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Chapter 12

You log off your computer and glance at the time! Wow! you yell when you see that you talked to Taylor for 3 hours! You were so glad you had gotten to talk to him! It made you feel so much better. Even though he wasn't there in a strange way it felt like he was. You were shocked to find out that Taylor hadn't spoken since he left! I can't believe he misses me that much! But you realize that you miss him just as much. You couldn't wait until Taylor had more time to e-mail you. You didn't know when it was going to be but you hoped soon. You thought about him sitting there depressed and miserable. You wished it didn't have to be like this, you wished you could just go with him everywhere he went! But you knew that was beyond impossible. But maybe someday your wish would come true.

Taylor boarded the bus that would take them to another concert with LOUD, screaming fans. He really didn't feel like going, but how could he turn it down? So he told himself just to act like nothing was wrong even though it would be incredibly hard. As they pulled closer he could tell Zac was about ready to explode he was so hyper. He was screaming and yelling. Taylor wanted to tell him to shut up and calm down, but of course he didn't. He just wondered how one kid could have so much energy! Isaac just sat in the back tuning his guitar. Taylor wondered how his voice would sound when he had to try and sing. After all he hadn't talked in nearly a week. "Tay! Tay! Look at all of those fans!!" Zac said enthusiastically interrupting Taylor's thoughts! He glanced out the window to see 100's of fans lined up outside waiting for them to come in. Taylor just nodded as Zac went over and got Isaac to come to the window. "Wow there are a lot of people out there!" Isaac said. "We'll be lucky if we make it inside in one piece!" Taylor sat back in his seat wondering if he was ready for this when suddenly the bus stopped and their body guards went out and tried to hold back most of the screaming fans! As they stepped out a booming sound thats killed Taylor's ears came from the "way to excited fans". As they walked in Taylor could feel people grabbing at his shirt pulling him backwards. He just tried to smile but he really wasn't having fun at all. He just wanted to go home. He needed some time alone with the girl that he actually loved. Not with screaming fans he didn't even know(even though he did sometimes enjoy the attention). But as he stepped on stage he knew there was no way out and he stepped up to the mic and said hi to everyone. His voice was scratchy and he wondered how he was going to sing. Standing up there in front of everyone made him sick to his stomach and he knew he couldn't do it. He turned to Isaac and Zac and they gave him a look that he would never forget. It was a kind of look that said "Oh my God! What are you doing?!!" Just then Taylor thought of you, out there in the crowd listening, waiting to hear him sing the best he could, just for you. He smiles and whispers "I do this for you" and they start, singing the best he could ever do and the crowd went wild. He was so happy he thought he actually saw you in the crowd cheering for him, laughing, smiling just for him. They ended the concert with "I Will Come To You" and all Taylor could think about was you. He sang with such emotion, his own brothers were shocked, but truly impressed. "Wow! That was amazing" Isaac whispers to Zac as they walk off the stage. "Yeah, I know! Maybe he's over his little faze!?, lets find out." "HEY Tay! Great Job!" Zac yells to his brother. Taylor just looks at him and nods. "Guess not, eh?!" Zac says turning back to Isaac. But Isaac is to fixed on Taylor to notice Zac is talking to him again. "Why is he like this?" Isaac thinks to himself as he studies Taylor. "He's never acted this way before" now getting worried. Sure the concert was great, but it was different. Strange in a way,but Isaac couldn't figure it out. He turns to Zac "I've known him for 14 years and I don't think I will ever figure him out". "Yeah I hear ya man!" Zac says as they all step out into the crowd of shrieking fans to get to their bus.

They finally get in the bus and Isaac flips on the radio. "Heaven" by Nu Flavor is on again. Taylor listens intently realizing he has never really listened to the words before.........

" First time I saw you girl, you turned me upside down I can't stop thinkin bout ya, my head is spinin round I've got to find a way to get with you some how girl IM so crazy for ya, you know I want you now...."

Cool! Taylor thinks as he listens to the song. This is really good. Its actually how I feel.........................

"And every minute of every single day IM dreamin thats how it could be And every night, before I go to sleep I'm prayin that soon you'll be here with me..."

The song makes him think of you, and he likes it..."Mom" Taylor says, to everyone's suprise and the whole bus turns to look at him. Taylor gives them an odd look and asks "Can we go to a record store?"
