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in this game You are the descendent of Maxim, who was one of the original fighters to defeat the evil Sinistrals. You are a great leader and very dedicated to being a knight.

Lufia mysteriously appears in your town in the beginning of the game. You and Lufia become friends. She is very bossy and must always have here way. She is the best magic user . Her offensive magic is much better than Jerin's.

Jerin joins your party after you save her life in the North Tower. Without her, you cannot beat the game because she is the only one that get you to Elfrea, where you meet Artea. (Artea was one the original fighters who fought the evil Sinistrals.) She also has a thing for the Hero but Lufia won't let Jerin get close to him. She is a very weak fighter but does use magic. Her magic isn't as strong as Lufia's but stronger than the Hero's magic.

You meet with Aguro in Treck. After a battle with some little demons, he joins your party. He has the most hit points and is probably the best fighter.

Alekia The adventure begins with you, the hero, going for your daily practice with the knights. When no one shows up, practice is canceled. Talk to all the villagers and search for items. With that done, go and find Lufia admiring the budding Priphea. After some conversation, follow her back to the inn where she prepares cinamon tea and pie. You overhear some travelers discussing the rumors of a massive monster attack against the kingdom of Sheran to the north. Being the heroic guy that you are, you run off to inform the commander leaving an agry Lufia behind. You'll find the comander in a back room of the castle. He refuses to send troops until you verify that the rumors are true. When you check back at the inn, Roman, the innkeeper, tells you that Lufia had a fit and left. There's nothing you can do about her now so continue with your quest. As you head north to the cave leading to Sheran, be sure to stop at the village of Chatam.

Chatam Many of the citizens of Chatam know about Sheran but no one wants to go and see for themselves. A few of the people are worried about Lilah, a villager who is a maid at Sheran Castle. Her brother, Danil, has gone to look for her. As soon as you're ready, head north to the caves.

The Caves You may want to bring along some antidotes to the caves to cure any poisonous spider bites you may recieve. The cave on the right contains items and a box of gold. The cave on the left will take you to Sheran.

Sheran You arive to find the town in ruins. Everyone who is still conscious warns you of danger and tells you to go back to Alekia for help. First check out the castle. Some of the doors are locked. You're going to need a key to investigate further. For right now, return to Alekia and inform the comander.

Alekia Before going to the castle, stop at the inn and talk to Roman. He tells you that Lufia has returned and is holed up in her room. She refuses to talk to you right now (still mad about the silly pie). With that done, go to the castle and inform the comander. He tells you that it will be some time before he can send anyone to Sheran so go back there on your own. As you leave the village, Lufia follows you and insists on going with you. After some debate you agree and head to the cave leading to Sheran.

The Sheran Cave Inside the cave you run into Danil. He asks you to go and help his sister Lilah which, being the warm and fuzzy person you are, you would have done anyway. Before he returns to Chatam, he gives you a key that Lilah used at the castle. Now you can get into those locked rooms.

Sheran Castle Ignore the town and head straight for the castle. Go to the thrown room and unlock the locked doors. Lower the switch in one of them. This opens the stairway to the dungeon (you may have seen the light colored tile in the lowest level of the castle). Make your way to the dungeon where you will find the king of Sheran and Lilah imprisoned in a cell. Help them out of the castle. Once outside you are attacked by monsters. After sending Lufia back to Alekia with your group of political refugees, you are foolish enough to challenge the leader of the monsters, who identifies himself as Gades, the Sinistrel of Destruction, and loose miserably. Just then, Lufia reappears and, for some reason, the sight of her causes Gades to withdraw. Lufia tells you that the others are safe and sound in Alekia Castle. And, once again, you head back there.

Alekia Don't worry. This is the last time you have to hike back here. Go and talk to Roman. There will be a bit of dialogue and then you are free to go to the castle. Talk to everyone there and pick up Lilah from the guest room. When you've said your goodbyes, take her back to Chatam.

Chatam Lilah goes running off to her brother and they have a touching reunion. Before you go make sure that you talk to the old man in the gardens. As a reward for helping Lilah and Danil he gives you a little present. Now you can leave.

Sheran The town has been fixed up a bit. Be sure to save your game before you continue any further. Now head for the town of Treck.

Treck Once in Treck, look in the shops for new armor and items, then locate the elder. He will tell his neice to take you to see "the one". Go east and through a cave to a small hut. There you will meet Guy, the leagendary fighter from Maxim's party. He seems to recognize Lufia but dies before he can give you any really important info. He does manage to tell you to locate Artea, the elf who fought at Doom Island. Before you leave Guy's home, look at the gravestone in the field of flowers. You will pick up a useful weapon for the hero. With that settled, go back to Treck. Now you can gain the assistance of Aguro, the swordsman. Follow the instructions given and head north in search of the missing ship. When you find it, you'll have to fight some formidable foes. Use Lufia's magic and always keep Aguro attacking. Once you have the ship, take it to Lorbenia.

Lorbenia Upon entering Lorbenia, Aguro will leave temporarily. Take the opportunity to visit the shops. Outside of the big store, look around the signs for some items. Inside, you'll be robbed by Lou the thief. The hero chases him and gets back the stolen goods. Go to the inn and enjoy a good night's rest. Now with Aguro again in your party, head for Lorbenia.

Grenoble Once in town, upgrade your armor yet again. Snoop around and pick up a few items (there's no shame in stealing). Now go to the spring basement. You must pay to get in but it's worth the trouble. Inside is an old man who can help you find Artea, but only if you find him the Fairy Kiss. Get a task from the man behind the desk. Go to the old cave and hunt for your booty. Then return and give the Fairy Kiss to the old man. The Fairy Kiss is a little tricky to get. Only women may fetch it so Lufia goes it alone for a minute. Just hope she doesn't get waxed. Now you're ready to head for the Tower. A friend of Artea's is on the top floor. He'll tell you how and where to find the elusive elf, but only if the hero can beat him in a one-on-one battle. Once he's been defeated, listen carefully to what he tells you and make for the town of Kirof to the south. Return to the caves often to pick up advanced armor and weapons. And no matter how tempting, DO NOT equip the Luck Blade or the Broad Rod. They're cursed.

Kirof and Medan Snoop around and collect a few items in the village. When you go to one of the shops, you will run into Mark and Reyna. Mark plans to ask the king to lend him the "Hope Ruby" to cure Reyna. Follow him to Medan. Walk around and talk to everyone. You can make a wish on the "Hope Ruby" inside the castle for a price but it's a waste of time and meager sums of money. Find your way to the basement and listen to the princess' coversation. With that done, leave the castle. You will run into Mark again who has stolen the "Hope Ruby". Chase him back to Kirof and find that Reyna has dissapeared. She has gone to the Ghost Cave. Mark tags along but doesn't help in any way. Be sure to search the entire cave thoroughly. It's a pain but many usefull items can be found. This is also a great place to level build. Go to the room with the magic and health tiles. Walk back and forth around them to get into battles and then heal up afterwards. The way to the ghost is by way of an invisible bridge (see the picture in the booklet). Many people have been asking me how to get to the invisible bridge, so in response I've made a series of hand drawn diagrams that show the quickest route there. Once there, equip Aguro with the ghost ring and let him pound away at the phantom. After you beat the ghost, go to Medan. After a short scene, the princess tells you that you can take the passage across the mountains now.

Belgen, Dais, and the North Tower Upon reaching Belgen, you learn that the town is plagued with monster attacks. In an attempt to remedy the situation, they have offered Jerin, a half elf/half human, as a ransom. You will find Jerin on the Dais to the west but you need a key to get there. A young woman in the village will tell you where to get the key. Her brother has it. You will find him in a separate cave near the one that leads to Jerin. Once you get the key, go through the cave with the locked door and go to the Dais. Once there, a monster swoops down as you leave the screen and carries Jerin off to the North Tower. You can save thanks to the cleric in the corner and heal your MP and HP from the pots on either side of the screen. The North Tower is rather tricky. When you get to the top floor don't step on the warp pad in the far back. It takes you back to the entrance. Defeat the bad guy and save Jerin. Jerin will join your party later at a small hut in the forest. She will lead you through a maze of trees and to a series of islands and towers.

Jenoba, Ruan and the Three Towers To open the way to Elfrea, you will need to place three gems in the corresponding towers. You will find one gem in each of the towers. However, the red one is broken. You will need to get a replacement from the old man in the Medan mines. In the red tower is a powerful boss who has imprissoned the water faerie. Equip the ghost ring again and fight him. Once he's defeated, you will meet the water faerie for the first time whithout dying (she appears when you die on the black screen). The water in Ruan will normalize. Now place the stones in the towers in the proper order. You will be whisked away to Elfrea.

Elfrea, and Ranqs Artea will not be able to join your fight. He was blinded after the battle of Doom Island. He will tell you to look up Proffesor Shaia. Take the warp pad in the house and head for Ranqs. In Ranqs you may notice that all the men are gone. They are working on a tunnel to Odel. The tunnel is enchanted and you will need to move in a specific sequence to procede. For those of you without the patience to figure it out, the answer is up 1, right 2, up 1, right 2, up 4, left 3, down 1, left 2, down 1, left 2, up 2, left 1, up 1, right 2, up 1. Tadaah! You're through! Odel is to the southwest.

Odel and Lyden Talk to the old men in the Spring Basement. They'll tell you about Arus, a village of powerful magicians. However, the bridge that leads there is out. You must ask Pyron the architect for help. In the basement of the castle is Shaia Lab 2. The staff tells you that the proffesor has just made a ship that can travel underwater - just the thing to get to Dual Blade! The lab contains 3 warp pads: one to Shaia Lab 1, one to a level in the cave, and one to the plains. You'll find Pyron in the castle shmoozing with the royalty. He agrees to fix the bridge but needs you to fetch one of his workers from Lyden. Lyden is to the southeast. Pyron's friend is in the restaurant. Take the time to look around. Seems that the "Wizard of Taste" lives here but is out searching for new ingredients, one of which is a purple newt - keep that in mind. On returning to Odel, Pyron asks you to go and check the condition of the bridge while he prepares the equipment. The caves are crawling with monsters including mimicks - good place to level build. There are 4 caves. Three of them are right next to one another. The last cave is to the w est of the first three. The bridge is in that cave (cave 1). After seeing it, fetch Pyron from the castle and meet him back at the bridge. Pyron asks you to watch while he works. Go to cave 3 (the middle one of the grouping of 3) and take the first path heading to the bottom of the screen. When you reach the cliff watch Pyron work. As soon as the bridge is fixed, the builders hightail it back to Odel. Now cross the bridge and head for Arus.

Arus, the Tower of Grief, and Platina (Shaia Lab 1) Once again, you've just missed the proffesor. He's now in the Tower of Grief visiting the elder. After Lufia romps in the flowers head west to the tower. When you reach the top of the tower, the elder draws out some of Lufia's power, increasing her ma ximum MP by 10. Once again the elusive professor has gotten away. He has gone back to Shaia Lab 1. At the lab you finally meet the proffesor. After you take the Falcon out for a spin, he asks you to meet him in Carbis to the west.

Carbis, Bakku and the Tower of Light Shaia asks you t o find his assistant Cooper. Go to Bakku. He is visiting the cleric. In Bakku, you learn that Cooper has gone to the Old Cave. He's on the 5th floor. When you return Cooper to the professor, they tell you to find 7 pieces of alumina. You must go to Linze to find their friend who is an expert miner of alumina. Linze is past the Tower of Light to the north of Bakku. At the top of the Tower of Light, you must fight a servant of Amon for the key. The guardian only uses magic so use protect and boost every chance you get. Once he is defeated, unlock the door on the first floor to get to Linze.

Linze and Marse Brant is in the caves searching for alumina. Take the stairs to the caverns and look for him. In the cave, raising or lowering the switch will change where the transporter will take you. Be sure to get the alumina. When you reach the bottom, instead of finding Brant, you find Clack. Brant is really in Marse. marse is to the north. You can reach it by boat or through a cave. In marse, take the cruise to see exactly where everything is. Search the 3 caves to find Brant and a total of 5 pieces of alumina. Ther is one on Elba island (blue), one on Loire (green), and 2 on Ulupp (red). If you end up with 6 pieces of alumina, don't worry. King Herat in the kingdom to the west has some. You can only get there by ship.

Herat The king will give you his jewels for some good food. Visit the Wizard of Taste in Lyden. He tells you to fetch a purple newt from the cave east of Herat. You need to go around the mountains to the west and work your way there. You should have 8 dragon eggs by now. Take them to the shrine and get a wish. Inside the cave you'll find 2 alleys. One has a door leading to a switch and the one next to it is a dead end...or is it?! There is an invisible door at the end of it that will lead you to the engage ring (While you wear it, all prices will be half what merchants normally charge you). After you get the newt, take it to Linze in exchange for the "magic flavor". With the king happy, you can get the remaining alumina from his valt in the basement.

Carbis, and Aisen Island Take the Alumina to Shaia. You find out that he has gone to Aisen Island, in search of his son Lou. Go to Aisen Island and you will find the Professor in one of the dungeon cells. He then tells you to save Lou, because the pirates have captured him. You come to a place with 4 switches. Here is the order that they are in.

1 # # 4

3 # # 2 If you get it wrong, you'll have to fight four pirates and try again. I think this's right, I'm not quite certain. After that, be sure to get your stuff up, since you'll have to fight two pirates to save Lou and Raile. After you save Raile, you and your party (along with Lou and Raile) go out to Raile's boat, where Raile tells you to go back to Lab 3.

Shaia Lab 3 You give Raile and Cooper the 7 pieces of Alumina and they fix Falcon so that it can travel underwater.

Soshette You find out that the water current is changing a lot. There are eddies here. Use them to go to Doom Island and get the Dual Blade. Be sure to rest up and get new items.

Doom Island When you get in the Sinistral's fortress, you walk up the stairs and find Dual Blade. Then 4 statues will pop up and Aguro walks over to the statue of Erim, telling you to come here. Here you also find out that Daos is revived and how the Sinistrals have revived. (Pay close attention. The news is very interesting here.)

Soshette Your party will warp off of Doom Island and go to Soshette because you claim to be worried about Lufia. You will then be at an inn and you'll rest there for the night. The next morning, Lufia will wake up and hear you and Aguro talking about the recent event that just occurred on Doom Island. (Another place you'll want to pay attention to, for it gives you an idea of how bad the situation looks from here. There is also lots of dialog.) After she hears them talking, Lufia will slip back into the room where she and Jerin are staying in. The other two will come in and there's a little more talking, but it should stop after 2 or 3 minutes.

Shaia Lab 4 Recalling what Raile said about Falcon being able to fly, you go to Lab 4. Go south. Raile says that in order for Falcon to fly, they need Power Oil. He then asks you to go to Epro and buy the Power Oil.

Epro When you arrive at Epro, you discover that there's no Power Oil there. The man at the merchant's shop tells you to go north and find a man named Hedge. You leave the village and find Hedge, who is not having any luck in getting into the Oil Cave since a landslide has closed off the entrance to the cave. Hedge gives you the Oil Key so you can find Power Oil. Go to the eddies that also surround Epro and you'll find the way into the Oil Cave.

Lab 4 Go back here with the Power Oil. Get you weapons and supplies up first. Also, buy a Zircon Sword for the Hero. (Trust me on this one and just buy one for him or else you'll end up having to spend a lot of money at Forfeit Island later when you need a sword.) Go into Shaia Lab 4. Talk to Raile and he, Cooper, Louise and another Lab assistant will fix Falcon so that it can fly. You and your party begin to say your farewells to Raile when someone rushes in, exclaiming that Doom Island is above Glasdar Tower. Then you sail out of Lab 4. Fly to Glasdar Tower. There will be a cave somewhere around the mountains. You won't be able to land on Galsdar Tower. Land Falcon near the cave and go into the cave, where you will find a key to get into the tower.

Glasdar Tower This tower is the last tower you'll have to go into for the rest of the game. You'll have to fight a lot of monsters in order to get to the top of the tower. When you reach the top, you'll have to fight Nazeby, an agent of Daos. Before you fight him though, equip Lufia with Flash Ring so her Thunder (if you're up level 41 +) will get a lot out of him. After your fight, Nazeby unleashes his energy on Lufia and she knocks everyone but herself unconscious. A minute later, Daos's voice is heard, and he makes Lufia remember her past by his little gamble with Dual Blade. He then tells her to bring Dual Blade up to him. At first she fights his power, but is eventually overtaken and takes Dual Blade from her childhood sweetheart. (This's why you need the Zircon Sword.) She then disappears and her companions wake up, seeing that she and Dual Blade are gone and Doom Island moving to the east. *There is a shot of Lufia up on Doom Island with the other three Sinistrals, but you can't do anything here except pay attention to what they say and do.

Doom Island Doom Island has landed north of the village of Arus. Go up to Doom Island into the shrine. Talk to the man there and he'll get your stuff up. Use all your Power, Spell, Speed, Mind and Great Potions on the people who need it the most. Then save so that you won't have to do all that again. Go into Doom Island and go up. Then in the next room, go up again. The next room you have to go east. Then . . . well . . . I'm sure you'll figure that out. When you get to the room after you cross the crystal bridge, you'll find the Dual Blade, which the Sinistrals have destroyed. At this point, you can't do anything and there's talking. (But pay attention.) Gades will come up to you and you must fight him again with just Aguro and Jerin with you. Use the Hero's Trick spell to up his and Aguro's attack power and have Jerin healing people when you need it. Occasionally, have her cast Vulcan, but I'd use her for healing. After this fight, get you HP and stuff up. Amon is the next Sinistral you must fight and he mostly uses spells. Use Jerin for Mirror, and you shouldn't have any problems as far as hit points are concerned. Then have her keep on casting Mirror on everyone. Have the Hero and Aguro whacking at Amon until he's destroyed. Go back to the shrine, get your stuff up and save. It'll save you a lot of trouble later on if you have to turn it off or something. This's also the last time you can save in the whole game. Then fight Daos, who still has Lufia under his power. When you fight him, have the Hero use Dread on Daos every once in a while; have Aguro fighting him and Jerin doing her thing with Mirror. Do this until you defeat him. Afterward, the Sinistrals begin to combine their energies together, forming into the last monster, Guard Daos. Just when things look at their worst, Lufia breaks free and she joins up with you for the final battle. For Guard Daos, use Lufia to cast Thunder and Protect (I think anyway, I just heard that from someone) Jerin for Mirror on herself and Lufia and have the other two hack away at the monsters. (This's my strategy. You can try your own. But keep what I said about Lufia in mind.) You'll have two confused people, but then if the girls aren't confused, one can fight G. Daos and the other can heal and get the men out of their confused state. You defeat Guard Daos, the last villain in the game and think that you have Erim left to fight. (At least I thought that.) But I was wrong. Just watch the rest of the game after you defeat G. Daos., because you can't control anything from here on.

Where to get the Dragon eggs.

First eight dragon eggs:

Old Cave, 2nd floor
Ghost Cave
Red Tower
Cave west of Odel
Grief Tower
Gayas Cave
Ullip Island Cave

Second set of eight dragon eggs:
Alekia Castle
Cave west of Linze
Cave southwest of Belgen
Elba Island Cave
Underwater near Soshette
Oil Cave
Northwest Tower

Third set of eight dragon eggs:
East Cave (east from Trek)
Sheran Castle
Old Cave, 7th Floor
East of Herat Cave
North Cave
Southwest Cave
Glasden Tower