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historia My friends, I come to you today to tell you what you must know to fulfill your quest and save our world. I have little time. Long ago, when the ancient ones grew powerful and used the energy of Mana to threaten the gods, they were struck down in violence and terror. A great hero wielded the might Sword of Mana to destroy the civilization of the ancient ones. After that, peace returned to our troubled world, and the Mana energy that gives us all was again in balance. The Sword of Mana was buried in a rock and placed in a stream to guard a nearby village. There, it patiently rested until the day it was pulled free by you, young man. You are the one being who can release the Sword's power and restore the Mana to our once more endangered world. You have been born to seek out our enemies, who threaten the eight Seeds of Mana. If they succeed in breaking the seals that guard those Seeds, they will bend the power of Mana to evil and ravage our world. It is Mana that fills us and surrounds us, nourishing all life, balancing the good and evil forces of nature. If it should be twisted and overwhelmed by dark forces, most of our world would be annihilated. Whatever survived would be hideously warped beyond recognition. A vision has shown me that you are the ancient hero our land, returned to us again in our great time of need. On the pages that follow I wrote down all that I know. You must take this book with you as you travel, and refer to it when you forget what I say. Seek out the eight Palaces of our world. Long ago, one Mana Seed was set in each Palace and its power used to seal the Palace off from all danger. But now the forces of evil besiege the Palaces and are breaking down the seals to steal the Seeds. You must find the eight Seeds and seal their power so you can use it. When you touch a Mana Seed, its Orb transfers to you, and you become stronger. Only then will you be able to wipe away the smear of evil that darkens our world. Do not despair, and never give up hope. Combine sword skill and magic arts. Return the Energy Orbs to the Tree of Mana and restore balance to our world. You must succeed, Or we are all surely lost... end historia
secret of mana
The Rusty Sword After you fall down the waterfall, you land in a strange lake. Go down a bit, you should see a sword in a stone. Go on the other side of the stream. Randi realizes that he needs something to cut through the bushes. Get the rusty sword. Now, you must learn how to use the sword. You'll find some rabites in the Forest Off Limits. They're very easy to kill. Talk to everyone in Potos. It seems that the village is being attacked by the monsters. Talk to the elder in front of his house. He tells you that your sword is the legendary Mana Sword. The villagers realize that you are the fault of village's trouble. Suddenly, an earthquake comes, and the first boss attacks. Don't worry about dieing. If your HP is at 0, the strange man will revive you. When you beat Mantis Ant, the strange man will pull you up. His name is JEema. He tells you a bit more about your sword. It must be re-energized, and only you are able to do it. He tells you to meet him at the Water Palace. The elder banishes you from the village. Go to the Water Palace, like Jema told you. If you wish to use Cannon Travel (on the right of the village, right after you exit it) , you can fly to the Water Palace for free. If you want to walk, find Neko's place, to the west. You can't enter Pandora (to the south) yet. Talk to the soldiers near the Palace. Then, enter it. Jema's waiting for you in front of the Water Palace. Go to the stage room, you'll meet Luka. She's a 200 year old sage who is guardian of the Water Palace. Listen to everything she says very carefully. You find out about the Empire and its plans, the legendary Mana Fortress, the dwarves in Gaia's Naivel, and the trouble in Pandora. You will then seal the Mana Seed of Water (go to the status window, you'll notice that you have 1 Mana Power) , and get another weapon, the Spear. When you leave the Palace and try to reach cannon Travel or Pandora, you'll probobly get captured by the goblins. They are planning on eating you for dinner, but a blonde girl has other plans as she mistakens you for her boyfriend. New Allies Now, you should go to Gaia's Naivel. There are many things you can do. They're listed below: If you want a new party member, go to Pandora's Castle. You'll find the girl who rescued you from the goblins. She's looking for her boyfriend, Dyluck, and wants you to help her. Her name is Purim. If you let her join you (you don't really have a choice ) , you'll get a new party member, and a new weapon (gloves). If you go to Gaia's Naivel with Purim, she'll abandon you. So now you have a choice of: a) Get Purim in Pandora, abandon her in Gaia's Naivel. You'll get Popoie (look below). Then go to the haunted forest, and kill 2 werewolves to get Purim in your team (again). b) Don't get Purim in Pandora (just leave the castle alone), get Popoie in Gaia's Naivel, then go back to Pandora for Purim. c) Get Purim in Pandora, don't enter Gaia's Naivel , go to the Haunted Forest instead. You'll find 2 statues blocking your way. You can't get rid of them without an axe. Now, you can come back to Gaia's Naivel, and Purim won't leave you alone. d)Get Popoie in Gaia's Naivel, and go to the Haunted Forest for Purim (you'll have to fight the werewolves). e) Don't get anyone, and go to the Haunted Forest. You'll have to fight the werewolves by yourself. They can be a pain. If you manage how to beat them, Purim will join you. Then, come back to Gaia's Naivel for Popoie. Gaia's Naivel is your first serious dungeon. Kid goblins and blats are easy to kill. Drops can be tough, but they give you a lot of exp and gold. The cave has a room with the Magic Rope guarded by 2 goblins. To get through the cave: a) You begin in the cave with 2 blats. Get out of there, go north. You'll find the stairs leading deeper into Gaia's Naivel. b) Another room is filled with lava. Go left, fight the goblins in the corridor, and activate the skull switchl (strike it with your sword) . Go back. The lava is gone. c) Go down. To get the Magic Rope, go left and enter the room with 2 goblins guarding a chest. The Magic Rope is inside. d) Time to go even deeper. The next room is filled with water. Follow a small path that leads south. If you go east, you'll find nothing but trouble. Kill some goblins on your way, and you'll find yourself on the other side of the lake. Stones blocking your way can be removed ( the Axe ). Hit the skull switch, then go downstairs. You've found the Dwarf Village! Talk to the dwarfs, sleep in the inn, and buy some armor. See the Sprite's show (then go behind the stage to get your money back), see Watts . Make sure you've saved your games, because Tropicallo, your first serious enemy boss attacks! It's easy to beat, especially if you have Purim in your party. Be sure to constantly move around so the Pumpkin Bombs don't hit you. Charge your sword, and attack. It'll die very fast. Popoie will join you after the battle. You'll also get 3 new weapons - Boomerang, Bow and arrows, and an Axe. Learn how to use them, then get Purim (if you haven't already ) in Pandora's castle. Then, go to the Haunted Forest. The Haunted Forest is fairly long. You should find Neko at the beginning. Go right, then go downstairs. Kill Eye Spy, then activate the teleporter. Go back, get rid of the statues ( hit them with the Axe ), and continue your journey. Elinee's Castle is very hard so be prepared with good armor and a large supply of healing items. Find Neko in the prison, and buy everything - 4 Cups if Wishes, Chocolates, Candies, even Royal Jams. You'll soon fight one of the harder bosses of the game. After a while , you'll reach Elinee, the witch. Here, you will hear about the mysterious Thanatos in the ruins south of Pandora. Elinee could unseal the Underground Palace, but she wasn't so cooperative. She sent Dyluck and Thanatos to the Pandora Ruins. Then, you will meet Elinees pet, Spikey Tiger. You will need 2 characters alive all the time. When Spikey engulfs you with his spells, switch players (select), and use Medical Herb on the engulfed character. The Bow is very useful against this boss. There's no strategy that'll make Spikey easy. He's always gonna be tough. When you defeat him, Elinee turns to a normal elderly lady with no magic power left. She gives you another Mana weapon, the Whip. She tells you that you that you need the magic of ice to unseal the Underground Palace. Save your game, then exit the castle. Nice scene takes place, and Luka calls you to the Water Palace. Magic You're told to go to Undine's cave, behind the Water Palace. You will meet the harmless looking Tonpole. Soon, the Tonpole will grow into a Biting Lizard. Move away from him - you must be far enough to avoid his attacks, and close enough to be able to hit him with your whip. Just continue hitting him every time your whip reaches 100%. He'll use Cure Water 3 times. You meet Undine, the Water Elemental of Mana. She gives her magic powers to Popoie and Purim. Popoie can use Freeze, Acid Storm and Energy Absorb. Purim can use Cure Water, Remedy, and Ice Saber. Raise your magic to lv. 1 (just keep casting a spell to raise a level ), and head for the Underground Palace. The Underground palace can be found through the cave in the Dwarf Village. One you go through the cave, use Undines Freeze magic on the orb. This will disable the orb, which causes the lava to disappear. Now you can go through the entrance to the Underground palace. The Palace is short, but it's full of very nasty enemies. Once you enter the palace, go North, past all the goblins. Next, you will have to go to the left, and follow that path until you hit the switch. Now go back, and take the right path until you hit the switch. Once both switches are triggered, a stairway will appear, that was once hidden behind a torch. Continue onward. In the middle of the palace, you'll find a gap. You'll have to use your whip to cross it. Fight your way to the stage room. The Gnome won't let you in. Suddenly Fire Gigas attacks. If you have Undine's battle magic on level 1, he shouldn't be much trouble. Just keep casting Freeze on him, and heal with Cure Water when he changes to fire balls. After the battle, Gnome gives you his magic powers. Raise Gnome's magic power to level 1, and head for Pandora's ruins. There's a blue-haired girl walking around near the ruins. Talk to her. When she disappears, "check the ruins down there". There are many UNDEAD enemies inside. But they CAN be killed. The ruins aren't really a dungeon, they're just a long corridor full of monsters. After a while, you'll reach Thanatos . After the scene, you'll encounter Wall Face. If you have Earth Slide at lv.2, use it 3 times on the middlen eye, and you'll kill it. If you kill both of the side eyes, the wall will start moving towards you and you must kill the center eye before you reach the spikes at the other end of the room. Happiness returns to Pandora. Go to the castle, and talk with the king. He'll open his secret treasure room for you. Some energy orbs, and money. Grab the treasures, and go back to the Water Palace. The Water seed's been stolen. Use Watt's shortcut to get to the Dwarf Village. Talk to Jema, and enter the hole. You find yourself in the Underground Ship, with Scorpion Army, who stole the Water seed. They plan to conquer the world using their robot, Kilroy. Earth Slide works well, but weapons even better. He can moogle you, so be ready with Medical Herbs. It'll be easy to kill anyway. Bring the Water Seed to Luka's place. Get yourself a Fairie Walnut before you enter the Palace. Monsters in the Palace give you a lot of exp and gold, so hang around there for a while to gain some levels. You'll meet Geshtar, from the Empire, in the stage room. It doesn't matter if you run away from Geshtar or give him the seed. You'll fight Jaberwocky anyway. His attacks can be painful. Use Cure Water often, and keep casting Earth Slide on him. He'll eventually die. Talk to Jema and Luka, recover the seal on the seed, and talk to the Cannon Man near Potos. He'll take you to the Upper Land forest. The Upper Land You land in a strange forest, full of moogles. Popoie loses his memory. If you go south, you'll find Neko. Upper Land consists of 4 seasons - Winter (where the moogles are ), Spring (where Neko is ), Summer (near the Cannon Travel Center) and Fall (where the owls are ). Go to the Summer, and enter the Moogle Village (west of the entrance to the Fall ). There are 3 Pebblers inside. Defeat them, then try to leave. Moogles are back. Save your game, and "walk the seasons from Spring to Winter". Simply, walk from Spring, through Summer, Fall and Winter (Don't turn back). When you get to Spring again, the gate to the Wind Palace will open. Popoie's village has been abandoned, and you have to fight Spring Beak. About 3 Earth Slides will finish him! If you level isn't high or you ran out of magic, use long-range weapons. After the battle, you can enter the Palace. You'll hear a sad story, and receive Sylphid's magics. On the west of the Spring, there's a crystal orb. Cast Air-Blast on the crystal to get rid of it. You will enter the Great Forest. It's very large. Head north and go inside the cave. Walk through the cave, break the boulders with the axe, and you will reach Matango, the mushroom kingdom. These mushrooms are friendly to you, so talk to them. Watts is inside, so you can reforge your weapons. Talk to the king. He tells you something about a white dragon on the east of the Fung Castle. You also get a new weapon orb. Okay, here's what you do in the cave: a) Before you enter the White Cave, you'll have to pass a large rooms with Steam Crabs etc. It's a great place to raise Sylphid's magic (it should be on lv.3 by now). You can also get some Fairie Walnuts over there. b) The cave is filled with Kimono Birds, Pebblers, and Nemesis Owls. They all fear Gnome, so Earth Slide will be extremely usefull (as usual). Soon, you'll have to cross a gap using your whip. c) Go downstairs. Cross another gap, and go downstairs. d) Go to the left (if you go to the right , music will change to Matango music , but you'll find nothing). e) You're on a long track full of monsters. When you find large rocks blocking your way, go upstairs and find the Crystal Orb. Earth Slide will trigger it. The rocks are gone. f) Go deeper into the cave, and you'll find the Great Viper. Use Thunderbolt, and you'll kill it rather quickly. Find the White Dragon. It's parents were beaten by the viper. Truffle wants to take care of Flammie until it grows stronger. He also tells you that Cannon Travel in the Great Forest is reopened. Go to the Cannon Travel. Fire and Ice Now, you can either go to Kakkara desert, or the Ice Country. I suggest going to Kakkara first. Now you are stranded in the middle of a desert and need to find some kind of life before you die from thirst. There is no time limit so take your time. You won't know where to go. Just keep walking and eventually you will come upon a Sandship. You end up as a slave in the engine room because you are accused of being a emperial spy. No way out. Talk to Sergo the pirate two times, and he'll help you escape. Now, you must find the rest of your allies. Popoie's eaten all the food, so they'll be glad to have him out of there. The soldier on the top of the ship can save your game. To find a girl, you must find a "hidden" door. It's in the southern part of the ship. You got your party back, but the Empire attacks. You'll have to face Geshtar again. Mech Rider can be easily defeated with weapons (Sword on lv.3 ) or magic (Earth Slide, Thunderbolt). The ship is destroyed, but the Empire runs away. Talk to one of the soldiers, and tell him you want to leave. Go north to Kakkara village. Save your game, buy new armor, etc. Then use Cannon Travel to get to the Ice Country (going to the Fire Palace now is no use. You'll need Salamando's magic). You WILL need a GOOD armor. Enemies in the Crystal Forest are very tough, but they also give you good stuff. In the middle of the forest, you'll find Santa's hut, but it's deserted. Only the Spear Orb is inside. At the end of the Crystal Forest, you'll have to fight Boreal Face. This boss is tough. No magic will effect him, his attacks are very dangerous, and it's hard to hit. If you're desperate to use magic, Thunderbolt on lv.3 will do 80-90 HP damage. Charging your sword is the best way to defeat him. And remember to cure very often. Do watch out for his 20MP, he can cast Burst lv.4 on your entire party , 2 times in a row. After Boreal Face, you're in the "Hidden Paradise". The Scorpion Army is causing mischeif again. Talk to the "boy" near the bucket in the middle of the village. Then, release Salamando from the furnace. Now you can use the power of FIRE. Now, I suggest going back to Todo, and raising Salamando's magic to lv.3. Then, head for the Ice Palace. North of the Hidden Paradise you'll find the Frosty Forest. Neko's on the left (SAVE), Ice Palace is on the right. Ice Palace - Not a dungeon, but indeed, a tough place full of tough enemies. When you get to the crossroad, you can go right for an energy orb. Don't try to kill the enemies in the magic library, their magic attacks are horrible! Run for your life, until you get to the first enemy boss. I wouldn't use magic on them (you'll need it later). just charge your sword on lv.4 for BIG damage. Try not to wake the third monster if you didn't kill the first ones yet. Now, fight your way to the Frost Gigas. His magic is very strong, but if you raised Salamando's magic, he shouldn't be much of a problem. Keep casting Fireball on him, and he'll be defeated. It turns out that the Frost Gigas was actually Santa Claus . He wanted to use the power of the Mana Seed to create a magical Christmas Tree that would make the children believe in him again. Because he misused the seeds powers, he was transformed into the Frost Gigas. Now that you have the Fire Seed back, head for Kakkara and the Fire Palace. Now, that you are at the Fire Palace, you'll need Undine's magic on lv.3. The directions are the following: a) Cast Exploder on the crystal. Go upstairs.cast Fire Ball on another crystal. b) Go upstairs (again?) . Then go down (kill everything that moves, except your allies) and...Go upstairs! c) Keep going, until you can go downstairs. Trigger the switch...this place is familiar to you, isn`t it? Go downstairs, use your whip to cross the gap. d) Cast Freeze on the crystal. Trigger the switch. Only two lamps are on fire, right? Try to go between them. you have to face minotaur. His magic is very strong (lv.7 ), but he doesn't have too much HPs. Thunderbolt will come in handy in this battle. Whatever you do, try to stay away from him, or he'll knock you down. You've finally put the Fire Seed back where it belongs. Return to Kakkara. The Empire Kakkara's Cannon Travel can now take you to the Empire. You land in the Empire's southtown. Don't buy any new armor yet (wait 'til you get to Northtown). Talk to Mara . She'll give you the password (634) to the sewers leading to Northtown. Northtown is the capital of the Empire, city full of your enemys. You also meet the resistance, led by Krissie. She tells you about the situation in the town, and about the ruins to the north. Could Thanatos be involved? Buy GOOD armor, and check out the ruins. The ruins are tough. Once again, great armor is a must. I wouldn't waste time and HP by trying to kill the monsters. They're awfully tough. Get the 2 weapon orbs that you can see from outside the ruins. To get them, just go in the ruins, and climb the stairs. Then head through the doors on the far right and left. Once again, great armor is a must. I wouldn't waste time and HP by trying to kill the monsters. They're awfully tough. The ruins are long, but not very complicated. If you're lucky, you'll get to Doom's Wall. Defeat it in the same way you defeat the last one. Earth Slide. Then, enjoy the scene. Another enemy boss, Vampire, attacks. He won't be THAT easy. His attacks can be a pain, and he's got 2500 HP. Earth Slide will work very well here. Use Cure water very often. After you defeat him, the monsters, Thanatos, and Dyluck are gone. Go back to Northtown, and go to the Resistance Base. Krissie say that the emperor wants peace! Could it be true? Follow Krissie to the Palace (it's on the north). You will be SHOCKED to find yourself trapped and then imprisoned. Talk to the imperial soldier to get out of the cell. You'll have to fight Metal Mantis. It uses no magic, but its beams are nasty. The can frost you, engulf you, poison you, etc. But it doesn't have too much HPs. Earth Slide and Thunderbolt will work nice. After the battle, you'll have to find your way to the Emperor (again). Monsters aren't so hard (Embermen give you everything - exp, gp, gold, etc. If you want, keep killing them for 30 minutes, and you'll gain about 10 levels and 50000 GP). Remember to visit the right wing of the castle to get some weapon orbs. Then, enter the main part of the building. When you have a choice to go left or right, go left (if you go right, you'll get to the living room, but nothing's there). You'll reach the room with many switches on the floor. Use the right switch, it'll take you on the left. Just before the next switch on the floor, there's a small (hardly visible ) switch on the wall. Activate it, and the floor switch will let you pass. You'll find the Emperor , Fanha , Sheex , and Geshtar in the next room. Geshtar will ask the Emperor for "one more chance". Another Mech Rider attacks. Nothing has changed. Weapons and magic (Thunderbolt) will work very well. After you destroy him, Geshtar starts to burn down the whole castle. Fortunately, Truffle saves the day ! Flammie Travel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, you can use Flammie. He can travel all over the world, very quickly, and he can take you wherever you want. If you ever get lost or can't find where you want to go while on Flammie, press START for a globe view of the world. To see a flat map view of the world, press L and R at the same time while in the global view. Take Truffle back to Matango, he'll tell you about the Palace of Darkness in the Lofty Moutnains. Mandala is a very old village... There's nothing interesting in the temple to the north (you can explore the videos inside, some of them have recorded events from the Mana Fortress war ). If you go down the mountain, you'll find the Palace of Darkness. Let me guide you through: a) Go right b) Break the spikes on the right c) Go down, left and up, you find a switch, activate it. d) Go down for another switch. Now there's no barrier at the beginning.Don't go back there yet. e) Go downstairs, enter the corridor. It's pretty long and dark. f)Go upstairs, use your whip, press the switch g) Come back using Magic Rope. You're at the beginning. Go left, up, cut the spikes on the left, enter the room. h) Press all switches and follow the light. The boss, Dread Slime, is a little tough. It'll use dark magic on you. Its normal attacks are painful as well. Fire Magic will finish him. After the battle, Shade will give his powers to Popoie. Shade was really testing the Mana Knight with Dread Slime to see if he was worthy of his powers. Now Popoie can cast Dark Force, Dispel Magic, and Evil Gate. If you need some money, hang around the mountain, it's a good place to earn GP. Head for the Gold City. They have some GOOD armor over there. In the city itself, you'll find nothing interesting (Watts owns a shop here ). There's a guy walking around on the city-wall. Talk to him, he'll tell you about how Tasnican spy who stole the key to the Golden Tower. Well, who's the only Tasnican spy we know? Mara! Fly to Southtown and get the key from her, then go back to the tower, which really is the Light Palace. Again, good armor needed. Beast Zombies are pretty good for exp, but they're tough too. The tower is very short and should be easy if you run by all the enemies. In some parts, I would recommend using a Barrel for protection so you can fight the bosses at full strength. Soon, you'll have to fight Blue Spike. No magic and or weapons will really work. The only way to kill him is to keep casting Earth Slide (or Thunderbolt). It won't work too good (80-90 damage), but still, it's the ONLY way to beat him... Save your game, then fight another boss, Gorgon Bull. Beware of his magic. He uses Earth Slide on lv 8. Kill him using Thunderbolt. After you defeat him, you find Lumina. Purim receives her powers. Lucent Beam works great on undead monsters. Raise your new spells to lv.4 or 5, then go to the Moon Palace. To get inside, you must land on that little green spot near the Sky of Wanders. Karon will take you to the Moon Palace. Very sad and empty place. No boss here, just a few Marmablue's. All you have to do is to find the crystal orb. Lumina's magic shall trigger it. You meet Luna, she gives her powers to Popoie & Purim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Courage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you raise Luna's spells, fly to Tasnica Castle.( southwest of the sea of wonders ) Jema will be waiting for you inside. He tells you about the imperial spy in the castle.The King is waiting for you in the throne room. The King quickly accuses you of being the spies, and the guard then realizes that the King is an imposter. The King is the spy you are looking for, he turns out to be the Dark Stalker. Dark Stalker attacks you. It's very easy to defeat. Actually one Lucent Beam will kill it. (watch out though, his attacks are strong. Wouldn't risk attacking him with weapons ). After the battle, the king is back to normal, and gives you the sword orb. Talk to Jema (important), he tells you that you should see Sage Joch to learn real courage. Go back to Mandala, and climb up the mountain. Enemys should be easy for you now. This time, Sage Joch WILL see you. You must take the test of courage. Follow the path of the cave. Run through the cave (if you have trouble with the enemies) until you reach a platform with your shadows.The real test begins now. They are called the DOPPELGANGERS. This battle can be hard, but if you cast Lucid Barrier on yourselves, shadows won't be able to hurt you at all. Randi's shadow is the hardest, and has a lot of HP too. You might want to know that if one of your allies die, their shadow will die too! So a nice way to do this, is to let Randi and Popie die, then kill Purim's shadow. If you win the battle, you pass the test. Jehk turns out to be Joch, and tells you that you should immediatly fly to the Tree Palace. The hidden continent is about to rise........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sunken Continent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you enter the Palace, you find The Emperor, Sheex and Fanha inside. It turns out that Sheex was the spy in Tasnica. Now, he wants revenge. Sheex changes into the AEGAGROPILON. If your Shade's magic isn't on a good level, you won't be able to dispel his Wall. Aegagrpilon's magic is very strong, his normal attacks are even worse. Earth Slide works pretty good, but once again, watch out for his Wall. After the battle, go upstairs. Thanatos has already sealed the Tree seed. The worlds mana seeds have now been broken. Dryad appears and warns you that the hidden continent that sleeps beneath the Tree Palace will rise any minute. Dryad isn't in a good mood, but fortunatly, he joins you....The Lost Continent is rising.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Underground City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, you'll have to find your way to the Underground City. a). Talk to Jema, then go left and downstairs, to the lake. b). Enter the city, and get the boomerang orb in the treasure chest. c). Use the axe to cut down the spikes blocking your way. Don't go left, go up. When you're at the top, go left. Fall down the waterfall, and hit the switch (on the left side of the waterfall) with your axe or glove. Water will dispappear. You'll get to another waterfall, hit the switch on the LEFT(the other ones are fake). d). Now, you will fight Hydra. Use Exploder a lot, and it will eventually die. After you defeat it, Fanha is all for attacking you, but the Emperor is feeling confident with the Mana Fortress nearby. They leave. e). Go downstairs, enter the middle door, step on the left escalator and go down(won't work with a barrel).Enter the hidden door on the left side, and press the switch. The barrier downstairs shall disappear. f) You find the resistance base, but no save point. Krissie will heal you (if she's not there, exit and enter the base again), and Watts will do his job. A soldier will tell you a secret password. Its RED-BLUE-YELLOW-GREEN g). Go to the end of a corridor, then to the left to find another escalator. Go on the right to press the switch, a barrier in the large room is gone. Don't worry about that barrier near the switch, it's important later. h) Another long corridor full of monsters. When you're done, you see 4 yellow dots on the floor. Step right in the middle of the area they show, you'll get rid of a barrier. i) One more corridor. Here is where the password comes in handy. Find 4 light switches and activate them in the following order: Red - blue- yellow - green. Go down. j) You shall find a place with 2 Kimono Wizards. REMEMBER. Press the switch BEFORE you go down, otherwise you'll have to go through the entire city over again. k) Go up. Remember? The old barrier from #g is gone!!! l) You find the subway. The subway is full of Ghouls , they shall be very easy for you right now. This is the easiest part of the city. Exit the subway, and find your old pals, the Scorpion Army. They are still trying to get Randi's sword and are still messing around with robots. This time, they have Super Deluxe Robot Type 2. They called it, Kettle Kin. Kettle Kin was a more powerful cousin of the first robot they fought. Use Dispel Magic and Magic Absorb to prevent it from using Lucid Barrier and other magic. Keep a safe distance away from it by using long-range weapons. Kettle Kin will get on wheels at one point so be ready to run. Use a hit and run method and Kettle Kin will share the same fate as all the other monsters who fought you.( SAVE ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Palace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to Jema. He tells you about the shortcut to the Grand Palace. Go on the right, then downstairs. Enter the Grand Palace. a). Go forward, don't go upstairs. Remember to have Wall on yourself all the time. At least try. Then go right for the water crystal and left for the crystal of earth. Go back... b). Go upstairs. "Whip the gaps", you'll land on the left part, get the crystal of wind. Go down, then far right for Salamando's orb. c). Just a little on the left , and down for a "secret" passage. Left for the light crystal. get the sword orb, then right for the crystal of darkness... d). Go left (upstairs), and trigger the switch on the wall, and the barrier is gone. Go upstairs. e). Left, downstairs and you shall get to the stairs. Press the green switch on the left , and another one, then whip yourself down to the last, Luna's crystal of moon. f). Go on the right side, which looks exactly the same as the one you've just been to. Go upstairs and you find yourself back in the Tree Palace with Snap Dragon. g). Couple of fire spells will kill him. The Emperor's in the stage room, but he is lifeless. Enter the door behind the stage. It turns out that Fanha and Thanatos got rid of the Emperor. Now its Fanha's turn to take a shot at you. She won't be hard. Earth Slide works just great. She can pygmize you, so make sure you got the Midge Mallet. After Hexas was defeated, Thanatos killed Fanha to gain complete power and not share with anyone. Save your game, and prepare for the final showdown with Geshtar. This battle will be very tough. Geshtar casts Wall on the time, so magic will be useless. Charge your weapons, and attack him. You'll probably need 4 Cups of Wishes, Faerie Walnuts,etc. Geshtar has about 4500 HP. You've failed. The Mana Fortress has been activated by Thanatos. Flammie saves you from the sinking continent and you must helplessly watch the reactivation of the Mana Fortress. After the continent is finished sinking land again. Talk to Jema. He will tell you about the Pure Land, your last hope. There you may be able to revive the Mana Sword with the help of the Mana Tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Land -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you head to the Pure Land, you should buy new armor. Walk around the Tree Palace and you will find Neko. He is selling the very powerful armor, but the prices are rather high. I suggest saving your game, and then heading to the Pure Land. The enemies there give away LOTS of GP. You can also raise magic levels at the same time. The monsters are very powerful so be warned. After you obtain enough GP, comeback and buy from Neko. PureLand is a strange white island on the west of the Ice Country. The enemies over there are the hardest in the game. PureLand is a very cool place, but dangerous too.... Mushglooms are the worst enemies ever (maybe besides Master Ninjas ) . Your spells should be on lv.6 or 7 by now. You'll need Sylphid, Gnome, Undine and Salamando. The first boss in PureLand is the Dragon Worm. His magic is extremely powerful (Earrth Slide lv.8 ) , his normal attacks, such as Balloon Ring can take off more than 600 HP. Thunderbolt will take care of him. You'll reach the First Gate of PureLand. Save your game, then fight the Snow Dragon. Pretty easy, use Fire magic, or dragon weapons (Dragonbuster, Dragonlance, and such ). Go back, and pass through the gate. The next part of PureLand ,will be a spooky cave full of Ice Thugs and such. There's Axe Beak in the middle of the cave. He can be easily defeated. Undine will work nice. Exit the cave, and find the Second Gate. Bump off the Red Dragon in his cave. Do this by using Undines Freeze Magic. You will now get to the Third Part of the Pure Land. Thunder Gigas has a lot of HP and strong magic, but just like the other gigases, he has a weakness. The Gnomes earth slide magic should do the trick. Pile enough on, and the Thunder Gigas will be destroyed. The last boss in the forest is Blue Dragon. He fears Gnome, so use Earth Slide. Then, pass through the gate. You find yourself standing atop a cliff, overlooking the horizon, and the Mana Tree. Now they could finally revive the Mana Sword, and crush the fortress. Before they could move, they heard Thanatos's voice in their heads, "Ha! Now see the power of the Mana Fortress!" Suddenly, a beam of light was cast upon the Tree, and then, a bright light. You awake beside the destroyed Mana Tree. The Tree speaks to you. The Mana Tree is Randi's mother... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana Fortress -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final showdown. Enemies are hard, and there's lots of them.. No save points. The first part will be full of Tsunamis. Pass the room with Tsunamis, another one with Fiend Head and Dark Stalkers, and another one with Heck Hounds. You'll have to press the switch (Tsunamis will attack you), then cross the gap. After a while, you'll get to the point where 2 Turtlances are walking around. You can either go left, or use a whip to cross the gaps. The first option is a long dead end. Cross the gaps, you'll find yourself in a weird room full of blue crystals. Cut them off with the Axe. Do NOT press the switch in the middle. Soon, you'll find Buffy, the Vampire. Defeat him in the same way you defeat the last one, but use Lumina's magic. Use Earth Slide if you Lumina level isn't high enough to do heavy damage. Remember, if you are low on resources and don't think you can make it much farther, you can always exit the Mana Fortress (you will have to walk) and then call Flammie and fly to a town and save. When you comeback, any bosses that you have defeated will still be defeated. The next part of the Fortress will be harder. Exit the room with Buffy, and go left. It's a shortcut. Fight your way to another boss, Dread Slime. Now, remember to cast Wall on everybody before you start a fight. His magic is really strong. You'll need Shade on lv.6 or 7. Just keep piling on Dark Force. It'll grow bigger and bigger. It has 5000 HP. The third part of the Fortress is the longest, and the hardest. Also, full of the hardest enemies in the game, Master Ninjas. They can kill you with one hit. Keep away from them. Terminators are also tough, but can be killed with one Dark Force. After a long, tiresome journey through the dungeon, you'll eventually reach the end. When you get to a big, empty room , heal everybody, cast Wall, Lucid barrier, Light Saber, and Moon Power. Thanatos and Dyluck are in the next room. The sorcerer (Thanatos) is about to steal Dyluck's body..He's very weak.. "Enjoy" the scene, and face Thanatos as..Dark Lich. Some of his attacks are dangerous, but Wall will save you from most of them. Watch out for his beams. If he's underground, NEVER EVER touch his hands, or your character will die immediatly. Lumina Magic will be the key to Dark Lich's defeat. Earth Slide is not bad either. Thanatos has 6666 HP. After you defeat him, Dryads Mana Magic seal that Thanatos casted on him will be broken. The Mana Beast shows up. Like the Mana Tree said, it's not evil, but has a little control over its rage. If the heroes decide to kill it using the Mana Sword, Mana will disappear forever. The Sprite would use the last of it's Mana, and you will never see her again. If they don't kill it, the world will be destroyed.. It's a hard decision..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana Beast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, here's what you must do. The only way to defeat the Mana Beast, is to smash it with the Mana Sword. To restore the sword, Popoie and Purim must cast Mana Magic on the hero (hand him the sword first ). However, Mana Magic expires quickly. The Mana Sword is green. If it's not green, that means Mana Magic expired. Just cast it again, and again, and again. The Beast can be hurt only when it's in front of you. DO NOT charge your sword, just hit the beast every time the sword reaches 100 %. To avoid its attacks, use Cure water 2-3 seconds before it hits you. Using Moon Powers on Randi will help a lot. Another way to avoid attacks is to use the Moogle Belt or Midge Mallet on the heroes. However, this will only save one hero from taking a hit. Be sure to use it again to recover your status. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And so the Mana Knight fought the Mana Beast and defeated it. The world was saved, but not without some sacrifice. The boy's mother was gone. So was Dyluck. And the Sprite was gone from this world, anyway. Still peace had been restored, and that was the most important thing. Now the people of all the lands could be safe and the world would prosper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------