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This is a clickable family tree.

Click on a name to go to that person's family in database.
Click on * to go to pedigree chart continuation.

Gen5      Gen6      Gen7       Gen8          Gen9         


                     |            |----

             |--Johann M. BREHM

             |       |            |----

             |       |----Unknown

             |                    |----
     |--John M. BREHM

     |       |                    |----
     |       |       |----
     |       |       |            |----

     |       |--Unknown
     |               |            |----

     |               |----

     |                            |----


Johann A. BREHM


     |                            |----Unknown

     |               |----Conrad HERDTLER

     |               |            |----Unknown

     |       |--Johann L. HERDTLER

     |       |       |            |----Unknown

     |       |       |----Anna M. ??

     |       |                    |----Unknown

     |--Anna R. HERDTLER

             |                    |----
             |       |----Unknown

             |       |            |---- 

             |--Susanna M. KALB

                     |            |----



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Thanks for looking at my tree.
If you have any questions or think that we may be related, e-mail me at:
William E. ENCK