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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8

Written by: Heather Martin

Episode 6: Red Light, Green Light


It was a bright, sunny afternoon. Slayer and vampire lay on their backs, the freshly cut green grass below them, staring up at the sky. Big fluffy clouds dotted the crystal blue blanket above.

“That’s definitely a bunny rabbit,” Buffy indicated with a finger.

A snort came from Spike.


“Where is your creativity, pet?” he asked.

She swatted him with a hand. “Fine, think you can do better?”

“I know I can.” Spike examined the clouds, trying to come up with something good. “Okay, see that oddly shaped one there?”

Buffy nodded her head.

“That’s a bunny too. But ya see, this one isn’t your ordinary bunny. That’s the Energizer bunny. See the battery it is holding?”

Laughter spilled out of Buffy. She rolled on top of her boyfriend. Her golden hair cascaded from her shoulders, hitting Spike in the face. He grabbed a few strands and brought them to his nose, taking a deep inhale of the scent of vanilla shampoo. Then he stared at her, overcome by her beauty.

“You are so beautiful in the sun,” he murmured.

“You aren’t so bad yourself,” she remarked. “Why didn’t you tell me about your sun gift before? We could have done this that first morning you came back.”

“Sorry, luv,” he apologized. “Was a little preoccupied with the wall demon and all.”

Buffy laid her head on his chest. “Forgiven.”

Just then the backdoor of the house opened. Dawn poked her head out.

“Buffy!? Spike!? You have to get your hands off each other and go to Giles‘!” Dawn yelled.

Buffy lifted, looking over at her sister with annoyance. “Is it really that urgent?”

“Giles sounded like it. He says there is a ‘matter that may concern you’. Whatever that means.”

Buffy got off Spike with reluctance. “All right, all right. I’m on my way.”


Giles handed the fellow British man a cup of tea. Then he turned to the three unknown girls on the couch. “How about you all, would you care for anything?”

The white-haired girl shook her head. The curly-red-head voiced rejection kindly. The third, a tiny teen with golden highlights said, “Do you have any milk?”

Giles smiled. “Why yes, I do think so.”

He went off to pour a glass of milk. A knock at the door interrupted him in the process. He set the jug on the counter, going to answer the door. He swung it open to see Buffy standing on the other side.

“Buffy, good to see you. Please come in.”

The young woman stepped inside. “So, what’s up? Dawn made it sound very important.”

Giles nodded. “Yes, it is. We seem to have visitors.”

He led her into the living room. Buffy took in the scene of the three girls and a man dressed in a suit.

“Buffy, I would like you to meet my dear friend Robson.”

Buffy just stared.

Giles gestured to the couch. “And these are Kara, Mickie, and Ashley.”

“O-k,” Buffy said, not sure how to reply.

Giles met her gaze straight-on. “They’re slayers, Buffy.”

Her eyes widened as she processed this.


Scene 1

Buffy examined the girls. They were young. The red-head with freckles and the dark-skinned one looked to be about sixteen. The small one with golden hair was probably fourteen. So this was the result of Willow’s spell? They had transformed normal teenagers into superheroes. They had given them a huge burden. The girls were barely more than children. They deserved to go out and have fun. A pang of guilt burst in her chest.

But then she was reminded of what this meant. More slayers meant less evil. The casualty populace from the supernatural would be decreased. The scales would be in their favor.

“So, you’re ’the’ slayer?” the youngest slayer, Ashley, asked.

Buffy was jarred out of her thoughts. “The slayer? No. I’m a slayer. Just a slayer, like you.”

“But you’ve done so many miraculous things. I’ll never be able to do the things you’ve done.”

“Why not? Your just as capable as I am,” Buffy told Ashley.

“No, we’re not!” snapped Kara. “We can’t even control our strength in the real world. I broke a doorknob the other day.“

Buffy smiled kindly. “You just need practice.”

“Actually, Buffy,” Giles spoke up. He stepped up to his slayer’s side. “That is why they were brought here. Robson has collected these girls, but he has nowhere for them to go. They need guidance.”

There was a span of silence. Finally Buffy said, “Oh.”

“Yes, um. . . They need a fellow slayer.”

Buffy’s head snapped to the side. She gaped, understanding what he was getting at.

“You said you wanted to help, Buffy. You took Laura in when she was in need. These girls are no different. They are lost and need to find their purpose. Will you accept the role as . . .”

“Yes!” Buffy interrupted. She nodded. “I’ll do it.”

Scene 2

Kennedy and Willow sat across from each other. They had just finished lunch. Through the entire meal neither spoke and hardly looked up. Both felt very uncomfortable around the other.

All of a sudden Kennedy got up. She went to the door and grabbed her white jacket.

“Oh, are you going out?” Willow questioned.


“Where? Are you wanting me to go with?”

“No. I think I’d rather be alone,” Kennedy replied. With that she walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Willow sat there, unmoving, for a moment. Then she stood up, grabbing the white plates off the table. She took them over to the sink and began to rinse them.

Scene 3

“Absolutely not!” Buffy declared. “No way!”

The others had left, going back to their hotel. Giles had just told her about Robson and his plans.

“But things would be different.” Giles tried to reason with her, but it wasn’t working.

“There will be no new council,” she ordered. “Watchers bad. Bad watchers.”

Giles sighed, shaking his head.

“I know you mean well, Giles. You think things will be so simple. Robson and you are really great guys. Or at least you are, I’m not sure about him yet. But anyways. . . Things might be all tiptoe through the tulips for a while but one day someone will come along who will turn everything you’ve worked for to rubble. Remember Gwendolyn Post? Whose to say someone won’t pretend to be on your side and boom, they take control. Or Quentin Travers. No, watchers are badness all around. They have too much power. Slayers don’t need to be bossed around by a bunch of old guys.”

A small smile formed on Giles’s mouth.

“Sorry, did I get carried away?”

“Just a tad,” Giles answered.

“I didn’t mean to be preachy. But I had a point.” She turned in her seat. “I did have a point, right?”

“Yes, you did have a point. What would you suggest then?”

Looking very innocent, Buffy said, “Can’t we teach them? Just the gang.”

“Very good, but what about when we are no longer able? I’m not sure if you quite understand what Willow did. There are many slayers and the rules have not changed. When one dies another is called. There will be many generations to come.”

Buffy didn’t say anything. This hadn’t occurred to her before. The future slayers were going to need guidance as well.

“We’ll figure something out.” Buffy gave him Willow’s resolve face. “But no council.”

He gave her a gentle squeeze on the arm. “Very well, no council. Not yet at least. We’ll think about other alternatives first.”

Scene 4

Spike was bored out of his mind. He was all alone. Dawn and Laura were out shopping. There was nothing on TV. He had drank two mugs of blood as slowly as possible. He scanned Buffy and Dawn’s collection of music, but found nothing reasonable to listen to.

He ended up on the couch, staring out the window. He longed to go back to a few hours ago, when he and the slayer had lain outside. Maybe he should go for a walk. It didn’t seem so inviting alone, though.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Spike lazily got up. He swaggered to the door. He prepared to flash game face in case it was a salesman.

“Oh, you,” Spike stated flatly. He went back to the couch, leaving the door open.

Xander stepped inside. “Hello to you too, Spike.”

Spike plopped down on the couch. “Buffy’s not here, mate. So you might want to turn around and go the same way you came.”

“I can see exactly why Buffy is attracted to you. That personality of yours. I don’t know why anyone would hate you,” Xander said with sarcasm.

The vampire glared.

“Why are you here?”

“I came to fix the wall.”

Spike knew what Xander was referring to. When Buffy and Spike had been under Sirena’s control the two had trashed the bedroom pretty bad. When Buffy had been about to punch him once he had moved out of the way, thus having her fist go right through the wall. There was currently a hole in the plaster.

“Right,” Spike remarked. “Better get to it then.”

The other man didn’t move. He stared at Spike as if he expected him to do something.

“What?” Spike asked.

Xander shook his head. “Nothing. I’ll uh, go get the stuff out of my truck.”

“And don’t expect me to help!” Spike called. “I’ve got better things to do than be handyman’s assistant.”

Spike sat there for a few moments. “Yeah, I’ve got better things to do.”

Letting out a frustrated sound, Spike grabbed the remote control.

Scene 5

Spike was actually getting into Jerry Springer when there was a knock at the door. Growling, he went to answer it. This better be good, he thought.

He swung open the door to reveal Andrew. The boy held a Hawaiian shirt. He looked up and shrieked.

“What in. . . Bloody hell, will you shut your gob.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“It’s the First!” Andrew yelled. He took a few steps backwards and almost tripped.

“I am not the bleeding First, you moron!”

“Spike is dead. He was burnt to ashes back in Sunnydale,” Andrew declared. “So you can’t be him.”

Spike turned his head and hollered up the stairs. “Harris, get your arse down here and calm your little woman!”

“Hey!” Andrew said, insulted.

Xander came down the stairs. He stopped at the bottom, sighing at the sight of the nerd. “What is it, Andrew?”

Andrew pointed an accusing finger at Spike. “Don’t you see him?”

“Yeah, I see him. I still have one good eye.”

“But-But. . . He’s dead.”

“Y-eah. Vampire, remember,” Spike said.

“Spike is back,” Xander told Andrew. “It’s a long story. Something to do with saving the world and getting a reward.”

Andrew was frozen for a long while. Then he launched himself at Spike.

“Good to have you back, Spike!”

Spike pried the boy off him with disgust.

“Right, right. So, why are you here?” The sooner they settled that the sooner he would leave.

Andrew held up the brightly colored shirt. On the front was a huge stain. “I think I turned the iron on too high. I’m sorry, Xander. I came to apologize.”

Rolling his one eye, Xander replied, “I know I told you to earn your keep, but I think I’ll do the clothes from now on.”

“So, what can I do then?”

“I don’t know. Clean. Vacuum, dust, or something.”

“Oh, okay,” Andrew said, chipper. He turned to leave. “Bye then. Good to see ya, Spike. Ya know, not deader and all. You know, this is kinda like when Spock came back on Star Trek movie number . . .”

Spike began to close the door on him. “Bye, Andrew.”


Scene 6

The familiar scenery of graves surrounded Buffy and Faith. Kara, Mickie, and Ashley trailed behind them as they made their sweep through Erie Street Cemetery. Each girl held a wooden stake, prepared to use it if need be.

“Now remember,” Buffy said without slowing her pace or looking back. “Stay out of the fight if you can. This is an observation lesson.”

“Yeah, watch and learn,” Faith added.

The newbies nodded in confirmation.

It wasn’t long before a band of three fledgling vampires ran at them. The young slayers stepped back, studying the elders at work. Buffy and Faith kicked and punched, weakening their opponents. They could have done away with the vamps in a flash, but they prolonged the combat for the girl’s benefit.

“I find it useful to distract them,” Buffy told her students. She blocked a blow before it could land in her face. “Puns work well. Insults, ya know. Fledglings aren’t bright. They’ll fall for it.”

Buffy’s advisory had been a teenager in life. Probably seventeen. He wore a checkered shirt and glasses.

“For example. . .” Buffy spun kicked, making him stagger back. “Why are you wearing glasses, moron? You’re a vampire now. 20/20 vision, mister. Maybe even better. Repeat after me. Vam-pire. Predator with super abilities, including hawk vision.”

She saw her opening and went for it. She thrust her stake into his unbeating heart. The vampire exploded in a shower of dust. Next to her Faith decided to do the same. They turned to face the third remaining foe. A frightened expression came over him and he began to run.

With huge grins, Faith and Buffy went after the vampire. They tackled him to the ground.

“One,” Faith started.

“Two,” Buffy said.

“Three,” they concluded together.

Both their stakes went down to meet his chest. They jumped to their feet, giving high-fives. Then they proceeded to brush themselves off.

“Nice moves, B,” complimented the dark-haired slayer.

“Thanks. You did well too.”

The two spun to see the girls. Awe shown in the teens’ eyes.

“Wow,” Mickey murmured.

“I wanna learn everything,” Ashley said jubilantly.

Kara shrugged. “Okay, maybe I’ll stick around afterall.”

Laughter spilled out of Buffy. She was exhilarated. She wanted more action.

“Nobody like a slayer to teach a slayer,” Faith stated.

Buffy froze. “What’d you say?”

“Huh? All I meant was slayers are the best teachers for slayers.”

“Oh my God! Why didn’t we think of that before!?”

Faith blinked, not getting it.

“You just found the solution. Slayers can teach slayers.” Buffy moved to hug her sister-slayer excitedly.

Faith held her hands out, preventing Buffy to come any closer. “Hold on, girl, you know I don’t hug.”

Buffy laughed. She playfully punched the other woman. “Giles is so going to love us.”

They searched the cemetery for more vampires, but found it quiet.

“I need more action,” complained Buffy.

“We should go have some fun. What ya say about fetching our men and getting our groove on?” Faith suggested.

Smiling, Buffy replied, “Yeah. Sounds five-by-five.”

Faith smiled back.

Scene 7

Willow punched in Buffy’s number. She put the phone to her ear and listened to the rings. One. Two. Three. Four . . .

“Hello,” Buffy said.


“Will? Is something wrong?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“You sound down. Did something happen?”

Willow fought back tears. “Oh, Buffy, I don’t know what to do with Kennedy. She doesn’t want to talk to me. It is like she doesn’t even want to make this right.”

“Shhh, Willow, it’ll be all right. Why don’t you get out. Forget about it for awhile. We’re going to go out dancing. Come with?”

Her first inclination was to decline. She didn’t feel like partying. She felt like curling up into a ball and crying. But that wouldn’t do any good.

“Okay, I’ll come,” she said after a moment.

Scene 8

“Wow,” Willow commented.

Wow was right. Mirage of the Water was a stunning club. The Bronze was nothing compared to this. The place sparkled with hanging mirrored globes. The ceiling was a skylight, where the inhabitants could look up and see the stars. The floor was marble, perfect for dancing upon. There was a spiral staircase, the walls were carpeted, and fluorescing flowers were decorated all around. It was beautiful.

A live DJ was playing music that vibrated. It was loud and had a hard beat to move to.

Buffy and Spike instantly headed for the swaying mass of people. Faith and Robin joined them. Willow stood there by herself for a moment before heading to the bar. She sat down and ordered a beer.

A few drinks later Willow gone. She didn’t care about distant girlfriends anymore. She headed into the crowd and began to dance. A man came up to her and positioned himself behind her. She moved her hips. Who cares if she was gay now and this guy was coming onto her. All she wanted was to forget her troubles. If it took dancing with a guy to do it, oh well.

Scene 9

Buffy halted. “Hey, Spike, am I seeing things or is Willow dancing with a dirty old man?”

Spike glanced over. “I don’t know about old, but she is dancing with a man.”

“No, he’s old. Look at his clothes. Gotta be at least in his thirties.”

Spike raised an eyebrow.

All of a sudden Buffy gasped. “Oh my God! He just grabbed her butt. And she didn’t stop him.”

The vampire glanced over. Sure enough the red-head was dancing away with the man, who apparently was dirty. His hands were roaming over her as they grinded.

“We have to stop her!” Buffy said.

Spike nodded. “Maybe we should.”

They both started to step toward the spectacle. Before they could, however, Willow came to her senses. She pushed the guy away. She spotted the blond couple and came over.

“Willow, are you all right?” Buffy asked, concerned for her friend.

Willow shook her head. “No, I’m not. Buffy I need to go home.”

“Oh. Okay. Do you want a ride?”

“No,” Willow declined. “I can make it.”

“Do you have a stake?”

“I always keep one. Don’t worry.” Willow looked around. “I gotta get out of here. Bye.”

With that, the witch fled the club.

Scene 10

Willow quickly walked through the swarm of people. She was almost out the door when she saw them. They were on a sofa. The girl was practically on Kennedy‘s lap, her lips smashed against hers.

Shocked, Willow gaped in horror. When she regained control, she headed to the exit in an even quicker pace than before.

The cold night air hit her skin like needles. She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked.

From the shadows, emerged a figure. Willow sprung into action. She reached into her pocket, her fingers curling around her weapon. She brought out the stake and brought it up.

“Wait! Don’t!” the woman shouted.

Fortunately Willow was able to stop before she did something she would regret. She halted her hand.

“Sorry. Sorry.” Willow relaxed her arm.

“Were you going to stake me?” the woman asked.

“I thought- I . . . I’m sorry.”

The woman was beautiful. She had a kind face, with bright blue eyes. Her golden hair fell down her back in gentle waves. She wore a long green dress that fitted to her slim frame.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” the woman explained. “I’m here to help you.”

“Help me?” Willow inquired, totally confused.

“You’re going to die soon. Maybe tonight unless I can stop it.”

The air got colder, threatening to turn Willow to ice.


Scene 11

The stake clattered to the ground with a clang. Willow froze, time standing still.

Willow stared at the strange woman without really seeing her. Images of her life flashed through her mind. She saw her losses and gains, her hopes and dreams. There was still so much she wanted to do.

Buffy had said that death was nothing to fear. That heaven was waiting with comfort and love. Willow didn’t fear being killed, but she wasn’t ready for it.

Her eyes were wide and panicky. “Who-Who are you?” she stammered.

The woman opened her mouth to speak, but someone else spoke before she could.

“I’ve been searching for you, witch.”

Willow’s breath caught in her throat. The voice was cold and unnerving. It was full of cruelty.

The blonde woman spun to face the speaker. Her stance was alert and ready. Willow couldn’t imagine how she planned on saving her. The woman wasn’t a spell-caster. As of late, Willow could feel where magic dwelt. She could sense it crackling like fire. This woman possessed none of it. Unless she knew karate. . .

“My name in unimportant,” the stranger announced. “What you should be concerned about is ’what’ I am.”

“And what are you?” Willow’s voice wavered.

“A hunter.”

With that, the man stepped out of the shadows. Willow’s eyes grew even larger. It was the man she had danced with. He had on a white trench coat and hat that he hadn’t displayed before. His hand emerged from his pocket. There was something in his clutch. It took a moment for her to process that it was a gun.

Running on automatic, Willow thrust out her palms. She boomed out the only magic spell she could think of. “Enfaro!”

Instead of the gun disappearing as she had expected, it remained pointed at her. Laughter came from the man.

“That won’t work, witch. Your powers have been lifted.”

Horror came over Willow. She stood there, not knowing what to do. Should she yell for Buffy? The slayer would never hear her inside the noisy dance club.

The unknown blonde woman stepped forward. The man turned his attention to her.

“I suggest you run,” he warned her. “This doesn’t concern you. But if you get in the way. . .”

“Not gonna happen.”

The woman stared hard at his weapon. Miraculously, the shiny gun slipped from his fingers. He went crashing against the wall of a building.

“Get help,” the woman ordered Willow. “I don’t know how long I can hold him in place.”

Willow didn’t waste a second. She raced back into Mirage of the Water. Her eyes scanned the crowd for her friend. She spotted Buffy near the winding staircase. She was pressed against Spike, kissing him like there was no one else around.

She made her way over to them. As she did, Spike’s hands slipped under Buffy’s red top.

“Guys, I hate to break up the romantic smoochies, but I need your help,” Willow said.

The two instantly separated. The looked as if they had been caught by a parent.

Willow, I thought you left,” Buffy stated.

“I did, but I came back. I was attacked outside . . .”

“What!?” Buffy demanded.

“A man. The man I was dancing with before. He tried to shoot me.”

Worry crept across Buffy. She took a step away from her boyfriend. “Are you okay?”

Willow nodded. “This woman . . . I think she might be clairvoyant, and definitely telekinetic. She helped me. But you have to come because she can’t hold the guy for long.”

Buffy exchanged a glance with Spike. They spoke silently in that instant and both sprung into action. They followed Willow out into the alley.

The man was still held in place. Willow’s savior appeared to be strained. Sweat glistened on her brow and she was gritting her teeth. She teetered and would have fallen, but Spike rushed to her side and grabbed her shoulders.

The power dissipated abruptly. The man became free. He slammed into Willow, throwing them to the ground. His arm dug into her throat, choking her. She struggled. He was stronger, though, and it was no use.

“Filthy, witch!” he spat in her face. “You will rot in hell!”

A white shoe hit the side of his head. The blow knocked him off Willow. The witch sucked in air, managing to scoot further away from him.

Buffy hovered over the witch hunter. She kicked him again. “Okay, ’nobody’ talks to my friend like that.” She kicked him another time. “Have you been to hell? I think not. Have you been to heaven? No. You are not an expert as to who is admitted where. I’ve been to both places, and let me assure you. . .” She bent down to look him in the eye. “I know exactly where you will end up.”

Scene 12

Willow entered her apartment quietly. Spike had escorted her home after helping the psychic woman, who they had learned was named Alanna Staten, get to her own place. Plans were being made by Giles to transport the psycho witch hunter to an institution where he could receive professional help.

She removed her jacket and hung it up on a hook. Something clattered to the linoleum. She bent down and examined the object. It must have fallen from her pocket. It was a small golden disk, with unusual markings. There was definite research to be had, but not tonight. Willow placed the talisman on the counter, with full intentions of giving it to Giles in the morning.

She let out a heavy sigh and went into the living room.

She collapsed on the couch. Wearily, Willow closed her eyes. She was so tired, mentally and physically. Too lazy to go to bed, she drifted off right there.

Some time during the night (or technically early morning), Kennedy crept into the apartment.

The red-head sat up at the sound of the door opening. She glanced at the clock and frowned. She shifted on the sofa, looking over at her girlfriend.

“You’re home late,” Willow said without emotion.

Kennedy nodded. “I lost track of time.”


Kennedy came closer. She seemed nervous. “Um, Willow, we need to talk.”

The witch scooted over on the couch. She patted the cushion beside her. Kennedy accepted the invitation. She settled down next to her, but wouldn’t look her in the face.

“I’ve been doing some thinking. . .” Kennedy began.

Alert, Willow said, “And . . . ?”

Kennedy sighed. She looked over, her expression dark. “Willow, this isn’t working out.”

A weight crashed down on Willow.

“I don’t understand. What did I do wrong?” Willow murmured. She could feel her eyes begin to burn.

“It isn’t you. There is nothing you did wrong. I thought I loved you. But then after that spell. . . I realized I didn’t. I couldn’t figure out why, but now I think I know.”

There was a slight pause before Kennedy continued. “Willow, we want different things. We have a good time together, but we don’t connect. I want fun.”

“I like fun. I can do fun,” Willow protested.

“I know. But after fun you want to whisper sweet nothings. You want love, Willow, and I can’t give you that. You deserve to be with someone who can. I’m just not in love with you. ”

She couldn’t help it. The water streamed down her cheeks.

Willow was confused. She didn’t know what was happening here. She didn’t understand what Kennedy was saying.

“You’re breaking up with me?” Willow whispered.

Kennedy stood up. “Yeah, sweetie. I’m sorry. It‘s time for me to go.”

Kennedy leaned down. She gave Willow a peck on the lips.

“I enjoyed our time together.”

“Yeah,” Willow choked. “It was . . . fun.”

Fun. That was all Kennedy thought they were together. That was all she wanted.

“I’m going to go pack,” Kennedy announced.

Willow spun. “Where will you go?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Scene 13

Willow sat next to Buffy. She held a thick volume, her eyes not even on the page. She clutched the book with prying fingers. They were supposed to be searching for reference of the talisman Willow had found in her coat, yet her mind wouldn’t stay focused.

Kennedy was leaving her. And what if her powers never came back? She had been helpless last night. If Alanna and Buffy hadn’t been there she wouldn’t be breathing today. A chill hit her and she shivered.

“Will, are you okay?” Buffy asked.


“What level of fine are you referring to?”

“There are levels?”

Willow, what is wrong?”

Willow slammed the book down on the coffee table. “Buffy, Kennedy and I are breaking up.”

“Oh.” The slayer’s expression softened. “I’m sorry.”

“And what really is getting to me is that I don’t think . . .” Willow’s voice caught. “I don’t think I could have prevented it. I think it was inevitable.”

Buffy was silent for a moment. Then she said, “I know the feeling.”

They gave each other sad looks.

“And what if I’m not power-Willow anymore? I was all weak and kitteny last night. What if what he did to me is permanent? I‘ve gotten so used to magic I don‘t know what I‘d do without it. Who would I be if I‘m not the helpful witch? I‘d be nobody. I wouldn‘t be useful anymore.”

“My best friend,” Buffy answered firmly. “Remember when I lost my slayer powers? I thought I was nobody without them, but everybody set me straight. You aren’t nobody, you are an important somebody. I love you because you are Willow-Willow, not witchy-Willow. And you will never be useless. You have all that hacker ability. And think of Xander. He’s just a human and he manages.”

Willow gave a small smile. Both girls reached forward and hugged.

“Best friends,” Buffy remarked.

“Forever,” Willow added.

They pulled away with huge grins.

Just then Giles entered the room. He was holding the talisman.

“I believe this is a tool used by witch hunters. They place it on their targets and it binds magic use,” Giles told them.

“Is it permanent, Giles?” Buffy inquired. She took Willow’s hand.

“No. The effects should wear off gradually.”

Willow let out a sigh of relief. She knew Buffy had been right about her being important even without power, but she couldn’t help but be glad. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone dying when she could have prevented it.

Which led her to thinking of Alanna. She was going to have to find that woman and thank her.


Scene 14


“So . . .” Buffy’s grin grew even larger. “Faith and I came to the perfect solution to our problem. Slayers will train slayers.”

Giles removed his glasses. “Excuse me?”

“Oh, come on, you don’t get it? You are all smart and stuff, this should be a snap. Okay, let me explain. I’ll train slayers. Then those slayers can train future slayers, and so on.”

The watcher put his glasses back on. He stared off into space. Buffy waited a moment for him to react. Finally she grew worried. Her face fell.

“Giles?” There was no reply. She tried again a tad louder. “Giles?”

He blinked. He turned his head. “Oh, sorry. I was just pondering this over.”

“And what do you think?”

A smile formed on his lips. “Pure brilliance.”

The glow returned to her face.

“There is still much to decide. Where to keep them? How to teach them?” Giles went on.

There was a knock at the door. Giles got up and went to answer it. He wasn’t surprised to see Robson standing outside, but the fact that Kennedy was beside him was startling.

“Hello, Rupert,” Robson addressed.

“Robson,” Giles said.

“I’ve come to say goodbye. It is time that I move on in search of more slayers.”

Giles nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Kennedy fidgeted. “I’m going with him.”

Giles blinked. He hadn’t expected that.

“Miss Kennedy has agreed to be my assistant. I will find the slayers and she will transport them back here. If that is their wish, that is,” Robson explained

“Of course,” Giles replied with a nod. He stuck out his hand for a shake. “Goodbye, old fellow.”

“Goodbye, Rupert.”

Kennedy shook Giles’s hand. Very quietly, she said, “Tell Willow that I’m sorry.”

And then they were gone.

Giles turned around. Buffy was right behind him, looking off where Kennedy had stood with grimness.

“Bitch,” Buffy stated.

Giles couldn’t muster the care to disagree.


End of Episode 6

Episode 7: As I Wish

It is almost Christmas and the scoobies are hoping for the perfect holiday. The only thing to worry about is finding the perfect gift for each other. Or at least that is true until Spike gets attacked by a Demon Hopper and threatens to ruin Buffy’s plans.

Title Page
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