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Title: Tucked in a Drawer 1/1
Author: Danielle
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up and through The Gift
Summary: 100 word challege from Sunday 100 using a photograph
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, and whoever has rights to these people in court. Do not sue me, I'm poor anyway.
Distribution: Whoever wants it can have it, just e-mail me first so I can come and visit.

He hadn't wanted any part of it. He didn't need anything put together to help him remember important people. But Dawn had craved that. She had asked to go that scrapbooking class on Thursday nights, when the witches were busy with lecture halls. So he went with her. And after the first week, Dawn would slip him envelopes with some snapshots inside, so he wouldn't have to just sit and watch her work anymore. But he did anyway. At the end she had a lovely book all made up, but he just had the envelopes. Couldn't bear to open them.

Title Page
Author's Page