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Title: A Mile In His Moccasins 5/26
Author: Gileswench
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.

"Buffy?" Giles called. "Is everything quite all right?"

"Um...yeah, Giles. Just great. I'll be right down."

Buffy stood quickly and rearranged her trousers. At first, she tried to center all the genitalia over the center seams, but quickly found that was extremely uncomfortable. She stuffed them down the left leg. After all, Giles was the most left-handed person she'd ever met, so it seemed a likely solution.

She washed her hands and hurried down as quickly as she could without tripping over her suddenly large feet.

"See? Just fine. All dealt with and no problems at all. Well, I'm tired. Think I'll head for bed now. 'Night, Giles."

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You looked, didn't you?"

Buffy stopped and turned. She smiled sheepishly.

"It's not like I could help it, Giles. That's a lot figure out what to do with."

"Buffy, it's okay. It's not as if you wanted to see that, I understand."

Giles went to shove his hands in his pockets only to discover the pants he had on didn't include that fashion feature. He settled for running his hand through his hair. Buffy sat down and looked at him sympathetically.

"I know. We should be all mature about this and realize it's just body parts and it doesn't really matter. But it's hard to think that way when it's your body parts. Or my body parts. I'm getting confused with what to call whose parts."

"That makes two of us."

"Look, Giles, I already peed with your body. Go ahead and take a shower. Just don't..."

"I know, don't touch anything I don't absolutely have to and keep my eyes shielded at all times."

Buffy laughed slightly.

"That, too. But what I was really gonna say was don't expect the Doublemeat smell to go away. It gets kinda stuck in the pores."


Giles did his best not to look too closely as he undressed. Of course that did make the entire process somewhat problematical. The buttons on her blouse were on the wrong side, he couldn't find the closure on the pants at all for the longest time. Whose insane idea was it to put a trouser zip on the side, anyway?

And as for the bra, when he reached around to the back, there wasn't a clasp. After some moments of searching, he gave up and pulled it awkwardly off over his head.

Then he tried not to give in to the temptation to look down.

The problem only intensified as he slid the panties to the floor and stood naked in Buffy's body all alone in the bathroom.

He steeled his resolve and checked the water temperature before he got in the shower. A moment under the water proved to him that being short was a definite advantage when showering. He could now duck completely under the stream without bending his knees.

He sighed contentedly and picked up the soap.

It was easy dealing with washing his face and shoulders, but once he started to go lower, things became a bit problematical. He wanted to do a thorough job so Buffy's body would be as clean as he could make it, but that inevitably meant touching parts of her body she wouldn't want him to touch. Possibly even looking at them as well.

Well she'd already looked at parts of him she'd never shown any interest in before, so what was the difference?

"You know perfectly well what the difference is," he told himself. "You've been wanting an excuse to look at them for a very long time."

And Buffy had seemed so flustered by having seen No doubt she'd been disgusted by the experience because it was him. After all, it wasn't as if she'd never seen a penis before. She'd had lovers. She'd been to bed with at least Angel and Riley. And there was that time he'd been in her dorm room when she came home early in the morning with a ridiculous story about having been in the library all Saturday night. She'd clearly been either at a party or on a date. A date where she'd stayed out all night. That meant there'd been at least three men.

No, the problem wasn't shyness or inexperience. It had to be his body that she found unappealing.

"Well what did you expect, Giles?" he asked himself. "Did you really think she'd take one look and start turning cartwheels for joy?"

He began to scrub harder. Surely the fragrance of hamburgers couldn't cling that stubbornly to the human body if she was cleaning herself properly. He put the soap away and reached for the fruit scented body scrub. This would do the trick, no doubt.


Ten minutes later, the water was running tepid and Giles could still smell burger meat through the scent of guava.

Maybe it was as bad as Buffy said after all.

He sighed and turned off the taps.

He decided to dry off and go to the kitchen for a snack.

After all, while he couldn't fix the aroma from her job, he could at least do something about the amount of weight she'd lost recently. She'd gotten too thin by half and it was time something was done about it.

Besides, it had been a long time since concerns about cholesterol and excess weight had put an end to his greasy fry-ups. A few sausages would be lovely just about now.


While Giles showered, Buffy rummaged through his luggage for something to wear to sleep in. Giles had been right; his body was tired and needed rest. And Buffy's mind was still reeling from the sudden change. It wanted to run away. The combination made for one sleepy...not quite Slayer. Clearly none of her enhanced senses had made the jump into the new body.

"Giles gets all the breaks," she mumbled unhappily as she sorted clothes. "His brains and my superpowers are all in the same place now. Who needs me? And what do I get out of this? A dick. Okay, a big dick. A really impressively big dick. But still, just a dick. It's not like I'm gonna be using it to do anything but pee, anyway. And I swear Giles has the worst taste in clothes of anybody I've ever met! Would it be too much to ask for a shirt that doesn't look like it was designed by Helen Keller? And moss green cords? Please! The AV club would have laughed at someone wearing those in high school."

A sudden thought sent one hand exploring the pockets of the trousers she had on. She found Giles' wallet quickly and opened it up.

"Platinum Visa, huh? Now I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Giles, you're getting a makeover."

She stuffed the wallet away hurriedly when she heard footsteps on the stairs. She schooled her face into the picture of innocence before he got there.

"Hey, Giles. Nice shower?"

"Very. Though I still smell of hamburger. I was just going to get a snack."

"And I guess while you're doing that, I should make up the sofa for you to sleep on."

"Won't that look odd to the others?" he asked mildly.

"What do you mean?"

"If I sleep down here, it will look like you've given up your room to me. They'll want to know why."

"Oh. Right. Well, then you can have my bed and I guess I'll sleep down here. Then we can explain stuff in the morning."

"Fine. I warn you, though, your back won't be happy."

"Well what am I supposed to do? Sleep with you?"

Giles' eyes widened. So did Buffy's.

"I...well...I don't suppose we need to go quite that far, "Giles stuttered. "Look, I'll take the sofa. You take the bed. Please. And if Willow and Dawn have questions when they get back...well, I imagine I can find a way to answer them."

"You're sure?"



Giles turned in the direction of the kitchen. He stopped when Buffy called him.

"Oh Giles? Could you tell me something before I go to bed?"

"What did you want to know?"

Buffy gestured to the suitcase.

"What do you wear to sleep in?"

He came over and rooted about until he found a black tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"These should do the trick. Is there anything else you need?"

Buffy took the proffered clothes and hugged them to her chest. She shook her head. Giles placed a comforting hand on her arm.

"We'll find the answer, Buffy."

"And if we don't?"

"We'll find it," he reiterated. "We'll get this sorted out."

Buffy blinked hard and nodded silently. She managed a half smile then turned and went up the stairs without another word. Giles watched her go, his brow furrowed with concern. At last he sighed and went into the kitchen.


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