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Chapter 19

You lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Taylor refused to take the bed, so you finally gave in, and he slept on the floor. While you took the bed.

I totally can't sleep. You think to yourself. You look down at Taylor and he turns to you. You hold your hand out to him and he takes it into his. He smiles. You lay there holding each others hand when you barely hear the radio playing in the background, it's playing "My heart Will go on" and for some reason you start to cry. Taylor hears you and begins to crawl up onto the bed. He raps his arms around you again, to comfort you, and it helps.

You lay there in his arms for hours, neither of you sleeping at all. At about 4:30 a.m. Taylor whispers in your ear "Are you hungry?" You smile at the question and shake your head yes. He kisses you on the forehead and slowly gets up, and you follow him. You both grab some robes and walk out into the hallway as quiet as possible, trying hard not to wake Isaac or Zac. You make it and you both walk to the elevator.

In the lobby Taylor spots the cafe and leads you in there. "WOW! They're already open!" You say. Taylor just smiles. You find a small booth in the corner and you both sit down. "So...what do ya want?" Taylor asks waving the money his mom set out last night in front of you. "Oh! Good thinking" you say to Taylor. "Yeah, I know" he says with a smile. "Are you two ready?" you hear a waitress ask. You both look up. " guess I'll get the eggs and a milk" Taylor says to the waitress. "Same here" you say to her. "Ok, be back in a bit" She says. You look at Taylor "That was simple enough" you say "Yeah" he replies. "So...what are we doing today you ask him." "Uh...actually...I really don't know." Taylor says "I know we have one interview, but I think that's it." You say cool and you both just look at each other for awhile. "So....Why couldn't you sleep?" you say suddenly "I don't know, it's about you?" Taylor says. "I don't know either." you answer. "I guess just knowing you were right next to me, made me...not want to go to sleep." Taylor says, you smile to him and put you your hand on his. You talk for a while longer and then your food comes. You both eat all of it, considering you didn't eat supper. When you are done Taylor pays and you both head back up stairs.

You open the door slowly, "everyone's still asleep" Taylor whispers. "What should we do?" you ask him. "You wanna go out on the balcony and talk? They're bound to wake up pretty soon." Taylor says. "Sure." you say and you both walk onto the balcony. You look around and it's absolutely beautiful. You think it feels so weird for it to be in the 80's when in most states it's snowing. You glance over at Taylor and see him looking out amazed at the view. You move over next to him and he turns to you and smiles. "It's so nice here." you tell him. "I know I love it." he says and then kisses you on the lips gently. Just then Isaac walks out onto the balcony "oops!" Isaac says trying to hold back his laughter as he sees you and Tay break apart, Taylor blushes and then glares at Ike. "Sorry! I just wanted to see what Las Vegas looks like in the morning." Isaac says stretching. "Is anyone else up?" Taylor asks. "Nope not yet. Why are you two up so early?" Isaac asks curiously. "We went for breakfast. We didn't have supper and we both got hungry." Taylor replies. "Oh I see." You just stand there not knowing what to say. After about 30 minutes the entire Hanson family is up and getting ready. You notice how incredibly sweet Jessica, Avery, and Mackie are. Mackie reminds you a lot of Zac. You realize that you are really special to have Taylor as your boyfriend. You had always dreamed of it but you never thought it would actually happen! You feel someone touch your shoulder and you jump slightly because you were so wrapped up in your thoughts. Taylor smiles sweetly and says "Do you want to go down with the rest of the family and get breakfast? You can just have juice if your not hungry." "Sure, that sounds great!" you tell Taylor. After everyone was ready you found yourself going to the same place you and Taylor had gone before. After breakfast was over Taylor asked his parents what they had planned to do. They said that they only had one interview, and that would be short. And then the rest of the day was for everyone to do whatever they wanted. "Cool!" Taylor said, trying to think of some places you two could go.

-----------A Few Hours Later-----------

They had just finished their interview, which only lasted about 15 minutes. Taylor then decides to ask his mom if he is free to do whatever he wants. And she says yes. Taylor tells her that he is taking you to see some things and that you two will be back before supper. Taylor takes your hand and you both start to walk down the hall. You ask Taylor where he is taking you and he tells you that he doesn't even know. After about 2 hours of basically seeing almost everything in one section of Las Vegas you both start to get very tired, and decide to go back to the hotel room and get some sleep.

Taylor punches the card into the slot and opens the door to see the room completely empty. "They must have all found something to do." He says softly. He lays down on the bed leaving enough room for you to lay next to him, so neither of you would have to sleep on the floor. You lay down next to him and quickly fall asleep.

You are awakened by the sound of Taylor and Diana arguing loudly. "But, mom! We just got tired and I didn't want to make her sleep on the floor!" Taylor yells loudly. You sit up thinking, "Oh god! This is all a mistake!" you open your eyes to see Diana looking at you. You try to explain everything to her, but she still looks a little suspicious. You start to wonder if Taylor will start to act different around you now. You pray he doesn't. After Diana was done giving you both a lecture you head straight for the bathroom. You fix your hair and add some make-up to your face. You walk out and sit in a chair and look out the window. Diana had left about 5 minutes ago and Taylor had still remand silent. Isaac and Zac decided to try and lighten the mood a little by asking where you and Tay went. You tell them and then Isaac tells you where they went. In the middle of Isaac talking about how much fun it was Taylor says "Ike, do you think you could leave us alone for like..10 minutes?" Isaac looks at Taylor and says in a serious voice "well, Tay you know what happened the last time we left you two alone." He says starting to laugh. "Come on!" Taylor begs. "Ok, fine! Come on Zac." Isaac says almost dragging Zac out of the room. After you hear the door shut Taylor comes over to you and says "I'm sorry about my mom. She just doesn't realize that she is making a mistake on judging us." You look into his eyes and decide to ask if this is going to change how he acts any. Taylor takes your hand and says "I promise I will never change the way I act around you just because my mom is a accusing us of something we didn't do." You smile and then kiss him. And you are once again happy.
