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Title: Mr. & Ms. Lonelyhearts
Author: Gileswench
Date: 15/02/2001
Spoilers: Through Blood Ties to be safe. Crush never happened.
Rating: NC17 eventually.
Pairing: Buffy/Giles, X/Anya, W/T
Notes: This is in response to Gabi's Valentine's challenge: Buffy and Giles decide to spent the day together since W/T and X/Anya are off doing couply things and they don't want to be depressed.

Optionally (if that didn't set your creative juices flowing yet ;) :
1) for some strange reason only B/G end up having sex (this might be funny :)
2) include as many of the following as you like - a hidden valentine card - an annoying violin player - B/G holding hands in public - water - B or G saying "No, but
I'd love to try it." - B or G telling the other about an embarrassing past Valentine - Giles and/or Xander getting a rose - Xander and Tara sharing a secret - Buffy leaning against the headboard of the bed while Giles takes her from behind (sorry but I got that image stuck in my head, plus I'll be really happy to read that; go write hot smut! :)

"So tomorrow night, we'll..."

"No, Giles. Not tomorrow night. We are doing nothing tomorrow night." Anya was quite firm in her assertion.

"Whyever not?"

It was Willow who replied. "Um, Giles, it's sorta Valentine's day. So we've kinda got...plans."

Giles sat next to Buffy with a thump.

"So it is. I'd completely forgotten."

The Slayer smiled at him indulgently.

"That's okay. It's not like you aren't keeping tabs on a lot more holidays, festivals, and risings than the rest of us."

"So, um, none of you are available tomorrow night?"

"Xander and I are ordering Chinese food and renting a pornographic videotape. Then we plan to act out the parts we like best."

"An, Honey, remember when I told you to just say we're having dinner and seeing a movie? This would have been the time to say it."

"Oh, of course. Xander and I are having dinner. Then we plan to see a movie. There's no sex involved."

Everyone shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"A-and we're going to a dance at school." Tara supplied. "The gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender alliance is having a queer Valentine's ball. Queer meaning gay - not abnormal."

Willow patted her girlfriend's hand. "I think they got that. And hey, what about you, Buffy? Any big plans for the fourteenth?"

"Oh sure, it's the annual Summer's Valentine's Jiffy Pop and chick flick marathon. Just me, Mom, Dawn, Thelma and Louise. Big fun."

"And I'm guessing from his face that the Big G has no smoochie plans for tomorrow. Better luck next year, man."

"Actually, I'm having the Queen Mum round for drinks and a night of torrid strip Parcheesi."


"Of course not, Anya. I was joking."

"No you weren't. Jokes have smiles and sometimes laughter. I know it."

"I thought it was funny."

Giles smiled warmly. "Thank you, Buffy. It's good to know somebody appreciates my sense of humor."

"I think the store should be closed tomorrow."

Giles looked hard at his assistant.

"I suppose that's because you and Xander have plans for the day as well?"

"Yes, but we're not going to the adult bookstore for sex toys. Right, Xander?"

"I think this might be a good time to be gone." Xander rose and turned for the door, Anya following on his heels.


The former demon turned back.

"I'll see you the day after tomorrow. And try not to wear Xander out completely."

The couple made their escape.

"I guess we'll be going too. We have to pick up a few things for our picnic tomorrow." Willow sounded excited.

"Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do...if I was into girls and...never mind. Just have a good time."

"We will. See you later."

The witches headed out the door.

Buffy moved to help Giles clear the research books off the table, and wash the teacups. They worked efficiently as a team. Giles looked at Buffy oddly for a moment.

"Are you quite alright?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, you just seem a little...down."

"Yeah, well, being alone on Valentine's can do that to a girl."

"Or a guy, for that matter" Giles muttered under his breath.

Buffy looked sharply at him. Slayer hearing had its uses.

"Hey Giles, I've got an idea. Xander's got Anya, Willow's got Tara, why don't you and I spend St. V's together."


"Yeah. Y'know, as in one of you, one of me and a whole day to play in. C'mon, it'll be fun."

"What about the shop?"

"Do you really want to run it alone? And who's gonna come here on Valentine's anyway? Only lonely, miserable people who have nothing better to do. Do you want to spend your day with some loser who wants to make an attraction spell so he can turn down the girl who dumped him at the middle school dance, or would you rather hang out with your Slayer and number one fan?"

"N-number one fan? Really?"

"Hey, did you really think I made Travers reinstate you and hand over all that back salary because I thought it would make him squirm? Nah. The squirming was a bonus. And that reminds me; you've got bucks to burn these days, so you can pay."

She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. His blush made her smile at him.

"All right then. What would you like to do?"

"Have you ever played miniature golf before?"

"No, but I'd love to try it."

"Okay then, pick me up at eleven tomorrow and we'll play around. Play A Round."

It was her turn to blush.

"Right then, eleven it is."

"Right. Oh, and Giles?"

"Yes, Buffy?"

"Think casual. No tweed, no suit, no tie. Jeans would be of the good, but baggy sweaters are not allowed."

"I'll do my best to meet your exacting standards."

"And sarcasm is much funnier when it's directed at somebody who isn't me." Her smile let him know she was only teasing him. "See ya' tomorrow, Giles!"

She strode out the door looking more herself than she had in weeks.


The day dawned bright and sunny. After breakfast, Buffy went through her wardrobe with more care than was considered strictly necessary for a day of Watcher/Slayer bonding. When she chose the sky blue halter top and white jeans, Buffy had to remind herself that this was just for Giles. Not a boyfriend. She told herself she just wanted to be well- groomed since you never knew who you'd the miniature golf course. And the only reason she wore strappy, high-heeled sandals was that he was tall, and she didn't wan't a crick in her neck from looking up at him all day. She couldn't help it if the man was freakishly outsized. In terms of height.


Giles had rejected at least five shirts when he reminded himself this was just an outing with Buffy. Not a date. Then again, she had been particular about what he could and could not wear to be seen in public with her. He just wanted his Slayer to be happy. That was all. That was why he wore his charcoal grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show several inches of forearm. Besides, it was warm out. And he only wore his earring because it was a casual day. It seemed appropriate for the circumstances. It wasn't because he'd heard Buffy refer to men with pierced ears as sexy. Honestly.


Willow and Tara sat on a blanket in the park. They ate lazily in between stories and loving gazes. As Tara reached into the basket for another sandwich, Willow held her breath. Maybe she would find it this time.

Tara's brow wrinkled as she felt something in the basket that didn't feel like the food she'd packed. It felt like a package of some kind. She drew it out cautiously only to find it was addressed to her and had a card attached on top.

"Is this from you?" She asked her girlfriend her smile broadening.

"How many Valentines have you got?"

"Just you." She leaned over and gave Willow a quick kiss. "I'll give you more of those tonight."

"I can't wait. Well, open it!"

Tara opened the card. It was obviously handmade and showed a pair of girls in pointy witch hats. All it said was 'Be Mine'.

"I made it myself. I know it's not the most original, but..."

"It's perfect. And there's a reason why that line is classic. It's simple, but it says all that really needs saying. And you know I already am. I always will be."

The girls embraced warmly. When they pulled back Willow pointed to the as yet unopened package.

"Well, open it."

Tara carefully peeled away the wrapping paper to find a box of truffles.

"Chocolates. You spoil me."

"That's the general idea. Try one."

Tara popped a candy in her mouth. She savored the flavor on her tongue, making little sounds of satisfaction until she had swallowed the confection.

"That was the most delicious thing I've ever had. What was that flavor?"

Willow's eyebrows moved skyward. "Don't you know strawberries when you taste them?"

"S-s-strawberries? Uh oh."


"Ha! I won again! I am the miniature golf queen!"

"Only because you cheat."

"That's what losers always say."

The pair continued to argue amicably as they left the course.

"So, ready to pay up, loser guy?"


"Hey! You said if I won, you'd take me out to dinner. I'm hungry, I want my prize."

"And I fully intend to pay. Just because you're willing to break the rules to get your way doesn't mean I am."

"Okay, I'm not seeing how this makes sense. Explain it to me, Einstein."

"I will take you to dinner. I simply think we should change before we go to the restaurant."

"What's wrong with what we're wearing?"

"They won't let us in the door where I'm taking you in jeans."

"Sounds expensive. Y'know I didn't mean you had to break the bank or anything. Pizza or hamburgers or something would be okay."

"But as you pointed out yesterday, I am currently awash in cash. Please. Let me do this. I feel you need a special night after all you've been through lately."

"That's so sweet, Giles. But it's already special. Just being with you without the world crashing down on us makes it special. Of course, if you really feel the need to show me the high life, I won't stop you."

"I do. Feel the need to spoil you a bit. And myself. It's not very often that I have a dinner companion to take someplace upscale."

"Hey, say the word next time. I'll come running. As long as I like the food."

The restaurant Giles had chosen was, indeed, expensive. In fact, it was the most expensive restaurant in town.

"Giles, are you sure you want to do this much damage to your wallet? I know people who live in houses that cost less than a meal here."

"Nothing is too good for the greatest Slayer of all time."

Buffy blushed deeply. Giles enjoyed the way it matched the rose color of her formal dress.

"Watch out or I'll start believing that."

When the host led them to their table, Giles guided her with a hand at the small of her back. Despite its warmth, Buffy shivered slightly.


"I want to do the part in the movie where he had sex with the girl while he was standing up."

"Oooh, kinky. I'm loving that."

Xander braced himself against the sofa and lifted Anya into his arms. Just as he was about to lower her onto his turgid cock, the sofa moved and Xander landed sprawled on the floor with Anya on top of him.

"Xander! Are you all tight?"

"Oh God! I think I threw my back out. An, I need to go to the ER."

"We can play doctor anytime, Xander..."

"I'm not playing, An. I'm in pain. Please take me where I can be made whole and painless again."


Buffy tried not to laugh as she sipped her water. The look on Giles' face was priceless. If that violinist didn't move on soon, he was going to become much better acquainted with Ripper than was good for him. As another tune ended, Giles pulled a bill out of his wallet.

"Here is twenty dollars. You may have it if you go play for that couple over there." He pointed to a pair across the room. The violinist took the cash and went to annoy the other couple.

"That was mean, Giles. Now they'll have to listen to show tunes being slaughtered."

"A fitting retribution. He bounced a check in the shop a couple weeks ago."

"A big one?"

"Not terribly, but it's the priciple of the thing."

The two laughed.

The evening had gone well. The food was delicious, and both found the company even better than expected. When Giles told the story of how he once got dumped on Valentine's Day by a half-demon who left him stripped to his underwear in a fountain, Buffy thought she would die laughing. Where had she ever gotten the idea that Giles was stuffy? And Giles discovered that Buffy was a witty companion and far more poised than he would have thought likely even six months ago. Even the few brief silences were pleasant and filled with smiles.

At last dessert was finished and coffee drunk. There was nothing for it but to leave and let the magical evening end. Giles stood and offered his hand to Buffy to help her from her chair. He was pleasantly surprised when she insisted on continuing to hold it, entwining her fingers with his.

As they waited for the valet to bring the car around Buffy turned to Giles.

"Is it just me, or do you not want tonight to be over too?"

Either. And it isn't just you."

"Then does it have to end?"

She took his lapels in her hands as she looked up into his eyes. He blinked at what he saw reflected in her expression. Trust, desire, passion. Love. All that he felt for her and had done for so long.

His hand raised as of its own accord to stroke her cheek. She leaned into the caress, her hand moving to his shoulder as their lips journied closer.

The kiss was sweet and hungry, fueled by the feelings that had been hidden for so long on both sides. When Buffy's lips parted, Giles took the invitation. His tongue swept her mouth, claiming it as his territory. When he finally pulled back and rested his forehead against Buffy's, both were breathless.

Just then the valet pulled up and handed Giles the keys to the car. When they were settled, Giles turned and began to speak, but Buffy placed her finger on his mouth to stop him.

"Take me home, Giles. Your home."

"Buffy, are you sure?"

"Very sure."

He kissed her again. Then he started the ignition and headed for home.


Willow tucked Tara into their bed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were allergic."

"But I'll be okay. I just need to stay in bed and wait for the hives to go away. I'm sorry Valentines was ruined for you."

"It was all my fault. I shouldn't have given them to you. I should have asked for a full list of everything you're allergic to. And I should have it posted up around the room, and I should always keep a copy in my pocket. And I'm never giving you anything again unless I know it's Tara-friendly."

"Shhh, it's okay. You didn't know. And I still love you, so Valentines isn't entirely ruined."

"I guess not. And I love you, too. I wish we could snuggle though."

"Maybe we can tomorrow night."

"And at least we have each other."

"Buffy will find someone. So will Giles."


Buffy held her breath as Giles loomed over her, entering her tight , wet channel for the first time. He filled her completely. The breath left her in a sigh of delighted completion. He breathed a matching sigh at the sesations that surrounded him.

"Oh, Buffy, I love you."

"And I love you, Rupert."

At the sound of her saying his given name, Giles went mad with desire. He had waited so long to hear her say those words. He crushed his lips to hers as he began to thrust his cock, withdrawing until only the head remained inside her, then slowly working it back in until their hips met.

Buffy wrapped her legs aound Giles as they rocked together in synchronized harmony. She held his face to hers and kissed him deeply. Her body was aflame for his.

"Oh God! Rupert, never stop!"

With that cry, Giles began to pump fiercely into her, too far gone to hold back anymore. He could feel his groin tightening for the oncoming release. He thrust even harder, his need only increased by Buffy's keening wail as she pulsed around his manhood. Seconds later, he followed her over the edge. Torrents of his seed erupted into Buffy. With a final push, he collapsed on her.

As soon as he recovered himself a bit, Giles rolled them onto their sides. They kissed and whispered sweet words of love and devotion as he smoothed the sweat-slick strands of her hair back from her brow.

At last, he reluctantly pulled back to dispose of the condom. With a final kiss, he withdrew. Buffy made a tiny sound of protest at the loss of him inside her. When he returned, they held one another tightly.

"I've never felt that way before."

"Neither have I, Buffy. You're wonderful, my love."

"You're not so bad yourself." She ruffled his chest hair affectionately until he laughed and stilled her hand. "What? You don't like?"

"It tickles a bit, that's all." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the palm. "You are so beautiful."

"Beautiful?" She glowed with pleasure.

"Beautiful. And delicious. And damnably sexy." He punctuated each declaration with a hungry kiss.

"Speaking of sexy..." Buffy giggled.

Giles growled deep in his throat and began round two.


"I'm sorry, An. I know you wanted to have a marathon. Let's just say the spirit is more than willing but the flesh in my back hurts way too much."

"It's okay, Xander. We can have sex other times. Other times that aren't Valentine's day. I still love you." She handed him a rose. "Happy Valentine's day, anyway."

"I love you, too, Anya. You really are the best."

"I can't be the best, Xander, because you are."

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

"All right, we'll call it a draw."

She kissed him gently.

"I've decided I'm pretty lucky anyway. Even if we can't have sex, at least we're together. We could be Buffy or Giles."

"I know, An. I wish they could find someone too. I feel sorry for them tonight."


Buffy gripped the headboard as Giles entered her from behind. He felt even bigger this way. As he pumped madly, Buffy cried out in agonized delight. With every thrust, his balls swung forward to tease her clitoris. The sensation was overwhelming. He gripped her hips as one climax ripped through her, then another followed almost immediately.

He stilled himself to keep frm ending too quickly. It took all his mammoth self control to keep his lust in check until he was sure Buffy had had her full pleasure.

Finally, when she had come three times, he let himself go. He lay nearly astride her back, fondling her swinging breasts as he gave himself over to the mindless joy of drilling hard and fast into the deliciously tight, wet woman before him.

He cried out her name as he went over the edge again.

Afterwards, they lay together, comfortably entagled in one another's arms.

"Wow. I can't believe we did it three times!" Buffy giggled as she snuggled her cheek against Giles' bare chest.

"Well I was rather inspired." He stroked her hair and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

"Mmmmm, this is nice. Will it always be like this?"

"If I have anything to say about it, then yes. I love you, Buffy."

"I love you, too. And just think; now there are three Scooby couples and they all had the best Valentine's ever."

Giles pulled her up for a kiss. "But I do believe we had the best one of all."

"No arguments here." She kissed him back, the giggled. "And it looks like somebody's up for round four!"

Giles rolled on top of her and they began again.


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