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18th Light Dragoons (Hussars)

The Regiment was formed in 1759 by the 6th Earl of Drogheda in Ireland as the 19th Light Dragoons for the seven Years war.  Three years later it was reformed as the 18th Light Dragoons.  The Hon. Arthur Wellesley, (later the Duke of Wellington), was gazetted to the Regiment in 1791 and in 1808 it was one of four Light Dragoon Regiments converted to Hussars.

 They served with distinction in the retreat to Corunna, having disembarked at Lisbon on 1st September 1808, some 670 strong.  They clashed with the French cavalry many times, with distinction at Valladolid and Benavente.  They returned to the Peninsula in early 1813 and although the Regiment gained a reputation for looting and drinking they were no better or worse than the other cavalry regiments of Wellington’s army.

 A squadron of the 18th disgraced itself at Vittoria by looting the baggage rather than pursuing the French, but the Regiment did well in the invasion of France, earning the Dukes Commendation taking the bridge at Croix d'Orade.               

                                                                                                                        Benavente 29th December 1808

 On the 16th June 1815 the 18th fought at Quatre Bras, and on the 18th June at Waterloo they were in Major General Vivian's' Brigade initially on the left flank, and then in the centre.  They served with distinction making several charges.



The Regiment was disbanded in 1821 but reformed  in 1858, fighting throughout the remainder of Queen Victoria’s Reign and in the First World War. In 1922 the 18th Hussars were amalgamated with the 13th Hussars to become the 13th/18th Hussars with Her Majesty Queen Mary Becoming Colonel-in-Chief and Lieutenant General Lord Baden Powell (Late 13H) as Colonel of the regiment. H.R.H the Prince of Wales was appointed Colonel in Chief on the 21st April 1989.



 18th Hussars near Courcelles in 1918.

The Regiment remained on horseback until mechanisation just prior to World War II. Since the Second World War the Regiment has served in North Africa, the Middle East, Malaya, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Germany.

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