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Chapter 10

BEEP! BEEP! The sound of your alarm screamed out as you lay in bed trying to force yourself up. You reach over and hit the annoying device to make it stop. You slowly open your eyes to see the time. "Stupid thing" You mutter when you realize it got you up to early. You slowly roll over and begin to drift into sleep not even thinking that you are suppose to be meeting Taylor.

You wake up to the sound of the phone ringing loudly in your ear. You pick it up expecting it to be some loud mouth salesman. "Hello" you choke out. A depressed sounding voice on the other end of the line says "Hi, This is Taylor. I'm on my plane. How come you didn't show up? I waited as long as I could for you but then I had to go. I was just calling to see what was wrong to make you not show up." Your stomach gets a knot in it that is oh to familiar and you feel incredibly guilty. You reply with "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I slept in! My alarm woke me up at the wrong time! I cant believe I missed you! I feel awful! I am So sorry!" You can tell Taylor is disappointed as he says "Well I guess I understand. I really wish I could have seen you just one last time." You continue to tell Taylor how deeply sorry you are. About 5 minutes later Taylor tells you he has to go and thought he would call again in a few days. You hang up the phone and cry softly thinking of how much you have let Taylor down and how disappointed he must be right now.

Taylor sat on the plane listening to his walkman. He looked over and saw that Isaac and Zac were ordering something to drink. The stewardess comes over to Taylor and asks if he wants something also. Taylor looks up sadly and replies by shaking his head no and just looks down to the ground. Isaac and Zac look at Taylor sympathetically. Isaac says "Hey Tay are you all right? You haven't said a word since we left" Taylor says nothing and just stares out the window. Isaac looks at Zac and shrugs. Isaac just sat back in his seat trying to come up with reasons why Taylor wasn't speaking. Sure sometimes he got moody, but never this bad. He really wished Taylor would tell him what was wrong. It would probably make them both feel 100% better. But Isaac knew he wouldn't be able to get anything out of Taylor, so he decided to just relax and wait for the plane trip to end.

You make your way down to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat. You wonder where Taylor is and think of how much you miss him already. You are still mad at your mom for not waking you up but you could see her point when she said she had just assumed that you had changed your mind when you didn't come downstairs on time. You go in to watch television and you flip on MTV and something really boring is on, so you flip through the channels. You stop on VH1 to see Mmmbop! NOOO! You yell and quickly turn it. Just the thought of Taylor right now was enough for you to start crying again. You didn't need to hear his sweet, mesmerizing voice too. You decide TV was a really dumb idea and turn it off.

It seemed like the plane trip had taken 5 years to Isaac. They had just landed and boy was he glad. Taylor still wasn't speaking to anyone and now the whole family was getting worried. No one had any idea of what was wrong. He seemed so depressed. He even looked pathetic. Isaac decided that it was just a faze and he hoped it would pass soon.

Taylor was so sick of everyone asking him what was wrong he was about ready to explode. They just wouldn't understand how he felt, he felt as if his hart had been ripped from his chest and stomped on. And if he told his family this they would just tell him that he would get over it. And that would be the end of it. He just wanted to get to the hotel so he could at least have a little entertainment. He was so miserable at this point he was up for anything to make his mind stop thinking of the incident that happened at the airport. "Taylor!" he heard from Zac. "You better come get your suitcase!" Taylor went over and grabbed it and they were on there way to the hotel...............:o)
