Probably one of the most important things in my life, my music expresses my WIDE array of emotions. My tastes vary from Celtic to The Beatles, from Squirrel Nut Zippers to Poe then back over to Enya and Tim Mcgraw. KaZaA has only recently entered my life and now...NOW I am beginning to build my music collection. I recommend it to everyone!
(um actually...I didn't say that...You should go out and buy the artist's CD...which I DO...but only after I hear the songs on KaZaA...(giggles))
Various Artists
GO HERE! I love this group. They have three CD's out...BUY THEM! I saw them (FINNALLY!) in St. Paul this past summer and ohhhh yess..It was GRAND! To see more click HERE for my Gaelic Storm page!
Next Great Band moves to the swinging side of life! The Squirrel Nut Zippers!Above is the official site link and HERE is my little page for them!
Now onto the NEWSBOYS!! As with the other artisits above is their official webpage (Very Techie so if you've got an older computer, skip the intro!) and HEREis mine! They are such an Energetic Christian Group...LOVELY!!!!
Up above is a link to one of my favorite sites (well one of the BEST Poe sites in my opinion!) for POE! I love her music, her style, the smoothness of the lyrics and the soft delicate hint of...something wicked...oooooo go look and listen!!
The Corrs! All of their music is a great way to listen to both Pop music and Irish. What a've probably heard some of their radio hits, but if you scratch beneath the surface and listen to more, you'll fall in love with them!
Go to the link above to visit and hear some from MOBY! I really enjoyed his first album and now...his second has topped it. Sad, happy, fast or all works!
Lonestar isn't a county band, but it isn't a rock band. In my opinion they are both! Go see this site and find out what I mean!!
Above are my Favorite groups and although there are others, most of my music comes from Film scores/soundtracks. Moulin rouge (of course) Is great for all types of sounds, Trainspotting has music for when your just in the mood for noise, Twister when your on the chase *G*, French Kiss for roadies...etc. Thanks for looking! Got and music suggestions? think you know an artist that I might like?!? I LOVE listening to new music!