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Chapter 13

The entire bus stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at Taylor. "What!?" he say. "I just wanted to know if we could go to the record store. What's the big deal!?" Mrs. Hanson replies "Well, Tay you haven't spoken for a week so it is quite shocking when you all of the sudden just ask, but I suppose we could stop. We would just go back to the hotel anyway. Is there something you wanted?" "Well I really like this song! I thought maybe if they had the CD I might get it!" Taylor said actually feeling happy for the first time since he had left. "Well, its nice to have you back talking! Man was it BORING!" Isaac said. "Oh, I don't know Ike! I kind of enjoyed the peace and quiet!" Zac said laughing. "I'm just kidding, its nice to hear you talking." Taylor just smiled at Zac and started to work on a song he was writing. He wasn't quite sure what it would be about, but ideas just kept popping into his head. So he took out a piece of paper and began writing.

About an hour later the entire Hanson family returned to their hotel. Taylor had gotten the CD and couldn't wait to listen to it. He was so happy. As soon as he got in to his hotel room he grabbed his portable CD player and quickly put the CD in. He than listened to the entire CD. He loved it. Heaven reminded him so much of you. It gave him the best feeling inside whenever he heard it. After he was done he decided to e-mail you. He went over to his lap top and logged on. He checked his e-mail. He had a message. He got excited and prayed it was from you. The message came up. It read...


Hi, I can't believe we chatted for 3 hours! That was so much fun! Tell me when you are free again. What did you do today? I just mainly did the same things I usually do when your not here! I hope you had a great day!

Love ya! :o)

Taylor was so excited you had written he could barely type. He couldn't believe what a great day he was having. He didn't think it could get any better. Isaac came in to see him e-mailing you. "Hey Ike! I wanted you to take a look at this song I wrote" Taylor said rummaging through a pile of papers. "You wrote a song?" Isaac said. Not knowing when Taylor had time to write a song. "Yeah! In the bus on the way home" "Cool, I hope its good!" "Oh! Come on! As if nothing I write is nothing less than perfect..." Taylor said laughing. Isaac gave him a weird look "I'm just kidding Ike! Jeez!" Taylor handed him his notebook. "Oh and one more thing, its for Christmas. I thought since we had decided on making a Christmas album that this would be a good start. Its kinda romantic too." Isaac took the notebook and began reading the lyrics. After he was done he was amazed at how well the song was written. "wow" He said. Taylor turned around to see Isaac with a shocked expression on his face. "You like it?" Taylor said grinning. "Yeah I do! A lot! It's good. You'll have to show this to Zac. If he thinks it is as good as I do we will definitely use it for the album." Taylor couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd never seen Isaac like one of his songs so much before. Just then they heard the door open and Zac came bounding in. "Hey guys!" he yelled. "Zac, come check out this song Tay wrote." Isaac said happily. "We where thinking about using it for the Christmas CD. But we had to get your opinion on it." Zac smiled taking the notebook. "Aww...that's sweet guys, waiting for my cherished opinion." Zac said laughing a little. "Yeah whatever." Taylor said turning around to send his e-mail.

Zac began reading the lyrics and knew he was going to like it. He finished and looked up to see the other two with their eyes glued to him. "Well....I think its great. But one thing is missing." Taylor got a confused look on his face. "What?" "Oh, like maybe a title." Taylor's cheeks turned pink and he said "Oh yeah." All of them sat thinking and they all decided that "Christmas Time" fit the song best.

"So Tay, are you going to tell us why you weren't speaking to us for a week now?" Zac asks suddenly. "Well, I guess you guys would probably find out anyway, but before I tell you have to promise not to tell mom or dad yet." Taylor says. "Of course we won't tell." Isaac says. "ok..well, you know that girl we met and we played laser tag with her?" "Yeah" Isaac and Zac both reply. "Well...uh...I guess you could say it turned into something more than friendship. I miss her so much. Its weird, its like when I was with her something was different, but now I feel empty and it hurts so much!" Taylor says, pouring out his heart. " little bro's in love!" Isaac says giving him a puppy face. "Isaac! GOD! I knew you'd do something like this! That's why I didn't tell you!" Taylor screams at his brother. "Wait! Wait!" Zac butts in "You mean to tell me you haven't been talking for a week over some girl!!?? EWW!" Taylor turns and gives Zac a nasty look. Zac slumps down shyly and starts mumbling to himself about how Tay ruins all the fun! "Zac, Shut up!" Isaac says and turns back to Taylor sympathetically. "I'm sorry" Isaac says. "I didn't mean anything by it, I can totally understand how you feel. Its just you were always the one who made fun of me for liking girls, and now your the one liken them." he says with a smile. "Well....yeah" Taylor says feeling a little embarrassed. "So that's why I don't want you guys to tell mom and Dad. They would probably give me this huge lecture about how I'm so young. But I know how I feel and it's not something I can control." Isaac agrees with Taylor and understands how he feels even though he hadn't felt as strongly for someone as Taylor was at this moment.
