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Chapter 16

8:00-- BBBRing! You hear the phone and you bolt towards it as fast as possible, just as you get there you trip over the chair and tackle the phone! "Hello!?" you say panting. Your parents standing there in shock to what you have just done. You decided not to tell them about going to see Taylor until you knew for sure and from his own mouth. Which you hope will be right now. "Uh...hi" you hear from the other line. "Taylor!" you scream. "I missed you so much!" You turn to see your parents still staring at you. "Uh...what's up?" you say as you try to calm down. "Oh man, this is so perfect! Did you ask your parents?" Taylor says sounding really excited and happy to hear you. "no, I haven't, I wanted to wait till you called, but I will right now." You ask your parents and they give you a look like 'do you think we are nuts?' and you know for sure they'll say no. You beg and pleed, and finally they ask if they can talk to his parents. You tell Taylor and then quickly give your parents the phone.

You stare at your mom who is now talking to Mrs. Hanson, for which seemed like forever! Hearing her ask every question possible, then they would laugh..."you know teenagers." You roll your eyes at your mom. 'Well, atleast they're hitting it off good, maybe I really will get to go!' you think.

You start to space off thinking about if you actually got to go see Taylor. Then suddenly you look up to see your mom holding the phone out to you. You take it slowly, not quite sure what's going on..."Hello?" you say. "Did you hear?!" Taylor screams into the phone. "Your mom said you can come!" You don't say anything, you're to stunned to respond. Finally you choke out ", how are we doing this?" Taylor begins to explain everything, and he says they offered for your parents to come with, "but they had to work or something." "Yeah, sounds like them." You say laughing. "I'm just suprised they let me go!" "Yeah me too!" says Taylor. "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait!" you say shaking you're so excited. "I know, I'm so glad you're coming." Taylor replies. While you're talking to Taylor you look out the window to see snow coming down. "Wow, its snowing here!" you tell him. "Really? cool! I love snow." Taylor answers. After about 30 more minutes you hang up with Taylor. In 5 days you get to see Taylor. You run that over and over in your mind. Each time you get more excited. And to be his date at the Billboard Awards was going to be awesome. Oh no you think to yourself. What am I going to wear? I mean these awards are probably pretty fancy. You just tell yourself you will fond something and head up to your room.

"Ike! She's coming! She's coming! Can you believe it!!? Her parents said YES!" Taylor screamed into Isaac's ear. "Well, I kinda figured that when you were screaming it around the hotel room for 2 hours" Ike said with a grin. "Sorry, I'm just in total shock! In 5 days I get to see her!" Taylor said practically jumping up and down. "Well, I'm happy for ya Tay." Just then Zac came in from getting a soda. He had no idea what was going on. Taylor ran over to Zac wildly and said "Hi!!" Zac looked at Isaac and said "What's his problem? Man! Hyper! He's worse than me!" Isaac laughed and said "He's excited because that girl he's in love with is coming to see him in 5 days!" "Oh! Good! Maybe now he wont be so dang moody! huh?" "Maybe. We can only hope." Isaac says switching the channels on the TV. "Why is there never anything on!?" he asked. "Don't ask me." Zac sighed "where did Mr. Cheerful go?" Ike asked anyone who wanted to answer. "He said he was going to look around the hotel somewhere." Mr. Hanson said.
