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Chapter 14

"Jeez Zac, we really need to do something about Taylor. He is way in love. This type of pressure doesn't need to be put on someone like Taylor especially at his age....I'm serious, we need to so something." Isaac looks at Zac. "Don't look at me!" he says. Zac's right, Isaac thought. "He still thinks girls have cooties. Why should a 12 year old be worrying about this. I have to do something myself."

I've got to find that stupid lap top of Taylor's before he finds me in here! Isaac thought as he searched around for it. There it is! Ok, what should I type? goes!

Hi! This is Isaac I know this may sound a little weird but Taylor has not been himself lately, he misses you more than anything I have ever seen! Could you maybe come up this weekend to see Taylor?

Then Isaac deleted it, this is ridiculous! How am I going to keep e-mailing her. And how the Heck is she going to keep following us where we are and what we're doing?! Just then Tay walked in "What are you doing?!" He grabbed the computer "What do you think you're doing sending e-mail to MY girl! Find your own, bud! How dare you even think of stealing her away from me after I express all my feelings to you about her. I thought I could trust you! Get OUT!" Tay yells furiously. "But, I was just..." Ike tries to explain. "Out!" yells Tay again.

"This is Great!' Isaac says to himself. "Now I have Tay mad at me! I have to try and explain this to him!" Isaac walks back into the room where Taylor is, knowing he will probably get yelled at again, but he doesn't care. He has to explain. "Tay! Just listen to me" Isaac says just as Taylor turns to look at him. "I wasn't trying to move in on your girl, seriously! I was just trying to've been acting really strange and I just want the old Tay back, when you were happy, and we could talk about things. I thought maybe we could invite her up some weekend or something to cheer you both up! You have to believe me!!" Isaac stops talking and looks at Taylor who is standing there staring at him. Isaac waits for him to say something..."I do Ike." Taylor says to Isaac's suprise. "You do?.....why?" Isaac says still in shock. "Well..." Taylor says slowly. "I didn't really think you were moving in on her in the first place, I was just upset, that's all. I'm sorry."..."Besides....she'd never go for you anyway!" "Gee thanks!" Isaac snaps jokingly. Taylor just laughs.

"Do you really think we could have her come up for a while? Would mom & dad go for that?" Taylor says with a little bit of hope. "Well we'd have to start by telling them you actually have a....GIRLFRIEND." Isaac says. "Yeah, I guess you're right" Taylor adds.
