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Title: A Mile In His Moccasins 8/26
Author: Gileswench
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.

When Buffy woke up the next morning, she could feel arms around her. Small, soft, yet surprisingly strong arms with little hands that squeezed lightly at her...where her breasts ought to be.

It took a moment for the previous days' events to become clear in her mind again.

Giles back...funky demon...zapped with whammy magic...bodyswitch.

Bodyswitch with Giles.

Talk with Giles.

Weird sort of semi-girltalk with Giles.

Falling asleep with Giles.

Sleeping with Giles?!

Just sleeping. Only sleep happened. Nothing more.

Only now she lay in bed with her Watcher feeling her up while they were stranded in each others' bodies.

And he was asleep.

"Just when you think life on the Hellmouth can't get any freakier, it does."

She stifled a small groan as her nipple stiffened in response to Giles' ministrations. It wasn't the only thing that was hard.

His fingers were so gentle, so skillful, as they rolled her tight nipple. Part of her knew she had to stop this, but the rest of her refused to do anything about it.

After all, he would be so embarrassed, she told herself, if he woke up to find himself molesting her...or himself, if looked at from another angle, which would be a little funky, but perfectly normal...except it wouldn't be.

Buffy's mind began to swim from the leaps of logic it took to figure out what exactly was going on.

And Giles' hand was moving south.

She bit her lip to keep from making any noise.

His fingers brushed softly over her now aching cock.

The fingers stopped.

They double checked what they had found.

They stopped again.

Buffy kept her eyes firmly shut and her breathing as deep and steady as possible. Giles would be too horrified if she caught him feeling her up, she decided.

She knew the instant Giles realized what he'd been up to. His hand flew away from her crotch, and she felt him roll quickly out of bed.

Buffy continued to feign sleep until she heard Giles hurry to the bathroom and start the shower.

Something told her she would be in there next...and that the water heater wouldn't be involved in any way.


When Giles got out of the shower, he found that Buffy had discretely vacated the room and left her uniform on the bed for him, along with a few notes about how to cope with the job he was suddenly forced to do. Now all he had to do was figure out how to put on a bra and steel himself to wear that ridiculous cap.

He heard the water running in the bathroom again and wondered if he ought to try to talk to Buffy when she was done in there. He hadn't meant to fondle her, really. It was that dream. The one he'd had a million times where he was holding Buffy and she wanted him to make love to her.

Of course, this was reality where she didn't want that.

And where she suddenly had a penis.

His penis.

So at least it wasn't like he was touching another man; just himself, as he had done so many times before.

Except that he wasn't.

He was touching Buffy.

He didn't dare do that again. What if she'd woken up and found him touching her?

He knew she'd have been at minimum terribly upset, and more likely would have become violent.

No, it wouldn't do to let that happen again. He'd just have to sleep on the sofa until they got this mess straightened out.

Now if he could just figure out how to put Buffy's bra on.

He'd taken many a bra off a woman in his life, but he'd never tried to wear one himself. Nor had he paid that much attention on mornings after when the women put their bras back on again. Usually he'd been trying too hard to either impress them with his breakfast cooking skills or convince them they really didn't need to get dressed yet.

Maybe he could do just as well without one. It wasn't as if Buffy's breasts were all that large, after all.

Yes, he would make do without a bra for one day, anyway.

And at least she'd put out a fairly sensible pair of knickers as opposed to the frilly things he'd found himself wearing when they switched bodies in the first place. He wondered if she often wore silky, pretty underthings, or if there was a particular purpose to her choice on the previous day.

Never mind that, he decided, as he slid the panties up his suddenly short legs to his now oddly empty feeling crotch.

That was the part that felt the strangest.

He could deal with being short and having breasts and a voice that suddenly reminded him of being ten years old with its higher pitch, but he missed his penis.

He could only hope Buffy had listened to him about its proper care last night.

And pray that he got his own body back before he had to deal with the horrors Buffy had described when she talked about menstrual cramps.


When Buffy finished her shower and went downstairs, she found Giles was already in the kitchen working on breakfast. She could hear Willow and Dawn moving in their rooms, but neither had emerged to face the day yet. Buffy was somewhat relieved by that. It meant she'd have a minute to talk to Giles about what they were going to say to their friends.

"Hey Watcher-man, what's cooking?"

"Good morning, Buffy. It's an omelet."

"What kind?" she asked as she peered over his shoulder - an operation that was much easier now that she towered a foot over Giles.

"There really isn't a name for it, though Xander called it a kitchen sink omelet when I made one for him once. It's really a bit of everything on hand."

"You made breakfast for Xander? When was this? Inquiring minds want to know, Giles."

"It was a couple years ago. And no, he had not spent the night, nor had anything untoward happened."

"Jumpy much? I wasn't asking anything like that....and really, *really* not about Xander." She turned to start the coffee. "Speaking of Xander, though..."

"What about him?"

"Well, not just Xander. Will and Dawn and Anya and everybody: what do we tell them? About this." She gestured vaguely at her unfamiliar body. "And when do we tell it?"

"Tell what?" Dawn asked as she bounded into the kitchen and stole a piece of bell pepper Giles was about to dice.

"Dawn, stop that! I don't want to chop your finger off."

"Grouchy," Dawn stuck out her tongue at her supposed sister. She turned to face Giles, as she thought. "What are you guys up to? Is it end of the world stuff or something I'm actually allowed to know about? How long are you staying, Giles? You're staying, right?"

Buffy and Giles looked at one another over Dawn's head. A silent conversation passed between them and a mutual decision was reached without a word.

Buffy took Dawn's hand and led her to the breakfast bar.

"Sit down, Dawn. I've got something to tell you."

Dawn clambered onto a stool and eyed her sister warily, sure that she was Giles. Buffy reached out and stroked her sister's hair. It was a gesture she often used to comfort the younger girl.

"Why are you doing that, Giles?" she asked, pulling away.

"Because I'm not Giles. I know I look like him and I sound like him, but I'm not him. I'm Buffy."

Dawn looked wildly from one to the other. Giles just nodded and went back to cooking his omelet.

"You guys are joking, right? People don't just switch bodies like this."

"You know it happened before. Remember when Faith stole my body?"

"No. I remember when Faith stole Buffy's body. You're Giles. She's Buffy. Faith was evil. You guys aren't evil."

"We didn't do this on purpose. There was a demon. A seriously nasty one that's caused all sorts of problems forever with crazy magic. It hit us and when we woke up, I was Giles and he was me."

"So last night it was really Giles who told me not to come home so late?" Dawn looked anxiously to the stove.

"I'm afraid so, Dawn. I really don't know what came over me."

"I do," Buffy said. "I got hit once by this raygun blaster thingie that made stuff invisible, so nobody could see me. I went nuts. I thought since nobody could see me, it didn't matter what I did. It's a sort of a rush not to be responsible for what you're doing. But responsibility's such a big deal with you that you can't even be really irresponsible when you're being really irresponsible, so you used your powers for good instead of evil. Which makes you a way better person than me."

Giles blinked at Buffy.

"Do you know the most frightening thing about that entire theory? I actually understood what you were saying."


"And...I suppose you're right."

"See Dawn, I was right."

"Yes, I'm far the superior person, I agree."


"You guys really were telling the truth," Dawn said. "There's no way you could make that up if you were just pretending to be each other."


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