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Chapter 2

After your wonderful experience you decide to walk to the book store and check out some stuff. You enter the bookstore and find the magazine section. You find an interesting and start flipping through it. You hear someone say "Hey, your the girl from the autograph session aren't you?" You turn around to see Taylor standing there. You say "Oh yeah, Hi! Oh my gosh what are you doing here?" Taylor smiles and says "Oh just checking out the latest magazines and stuff". You smile and say "Cool". Taylor says " was just going to get something to drink. Want to join me?". In total shock you say "Yeah, sure" After you get your drinks you sit down at a table and talk about how the band got started and what he thought about their success so far. You begin to wonder where Isaac and Zac are, so you decide to ask. Taylor tells you that they are somewhere looking for a book Isaac wants to read. You say "Oh I was just wondering"

Just Then Zac and Ike spot you and Tay. Zac just about runs up, but Isaac stops him and says lets spy on them(laughing). As you and Tay talk you seem to like him more and more. He has a lot of interesting things to say and seems really cool, even though he is a bit shy, but you think its cute.

You ask Tay how long he's going to be here. He says probably about a week. No more concerts or anything, just a totally free week. You get to talking about your interests and you find out you both love the arcade. You tell him you have a great arcade intown with a laser tag. You ask him if he would like to go tomorrow. He jumps at the chance "I would love to!" "Is it ok if Isaac and Zac come too?" You say "Sure, thats cool", and you decide to meet back here at the bookstore. You think to your self WOW this is so cool, I actually get to do something with Isaac, Taylor and Zac! All of the sudden Tay goes "Wow! Look at the time I gotta go, I'll see ya tomorrow!" He runs out to their van and gets in to see his brothers and mom waiting for him. "Tay was talking to a girl!" Zac yells to their mom Diana. Tay blushes and says "so what, she's cool." "She invited us to go to an arcade intown with her tomorrow, you guys wanna come?" "Cool, do they have laser tag?" Isaac asks. And Zac goes nuts "WAHOO!! " and starts chanting "Laser Tag! Laser Tag!" "Mom, can we go!?, Please!?" Diana says "I guess that would be ok".
