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Title: The Reversed World Series

Summary: Buffy’s world flipped upside-down and turned inside out.

Author: Nissa

Rating: R- eventually I think.

Feedback: Please, I’ll never know if it sucks if you don’t tell me. Just be nice, it’s only my second fic.

Distribution: If you really want it...sure, just let me know where it’s going.

Disclaimer: If I owned anything would I be writing this? No. Joss owns it all.

“You met up with who?” a stunned Giles exclaimed in the Sunnydale school library Friday morning.

“Buffy, she was a...” Spike stuttered for the words. Afraid his watcher might get set off about his encounter with the vampire.

“A vampire! Yes I know! And not just any vampire either...she killed the last Slayer.” Giles took of his glasses and rubbed them with the bottom of his shirt. “And what did you say happened while you were there?”

“Well...we talked.”

“Talked? You should’ve staked her! Now she may come back for you, to get you.” Giles sighed. “What did you talk about?”

“How she had to kill her own mum, why I moved here, and she asked me the strangest thing. She wants me to find her little sister, and to take care of her.” He slightly chuckled at how odd this all sounded.

“And you told her no, right?” Giles inquired. Spike’s long silence confirmed the opposite. “You said you would?!? What the bloody hell were you thinking?”

“She was crying! God, blame a bloke for having a heart!”

“Crying? Spike, vampires don’t cry. Especially ones who’ve killed a Slayer!” Giles said matter-of-factly.

“Well apparently this one does!” Spike was frustrated with his watcher already and it wasn’t even lunch yet. “She cried, I caved. That’s all there is to it.” The bell rang and Spike turned and exited the library heading towards History.

1 Setting: Lunch

Spike walked through the cafeteria line collecting various food-like objects, and then paid at the end of the line. He spotted his best friends at a small table near the corner of the room waving him over.

“Hey Spike,” Xander greeted him, “How was the Slayage last night?”

Willow slapped Xander, “Say it loud enough?”

“Sorry.” Xander replied as he rubbed his arm.

“I met up with this one vamp...she was...different” Spike replied.

“Was she hot?” Xander earned another slap from Willow.

“She’s evil Xander, evil’s not hot.” Willow, being the only girl in the group never much liked all the guy talk.

“Actually she was quite a looker,” Spike said as if it was a sudden realization. Xander gave him a high-five and Willow looked on disapprovingly.

“Typical guys...” she muttered under her breath.

“But, uh, I do need some help from you Will. Do you think you could run a computer search on a Dawn Summers, to see if she’s located anywhere around these parts?”

“Sure thing Spike.” She nodded.

“Who’s Dawn? Is she hot?” Xander asked.

“She’s thirteen!” Spike exclaimed.

“Pedophile.” Willow shot.

“What? I didn’t know that!” Willow just rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Also, today we need to hit the books. Learn more about this vampire. Her names Buffy, she’s pretty bad news from what I’ve been told, but I’m not sure as to why.”

“Sure thing Spikey, how’s about a research party tonight? I’ll bring the pineapple pizza.” Xander was always the one to look forward to the joys of late night research.

“Yeah, research party, but Harris, don’t you dare bring pineapple pizza otherwise Willow, me and Giles’ll starve like last time.”

Xander chuckled, “That’s kinda the point. Cuz see then I get the whole pizza.” More eye rollings came Xanders way.

Setting: Back At the Library

“I found something, and wow this Buffy chick is such a hottie.” Xander said pulling his nose out of the book he was looking in.

“Whas it say?” Spike asked.

“It says, ‘Buffy Anne Summers, Turned in 1997 by Drusilla who is of the masters line. She killed the last Slayer, Jacob Shonew.’ Wow...”

“Oh, oh, oh, right here it says ‘A very strong vampire though very young. She has earned a reputation among her fellow vampires. Though she feeds normally she has not turned anyone yet.’ Don’t vampires usually want to turn people so they have their own line?” Willow asked.

“Well, mostly yes, but sometimes they don’t want to because it means they must protect their childe. And that often puts them in danger and in more fights than they need to be in.” Giles responded.

“Wills, got anything at all yet on that Dawn girl?” Spike asked, eager to get out of the library, and real eager to get some food since Xander went ahead and got a pineapple pizza despite their lunch conversation.

“Oh yeah, I got something earlier today, hold on lemme find the print-out.” Willow dug through her backpack and pulled out a few slightly wrinkled sheets of paper and handed them to Spike. “Um...if I remember it right, she goes to school at Sunnydale Middle, in the 8th grade. She’ll turn fourteen in a few days and lives in a house on Revello Drive. The address and everything is on those sheets.” Spike flipped through the papers.

“Well then, looks as if I’ve got some scouting to do. See you all tomorrow.” Spike nodded his head and left in search of Dawn.

Setting: Revello Drive

Spike walked up the driveway eating a hotdog with mustard and ketchup he’d picked up on the way to Revello. It was a small white house; the yard was neatly trimmed and taken care of. He wondered if this girl had any adults living there with her. Spike crossed the lawn and rang the doorbell. It was about 10:30, he hoped it wasn’t too late for him to be there. After five minutes and a few rings he was getting ready to walk away when a young girl opened the door.

“Hello?” She said yawning. She was tall with long brown hair and bluish eyes. She was wearing penguin pajamas.

“Hi, um, my name’s Spike and I’m looking for a Dawn Marie Summers.” The girl looked him up and down.

“That’s me.” She rubbed her eyes and asked, “Why? What did I do?”

Spike chuckled a little, “You didn’t do anything. I’m here to uh...take care of you I guess.” He really didn’t know what to say, he’d never had to do something like this before.

“Oh really?” She obviously didn’t believe him. “Why would I need you to take care of me when my mom and my sister are already doing that?”

His heart felt like it was tearing, he couldn’t believe she was living by herself. She’d probably been living like that since she was eight and was first left alone. “Dawn, I know.”

“You know...what?” She was obviously getting frustrated with her late night visitor.

“I know that...” He lowered his head, “That your mum is dead, and your big sis doesn’t live with you.”

“Oh...” Dawn looked at the ground, “I guess you guys were too smart for you want to take me to the adoption place now?” She had some tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Oh, no, no, you got it all wrong. I’m not here with social services. I’m doing this as a a friend. I know my friend wouldn’t want you living like this.”

“Well...I’ve been doing just fine for five years by myself.” She said. Spike got a glance inside as she leaned against the door. There was no furniture anywhere in the room behind her. ‘Must’ve sold it for food’ he thought, his heart wrenched again.

“Yeah, well okay then.” He was defeated. He didn’t want to push it. Maybe he’d just look after her from a Buffy had at first. Spike turned to leave. Just then a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

“But, I guess I could use some company. Maybe even a big brother?” Dawn smiled up at Spike. They walked in together, Dawn holding Spike’s hand.

“Thank you Spike.” Buffy said from the tree next to the house.

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