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Taming the Beast
Chapter 7

Author Dark Rhiannon

Buffy woke slowly, for once, her entire body enervated and relaxed. 
As consciousness blinked gradually into focus, she realized she was
not alone in the darkened bedroom.

Angel lay behind her, his tall, lean body spooning her smaller one
and one arm cuddled softly around her tiny waist with his hand
splayed possessively across her hip bone.  She tensed for a moment in
his slumberous grip before relaxing into the comfort she drew
instinctively from her soul mate's embrace.

Then she noticed Spike.  The younger vampire was nestled close
against her chest, his head pillowed against her breasts.  Though her
voluminous flannel shirt, tank, and sweatpants separated them, he'd
squirmed one cool hand up under the shirts to rest on her breast, the
rough tips of his fingers chafing her nipple.

Sandwiched between the two, Buffy felt a moment of fear.  Both were
male and powerful.  Their closeness implied weakness—that she'd
allowed two such vicious predators so near while she slept was surely
a failing on her part, wasn't it?  The Slayer within her roused
angrily, somehow stronger than she'd ever been before.  Her
instinctual reaction to the vampires was violence, death,
destruction.  But held close in Angel's arms with Spike nestled
against her more like a child than a lover, Buffy looked within
herself and was unable to find any true fear.

Her Slayer instincts, which recognized and categorized all threats,
but especially vampires, were wavering with the usual internal alarms
that screamed danger.  She felt an enhanced awareness of the
vampires' presence—a tingling frisson down her spine instead of the
warning cramps that she'd learned through trial by fire to ignore
long enough to attack and defeat her foes, even when they nearly
doubled her over with pain.  Those powerful Slayer sensations had
somehow shifted decidedly lower and Buffy realized with shock and
shame that she was wet—soaked—with arousal.  The vampires' proximity
was flaring all of her senses.  Their touch enflamed her, their smell
intoxicated her.  It was not her normal reaction.

Her awareness of Angel had always been different than her sensations
around normal vampires—their soul bond providing a steady hum in the
back of her mind, a tantalizing awareness at the edges of her mind,
indescribable, but nonetheless powerful.  But she felt something
different now in both vampires…something…safe.  Her eyes were drawn
to the rawly healed mark on Spike's pale neck.  Her Mark—it still
showed the imprints left by her teeth…by her fangs.  Buffy reached up
to feel her canines, worried that the spell Giles had performed might
have left behind the physical changes that she'd been unaware of as
the Beast.  *No,* she sighed in relief.  Her teeth were normal, *ouch!
* well, ok, a little sharper than normal, but not fangs, definitely
not fangs!  *That's of the good,* she thought.

But she'd Marked Spike.  Her gaze rested for a moment on his neck,
then she wriggled around in Angel's grasp to face her soul mate. 
Spike barely even stirred, just nestled closer against her back.
She'd Marked Angel as well, and the memory sent another rush of
desire through her, despite her shame over what she'd done to him. 
She'd fucked him—ridden him without a thought for his soul, and then
she'd Marked his beautiful skin—scarring him.

His naked chest was hard against her softness as she examined his
neck.  His Mark was more healed than Spike's.  Buffy didn't know if
that was due to his age or to the faster healing he now seemed to
have due to repeatedly drinking her blood.  At least she'd given him
that, Buffy thought sadly.  And yet, lying so close in his arms, she
could not truly regret what she'd done, regardless of whether she
should.  Sleeping, Angel ceased to breathe and he lay wrapped around
her like a slightly-warmer-than-marble statue of a god.  His physical
beauty had awed her from the very first time she'd seen him without a
shirt—seen that muscled torso and those powerful arms for herself.

She'd been unable to breathe at that first sight of him, capable of
doing nothing but staring as the muscles moved beneath his tattoo. 
Her hands had trembled as she'd touched him when she'd bandaged his
wounds all those many years ago.  Just looking at him could make her
want to weep.  The odd thing was, Angel seemed totally unaware of how
gorgeous he was.  Angelus…now Angelus knew his own beauty precisely…
and he used that beauty as just one of the many weapons in his
arsenal.  She'd felt like a grubby schoolgirl next to Angelus—
hopelessly gauche and inexperienced.  Angel never made her feel that
way—his eyes brimming with love and acceptance of her many faults. 
He'd forgiven her for every slight, every hurt she'd ever done him. 
She hoped he could forgive her for the new one.

As she gazed on the beautiful planes of her soul mate's sleeping
face, Buffy's eyes dropped lower again to her Mark.  Her mouth
watered, suddenly, and she felt the urge to press her mouth to the
bruised and reddened skin of Angel's strong neck—to taste him again. 
Without thinking, Buffy leaned forward, the difference in their
heights no obstacle as they lay together.  She pressed a gentle kiss
to the raised skin of the scar and her tongue flicked out to caress

He tasted so good.  She inhaled that clean male scent that she
associated only with him—soap and sandalwood and the musk that was
pure Angel.  As she kissed his neck, her mouth open and tongue
tasting that cool flesh, the slight tinge of blood left on the scar,
she felt him stir abruptly.

A rumbling, growly purr throbbed low in his chest and she felt him
harden against her thighs, his hand stroking the skin now uncovered
by the flannel shirt, which had ridden up when she turned to face
him.  A tenor growl echoed Angel's behind her and she felt Spike
rubbing his face against her back.  Then she remembered what else
she'd done with them, besides the Marks.

A painful flush suffused her face as she pushed frantically away from
both sleepy males, jostling them as she practically leapt from their
bed.  Buffy yanked down her shirt, pulling at it to cover her
sweatpants and cowering visibly under their combined stare.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, unable to meet either gaze as she backed
quickly to the door.  "I didn't mean, I bit you…both, and…I'm, I'm
really sorry."

She turned and raced from the room before either sleep befuddled male
thought to rise and stop her.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Spike asked grumpily. 
He'd been all warm and nestley with his mate curled against him and
now here he was, half rampant and stuck in bed with his cold wanker
of a sire.  Not that being in bed with Angel was bad, precisely, but
still, not nearly so good as being in bed with Buffy and Angel.

"She's embarrassed," Angel guessed.  "Did you see her blush?  My
guess is she remembers everything we did when she was, well, more

"Think we can do it again?" Spike asked, stretching lasciviously and
watching as Angel reacted to his proximity.  He'd always loved being
able to tease the older vampire so easily.

"Best to leave her be for now…she looks to want her space," his sire
muttered distractedly with a hint of a purring lilt.

Angel's purr turned to a low growl as he watched the muscles slide
tantalizingly under Spike's pale skin.  He looked good enough to eat
and Angel was disinclined to hold himself back.  He leaned forward
and captured his childe's mouth in a long, hard kiss.

Spike moaned as Angel plundered his mouth with the skill of a century
of wanton insight into exactly how to arouse his favorite childe. 
Angel bit gently at Spike's lips, tantalizing and teasing, before
grabbing his head and stroking those high cheekbones as he kissed him
more deeply.  They morphed to game face in precisely the same second,
totally in tune with each other.

Spike drew trembling hands down the hard muscle of Angel's muscled
body, stroking and digging in his blunt nails until the older vampire
hissed into his mouth in response. When Spike's talented hands
reached Angel's aching cock, the sire groaned and thrust his hips up,
arching into his childe's skillful caress.  He returned the favor,
stroking Spike gently at first, and then with longer, rougher strokes
as the blond growled in lust.  The two kissed more fiercely, drawing
blood from each other's mouths and sucking at it with abandon as they
stroked each other almost punishingly. 

It was a contest, a race to see who would succumb first to the
other.  But they were too well matched and too intimate with each
other for either to have the upper hand for long.  When Angel pulled
away from the kiss to groan in need, Spike struck, sinking fangs deep
into his sire's throat.  Angel retaliated in kind as he started
coming from the erotic pain of his childe's mouth and Spike joined
him, pumping dead seed into his sire's hand as his own was anointed

Spike lapped the seed from his hand, the blood on his mouth mixing
with it to form an ambrosial feast for the vampire.  Angel did the
same and then pressed a fierce and possessive kiss to the younger
vampire's mouth.  They gentled a bit and finally pulled away from
each other to share a rueful glance as they rose from the bed.

"That's sure to convince the chit that we're sensitive to her needs,
Sire. You are such a wanker."

"Oh, yeah, Spike?  What would I need to do that for when I have you? 
Besides, she's showering, can't you hear her?"

"Showers more than any three people would need to," Spike
muttered.  "P'raps we can join her?" he added hopefully.

"I really don't think she's ready for that again, Spike," Angel said,
reluctantly.  "She seems really off put by everything that happened
while she was under the influence of the spell.  I think we should
get her home to Sunnydale and…"

He caught his childe just as Spike rocked forward in pain, clutching
his head and swearing.

"Fucking, ah!  Jesus Fucking Christ, my bloody skull is gonna split!"
he swore, as Angel held him.  "Is this what the damn visions felt
like to that Brachen demon of yours?"

"He wasn't mine, Spike, but yes, poor Doyle had a hell of a headache
every time he got a vision."

"Tisn't right," his childe whined.  "Hurts like a fucker."

"What did you see?" Angel asked, rubbing gently at Spike's temples.

"Sunnyhell.  Something is stalking the witches.  Something…primal?"
Spike said, closing his eyes to review the vision still emblazoned on
the backs of his eyes.  "It's angry.  They did something.  I can't
tell any more…can't see it clearly, just eyes…angry eyes in a dark

"Well, we wanted to go home anyway," Angel said calmly, still rubbing
at Spike's temples.  "Better?"

"Yeah.  Thanks.  Could really use a shower now, though.  Sounds as if
the Slayer is done."

"Take one.  I'll go after you," Angel replied.

Spike strode naked to the door, opening it and moving towards the now
vacant bathroom still shaking his head at the throbbing in his
skull.  *This was bloody well going to take some getting used to,* he
thought glumly.


Once showered and dressed, the vampires joined the humans at the
kitchen table.  Buffy had her cap scrunched down on her head again
over the still damp, longish golden brown curls, and was doing her
best imitation of a nonentity.  Angel and Spike allowed her some
space, heating and drinking their blood while standing, instead of
sitting near to her as was their wont.  Buffy relaxed a bit at their
casual attitude and actually picked at half a bagel that Giles had
prepared for her along with a morning cuppa.

"The vision was clearly Sunnydale, Spike?" Wesley asked.

"Yeah.  T'was Sunnyhell alright.  Something's after the witches,"
Spike muttered, swiping the back of one hand across his mouth to get
the blood out of the corners.

"We need to get back there now," Buffy said urgently.  "I can't leave
Willow and Tara in danger."

"It's day, uncomfortable at best for Angel and Spike to travel,"
Giles noted.

"You could drive me," Buffy offered.  "Angel and Spike could come
later…when it's dark."

Wesley and Giles startled a bit at the combined growls that this
suggestion drew from the vampires.

Buffy continued on, ignoring the disgruntled noises of her
mates.  "Angel and Spike can pack up the rest of our stuff in the
meantime," she suggested, not meeting either male's eyes.

Angel stepped forward, a rumbling growl threatening from his
chest.  "Buffy, you can't mean to confront whatever it is alone. 
You're barely healed from yesterday," he said in concern.  He reached
for her head, sensitive fingers playing along her skull and feeling
for the fractures that had bled so copiously only the day before. 
They were healed, though Buffy winced at even his gentle touch.

"I'm not going to rush into anything, Angel," she replied, still and
wary under his hands.  "It just makes more sense for me to get back
and see what's going on."

"We will simply assess the situation," Giles confirmed.  "Angel, you
and Spike can gather everything you need and meet us there two hours
after dark.  It should not take you that long to collect everything."

Wesley looked pensive.  "What about Cordelia's things?" he asked.

Sorrow flickered across Angel's face.  "Donate them.  Anne could
certainly use them at the shelter.  Do you know the one?"

"I believe I'm familiar with it.  I shall take care of them." 

Wes looked lost, which Giles noted.  "Wesley, you shall, of course,
be welcome to join us in Sunnydale, should you so desire," he said. 
I've a bedroom to spare, if you wish."

Wesley looked up gratefully.  "I would be delighted, Mr. Giles, thank
you.  I should be able to arrive within a few days, really, I don't
have many possessions to pack."

"Then it's settled," Buffy said.  "Daylight's a wasting, Giles, let's
go."  She strode from the room with a single guilty backward glance
at her mates, who stood dumbfounded as she stepped from the
apartment, disappearing into the light, where they could not follow.


Spike was still snarking about it hours later as he and Angel threw
the last of their clothes and the salvaged remains of Angel's once-
extensive weapons and art collections into the back seat of the car. 
They'd abandoned much that was simply too ruined, but Angel was
happily polishing the ash off his favorite sword, glad that it hadn't
been reduced to scrap metal as so many of his things had.

"Could you believe the chit, leaving us like that without a glance?"
Spike said, closing the door sharply and glaring at his sire.

"I can't say I know exactly what Buffy is thinking, Spike, but she's
been extremely sensitive about her sexuality ever since we—I—Angelus
hurt her so badly the day after we made love.  She's never really
believed that he was lying.  And the rape just exacerbated an already
bad situation.  When you add to that her, well, fairly extreme sexual
urges when the Beast overtook her, she may very well believe herself
to be in the wrong," he said consideringly.

"Enough with the Freud, Angel," Spike growled, climbing into the
car.  "I just want our mate back.  We'd just gotten to a good place
with her at her dad's and now all this crap…"

Angel snorted a half laugh as he moved to the driver's side with his
usual powerful grace, climbing lithely in and starting up the
car.  "Welcome to the angst-show that is our love life, Spike. 
You're just lucky you've only caught the periphery before.  Nothing
ever seems to go smoothly for us, why should this time be any
different?"  He pulled away from the curb and settled into the
traffic with ease.  "I'm just saying, Buffy probably needs support
from us right now.  Before we can settle back into comfort with each

"As long as comfort involves plenty of snogging," his childe grumbled.

To be continued…

Title Page
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