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Chapter 11

Finally you decide you cant take it anymore. You run to your room and slam the door! "Why!?" you scream as you throw yourself on your bed and start to cry. "Why did this have to happen!?" You're so young, yet you feel so much in love it hurts. You lay in your room for a while thinking of ways you could be together, but you come up with nothing. Finally you pull yourself together and decide to get on the Internet to take your mind off Tay.

"Tay! Come on, tell us whats wrong!" Zac begs to his brother, who has now locked himself in one of the hotel rooms. Why cant they just leave me alone? Taylor thinks, almost on the verge of tears himself. "FINE!" he hears Zac yell "stay in there your whole life! see if I care!" and stomps off. Tay gives a look of relief, realizing Zac has finally left. He looks around the room and stops his laptop. He walks over and picks it up. Maybe fiddling around with the computer will help me take my mind off her beautiful face, he thinks to himself with a little smile as he pictures you in his mind, but then remembers you are 100's of miles away and his smile fades. He picks up the computer and logs onto the Internet. [*AUTHORS NOTE: can you get on the Internet with a laptop? Oh well, use your imagination :o)*]

You get on the Internet and check your e-mail right away..."no new messages" it says and you shutter with disappointment. You decide that this isn't helping so you start to log off....

"No Mail" the screen flashes. "Damn" Taylor says as he wishes he could talk to you right now, just for a bit, just to say how much he misses you. He decides to write you an e-mail even though it could never be the same....talking to the computer.


e-mail: Hi,

So hows it going? All I have to say is I miss you so much it hurts. Everything I see and do reminds me of you and its only been a day. What am I going to do? Well I hope you get this soon.

Love, Tay:o)


Taylor looks at his e-mail..."What am I doing?" he thinks to himself. "we've only known each other for a couple of weeks!" and deletes the e-mail..."But, why do I feel so empty inside? why didn't she come to the airport? Is it because she doesn't feel the way I do? What if she DOESN'T feel the same!?" Taylor pauses for a moment pondering, but then decides to wrote another e-mail...

--------------------------- e-mail:


Words cant express what I feel for you. To put it mildly you mean the world to me. The only thing I know is I'm in love with you. I hope this will make you see. Just how special you are to me.

Love Taylor


Taylor puts the cursor on the "SEND" button and takes a deep breath...."CLICK"...

You just about log off when you remember you promised you'd e-mail a friend. "Might as well do it now since IM already on" you think, not really wanting to do it. You get the motivation to write it and you hit the "SEND and RECEIVE" button. You look over to your CD player and see your "Middle of Nowhere" CD. You start to think about how much fun you and Taylor had in just those few days. You finally snap out of your little trance to see a message waiting for you from [Taylor Hanson] you quickly pull it up and start to read it.....Your eyes fill with tears just reading his sweet words. FLASH! Back to reality! "If I just got this now he could still be on!" You write an e-mail to him as fast as possible...



Tay! Please! Dont go! Are you still on? I miss you so much... Please write back....


You wait, as worried as if your own best friend was on the verge of death. You click the "SEND and RECEIVE" button for about the 100th time in the last minute and you finally see "1 new message". Your heart skips with delight and you impatiently wait for the message to come up. Finally it comes up and it reads:

I can't believe your on! I miss you so much! I wish I could be with you right now! But no, I'm here in my hotel room depressed and lonely. I haven't spoken to anyone in my family since I left. They are all bugging me about it, but I feel so empty. I've never felt this way before.


You decide to quickly e-mail him back your response.

Taylor thought about what he had just sent to you and thought. If only I could tell her this myself. Not over some crappy computer. I'm sure it would mean so much more to her if I could tell her actually in person. All of the sudden he heard a ding! And "You have mail". YES! He thought!
