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Title: A Mile In His Moccasins 18/26
Author: Gileswench
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.

"You do know," she commented when she pulled back, "life would be a lot easier if you ever told people what you were thinking."

"Says Miss Pot to Mr. Kettle."



"Shut up and kiss me."

Buffy nibbled softly at Giles' lips, teasing, tasting, exploring. She tentatively snaked the tip of her tongue out to encourage him to open to her. With a tiny, slightly startled sound, he did. The touch of his small, pointed tongue against her now broad one thrilled Buffy even as the confusion rose in her mind again. She pushed away the voice in her head that told her she didn't like girls that way and reminded it firmly that this wasn't a girl, but Giles. Her Giles. She redoubled her efforts, much to Giles' combined confusion and delight.

Warm lips and an insistent tongue filled his senses. His own fingers caressed his as yet unfamiliar body. His nipples stood up and begged for attention as warm desire flooded between his thighs. He pulled his mouth from Buffy's and began to kiss and nibble along her slightly bristled jawline up to her earlobe. He tugged gently at the earring with his teeth. He smiled and did it again when Buffy gasped at the sensation.

She groaned and shifted as she hardened under Giles' ministrations. The combined feeling of power and an odd vulnerability was still strange to her. An erection was such a strong image, and yet so exposed, it frightened her a little bit. She swore she would never laugh again when she saw a hard penis spring out of a man's underwear. Not that she'd ever meant it as a bad thing; just the sight could be vaguely comical despite the erotic pleasure it gave. Still, it couldn't have been very good for Riley's ego that that had been her first reaction.

She hoped Giles wouldn't laugh when the moment came.

Oh great! Buffy could feel herself deflating at the thought. She pushed the unpleasant thought resolutely to the back of her mind and attempted to focus on Giles nibbling her neck.

He certainly knew where all the sensitive spots were. She moaned softly when Giles grazed his teeth just under her ear. She took hold of his face and devoured him with kisses. She could feel herself rehardening. She moved to straddle Giles' lap.

She stopped and looked down at him.

"I'm too big to do this now, aren't I?"

"A bit," Giles giggled. "And I think this might be a good time to move this to a less public venue, don't you?"

"My room?"

She stood and held out her hand to him. He took it and raised his other hand to her cheek. Giles stood on his toes to reach Buffy for a kiss.

"Lovely," he said. "Oh, and before we go much far can we go?"

"That sort of depends," Buffy said. "You didn't happen to pack any condoms, did you?"

"I hadn't any idea I was going to end up in bed with anyone on this trip."

"End up? I thought you wanted to be with me."

"Of course I do. I love you. I simply meant I didn't expect to sleep with anyone when I came here, so I didn't prepare for it. That's all I meant. It's not as if you're any better prepared, is it?"

"No, I'm not," she admitted. "So what do we...prepared..."

She frowned for a moment, then began to smile.

"What is it, Buffy?"

"I'm not prepared, and you're not prepared, but someone here is."

"Surely Willow doesn't have any use for condoms."

"No, not her. Dawn."

Giles' eyes widened.

"Dawn?" he sputtered. "Are you telling me that Dawn has already...good lord, Buffy, she's fifteen!"

"Calm down, Giles, she's not...I don't think. It's just...I know I've blown it with her in a lot of ways, and I don't want her to have to go through what I did. With Mom. She was sure I wouldn't until she found out I had. And what if I'd been going out with some ordinary guy when I decided to just say yes? What if I'd just gotten carried away with someone who could be a daddy? I want to make sure Dawn doesn't have to worry about that, at least."

"I doubt your sister will be so impulsive. She's an intelligent girl."

"So am I, or at least you keep telling me so. Didn't stop me. I'm just making sure that if she makes as rotten choices as I did, she doesn't have to deal with as much fallout as I did. If I learned one thing from you, it's that a ounce of prevention is better than a whole shitload of cure."

"At least you learned something."

"But you don't approve. You don't think I should have given them to her."

"I didn't say that."

"But you're thinking it. A lot."

"What I was thinking was that I ought to have understood both you and Dawn rather better. And I was thinking that since this is really a lucky thing for me, I ought to accept it a bit more gracefully."

Buffy blinked.

"Did you really just admit I was right and you were wrong about something?"

"Don't get used to it."

As she glared down at Giles, Buffy got a wicked idea. She reached down, picked Giles up, and threw him over her shoulder in a fireman's carry.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" he demanded through his giggles.

"I think I'm getting in touch with my inner caveman - without beer this time."

"This is something else you had better not get used to unless you want to try it from the other angle when I get my body back."

"Yeah, yeah, promises, promises."

She carried him to her room and flipped him unceremoniously on her bed. She leaned down and kissed him hard.

"Stay right there, sweetie, while I get the condoms."

She turned to leave, then turned back.

"And if there's a little less in the way of clothes in the way when I get back, I wouldn't hate that."

Giles grinned and pulled his blouse off. He stilled when he realized Buffy had only crossed the room rather than leaving it. She was rooting around in a grocery bag.

"Buffy? I thought you said..."

Buffy turned and blushed through a sheepish smile.

"Well...I got them for her. I just hadn't actually given them to her yet."

"Why not?"

"I couldn't figure out what to say. And I couldn't just tell her the condom fairy left them in her room while she was asleep, could I?"

Giles laughed until he rolled to his side clutching his belly. Buffy glared at him.

"Well you try figuring out what to tell your little sister when you give her a box of rubbers!"

"Luckily, I never had to do that." He held out his hand to her. "Come here, Buffy. We can figure that out later."

"We? Really?"

"You'll give the talk, but I'll help you work out what to say, if you like."


She returned to the bed and crawled onto it. Giles got up onto his knees and draped his arms around Buffy's neck.

"Now come here," he said, "and let's not worry about that for tonight. Dawn's out, and Willow's...where is Willow, anyway?"

"Out for the rest of the night. It's just you and me."

"This smells of a setup."

"Only a little bit of one. Dawn didn't know."

Giles rolled his eyes.


Buffy grinned at him.

"Y'know, you kinda are. So tell me, Giles, have you been going braless this whole time? Or was tonight a special occasion?"

"I - I haven't really got the hang of them, I'm afraid."

"They're sort of a pain, I know. I'm not wearing one, either."

"Good. I know things aren't as firm as once they were, but,'s good to know I don't require that level of support yet."

"You're doing just fine in that department, stud guy. Check it out."

She began to unbutton her shirt as Giles leaned forward to kiss her again. Soon both were shirtless and Buffy lay back. Giles followed her down, kissing her all the while. Buffy wrapped her arms around Giles and kissed him back with everything she had. She couldn't believe how tiny - how fragile - he seemed in her body. Nor could she believe how large she felt. The whole situation still felt odd, but being with Giles, in whatever form, also seemed very right.

And his kisses were making it difficult to think at all.

"Buffy," he murmured as he nipped her earlobe.

"Uh huh?" she breathed in reply.

"Touch me, please."

"I thought I was touching you. See? Hands on you, attached to me."

Giles snorted and plucked the glasses off her nose to put them out of the way.

"Then use them a bit. Don't be afraid to show me how your body likes to be touched; how you like to be kissed. I want to know what excites you most and this is the perfect opportunity to show me."

She ruffled his hair affectionately.

"You never stop with the research, do you?"

"Not so long as it does you any good."

Buffy rolled them over so she was on top and bent to nuzzle at his throat. She ground her awakening length against Giles' thigh. She gasped when she felt small, soft fingers deftly rolling one nipple and then the other. It was amazing to her how similar the sensation was to the familiar feeling when she was in her own body. It gave her the nerve to cup one of the small breasts below her and give the nipple a gentle tweak.

When Giles whimpered and kissed her harder, Buffy smiled and repeated the caress.

Buffy felt her confidence surge. She moved her kisses from Giles' lips to his throat, and then to his ear. At last she rolled them to their sides and nibbled on the nape of Giles' neck.

He squeaked.

Giles felt a flood of desire as well as embarrassment. Buffy pulled back and rubbed her nose against his.

"Like that?" she grinned.

"Do you always make that noise when somebody does that to you?"

"Every single time. But it feels so good."

"It certainly does. Though I imagine it's a bit alarming to men."

"But it won't alarm you now, right?"

"Would you do it again?"

Buffy grinned as she leaned over to make Giles squeak some more.


Title Page
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