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Wizard's Wandering

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Pet was busy dusting. The Wizard was punishing her again....he was always in a mangy mood these days. Today, it was because she forgot to feed that pesky cat. She looked scornfully at the cat.....disgusting tom cat she thought.....always spraying her. He had taken a disliking to her.....ever since her arrival. She looked at the books she was dusting and one of them caught her attention. Inside there two photographs....she studied them and smiled. Here was her Maestro....dressed as Santa up his park.....with all his little helpers.!!!!

Once every so often, the Wizard disappeared. He had told her that he was going to a nature park to look after sick birds. Pet had always been dubious about this. She had thought that he looking after this yellow canary that always seemed to be hanging around the castle....but on seeing these would seem that he was right....(as always). The pictures made her smile...and brought a warm glow into her heart. For afterall, he was a very warm hearted person.......unlike that pesky cat of his!!!!!

H+P Designs 2001

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