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Lost and Found

Rated- PG13 (there might be some NC17 parts posted separately)

Spoilers- Buffy: Chosen, Angel: Soul Purpose

Summary- I'm fixing everything Joss messed up. How? With a spell, a ghost, some visions, an awakening, and a revised prophecy. Still don't know what this is about? Well, then read it and find out. B/S, A/X, A/C, D/C, and maybe F/W (that's Faith and Wes. What do you think?)

Disclaimer- I don't own Buffy or Angel. If I did I wouldn't have to write this story

This is my attempt at making all the Buffyverse characters happy. Well, all of them except Eve. I absolutely hate Eve.

Chapter 2- Failed Attempts

Normally Buffy thought about Spike as much as possible. The dream had disturbed her, though, and she was avoiding any reminder of him like the plague. So far so good.

She was focusing on arranging their trip to Cleveland. She booked their seats, packed, called Giles, and explained the plan to Thea.

The new slayer was hesitant. She didn't know if she wanted to go across the globe. Eventually she agreed, however, realizing she needed answers and training. Buffy understood all too well what the girl was going through. The transition into slayer-hood was confusing. It changed your whole life: physically, mentally, and even spiritually. The world turned inside-out.

"Dawn!" Buffy called.

She made her way down the hall and stopped before the closed door on the left. She rose a hand and tapped on it.


There was a long span of silence.


The door finally opened. Dawn peeked her head out. She was damp from the shower.

"What took you so long to open the door?" Buffy demanded.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Impatient much. I was naked."

"You should have told me."

"Whatever. What do you want?"

"Have you started to pack?" Buffy asked.

"We aren't leaving for another two days," replied Dawn.

"It is good to be prepared early."

Dawn looked at Buffy curiously. Buffy sighed.

"So, packed?"


"You don't look busy. Why don't you start now?"

Buffy didn't wait for confirmation. She turned and left for her own room. Dawn stared after her sister, furrowing her brow.


Lindsey was waiting for her like always. He was lying in bed, naked under the covers. She had grinned with satisfaction, slipping off her clothes. Then they had wild, passionate sex.

Afterward, Eve curled up beside him, sweaty and sated. She trailed circles over his tattooed chest.

"I better go visit our vampire soon," Lindsey said.

She glanced up at him. "How many more times do you think it'll take before we can go to the next step of the plan?"

Lindsey pushed her gently away. He reached for his pants and pulled them on.

"Not many," he answered.

Eve ran her hands over his back. She leaned in and nibbled on his earlobe. "Good."

Lindsey broke away. A pout formed on Eve.

"It's late, baby," he informed.

"I'll have the demon attack at eleven sharp. Be sure you direct our crusader near Judson."

He gave her a quick kiss before donning his dark-blue button-down. "No worries. He'll be there."


"I'll have another."

The bartender took the empty mug and went to refill it. He set it back down on the counter a short time later, rich foamy liquid to the brim.

"Thanks, mate," the vampire remarked.

Spike grabbed the beer and took a large gulp. He savored the taste of the alcohol as it slid down his throat. There was nothing like a beer. It was the only thing he could rely on these days.

His eyes roamed to the mounted television overhead. The evening news was being broadcasted. The reporter said something about missing young adults.

Spike suddenly sensed movement behind him. He spun, grabbing the arm of the person before their hand could clamp down on his shoulder. He slammed the intruder's head against the bar.

"I'm not really a touchy-feely kind of bloke," Spike said. "Appreciate if you'd keep your hands to yourself."

"Spike, it's me."

Spike studied the man. Recognition came over his features as he took in the dark hair and Urban Cowboy getup. His grip loosened. "Oh, you." His tone wasn't malicious, just uncaring.

Doyle, the PTB's chosen seer, straightened. He winced. "You have a good grip."

The bleached-blonde rose an eyebrow to express 'duh'.

"Right. Vampire," Doyle stated.

"I've been looking all over for you," Doyle went on.

"Right," Spike muttered. He was slightly distracted by the TV.

The news was giving more details on the disappearances. Apparently there were over fifteen cases, seemingly connected. The victims were all between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one.

". . . need to be around where I can find you."

Spike snapped his attention back to Doyle. He had missed most of what the other man had just said.

"So, you had another one of your brilliant visions then?" Spike asked.

"Yes. A girl is going to be attacked by something big and ugly with horns," Lindsey explained. ". . . Soon."

Spike stood. He downed one last swallow of his beer before heading toward the door. Doyle followed right behind.

They exited. Spike walked down the abandoned sidewalk, his duster billowing behind him. "What'd the girl look like?"

The only answer he got was a groan. Spike turned. Doyle was having another vision. This one seemed nastier than any of the others before. He had sunk to his knees, palm against his forehead. The scene reminded him of his reaction with the chip. Spike wondered if it felt like his brain was being ripped out of his skull.

The vision eased. Doyle took in a few deep breaths, collecting himself. His body was slightly trembling.

"Those visions getting worse?" Spike inquired.

Doyle lifted his head. His gaze was directed off into the distance. "Y-yeah."

Spike reached down, offering a hand. Doyle blinked, almost bewildered. After a moment he accepted the help. His legs were unsteady for a moment, reluctant to accept his weight.

"What'd ya see?"

It took a moment for Lindsey to focus. "What?"

"Vision? What did it show?"

Lindsey swallowed. "A girl," he got out.

"Another girl." Spike frowned. "Somebody needs to teach these blond bints to stay in at night."

"She was in an alley." The dark-haired male appeared to be speaking to himself.

"Which alley?" Spike pushed.

"I don't know!" Lindsey growled. He backed up.

Spike held up a hand. "All right. All right. I'll find er' without an address."

Something didn't sit right with Spike. Doyle had never had a reaction like this to a vision-trip. He was usually coherent afterwards. And not to mention, very observant about what he had seen. He always knew exactly where the incident was supposed to take place.

"I'll check alleys after saving the first damsel. Where was that again?"

Doyle shook his head, clearing it. "J-Judson?"

"Right then." Spike looked at Doyle for a moment, frowning. "Judson. Got it. I'll, uh. . . I'll just go see to it then."

Spike started to walk away. He was almost a block away when he heard Lindsey say something. He looked back.

"What was that, mate?"

"Blue dress."

"Excuse me?"

"She was wearing a blue dress. The girl in the alley."

Spike nodded. Then he continued going toward Judson.


Lindsey leaned his body against a metal dumpster.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

He closed his eyes. There was still a slight throb between them.

What was going on?

He opened his eyes and directed them to the darkened sky above.

"What the hell are you doing to me!?" he exclaimed.


: )

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