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Joyce L Vossler

Wife, Mother, Best Friend

April 12, 1957 - October 29, 2000


God saw she was getting tired, And a cure was not to be.

So He put his arms around her, And whispered, "Come with me."

With tearful eyes we watched her suffer, And saw her fade away.

Although we love her dearly, We could not make her stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands to rest.

God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

Author Unknown


This is how I feel about Joyce and I would like to dedicate this page to those who fought so hard along with us.

To the Doctors, Nurses and Staff at UNMC Hospital in Omaha, I would like to say THANK YOU!

You stood by us and did your best!

Probably the greatest tribute to you would be the gracious way that Joyce's last requests were handled.

It was very difficult for Joyce to make the decision to decline treatment after going home, especially

after fighting so hard for so long. Thank You for doing your part to support her in her time of need.

Joyce and I both know that you did all that was humanly possible to prevent the end that came to pass, but

some things are not meant to be.


To our friends, I would like to say that we could not have endured all the trials of Joyce's illness without

the help of all of you! Good friends are far too hard to come by, and not to be taken lightly!

It seems that not a day passed without a call and the offer of help with the simple day-to-day

things that can overwhelm us in troubled times. These are the things that distinguish true friends, and

these are the things that are never forgotten!

Please keep our Thanks and our Friendship in your hearts from this day on and smile when you think

about Joyce as I am sure she is smiling at us.


With My Heartfelt Thanks

Greg Vossler