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Title: A Mile In His Moccasins 11/26
Author: Gileswench
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.

Note: NC17 (mention of s/m, marital aids)

At first, he felt good about what he'd done. The nerve of those people! Thinking Buffy was on drugs was beyond laughable. This job, this insult to dignity, was beneath Buffy.

Suddenly, it hit him what he'd done.

He'd quit Buffy's job.

He'd quit Buffy's job without Buffy's permission.

She was going to slay him.

He stopped and groaned in dismay.

All at once he became aware of a presence behind him. He was startled, nearly panicked when he realized he didn't have a stake with him.

Then he smiled.

Of course. In this body he had Slayer strength.

He hoped.

He prayed he knew what he was doing as he kicked out behind him and connected with cold, solid flesh.

"Ow! Bloody hell, Slayer! Watch where you're pointing that thing, will you!"

Giles stood down.

"What are you up to, Spike?"

He really didn't want to deal with Spike.

"We still need to talk, Slayer."

"About what?" Giles snapped.

"About our so-called relationship. About the way you won't tell your little friends how many times you came to my crypt and had your wicked way with me."

"What are you talking about?"

"About you and me and the way you're too high and mighty to admit you did the deed with me. Well you wanted it enough before. Still do, if you're honest which you never bloody are. So cut the crap and come with me and we can break it to the kiddies later on tonight while the bites still show."

Giles stared at the vampire. It took him a long time to find his voice.


It was all he could manage. He couldn't believe Spike would be saying these things if Buffy hadn't slept with him, but he was horrified at the thought.

"It'll be great. After your friends toss you out like last week's garbage, you can give up all your pretending and be with me, in the dark, where you belong."

Giles decided to play along and see what he could find out.

"And what about Dawn? She can't live in the dark."

"From what I hear, that won't be a problem much longer. You've made a right mess of that, haven't you? Turned her into a bleeding Kleptomaniac. Believe me, Pet, the authorities are going to drag her away from you in about another two minutes at this rate. Face it, you've bolloxed your whole life up and nobody wants to be with you but me. I'm all you've got. Might as well take me while I'm still interested."

"'re still interested, Spike? Even after all the bad things I've done?"

Giles moved closer to the vampire. He put his hand on Spike's still chest.

"Well...yeah, I am. Nobody hurts me like you do."

"So you get off on the pain, is that it? Or is it the rush of knowing you're doing the Slayer?"

"You know me too well," Spike chuckled as he pushed his hips closer to the prize.

"That's right, Spike. I know you too well to put up with this bullshit."

Giles brought his knee up with Slayer force between Spike's legs. The vampire crumpled to the ground in pain, clutching his groin.

"And if you ever come near me again, Spike, I'll teach you the true meaning of pain, and I don't mean the kind you like."

"W - what...?" Spike gasped out.

"You don't love Buffy. You just want to brag that you bagged another Slayer the only way you could. All you want is to be in control and get laid. Well find someone else to keep under your thumb. This body is off limits to you."

He walked away as quickly as he could so Spike wouldn't see when he had to stop and retch behind a headstone.


A couple stood arguing at the video display in the adult bookstore.

"What about this one, Xander?"

"No way, An. We are not getting that."

"Why not?"

"'Bi The Book'? Do you know what that means when they call a video something like that?"

"It means it's set in a library or a bookstore."

"Not that part, An. When the term 'bi' is in the title, it means that there's going to be guys...indulging in some excess brotherly love that I really don't want to see."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do, okay."

"What's wrong with it if there are men having sex with each other? You like the ones where two women have sex."

"That's pretty much all of them, An. Except the ones that don't have girls at all, I guess."

"Yes, but you like the scenes. And you expect me to like them when I find them sort of boring. I don't think sex can be nearly as exciting without a penis involved. This has scenes with two penises involved. Maybe more. I find that exciting. Don't you?"

"No! I really, really don't. And we are not getting that one. Find another. One that doesn't have boys...being boys together."

Anya shrugged and put the videotape back on the shelf.

"Fine. You pick something. I need to get more massage oil, anyway."

She looked up towards the oil display, then tugged on Xander's shirt sleeve.

"Xander," she hissed. "Look over there. It's Buffy...I mean Giles."

Xander peered over the film display and swallowed hard.

"He's buying something. Something that seems to take batteries."

The pair ducked down as Giles turned around as if he expected to see someone. When they looked over the top of the rack again, Giles was gone.

"What would Giles be doing buying things here?"

Anya was clearly puzzled.

"He's in Buffy's bod. Maybe he's been slaying."

"What does that have to do with it."

"Well, Slayers...when they slay...they get...y'know. Frisky."

Anya glared daggers at her fiancé.

"How do you know that?"

Xander tried to smile ingratiatingly, but it came out as a grimace combined with a slightly hysterical giggle.

"I don't. Pure rumor. Silly, the things those wacky vampires say when they're trying to throw you off balance."

He watched Anya, desperately praying that she would accept his explanation. He never wanted to tell her about his twenty minutes of passion with Faith.

She scrutinized his face for a long moment, then finally nodded, seemingly satisfied with what she saw there.

"I believe you, Xander."

He blew out a relieved breath.

"Good. Honey, I don't think we really need a movie to inspire us, do we? Maybe we can just head home and forget about movies and Slayers and what the hell Giles was doing in a place like this."

"Okay. Just let me get the massage oil. Did you want cherry or lemon?"

"Surprise me. I love it when you do that."


Title Page
Author's Page