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Chapter 17

You sit in your room calmed down now, and you stare out the window. Its still snowing, and its so beautiful you wish Taylor was here to share it with you. You start to wonder what he's doing. "I haven't seen him in so long." You think to yourself, "will I even know how to act around him?" You decide not to worry about it anymore, the only thing that matters is that you get to see him. You lay back in your bed and fall asleep.

Taylor sits by his hotel window, looking up at the sky, wishing it would snow there. "Why isn't it snowing!?" he asks Isaac jokingly. Isaac gives him an odd look and turns back to his guitar. Taylor watches him, then looks out the window again. "I can't wait to see you..." he whispers. ~5 days Later~

"Please fasin your saftey belts we will be taking off very shortly." You look up stunned to see the stewertest finally say you're ready to take off. There was a 3 hr. delay, and you had no way to get a hold of Taylor. You knew you wouldn't get there on time, and you were almost on the verge of tears. 5 days of what you swear was tourcher. It seemed like a thousand years and now this! You buckle your seat belt and quietly rest your head back. This is so hectic.

"Oh my gosh! Were is she?" Taylor says franticly! "We can't go on until she get's here!" "I'm sorry Tay, but we have to!" Ike says trying to calm Taylor down. "But! I want her to be here for this!" he says starting to pace across the room. "I'm sure she'll make it in time, Tay" Isaac says starting to worry what would happen if she didn't. He leaves the room, with Taylor still pacing. "Zac! Where the hell is she!?" Isaac screams. "What!? How would I know?" Zac screams back. "Sorry, but this is no going to be good is she doesn't show" Isaac explains. "You're tellin me!" Zac says looking in on Taylor.

The plane lands and you run off as fast as possible "Ok I need a taxi!" you think as you run to get your luggage. You go outside and start to call one, but then you feel a hand on your shoulder. Your muscles get tight and you turn around. "Come on! Let's go! We might still make it!" a strange man says. "You are the Hanson's friend right?!" You nod your head in shock, and the man pulls you to a large van. You start to get scared and wonder if he really is who he says he is. Well...there's no other choice you think and throw your bags in the van.

"And here they are...Hanson!" the announcer screams as the crowd goes wild with screeks and screams. Taylor's stomach does a flip and he prays still that you are alright, and they run out. As soon as Taylor gets out he scans the audience. he spts your seat, and its empty. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac all go to there instrument and get ready to play, Taylor looks around one more time, then they start. They play there new song "Christmas Time." Taylor can barely think strait. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have even wrote this song. I wanted her to be the first person to hear it. Taylor thinks as he looks aroung again for you. He knows you won't be there, but all he can do is look and hope. Just as he looks down at his keyboard something in the side wing catches his eye. He turns to look and he sees you standing there watching him. He's so shocked that he almost stops playing, but then he gets a hold of himself and keeps going. All of a sudden he feels tears trickle down his cheeks and he trys to hold them back, but he;s just so happy you came he can't control it.

When the song ends Taylor runs over to you and gives you a huge hug and just holds you. You hold onto each other so tight you thought you could just stand there forever.
