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robert(top) is master automatically follow Starshot wherever he goes. Willfall basically provides comic relief, while Willfly's abilities are crucial to Starshot's success.

Get the first Star Piece
Watch Bowser's Keep collapse You begin the game in Bowser's Keep. When you first begin, you can't access the Item or Status screens. The only buttons that really work are the Jump or B Button and the Run or Y Button. Go up through the doors in the castle until you reach a room with two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Walk diagonally up and right until the game stops you and makes Mario look up to see the Princess. You'll automatically jump up to the top of one of the chandeliers across from your arch enemy, Bowser. Follow Princess Toadstool's directions to defeat Bowser.
After defeating Bowser, an automatic sequence will show some clouds with a star on it and a sword falling into the castle. The game will display the Title screen for a little while, but don't be alarmed -- your game has not reset on you. Mario will fly out of the castle and end-up stuck on a wall in his house. After Toad talks to you, press the B Button to jump off the peg you are hanging on. Exit the house and talk to Toad by standing in front of him and pressing the A Button. After talking to him, save your game on the Save Block in the upper-left corner of Mario's front yard, then exit the screen in the bottom-right corner. This will take you out to the World Map screen. Note: You will not be able to move anywhere on the map if you do not talk to Toad!
On the map screen, push Left on the Control Pad to move Mario to Bowser's Keep. Press the A Button to enter Bowser's Keep. After watching an automatic sequence where you learn about the Smithy Gang, the bridge to Bowser's Keep collapses and you appear back on the World Map. Press Right to move from Vista Hill to Mario's Pad, then press the A Button to enter Mario's Pad again. Next, you need to go to Mushroom Kingdom.
Go to Mushroom Kingdom After watching the bridge to Bowser's Keep collapse, you're ready to enter Mushroom Way. Return to Mario's Pad and enter the house to talk to Toad again. He will suggest telling the Chancellor in the Mushroom Kingdom. Exit the house and then try to exit the area. Toad will bump in to you and offer to teach you how to use items and Timed Hits, which are essential to survive some of the tougher enemies. After he finishes his entire message, you may want to save your game at the Save Point in the upper-left corner again. Exit the screen in the bottom-right corner to access the World Map. Push Right on the Control Pad to move Mario to Mushroom Way. Press the A Button to enter the area.
Once inside Mushroom Way, follow the path right to the Treasure Box, then go up and left to where Toad is hopping up and down in front of a Goomba. Defeat the Goombas to release Toad and get a Honey Syrup as a reward. Take the top path to reach the next screen and rescue Toad from the Sky Koopa to get a Flower Tab. Take the upper-right path to the next screen and work your way right to the far-right corner where the Hammer Brothers are holding Toad hostage. Defeat the Hammer Brothers to get the Hammer, then exit the screen through the far-right corner to access the World Map. Push Right on the Control Pad to move Mario to Mushroom Kingdom and press the A Button it. Next, you need to get Mallow to join your party.
Get Mallow to join you Now that you've reached the Mushroom Kingdom, you can get the Map and get Mallow to join you. Enter the castle in the upper-left corner of the Mushroom Kingdom. Follow Toad through two doors to enter the Throne Room, and the Chancellor will talk to you and give you the Map. Go to the Vault to get the items the Chancellor told you about, then exit the Castle. You will watch an automatic sequence with Croco and Mallow. When it starts raining, talk to Mallow, the bawling puffball. Agree to help him and he will join you. Next, you need to catch Croco and get the Rare Frog Coin.
Defeat Croco and get the Rare Frog Coin Once Mallow has joined you, talk with all the people in Mushroom Kingdom. Purchase armor and other items for Mario and Mallow in the Item shop, then take the RIGHT exit out of town. You'll encounter Croco, and will learn about his recent evil deeds. Take the top right exit of the town to go to the World Map. Push diagonally Down and Left on the Control Pad to go to Bandit's Way and press the A Button to enter the area.
Work your way to the bottom-right corner of the first screen and take the path to the next screen. Jump on top of the rotating red flower, then jump off when you are facing the raised platform. Walk to the right side of the platform and jump on to the yellow floating block, then jump to the next floating block. This will cause the block that you were previously on to move ahead of you. Jump on this next block and continue this process until you can jump to the raised platform on the right side of the screen. (If you fall off at any time, just jump back on the block from the ground.) Jump off the right side of the far-right platform, then take the top-right path to the next screen. Take the top-right path to exit the next screen, then work your way up and right until you can go down and right to the far-right screen exit.
In the next screen, you will need to sneak-up on Croco three times before he will fight you. To sneak-up on him, RUN by holding the Y Button and jump on his head when he is facing away from you. After catching Croco for the third time, you will fight him to recover the Rare Frog Coin and the Wallet. After you defeat Croco, a spring will appear. Jump on the spring to return to the Save Point in Bandit's Way. Next, you need to defeat Mack in Mushroom Kingdom to get the first Star Piece.
Defeat Mack to get the first Star Piece After defeating Croco and getting the Rare Frog Coin, return to Mushroom Kingdom. You will find the Mushroom Kingdom filled with red Snifits bouncing around on pogo sticks. You don't need to fight all of the Snifits that are terrorizing the townspeople, but some of the folks will reward you for saving them. Heal Mario and Mallow and save your game at the Save Block in the Inn, then buy as many healing items as you can afford. Once you're ready, enter the castle and go into the Throne Room. Fight Mack, the big sword, to get the first Star Piece.
Mack has about 505 Hit Points, and the recommend Experience Level for Mario and Mallow is 5. To defeat Mack, have Mario attack with the Hammer and have Mallow use his Thunderbolt Special Attack. Use Timed Hits to increase the amount of damage you inflict and try to lessen the damage you receive by using Timed Blocks. Once Mack is defeated, you're off to find the second Star Piece!

Get the second Star Piece
Defeat Belome and access the Midas River After you have beaten Mack and received the first Star Piece, you're ready to go through the Kero Sewers. Go to the Item Shop in Mushroom Kingdom and talk to the shopkeeper there. He will trade the Rare Frog Coin that Mallow has for the Cricket Pie, which will come in handy later. Exit the Mushroom Kingdom to get to the World Map, then push Right on your Control Pad to reach Kero Sewers.
Once you've entered the pipe entrance to Kero Sewers, walk down and right and enter the water. Swim to the right until you are in the shallow water, then jump out and enter the next pipe to reach a new room. Work your way down and left until you find the bottom-left pipe, then enter it to go to the next screen. Walk down and right and drop down to another Pipe, but DO NOT ENTER IT. Jump on to the ledge that in the upper-right corner and go down and right until you find another pipe. Enter the pipe to go to the next screen, then go left and climb the stairs. Work your way right to the Green Exclamation Switch and jump on it to drain the water. Drop back down to the lower level and enter the pipe to return to the previous screen. Go down and left until you reach another pipe, and enter it to access the upper level of the room you just came from. Walk up and right to the Save Block and save your game here. Go down and right and enter the pipe there to reach Belome. Defeat Belome to reach the Midas River.
Belome is a dog-like enemy that has a rather large tongue and about 536 Hit Points. Level 6 is recommended for your party. Have Mario attack with the Hammer and Mallow use his Thunderbolt Special Attack. Use Timed Hits to increase the amount of damage you inflict and try to lessen the damage you receive by using Timed Blocks. Next, talk to Frogfucius in Tadpole Pond.
Visit Frogfucius in Tadpole Pond To find Frogfucius, complete the Midas River area and take the exit in the lower-right corner to go to the World Map. Push Left on the Control Pad to move to the Tadpole Pond area and enter it. Go up and right to the round gray stone by the water. Stand on the stone and talk to the tadpoles that appear and press the B Button when they mention Mario's jumping ability. Frogfucius will float onto the scene and tell you to follow him. Jump across the tadpole bridge that forms and talk with Frogfucius to learn more about Mallow's past and the people of Rose Town.
If you traded the Rare Frog Coin with the person in the Mushroom Kingdom Items Shop for the Cricket Pie, talk to Frogfucius again and he will give Mallow his first weapon: the Froggie Stick. Don't forget to equip it! Go back across the bridge of tadpoles and head off to Rose Way.
See Bowser in Rose Way Rose Way has a series of floating blocks that move from location to location, but you can't jump off a block when it's blue. Jump on the first block and ride it to the first place it stops, then hop onto the next floating block. Ride it to the second stop and jump on the next block. Ride that block to the first stop, jump on to the next floating block, then ride it to the fourth stop and jump down to the ground. Take the upper-right path to exit the screen and appear in an area with several floating Treasure Boxes. Follow the path down and right until you reappear on the area with the water
Jump on the floating block and ride it to the first stop, then hop on the next block. Ride the block to its second stop, then drop down to the ground. Go down and right to the next screen, then follow the path until you see Bowser and his Koopa Troop.
Walk to the right to start the automatic sequence. After Bowser stops talking to his troops, walk up to return to the World Map. Push Left on your Control Pad, then press the A Button to enter Rose Town. Next, go to the Inn and meet Gaz.
Meet Gaz and Geno in Rose Town When you first arrive in Rose Town, the townspeople are getting stunned by arrows falling from the sky. Talk to everyone in town, then go to the Inn in the bottom-left corner.
When you enter the Rose Town Inn, you will enter an automatic sequence where you a kid named Gaz plays with a bunch of dolls that look like Mario, Bowser, and Princess Toadstool. When Gaz asks you to prove that you are the real Mario, press the B Button to demonstrate your legendary jumping skill. The automatic sequence will continue until it goes to a screen with Mario resting in bed. Use the Save Box in the room, then go downstairs and talk with Gaz and his mother. Exit the Inn and Rose Town to return to the World Map, then press Up on the Control Pad to access the Forest Maze.
Defeat Bowyer to get the second Star Piece Once you've entered the Forest Maze, walk diagonally up and left to go to the next screen. Enter the hollow tree stump and walk down and right to the spring. Jump on the spring to go to the next screen, then walk up and right to the next screen. Enter the top-left hollow tree stump and enter it, then go up and jump on the sleeping yellow caterpillar to wake him. He will open a hidden path and launch you back up to the surface. Take the new path up and left to the next screen and enter the hollow tree stump, then follow the path down and right to the spring at the end. Jump on the spring to return to the surface and walk up to find a Save Box. Save your game and walk up to enter an area that repeats if you don't plan your path carefully.
If you make a mistake in this maze, go down to return to the Save Box, then walk back up to the maze and start over. For the most part, you just need to chase Geno, the living doll, to find your way.
First, follow Geno and take the bottom-right path, then follow him through the top-right path. Follow Geno through the top-right path again, then take the bottom-right path. Follow Geno and take the top-right path on the next screen, then follow him up and left to enter an automatic sequence. At the end of it, you will fight Bowyer for the second Star Piece. After defeating Bowyer, walk up and left to the exit to the World Map. Next, return to the Rose Town Inn and learn about the third Star Piece.

Get the Third Star Piece
Find Pa Mole in the Moleville Mine. Now that you have defeated Bowyer and retrieved the second Star Piece, return to Rose Town and talk to Gaz in the Inn to receive Geno's Finger Shot weapon. Exit Rose Town to go to the World Map, then press Left on the Control Pad TWICE to reach Moleville.
Talk to the folks in Moleville to learn about Dyna and Mite, two kids who have been trapped inside the Mine. Now is a good time to stock up on any weapons, armor or items your party needs. Watch Bowser rally his troops in the top-right corner of town, then enter the Mine. When the moles in the Mine ask you to help them, say yes, then jump on their heads to reach the door above you. Explore the Mine until you find Pa Mole, then talk to him to learn that you need a bomb to blow up the walls.
Defeat Punchinello for the third Star Piece Return to the room with the spring and jump on it to knock yourself silly. No joke! This is the only way to encounter Croco, who has the bomb you need. After you wake up and Croco runs off with your stuff, follow him (hold the Y Button to RUN) and jump on his head to enter a battle. Defeat Croco to receive the Bambino Bomb, then return to Pa Mole. Talk to Pa Mole to use the bomb and open a new path in the Mine.
Enter the newly-opened path, go up and right to the next screen, then go right and down to the next room. Take the top-right path to reach a room with a Save Box, then go up and right to find Punchinello and some Bombs. Jump on Punchinello to enter the battle. (If Punchinello pushes you out of the room, don't worry about it. Go back in and try approaching him from the side. He's nothing but a big bully.) Defeat Punchinello to get the third Star Piece!
After beating him, take the top-right path to the next room, then work your way down and left to reach a mine cart with Dyna and Mite. Ride the mine cart to exit the Mine and return to Moleville. On to the fourth Star Piece!

Get the fourth Star Piece
Defeat Knife Guy and Grate Guy in Booster's Tower Once you have retrieved the third Star Piece, exit Dyna and Mite's house to watch some Snifits chase a beetle. Exit Moleville to get to the World Map, then push Left on the Control Pad to access Booster Pass. Work your way up and right through the area until you return to the World Map, then press Left to access Booster's Tower.
When you first approach the tower, watch Bowser try to open the door. After Bowser leaves, walk up to the door and press the A Button to discover that the door is locked. As you begin to walk away, Bowser will return, open the door, and join your party. Enter the tower and climb to the top to find Booster's Toy Room. Take the door on the bottom-left side of the room to see Princess Toadstool on the balcony. After an automatic sequence, Booster and his Snifits will enter the room and try to find you behind the curtains. Whether you get caught or not, when the sequence ends, go through the bottom-left door to access the balcony. Defeat Knife Guy and Grate Guy, then go left to enter Booster Hill.
Crash Booster's wedding in Marrymore Once you've defeated Knife Guy and Grate Guy in Booster's Tower, go left to enter Booster Hill. Follow the instructions to race to the top of the hill and reach Marrymore.
Talk to the people in front of the Wedding Chapel in the top-left corner of the town, and Raz and Raini will automatically get thrown out of the Wedding Chapel. Face the Wedding Chapel's door and press the A Button to talk to Snifit 1 and learn about the back entrance. Walk down and right until you are standing on the green grass, then hold Up on the Control Pad until you are just past the edge of the first wall. Hold Left on the Control Pad to find the back door, hidden behind the wall.
Go down the stairs to find the bakery, where two cooks are working on the wedding cake. Take the stairs in the top-left corner, then walk up and left until Snifit 1 says, "Get lost." Press the B Button to continue, and he will ask you to help him break down the door. You and Snifit 1 must make contact with the door at the same time in order to break it down. After breaking down the door, you will enter a room with a Save Box. You and Bowser will need to break down the next door to get in to the congregation hall. You may want to save the game here while Bowser is trying to break down the door, since the next sequence can be difficult. To break down the door, you and Bowser will need to make contact with the door simultaneously. This will put you in the congregation hall, where Booster and Princess Toadstool's wedding is imminent.
Get Princess Toadstool to join your party Once you've entered the congregation hall in Marrymore, Princess Toadstool loses some of her possessions and the Snifits try to retrieve them all. You need to talk to each Snifit to get the item they found, then get the crown on top of Booster's head and talk to Booster. Chef Torte and his Apprentice will appear on the scene and attack your party. Instead of attacking Chef Torte and his Apprentice, attack Bundt (the wedding cake in between them), who is the real boss.
After you've rescued Princess Toadstool from the wedding, Raz and Raini will talk to you. Talk to everyone in town for clues, then return to Mushroom Kingdom. Enter the castle and go to the throne room to watch an automatic sequence, then exit the castle. As you walk outside, Princess Toadstool will float down. Talk to her and she will join your party. Next, talk to Frogfucius and go to Star Hill to recover the fourth Star Piece.
Retrieve the fourth Star Piece from Star Hill Once Princess Toadstool has joined your party, you're ready to get the fourth Star piece from Star Hill. Return to Tadpole Pond and talk to Frogfucius to find out that a large star has been sighted at Star Hill. Exit Tadpole Pond and go back to the World Map. Go left past Marrymore to reach Star Hill.
This entire area has small stars on the ground, star shaped flowers, and big stars with keyholes. The big stars lead to other screens and will only open after you've talked to all of the flowers in the area. Explore the entire area and look carefully in every direction -- it's easy to miss things here if you're not careful. Work your way through the area until you find the fourth Star Piece lying on the ground. Walk around the area to locate all of the flowers, then enter the big star to exit the area. Next, go to Seaside Town to get clues about the fifth Star Piece.

Get the Fifth Star Piece
Enter the Sunken Ship After finishing Star Hill, a path to the town of Seaside will open to the left. Enter the town and talk to the people to gather clues. If there are any unusual items being offered by the shops in town, you may want to purchase them now, since the things offered will change after you get the next Star Piece. Talk to the town elder in the top-left house to learn more about the Star Piece that fell into the Sunken Ship. Be sure to talk to him at least twice to open the Sea area on the World Map. Exit town and enter the Sea.
When you first enter the Sea area, take the exit in the bottom-left part of the room. The guy in the blue coat is a shop. If you buy something from him, he will give you some clues about the Sunken Ship. After you are finished, take the exit in the bottom corner of the room. Walk down and left until you get past the wooden crates. Drop down to the lower level of the room and take the exit in the bottom corner of the room. Work your way to the far-left side of the room and take the exit there. Walk diagonally down and left and take the exit at the end of the path. Enter the water and move into the whirlpool to go underwater. Work your way to left until you can see the Sunken Ship, then jump up its sails until you reach the crow's nest (the round, wooden structure above the sails). Stand on the crow's nest and push Down on the Control Pad to enter the Sunken Ship area. Next, work your way through the Sunken Ship and defeat King Calamari.
Find and defeat King Calamari. Puzzle Room 1 The first puzzle room contains a single Flying Koopa, a cannon ball sitting on top of a pile of blocks, and a green Exclamation Switch in the air. The Flying Koopa hovers back and forth above Mario's head. You need to move around the room to get the Flying Koopa to push the cannon ball on to the green Exclamation Switch. Move to the top portal (the light-colored circle on the top-left wall) and wait for the Flying Koopa to move above you. Then, move to the pile of blocks that the cannon ball is sitting on and face the blocks. The Flying Koopa will move to follow you and knock a cannon ball down on the switch. Once you've solved the puzzle you'll receive a mushroom that restores your Hit Points and a clue in the form of a memo left by Magellan, which reads "There is an ‘s' in the word."
Puzzle Room 2 The second puzzle room has three floating blocks, three moving springs, and one green Exclamation Switch. Hitting the floating block will cause its corresponding spring to stop or start moving. After stopping all of the springs, a cannon ball will be launched. If each spring is in its proper position, the cannon ball will make it across the room to the green exclamation switch and you will get your reward.
Stop the left spring within the light brown area, while it is touching the top-right edge of the area. Stop the center spring within the light brown area, while it is touching the top-right edge of the area. Stop the right spring near the top center of the light brown area. The reward for solving this puzzle room is a Flower Point increase and a clue in the form of a memo left by Magellan, which reads "It is found on the bed of the ocean."
Puzzle Room 3 The third puzzle room is a three-dimensional maze. You need to feel your way through the maze to get to the top of the blocks and reach your reward. To complete it:
Face the entrance of the maze near the bottom-left corner of the screen. Hold the Control Pad diagonally Up and Left until you stop moving, then hold Up until you stop moving. Continue to hold Up and press the B Button to jump once. When you stop moving, hold Right on the Control Pad until you stop again. Continue to hold Right and jump -- this will move you a little farther in the maze. Keep holding Right and jump once more. After you stop, hold Left on the Control Pad until you see Mario on the far-left side of the screen. The next step is tough! Hold Right on the Control Pad until you appear in the open -- but be careful not to hold Right too long or you will fall in to a hole and you'll have to start back at the beginning!
Enter the door to the right and hold Right on the Control Pad until you see Mario on the right side of the doorway. Jump on to the narrow ledge above you to the right. Hold Up on the Control Pad until you stop moving, then hold Left on the Control Pad. When you stop moving, keep holding Left and jump once, then hold Up on the Control Pad and jump a few times until you don't move any farther. Hold Right on the Control Pad until you stop moving, then hold diagonally Up and Left and jump twice to get up near the switch. Jump on the switch to get your reward: Royal Syrup and a clue in the form of a memo left by DeGama, which reads "It has two vowels."
Puzzle Room 4 In the fourth puzzle room, there is a moving coin that leaves a trail of coins behind it. You need to follow the moving coin and only pick up the coins that stop along the way. Those coins must be picked up before they disappear and in the order they stopped in. Your reward is a clue in the form of a memo left by DeGama, which reads "It has four consonants."
Puzzle Room 5 The fifth puzzle room has four floating blocks and three cannons in it. After you hit the far-left block to make the first cannonball appear, you will need to hit each subsequent cannonball into the block above its path. Specifically:
Hit the far-left block to make a cannonball fire out of the far-left cannon. Stand on the shadow just to the right of the block and jump when the cannonball is overhead. This will make the next cannon ball fire from the second cannon. Stand in the next shadow to the right and jump when the cannonball is overhead to make the last cannon fire. Stand in the shadow to the right and jump when the cannon ball is overhead to get your reward.
If you miss any cannonballs, you will need to exit the room and try again. The reward for solving this puzzle room is a Mushroom and a clue in the form of a memo left by Van Doren which reads, "At least two consonants are side by side."
Puzzle Room 6 The sixth puzzle room has a Save Block, two green Exclamation Switches, a pile of blocks in one corner and a pile of barrels in another. One of the barrels on the pile moves, so you need to maneuver it onto the right switch by jumping on it. When the barrel is on the ground, jumping on it will move it in the direction OPPOSITE of the way Mario is facing.
Jump on top of the pile of barrels in the far right corner of the room. There is one barrel that is a little darker and a little larger than the rest. Jump on top of that barrel to make it fall off of the pile, then jump on top of it. Face right and keep jumping until it stops on top of the right green Exclamation Switch.
Then, have Mario jump onto the left green Exclamation Switch. The reward for solving this puzzle room is a Mushroom that will restore your Hit Points and Flower Points, and a clue in the form of a memo left by Van Doren which reads "The ‘R' comes before the ‘L'"
King Calamari To find King Calamari once you have enough clues and you're ready to enter the password, walk up and right from the last puzzle room and enter the door there. Enter the password by standing under each block and jumping to change the block's letter. Set each block to the corresponding letter in the password: PEARLS.
When you have finished, face the pipe opening in the upper-right part of the room and press the A Button to speak. If you entered the password correctly, the door will open. Enter the door to reach King Calamari, and defeat him to access a new area in the Sunken Ship. Next, find Jonathan Jones and get the fifth Star Piece.
Defeat Jonathan Jones to get the fifth Star Piece. Once you have entered the password in the Sunken Ship and defeated King Calamari you will drop into a room with a spring and a door. Enter the door, jump to the upper level of the room and enter the door there. Quickly walk up and right while avoiding the Bullet Bills being fired out of the cannons. After you get past the first set of cannons, walk diagonally down and right, avoiding the Bullet Bills again, to the exit.
Go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom. Work your way diagonally up and left and enter the door there to find a room with a clone of Mario in it. Enter the door in the lower part of the room, then walk down and left through the exit at the bottom of the next room. Go down the stairs to find a Save Block, then enter the door in the upper-right section of the room. Enter the door at the end of the path, then hop in the water and move into the whirlpool to submerge.
Enter the doorway at the top of the underwater area, then go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom. Go up and right, then jump up the barrels along the far-right side of the underwater area to exit the water. Enter the door to find an automatic sequence with four sharks wearing red bandanas. Fight your way through the Bandana Reds to go up the stairs and enter the door. Defeat Jonathan Jones and his Bandana Blues here to get the fifth Star Piece. Next, return to Seaside Town and fight Yaridovich.
Defeat Yaridovich to regain the Star Piece After defeating Jonathan Jones, take the door in the far-right corner of the room and jump on the spring to return to the World Map. Return to Seaside Town to enter an automatic sequence where you will be asked to hand over the Star Piece. Go ahead and give in -- the Star Piece is going to be taken away no matter what you do here.
Follow the path up and left to the beach and talk to Yaridovich here to enter a battle. Defeat him to regain the fifth Star Piece, then pick up the Shed Key he leaves behind. Unlock the door to the bottom-left building in the town to rescue the townspeople, then talk to the town elder in the top-left building. He will mention a mouse that visited Seaside Town and talked about a star in Monstro Town. Talk to him again to open the path on the World Map to Land's End. Next, go through Land's End to reach Monstro Town and learn about the sixth Star Piece.

Get the Sixth Star Piece
Go through Land's End to reach Belome's Temple Once the fifth Star Piece has been recaptured from Yaridovich, exit Seaside Town and enter Land's End on the World Map. Use the blue cannon to reach the upper-right area, then walk up and right to reach another blue cannon. Use the cannon to launch yourself into the hole in the upper-right platform, then jump out of the hole and work your way up and right through the next two screens.
If you fall off the upper ledge, use one of the blue cannons to get back up. Use the red spinning flowers to work your way up the platforms and take the exit above the top platform to enter the next screen. Jump across the bridge of floating do-nut blocks and go up to find a screen with a spring, a Save Block, and two whirlpools in the sand.
Take any one of the whirlpools to go to the next screen, then follow this rule: ALWAYS TAKE THE WHIRPOOL WITH THE ENEMY IN IT. This will lead you to Belome's Temple. If you end up at a cliff with a sign that says "Climb Here," go down one screen and hop in the whirpool with the enemy. You'll come back to this cliff later. Next, find and defeat Belome to go to Monstro Town.
Complete Belome's Temple to access Monstro Town Once you have reached Belome's Temple, walk up and take the stairs, then walk up and right until you reach a guy in the blue cloak. Agree to have him tell your fortune for 50 Coins and follow his directions. Your fortune will fall down on a pile of bricks. Get your fortune and use the bricks to jump up to the upper level of the room, then take the exit on the upper platform.
Enter the green pipe in the next room to find either a treasure chest or three enemies. (It depends on which fortune you received.) If you get the three enemies, defeat them to open the big gate to the right. Enter the gate to go to the next room. Work your way to the upper right corner and take the exit there. Talk to the guy in the blue cloak for some instructions, then jump up under the statue head to get your fortune. If it says, "MMM I'm so hungry! Wish I had something to eat!" then the block in the bottom right will take you to Belome. If it says, "Sorry, I'm not accepting any visitors past my bedtime," then it will take you to a treasure room. You can only enter the treasure room if you have the Temple Key (which you cannot get until you reach Monstro Town). After receiving the first fortune, jump on to the yellow block in the bottom-right part of the room and take the exit at the bottom. If you don't get the fortune you want, exit the room and re-enter it, then get another fortune. Enter the Green Pipe to get to Belome's Room. Defeat Belome and jump on the green Exclamation Switch to open the big gate, then enter the Green Pipe to go to Monstro Town. Next, talk to Monstermama to get help climbing the Cliff.
Go through Bean Valley to reach Nimbus Land When you reach Monstro Town, enter the top-left door and talk to Monstermama. Go upstairs and talk to the pink star standing on the cabinet and it will do a dance of sorts. Go back downstairs and talk to Monstermama a few more times. She will summon the Sky Troopas to come and help you. After the Sky Troopas leave exit the house and take the spring in the top-left corner of town to return to the Land's End area. Work your way back to the cliff that says, "Climb here." The Sky Troopas will take positions on the side of the cliff so you can jump your way up to the top. This can be tricky! If you fall, just keep trying. You'll make it! Take the path at the top of the area to return to the World Map, then press Up to access Bean Valley.
Go up to the two Green Pipes and enter the pipe on the right, then go up and left and enter the next pipe. Follow the path up and left to reach a screen with a Save Block, several Green Pipes, and some Piranha Plants. Take the path up and left to reach Smilax, and defeat him to access the Green Pipe below him. (Grab the Seed he leaves behind, too!) Stand under the brick block in the next screen and jump to hit it with your head and make a vine appear. Climb the vine to reach a sky area with funny, colored vines. Climb the multi-colored vines until you reach a trampoline, then jump on it to reach Nimbus Land.
Enter the Nimbus Land Castle and avoid Dodo When you first enter the town area of Nimbus Land, you will watch an automatic sequence where Valentina introduces everyone to Dodo, the fake Prince Mallow. After it ends, talk to the people walking around town for clues, then enter Garro's House in the top-left corner of the town (next to the stairs). Talk to Garro and stand next to the statue that looks like the Mallow in your party. You will discover that Mallow is the real Prince Mallow, and Garro will ask if you are ready. Say yes and Garro will make you look like a statue and take you to the castle.
After you are put on a pedestal and Dodo walks out of the room, walk off the pedestal and go up and left to find a small room with a Save Block. Try to enter the door here to enter an automatic sequence where you're back on your pedestal and must avoid Dodo's attacks. Jump when Dodo tries to peck you -- if you get hit, he will run to Valentina and talk to her again. If Dodo catches you too many times, you will have to fight him. If you manage to avoid Dodo, you can pick up the Feather here. In any case, when the sequence is finished start exploring for the Castle Keys.
Find the two Castle Keys After your episode with Dodo, enter the door to go to the next room. Watch the short automatic sequence, then walk up through the door. Work your way up and right, then down and right to the exit. Go right and take the stairs, then enter the door there. Go up to the main section of the room, then go up and left and take the top door. Walk up through the door at the end of the room, then go down the stairs and exit to the right to find a room with a Save Block and some people. Talk to the guy in the far-left corner of the room and accept the key he offers. This is the first Castle Key, which will open the door guarded by the Heavy Troopa.
Return to the Heavy Troopa, defeat it and enter the door behind it. The next room has a large nest with a huge egg in it. Attack the egg to release Birdo, then defeat Birdo to receive the second Castle Key. Next, find and defeat Dodo and Valentina.
Defeat Dodo and Valentina Once you have both Castle Keys, you need to find and defeat Dodo and Valentina. From where you defeated Birdo, use Castle Key 2 on the door and enter it. Work your way up and right until you reach the door another Heavy Troopa is blocking, and you will find Valentina and Dodo. Watch the automatic sequence, then follow them as they try to run away.
To do this, take the door at the top of the room, then follow the path up and right to the door. Continue up through two more doors and you will fall down to the Hot Springs area. Jump on the Trampoline to go up one level, then jump on the trampoline to the left to return to the town. Defeat Dodo and Valentina here to continue. Remember -- the character in the MIDDLE of your current party will automatically be chosen to fight Dodo alone, so make sure you have a fairly strong character there. Next, talk to the King and go to the Barrel Volcano to look for the sixth Star Piece.
Fight the Axem Rangers for the sixth Star Piece Once you've defeated Dodo and Valentina, you can go to the Barrel Volcano. Talk to King Nimbus and Queen Nimbus to learn about the Star Piece in the Barrel Volcano. Exit the Nimbus Land Castle and climb down the vine, then drop down through the top right hole and talk to the two guards. Walk through the path the unblock to enter the Hot Springs, then exit on the far-right side to fall into the Barrel Volcano area.
Explore the Barrel Volcano and follow the path through the area. You will find two Save Blocks in the volcano, and the Hino Mart, where Hinopio can outfit your party with new armor, weapons and items. Take the lower door down out of the Hino Mart to reach the second Save Block, then hop your way across the do-nut bridge. Defeat the Czar Dragon and Zombone, then go up and right to see the Axem Rangers for the first time. Watch them steal your Star Piece, then chase them through the volcano until you reach the trampoline that takes you to their ship. Defeat the Axem Rangers here to collect the sixth Star Piece, then head back to Nimbus Land and get the Royal Bus from King Nimbus.

Get the Seventh Star Piece
Find the six doors in Bowser's Keep After defeating the Axem Rangers, return to the Nimbus Land Castle and talk to King and Queen Nimbus. They will give you permission to use the Royal Bus. Exit the Castle and take the stairs on the far-left side of the town. Talk to the person there and the Royal Bus will take you to Bowser's Keep. This will open a path on the World Map from Nimbus Land to Bowser's Keep and re-open the path between Mario's Pad and Bowser's Keep.
To reach the six big red doors in Bowser's Keep enter the area and follow the path up and right. You will go through two red doors, across a normal bridge, a do-nut bridge and another red door. When you reach the statue of Bowser, the area will become dark.
Walk up and right to the wall, then walk down and right to the end of the path. Follow the path to a Save Block and talk to Croco here. Go through the door in the top-right corner of the room to find the six big red doors. Of the six doors, two lead to action courses, two lead to battle courses and two go to puzzle courses. You can choose any door you wish, but once you enter one, you cannot turn back. You must complete four of these rooms to move ahead. If you fail to complete one of the doors, you will be returned to this room.
Complete four of the six rooms After you have completed 4 out of the 6 Big Red Doors, you will drop in to a room with a Save Point. Once you are done, go through the Big Red Door to continue.
Action Room 1 The first action room begins with three Terrapins walking on an invisible floor. This room has three sections: the invisible floor, the moving platforms, and the Donkey Kong section. You have 10 tries to make it all the way through this room and your reward for completing it is the Super Slap.
To cross the invisible floor: Walk up and left to corner. Walk up and right to the end of the path. Walk down and right to the end of the path. Walk up and right until you come to a path going up and left. Walk up and left to the end of the path. Walk up and right until there is a path going down and right. Walk down and right to the end of the path. Walk down and left to the end of the path. Walk down and right to the end of the path. Walk down and right until you come to a path going up and right. Walk up and right to the door.
To cross the moving blocks: This section has a number of floating grey blocks that are moving back and forth. You need to jump between these blocks to make it to the door in the top right corner of the room. Jump on the first platform and ride it up and right. When it stops, jump over to the block that is a just down and left of it. Ride that platform up and right until it stops, then jump on the platform above it on the left. Ride that platform up and right until it stops, then jump up and right and enter the door.
To complete the Donkey Kong section: This section is reminiscent of the original Donkey Kong arcade game, where Mario must avoid the barrels being thrown by Donkey Kong to get to the top. After five barrels come down, one will go in a different direction. Then there will be a pause before the pattern repeats. There's no trick to completing this section, just move carefully and keep practicing until you get it right.
Action Room 2 There are three sections to this action room: Moving Block Section, Cannonball Section, and Spinning Block Section.
There are no tricks to crossing the moving blocks -- just be careful to not get too close to the large platform above them.
In the cannonball section, you need to move the cannonball in the room to the exit, while avoiding the two bomb enemies. To do this, jump on the cannonball and direct it with your Control Pad.
The spinning block section has two floating gray blocks in a room that is filled with lava. When you jump on one block, the other will spin around you. You must jump back and forth between the blocks until you get to the exit in the upper-right part of the room. When you complete this action room, you'll receive the Sonic Cymbals.
Battle Room 1 You will meet a group of Gu Goombas at the beginning of the first battle room. The battle rooms only have one direction that you can go, but you will have to fight a group of enemies between each set of statues in order to continue. There are approximately 12 groups of enemies that you will need to fight. Your reward is the Star Gun.
Battle Room 2 You will meet a group of Terra Cottas at the beginning of the second battle room. The battle rooms only have one direction that you can go, but you will have to fight a group of enemies between each set of statues in order to continue. There are approximately 12 groups of enemies that you will need to fight. Your reward for making it through this room is the Drill Claw.
Puzzle Room 1 The puzzle room features Dr. Topper, the Quiz Master. It is divided into three major sections: quiz, barrel counting, and the triathlon riddle. Your reward for finishing this room is Rock Candy. If you miss any of these puzzles, you will start over at the room with the six doors.
Quiz section: Dr. Topper will ask you 12 questions (all of which have been answered earlier in the game). Each one you answer correctly will move you up one spot and every wrong answer will move you down two. If you get to the eighth step within 12 questions, you win.
Barrel counting: Dr. Topper will show you a pile of barrels and you will need to figure out how many are there within a certain time limit. The actual number of barrels displayed changes each time you go to the room. You will have 10 seconds to count the first set of barrels and 20 seconds to count the second set.
Triathlon: This is the hardest section of the room to figure out. There are four characters (Kipp, Bones, Goo, and Boo) that are involved in the riddle. They all participated in a triathlon and you will need to determine the order they finished in from the clues they give you. When you are ready, talk to Dr. Topper and he will tell you to talk to each character in the order that they finished. The order they finish in changes each time you enter the room. The clues given by each character will indicate the place they finished in. When you've finished, talk to Dr. Topper and he will tell you if you got it right.
Puzzle Room 2 There are three sections to this puzzle room: the coin puzzle, the magic button puzzle and the cannonball solitaire puzzle. Your reward for finishing this room is Rock Candy. If you lose on any of the puzzles, you will start over in the room with the six doors.
Coin puzzle: Mario and Dr. Topper will take turns getting the coins out of a treasure chest with 21 Coins in it. The person who takes the last coin loses. Each character can take between one and four coins out of the box during their turn. Since the object is to have Dr. Topper take the 21st coin out of the treasure chest, you must make sure that he does not take the 20th coin. The B Button on your controller takes coin(s) out of the box. You must take at least one Coin on your turn. The A Button lets Dr. Topper take his turn when you want to take less than four Coins. Here's a suggested strategy:
Keep taking one coin until the total reaches 15. If it reaches 15 on your turn, let Dr. Topper go again. When it is your turn again, take the 20th coin (and the ones in-between). Let Dr. Topper go again and he will be forced to take the 21st Coin and you will win. If Dr. Topper lets you go and the total is above 15, take all the coins up to the 20th Coin and let Dr. Topper go again. He will be forced to take the 21st Coin and you will win.
Magic button puzzle: This room is filled with 16 buttons with exclamation marks on them. The ON buttons are down and dark blue, while the OFF buttons are up and green. Each OFF button you jump on turns that button ON and switches the surrounding buttons to their opposite position (i.e. ON buttons change to OFF and OFF buttons change to ON). The object of this puzzle is to get all of the buttons in the OFF position.
There are many ways to solve this room, but here's the easiest method, since it only requires jumping on four buttons.
Jump on the second button from the left in the bottom row. Jump on the far-right button in the second row from the bottom. Jump on the far-left button in the second row from the top. Jump on the third button from the left in the top row
Cannonball solitaire: This room has 15 cannon balls. You will need to kick each cannonball over another cannonball to an empty location until only one cannonball remains. To kick a cannonball, stand behind it and press the A Button.
Make a diagram of all the possible positions a cannonball can be in. Number the positions 1 through 16, starting from the top-left corner and working your way to the bottom-right corner. When you are finished, the diagram should look a little like this:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Kick the ball in position 1 in to position 3. Kick the ball in position 9 in to position 1. Kick the ball in position 10 in to position 2. Kick the ball in position 12 in to position 10. Kick the ball in position 14 in to position 6. Kick the ball in position 16 in to position 14. Kick the ball in position 13 in to position 15. Kick the ball in position 3 in to position 11. Kick the ball in position 15 in to position 7. Kick the ball in position 1 in to position 3. Kick the ball in position 4 in to position 12. Kick the ball in position 6 in to position 8. Kick the ball in position 12 in to position 4. Kick the ball in position 4 in to position 2. Tah dah! Congratulations!
Defeat Smithy in the Factory for the seventh Star Piece Once you have completed four of the six doors in Bowser's Keep and leave the room with the Save Block, you will enter a battle with a Magikoopa. After the battle, he will return to normal and be one of Bowser's loyal followers. If you talk to him, he will restore your Hit Points and Flower Points, like an Inn. The upper door leads to Croco's new hang-out, where you can buy items and good armor for everyone. When you're ready to go, walk through the lower door to continue. There are a bajillion battles ahead, so make sure you're prepared!
Work your way past the Thwomps and defeat Boomer, then ride Chandeli-Ho to the top of Bowser's Keep. Defeat Exor to enter the gate to the Smithy Factory and work your way up and right to a nut-and-bolt bridge. (You can jump on the trampoline if you want to return to the World Map.) Jump on the nut and face the direction you want to go to move the nut that way. Go to the Save Block and save your game, then continue right past three more nut-and-bolt bridges until you reach a green Exclamation Switch.
Jump on the switch to open a path and save at the next Save Block, then go right one room and jump on the trampoline to reach another bridge. Cross both bridges here and jump on the trampoline, then defeat the Clock to make the third Save Block and another trampoline appear.
Work your way up by jumping across the conveyor belts and riding the floating blocks until you reach the fourth Save Block. Go up and look for a room with a gray block covering a hole. Defeat the enemy to make the block explode, then drop into the hole and defeat Cloaker and Domino.
Enter the production area and walk up and left to meet the Clerk. Defeat the Clerk and continue up tp talk to Toad. Buy any items you want, then go up and defeat the Manager. Continue up and fight the Director, then save at the Save Block above him.
Walk up and defeat the Factory Chief and Gunyolk, then jump on the green Exclamation Switch to be carried into Smithy's lair. Defeat Smithy and Smelter to enter the final battle, then defeat Smithy again and retrieve the seventh Star Piece. Geno can now restore the Star Road and wishes can once again be granted. Congratulations!

Get the first Star Piece
Watch Bowser's Keep collapse You begin the game in Bowser's Keep. When you first begin, you can't access the Item or Status screens. The only buttons that really work are the Jump or B Button and the Run or Y Button. Go up through the doors in the castle until you reach a room with two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Walk diagonally up and right until the game stops you and makes Mario look up to see the Princess. You'll automatically jump up to the top of one of the chandeliers across from your arch enemy, Bowser. Follow Princess Toadstool's directions to defeat Bowser.
Super Mario World

After saving the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser and the rest of the Koopas in Super Mario 3, Mario and Luigi needed to recuperate from their adventures. Together they agreed that the best place to vacation was a magical place called Dinosaur Land.

But while Mario and Luigi reclined on the beach for a relaxing nap, Princess Toadstool disappeared, apparently seized by evil forces. After searching for hours for their missing friend, Mario and Luigi came upon an enormous egg in the forest.

Suddenly the egg hatched, and out popped a young dinosaur named YOSHI, who proceeded to tell Mario and Luigi a sad tale of how his dinosaur pals who were sealed in similar eggs by a group of monsterous turtles.

"Monsterous turtles!," exclaimed Luigi. "Bowser and his bunch have returned!" Mario slowly nodded his head in agreement and, along with Luigi and Yoshi, set off across Dinosaur Land to find the Princess and to free Yoshi's friends. As they began their journey, Yoshi handed Mario a beautiful cape. "This may help you," Yoshi said. "Some say it has magical powers."

With a little luck (and help from a magic cape), our hearty crew can defeat the seven worlds of Bowser's Krazy Koopa Kritters. Many locations are well-hidden so explore everywhere and try everything. Not all locations have to be explored to rescue the dinosaurs and save Princess Toadstool, but there are many "starry" treasures to be found in far-reaching places. You'll need to search all areas to find out what kinds of treasure are there... in Super Mario World.

Get the first Star Piece
Watch Bowser's Keep collapse You begin the game in Bowser's Keep. When you first begin, you can't access the Item or Status screens. The only buttons that really work are the Jump or B Button and the Run or Y Button. Go up through the doors in the castle until you reach a room with two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Walk diagonally up and right until the game stops you and makes Mario look up to see the Princess. You'll automatically jump up to the top of one of the chandeliers across from your arch enemy, Bowser. Follow Princess Toadstool's directions to defeat Bowser.
Super Mario World
grå lådor
Super Mario World
March 1996 -- Super mario world the last Virtual Boy game in North America: Golf. This was the only VB game to never be released in Japan.
Review by Kyle

March 1996 -- Super mario world the last Virtual Boy game in North America: Golf. This was the only VB game to never be released in Japan.
Review by Kyle
