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Chapter 1

Your lying on your bed listening to the radio. You hear the DJ say that Hanson will be giving a concert in your town. You immediately start to freak out. You grab your phone and call in to get tickets.

Your tickets arrive two days after you called in to get them. You tear open the envelope and see that your seats aren't incredibly close, but they would have to do. You begin to think about how cool the concert will be and how you probably wont be able to get to sleep the night before.

The night before finally arrives it seemed like it took FOREVER to get here. You are up half the night listening to your "Middle Of Nowhere" CD and picking out the perfect outfit to wear. You finally fall asleep around 4:00 in the morning.

Its THE DAY!! It finally arrives and you wake up early, around 7:00! You leap out of bed and get ready to fix yourself breakfast, but then realize your way too excited to even think about eating. So you decide to watch some TV to make the time go faster. You flip on MTV and what is playing?? None other than "Where's The Love"!! That makes you even more excited. You then think how hard its going to be to keep yourself entertained until the concert, which starts at 6:00 p.m.

You leave at 4:30 and are so excited you can hardly control yourself. At 5:00 you finally arrive at the biggest concert hall in town. You get out of your car quickly and start to make your way inside the jam packed building. You find your seat and realize that its not as far back as you thought. People start filing in and taking there seats. You glance at your watch and realize there is only 30 minutes until you hear the most wonderful band on earth play, but to you 30 minutes would seem like a life time. The 30 minutes passed slowly and the building got packed. There had to be over 4,000 people there. All screaming and shouting waiting for Hanson to step on stage and begin playing. Finally you see the group take there places and hear the screaming of the thousands of fans. You hear there first song Mmmbop play and one by one the songs end. The last song is "A Minute Without You". Then the DJ from the radio station comes out and says that they have 5 ticket numbers and that the people with those numbers will get to go backstage, get an autograph and ask them any questions they wanted. You get your ticket out and they call the first and second numbers. You hear screams coming from the people with the lucky tickets. Then the third and fourth numbers are called. More Screams!! You cross your fingers and pray that the last number could be yours. The DJ slowly reads the 5th number. You look down at your at your ticket in total shock. You start to scream. The DJ tells you where to go. You go into a room with the 4 different people, two are a lot younger, maybe 10 or 11, and the other two are at least 16 if not older. You sit down at a huge table. You know when they come in and sit down your mind will go blank and you won't be able to talk to them, you will be so shocked. About 5 minutes pass and you finally see the guys casually stroll in and sit down at the table. They all say hi and everyone ask tons of questions, which they seem very thrilled to answer. You are actually very calm and are able to get the words out clearly. The 15 minutes pass incredibly fast and the boys say they have to go. You head out the door in total shock.
