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Chapter 11

As Dawn finishes writing on the board she turns to face her class, a handful of slayers and future watchers that took the Advanced Sumerian that only Dawn knew well enough to teach. "Okay, don't forget your 5 page report on the topics assigned to you last week is due on Friday, don't forget. If you don't have it Friday don't bother turning it in, I won't accept it late."

"So why won't you talk about it?" Magdalena picks up the conversation she had started with Dawn before class just after all the other students have left the class room.

"Because," Dawn responds.

"You've been here a month. Besides I don't understand how anything could've gone wrong, I mean you and Connor were dating for years, I figured you'd be telling us you got engaged, not coming home because you broke up." Magdalena comments as they walk out of the class room.

"Things aren't that simple, that's it," Dawn sighs, "things just didn't work out. There's not a whole story to tell."

"Did he cheat on you?"

"No!" Dawn exclaims quickly and then with a resinating sigh she explains, "I told him the truth about my life and he couldn't deal."

"Oh Dawn, I'm sorry." Magdalena sighs, although that was something along the lines of what she had been expecting. "You miss the girls, don't you?" She asks after a pause in the conversation.

Dawn nods, "I do, but they have their dad now," she had explained upon her arrival about Connor being the father of the girls. "And everyone else at the hotel. So you want to grab some lunch? I'm starving."

Magdalena and Dawn are eating the sandwiches they had made when a training to be a watcher comes in, "Johanna you want a sandwich?" Dawn asks.

Johanna shakes her head, "actually I was just looking for Buffy, there's someone here to bring two new slayers in."

"She's training with some of the girls, I'll take care of it." Dawn states standing, "where did you take them?"

"Into Buffy's office." Johanna responds.

"Okay thanks." Dawn nods before walking swiftly toward the office. Pushing the door open Dawn stops dead in her tracks when she sees Connor sitting in one of the chairs.

Connor looks just as surprised to see Dawn there, "I didn't expect you to come."

"Well I didn't expect you to appear halfway across the country." Dawn snaps but her expression softens when she sees the girls.

"Dawnie!" They both call out. "We missed you."

Dawn kneels down and hugs both girls tightly, "I missed you too." Straightening Dawn faces Connor again, "what are you guys doing here?"

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, it took longer than I thought to adjust to the idea of everything. Between finding out that I was a father and other things I got so wrapped in trying to live this new life that I didn't realize that even though I had a new life that there were some things from the old one that I needed." Connor takes a deep breath, "so we have something to ask you."

Maggie pulls on Dawn's skirt and when Dawn looks down her eyes lock on Maggie's as the young girl asks, "will you be our Mommy?"

Dawn's chin trembles as Alisa repeats Maggie's action and holding out the engagement ring that Dawn had left on her bedside table in the Hyperion.  Alisa asks, "and will you marry us?"

Connor takes the from the palm of Alisa's hand, "me, will you marry me? Help us to be a family?"

Dawn's eyes are shimmering in tears as she nods, "yes, I will."

Short chapter, I know but this was all I had left for the story! I hope you enjoyed! Please review!

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