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Chapter 15

You haven't heard much from Taylor lately and you start to wander if he's doing ok and what he's up to. It's been about 2 months since you've seen him last and you miss him so much you're ready to do anything just to be with him. He said they were working on a special project and that he would try to keep in touch, as much as possible. He wouldn't tell you what there project was but he promised you'd love it.

You decide to check your e-mail just to see if he wrote. He was actually really good at writing. Especially with his hectic schedule and they were always so sweet you feel like you could just die every time you read them. He even writes you poems which are even better than there songs (which you know are pretty damn good) You can truly tell their from the heart.

You log on the Internet and check your e mail..."3 new messages" Wow! you think to yourself hoping 1 is from Tay. "2 from Tay!" you say out loud, stunned. You pull up the first one which is another poem he wrote for you. Your heart melts just imagining him writing it. You read it over and over almost forgetting that there is another message. You read the poem one more time and click on Tay's other message. It's a long one. The subject reads: Important Info. You look at it and quickly start reading.

I haven't seen you in so long, and I think its about time! How bout you? :0) know that project I said we've been working on? Well, I think your about ready to find out exactly what it is.

I've begged my parents and you'll have to beg yours :0) hehe! but I convinced them to have you come up with us over Christmas vacation, and attend the Billboard Music Awards with me. You could be my date. :0) Just please, please say you can come. This means so much to me! This is something very very important.

I figured you'd have school, but you get out for Christmas vacation right? We would pay for everything, your parents can even come up with you. They are filming the awards in Las Vegas I will give you all the details tonight at 8:00. I'm going to call. Pretty wild huh? :0) Pray you can!

Love, Tay

You get done reading and your so excited you're shaking! This beyond AWESOME you think still trying to get a grip on yourself. This can't be happening! You want to pinch yourself, this is like a dream! You finally get to see Taylor again! You start to let it sink in and think to yourself "Oh my God! I get to REALLY go see Taylor!" "AHHHHHH!" you start screaming and jumping up and down! This is to perfect! You stop suddenly when you remember your parents. They have to agree with this! How many parents do you think would let their kid go off to Las Vegas over Christmas vacation to be with a 14 year old rock star! And even on TV for that matter! You know it's virtually impossible to get them to let you go but somehow, someway, you WILL get there!
