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Title: The Reversed World Series

Summary: Buffy’s world flipped upside-down and turned inside out.

Author: Nissa

Rating: R- eventually I think.

Feedback: Please, I’ll never know if it sucks if you don’t tell me. Just be nice, it’s only my second fic.

Distribution: If you really want it...sure, just let me know where it’s going.

Disclaimer: If I owned anything would I be writing this? No. Joss owns it all.

Authors Note: You have to read the whole thing for it to get interesting, lol, sorry for the slowness of this chapter.

Walking through the dark graveyard at night...nothing she’d rather be doing. She could feel something moving around the corner of a nearby crypt. ‘What have we got ourselves here?’ she wondered, slowly sneaking around to the movement, catlike, making no sound. Her long leather coat swept gently across the moonlit ground while she gently turned the corner. It was a man, he had peroxide blonde hair and blue eyes, light and clear like summer sky.

“Well, well, well,” She said as she glared at him, “If it isn’t Spike. I’ve heard about you. What brings you to these parts of my graveyard tonight?”

“Buffy,” he replied, a slight quiver of fear in his voice and a flash of it in his eyes, “I didn’t know you hunted ‘round these parts.”

“Wow, you’re a newbie, but you already know all about me huh?”

“I’m not that new at it. Been around about a year or so.”

“Still, pretty new. Were you always here in Sunnyhell? Or did they just make you come here?” She asked picking at dirt from under her unpolished fingernails.

“Started in England, but my mum moved us over here. Lookin’ to get away from Europe I guess and maybe into some stardom, hence the move.” He replied, still looking nervous, but glad she hadn’t attempted to kill him or anything.

“Why not Hollywood or something then? Was it cuz you knew this place was an honest to God hell mouth?” She swapped hands and was picking at the left one now.

“No, she’s just not one for the cities I guess.” For his first encounter with her he thought this was turning out awfully pleasant, considering all the warnings. Maybe they’d both even walk away from here alive.

“Neither was my mom, but we didn’t live here together. I moved here after she died a few years ago.” The corners of her mouth bent down in a half frown. The remembrance of it still made her heart ache for a real home, a real family, and a real life.

“I’m sorry.” Spike said, sounding as if he actually was.

“Thank you.” Buffy replied solemnly with a slight nod of her head. “It’s not bad, the fact that she died, how she died, now that’s the sad part.” The pleading look in her hard dirt brown eyes was saying ‘Ask me how. I need to tell someone.’

“What happened?” Spike said rather breathlessly, enthralled by the fact that they were still conversing...not fighting to the death.

“I left my house one night, like I usually do, leaving my mom and sister at home. I got back at some godforsaken hour of the morning, right before the sun came up.” She paused and looked down at her pointy-toed black boots. She stubbed the front of them into the ground a few times and continued, “I went upstairs to check on my little sister, Dawn, she was eight then. She was sleeping in her bed, looking all angelic and peaceful. The way she should’ve looked ya know? Well then I go to check on my mom. She was in her bed, same look as Dawn, except she was pale, really pale. I walked over to see if she was okay...I thought maybe she had a fever or something.” She looked up to the blackish sky with its tiny white stars and laughed a harsh and unforgiving laugh then looked back at Spike “A fever, right. How naïve am I?” she coughed the laugh again. “When I put my hand on her head she was cold and I finally noticed it...the two little holes in her neck. I knew what happened, one of my enemies did it I’ll bet, but I don’t know who...or even how. I thought that was the worst of it, but then she rose. They’d made her a vampire. I knew she wouldn’t go for me to feed off of...I’m too strong, but Dawn, she’s not. I couldn’t let two of the people I love die on the same night, so I had to, I had to.” She stuttered and held back a flood of tears. “I staked her...I killed my own mom, then I left, I couldn’t face Dawn anymore.”

“I’m really, horribly sorry.” Spike walked over to her, knowing this was the dumbest thing he’d ever do in his life, if he’d live after this. He put his arm around her shoulder and she turned into him and cried.

“I’ll, never see Dawnie again...I can’t.” She sobbed.

“Shh, it’ll be okay.” Spike comforted as he awkwardly stroked her hair.

“Will you do me a favor? Please?” Those brown eyes bore into him, the red puffiness around them added to the guilt he’d feel if he said no.

“Sure luv.” He couldn’t believe he was doing this. They were mortal enemies after all.

“Find Dawn...tell her...just tell her I’m sorry and...take care of her. Her name’s Dawn Marie Summers she should be about thirteen by now and I’ve heard some stuff about her maybe living in a house on Revello Drive. If she’s not there I know she at least lives here in Sunnydale, I followed her here, kinda trying to look after her in a way.” Buffy wiped her nose on her coat sleeve.

“Yeah, I’ll take care of her, sure thing...” Spike looked at her and for some weird reason, on just an impulse, he hugged her as if reassuring her of his promise. Buffy broke the embrace and looked at him, studied him. His face was pale, like her own, but not because of being dead, or deprivation of sunlight, it was just his skin color. Those blue eyes were like the summer sky she’d never see, they were framed with gentle eyelashes, like a picture. His high cheekbones made him look like a Greek god. And his lips were plush, velvety she imagined. His only facial flaw was a scar on his right eyebrow. It was less of a flaw, more of a trait, she thought. He was one of the best-looking Slayers she’d seen, but she’d only seen two others.

“Spike,” she muttered.

“Yeah Buffy,”

“I think you’ll be a good slayer here, and I really hope you stick around for a while.” She smiled at him gently.


“Just know that most vamps won’t be as happy about that as me.” He smiled back in response to that, revealing a feature she’d missed, his pearl white grin. With that she turned, her black leather coat swooshing across the ground. She was off in search of her next meal.

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