire was tied to a chair, Buffy glaring at him from the couch. The scene made Xander halt. He pointed a finger at them.

“What is going on here? Are you punishing blondie for getting bleach on your favorite towels, Buff?”

The slayer crossed her arms. “No. I’m punishing him for being a cocky evil vampire that I should have gotten rid of years ago.”

Xander lifted an eyebrow. “What made you finally see the truth?” he remarked, only half-serious. He surveyed the research committee. “What are we dealing with now?”

“We don’t know yet,” Laura informed. “Everyone in love is acting strange.”

“We’re also trying to find out why Spike can go out in the sun,” Dawn told Xander.

“What!? When? How?” he stammered.

“Uh, Xan, we’re researching. We can’t answer those questions yet.”

“Oh, right.”

From his seat, Spike spoke up. “I’ve told you lot before that it was a gift. The powers gave it to me for saving your arse.”

“They never gave me any presents. I died ‘twice’,” Buffy complained with a pout. “But you make a giant hole in the ground and you’re blessed.”

“Now, see here, slayer . . .!”

“Quiet, all of you!” Giles burst out. “Willow seems to have come across something.”

Excitement came from Willow. Her head shot up from the computer screen. A brilliant grin was plastered on her face. It held pride from her accomplishment.

Everyone turned their attention toward the witch. That is, except Buffy and Spike, who continued to glower at each other.

“It’s a heart snatcher,” Willow told them.

“That’s it? No weird named demon that I can’t pronounce?” Buffy remarked.

“No,” Giles replied. “And it isn’t a demon. It’s a wronged woman, if you will.”

What, like a vengeance demon?”

“Well, er, yes. But instead of becoming a demon these women simply call upon the forces of evil to steal love. Their hate corrupts them so much that they dedicate their life on preventing anyone else from being happy.”


“This is great,” Dawn said with enthusiasm. “All we have to do is steal the love back, right? Everything can go back to the way it was. Buffy and Spike will be together. Faith and Princ . . . Um, Mr. Wood can continue with their relationship. And Kennedy and Willow can be happy as well.”

Buffy leaned back against the sofa cushions. “Things aren’t that simple, Dawnie. I keep telling you. . . Spike and I . . .”

“The slayer’s right,” Spike agreed. “What is more believable? A pair of sworn enemies falling in love and being under a spell to think they hate each other again? Or, a pair of sworn enemies really hating each other and thinking they loved each other for a while?”

The youngest Summers opened her mouth, prepared to speak. Spike cut her off.

“Oh, Bollocks. Don’t answer. Both scenarios sound equally preposterous.”

“We have to focus on this heart snatcher.” Buffy turned toward Willow and Giles. “How do I kill it?”

Willow scanned the website. “OH, OH, I got it!” She read over the material. “Oh.”

The last part had been said more quietly and with less zeal.


“Well, uh. . . A person who loves someone has to confront the heart snatcher. Then her powers should evaporate,” Willow said.

“Bummer,” Faith commented. “We’re doomed. No one here loves anyone anymore.”

All of a sudden Buffy stood up. “I guess I’ll just have to do her in the old fashioned way?”

“Buffy, this snatcher has mystical powers. There is no guarantee that stabbing her in the chest will kill her,” Giles reasoned.

“I’m not going to stab her. I’m going to hack off her head.”

Faith shrugged. “That’ll probably work.”

Scene 12

Willow found a summoning spell. They decided to go to the park to do it. It would allow them ample space to do battle. The group grabbed weapons and headed out, prepared to fight. Even Dawn was allowed to come along. She had become pretty dexterous with the sword.

“Why did he have to come along?” Buffy whined.

“He is a handy fighter, Buffy.” Giles sighed. He actually wished that Buffy would go back to loving the vampire. “And even if you really do hate Spike, you have to come to terms with his soul. He is on our side.”

Buffy shivered. She cast an evil glance over at her ‘so said enemy’. “I can’t stand to be around him. I want to do to him what I have planned for this snatcher chick.”

“Well, get over it!” Giles snapped.

“Excuse me?”

“I said get over it. We have more important things to deal with. This heart snatcher is endangering people’s lives with hate. Unlike Spike, who is doing nothing threatening at the moment.

The slayer was silent for a moment. Then she finally admitted, “You’re right. I’ll try to quench my desire to use my sword on him. No matter how hard it is.”

The group arrived at the park. Dusk had approached and shadows crept around them. Willow made a circle of white candles she had brought. Then she began to chant.

I conjure thee

Come solidify before us

Far to near I invoke

Appear. . . Appear . . . Appear

With the power of thrice I call upon you

Appear . . . Appear. . . Appear

There was an explosion of smoke. The Scoobies drew out their weapons. The film in the air faded to reveal a woman with long white hair. Xander took a step forward, his one eye wide.

“This is so not fair!” he cried.

“Um, Xan, this is not the time to revert to a three year old. We don’t always get our way,” Buffy chastised.

“You don’t understand,” he said. “That is the woman I danced with at the Touch Supper Club.”

Buffy shook her head. “You’re right. . . That is unfair.”

“Darn tootin it is,” Willow remarked. “Maybe you’d be safer turning gay.”

“I’ve been thinking about it. But Little Xan-man has . . .”

Buffy hit him hard in the shoulder before he could go on. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” she warned.

He gave her an impish grin. “Sorry.”

“Will you children please stop with the prattle and focus,” Giles scolded.

Their attention snapped to the Heart Snatcher, AKA Sirena. She looked them over with disdain.

“Have you come to defeat me?” she asked.

Buffy smiled, hefting her blade. “That’s right.”

“I doubt you can do much damage, but go ahead and try.”

“Thanks, but I didn’t need your permission. One question before I begin. . . What is with the make-up? Makes you look like a streetwalker. For someone who hates men you sure look like you want to attract them. . . . For a price that is.”

The Heart Snatcher snarled.

Buffy shrugged. “Just a thought.”

The slayer threw herself at the Heart Snatcher. She swung her sword, but before it could make contact it was deflected by a shoot of power. Buffy flung through the air, landing on the ground.

Oooomph,” Buffy let out.

“B?” Faith asked. “You okay?”

“She has super powers!” Buffy exclaimed. She jumped back to her feet, turning toward her ex-watcher. “You never said anything about super powers.”

“Actually I did. But I did not anticipate this amount of energy. Willow and I assumed her powers were limited to making others hate. The love she steels to create hate must manifest itself,” Giles stated.

“Great,” Buffy mumbled.

“Let me have a go at it,” Spike said.

The vampire hurled himself at the Heart Snatcher in a streak of white. He anticipated her strike, and dodged out of the way as the bolt of power shot out. He grinned in triumph. His arrogant expression was ripped off his face by another blow, this time hitting its target. Spike was tossed aside.

Spike happened to be directed at Buffy. He fell on her, both of them tumbling to the grass. She bucked, flinging him off her.

“Ugh, get off of me!” Buffy shouted in disgust.

“It isn’t my fault,” Spike defended.

“You breathed on me,” Buffy accused. “I got a whiff of your cigarette breath.”

“Yet again, not my fault. I didn’t choose to land on you.”

“You shouldn’t even have to breath.”

“Reflex,” he replied. “And why didn’t you get out of the way?”

“Excuse me. My mind was trying to figure out a way to get rid of our Heart Snatcher. I wasn’t watching what was going on with you.”

He knew that she was basically saying that she didn’t care what happened to him. Which was understandable. He didn’t care what happened to her either. But the weird thing was that a part of him felt like he should.

“Maybe if we all attack at once . . .” Spike reasoned.

“Why should we listen to you?” Buffy retorted. “Your plans never work.”

“Hey now, missy, that was uncalled for.”

“That’s it!”

Buffy punched Spike in the nose. He took a hand and touched it. When he brought his fingers back down they were covered in blood.

“You made my nose bleed!” Spike said in astonishment.

“Shut up or that won’t be the only thing that bleeds.”

Angry, Spike punched the slayer back. “You wanna dance, then let’s go.” He circled around her.

All of a sudden something slammed into Spike. His vision cleared, realizing that it was Faith.

“This is not the time to ‘dance’!” Faith informed. She nodded toward the Heart Snatcher. “She’s repelling all of our attempts.”

“She started it!” Spike said.

Faith sighed. “Like what Buffy said to Xander, ’This is no time to revert to a three year old’.”

“I didn’t want to hurt the girl. Not really. Dawn wouldn’t be pleased.”

Buffy hovered over them. She crossed her arms. “Leave my sister alone!” she threatened. “I no longer want you around her.”

“You can’t keep me from her,” Spike said.

Wanna bet?”

“I love the bit, would never hurt her.”

“You’re a bad influence.”

Abruptly, something flashed in Spike’s gaze. He pushed Faith off him. He rushed over to Dawn and grabbed her arm. He searched the teen’s face.

“You care for me, right sweet bit?” he questioned.

“Y-yeah,” Dawn answered, perplexed as to why he was asking her this during a battle.

“Right then.”

Spike pulled Dawn forward. They stood before the Heart Snatcher, getting her attention.

“What are you doing!?” screamed Buffy. “I told you to leave my sister alone!”

Spike ignored the slayer.

Spike smirked at the Heart Snatcher. “I think there’s somethin ya overlooked.”

“And what’s that, vampire?” the Heart Snatcher inquired.

Spike wrapped his arm around Dawn. “There are different types of love out there. Romantic love is only one kind.” He glanced down at Dawn. “I love the nibblet here. She’s my best friend.”

A bright grin lit up Dawn’s face. She hugged the vampire. “I love you too, Spike.”

The Heart Snatcher let out a holler. She threw back her head as power shot out, going off in different directions. Some of it hit Buffy, Spike, and Willow. Buffy and Willow fell to their knees. Spike would have, but Dawn was there to catch him.

The power finally dwindled. The Heart Snatcher vanished, leaving nothing to indicate it had ever been there.

“Are you okay?” Dawn called to her sister.

Buffy picked herself up. “I’m fine,” she softly said.

Spike’s gaze traveled over to the slayer. Their eyes met, sadness swimming in them.

Scene 13

Willow and Kennedy sat across from themselves at the table. Willow looked at Kennedy, but she wouldn’t look back.

“You lied to me,” Willow whispered. “I told you I loved you and . . .”

Kennedy remained silent.

Scene 14

Robin and Faith sat on the bed, a foot apart. There was a long span of silence. Finally Faith broke it by speaking.

“Is it true? Do you . . . .” She couldn’t bring herself to say it.

“I must. I didn’t really realize it until now,” he confessed.

She shut her eyes. “God, this is weird.”

Robin Wood took her hands. “I understand. If you don’t think this is going to work let’s stop now.”

Faith’s lips twitched. “It’s weird, but it also feels kinda nice.” She opened her eyes. “I think I like being loved. I think. . . I think I’ll give it a go.”

Scene 15

Buffy’s head was buried in Spike‘s chest. She clung to him.

“I’m so sorry,” she apologized, her voice muffled.

Spike ran a hand over her hair. “It’s okay, luv.”

She lifted her head. Her green eyes were large. “NO! No, it’s not! I hurt you. I can’t believe how I treated you.”

“If you remember, pet, I hit you back.”

“Yeah, but I was the one to start it. I . . .” She took in a deep breath. “I promised myself I would never hurt you again after you got your soul.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Spike told her. “In fact, I’m glad it happened.”

Confused, she asked, “Why? Why would you ever be glad this happened?”

He brought her closer to him. She could feel his cold breath on her face. Cigarette breath, yes, but not revolting. Her heart sped up.

Blue eyes found hers. “I’m glad because now I know.”

“Know what?”

“That you love me.”

Buffy laughed. “Well, duh. And don’t you ever tell me I don’t again!”


“So you believe me?”


“So, if I ask you to move in you’ll agree?”

Shock and pleasure could be seen in Spike’s expression. “You sure?”

“I want you with me forever, Spike. I don’t expect this feeling to go away anytime soon.”

“Well, that’s comforting.”

She smiled. “So, you’ll stay?”

“Yeah, I’ll stay.”


They curled up on the bed, holding each other.

“So, this moving in thing, it includes shagging, right?” Spike asked after a moment.

“This is supposed to be a romantic moment. You just ruined it, you know?”

“I know.”

Buffy raised herself up on her elbow. Her hand reached out and slid under Spike’s shirt. “But, what the hell . . .”


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