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Chapter 20

You sit there and look at each other. Knowing you shouldn't start something, because Isaac and Zac will be back in any minute. You never really thought of Taylor as the type that would be really passionate before you met him. But, he actually is, and very sweet. You can see it in his eyes that he wants to kiss you again, but he holds back. It's cute you think to yourself. Suddenly you hear a knock on the door and a "Can we come in yet?" Zac whines. "Are you fully dressed!?" You hear Isaac yell in the background. Taylor gets up and walks over to the door. He opens it and glares at Isaac. "What!?" Isaac says with and innocent look on his face. They both walk in and sit down on the bed. " two wanna do something with us?" Isaac asks you and Taylor. "Like what?" Taylor asks. "Well...since you two took a little nap...if that's what you did..I thought maybe you'd be up for some rollerblading or something." he says with a smirk. Taylor glares at him again for the little statement in between, then looks at you. You smile at Taylor and say "Why not?" You grab your rollerblades and wait for everyone to find theirs, then you head out the door. Outside the Hotel you put your rollerblades on and ask if there is any place special that anyone wanted to go. No one answers until Isaac skates over to you and says " I guess we are just going wherever huh?" "Yep sounds good to me." you say. Taylor skates over to you and takes a hold of your hand as if protecting you from Isaac. You see Isaac take a step back. You look back and fourth between Isaac and Taylor expecting one of them to blow up at any moment. Instead Taylor asks "See that sign over there?" "Ya" you say back. "I'll race you!" "Ok ready GO!" you say taking off at full speed. You hear Taylor shouting HEY! That's not fair! From behind but then hear him starting to catch up to you. You finally make it to the sign and stand there trying to catch your breath as Taylor comes over laughing "Cheater" he manages to choke out from his laughter. "So" you say smiling. Ike and Zac catch up to you and Isaac comes over to you and tells you that he was impressed that you won. You tell him Thanks and that you were shocked too. You are beginning to think Isaac may be getting jealous of Taylor but then you shake the thought from your head thinking that it was a stupid thing to think. You start to follow Zac who is skating in front of you. You wonder where he is going but then continue to follow him. And you look behind you to see if Ike and Tay are coming too. They are. Zac leads you around a whole bunch of turns. He finally stops, it's about time he get's tired you think to yourself. You then hear Isaac coming to a very sudden stop. "I take it you weren't paying attention to Zac" Taylor says. "Hey! I just didn't realize he was going to stop that's all!" Taylor gives Isaac a glare and mumbles "Whatever." And then he asks if you are ready to go back. You tell him that sounds good.

You make it back to the hotel and suprisingly you aren't that tired. You ask Taylor if he wants to go swimming. He says that he'd love to! He tells you that he saw where they have basketball hoops in the pool and he thought that maybe you two could play against Ike and Zac. You tell him that you aren't very good but you will try your best. He says that you will do fine and then asks Ike and Zac if they are up to the challenge. Zac starts screaming somthing like "Anytime Anyplace Tay! Ike and I are going to kill you two!" Taylor starts to laught and thinks of a whole bunch of comebacks and starts shouting them out to Zac. You all go down to the pool and Zac does a cannonball off the side splashing a bunch of girls about 3 feet away. You jump in and Taylor and Isaac are right behind you. Taylor comes over to you and grabs your head and dunks it underwater. You make it to the surface and look to find Taylor you notice that he's in the middle of the pool laughing. You swim over to him and start splashing him wildly with water. You begin to let up on him when Isaac comes over and starts to ask Taylor if they are going to play. Taylor says yes and goes over to get a ball. He passes it over to Ike and giving you an evil grin says "You can have the ball first ok?" Isaac looks at him strangely like he knows he's up to something. "Ok whatever. You wanna lose that's your problem." Isaac says smiling. Isaac then passes the ball to Zac who trys his best to get it down to the hoop but loses it and you pick it up and quickly pass it to Taylor not wanting to mess up. He quickly scores and gives you a high five. Isaac get's the ball and starts to shoot when Taylor knocks it out of his hands but then Isaac picks it right back up and scores. Taylor gives you the ball and you head up the pool you shoot but miss. You start mumbling to yourself bout how you knew you would never make it when Taylor comes over to you and takes one look at you and kisses you softly and you feel him wrap his arms around you tightly. Your lips finally unlock by you don't want them to so you kiss him again. After the kiss ends you look at Taylor and you see that he looks a little red when he says "Wow!" You laugh a little embarassed by his comment. You realize that you had been playing basketball. You had completely forgotten and you look over at Isaac and Zac who's eyes are completely locked on you two along with half of the other people in the pool. "Well we certainly got everyone's attention." Taylor says getting redder by the second. "We certainly did." you say laughing. Isaac starts screaming "HELLO! IF YOU TWO WANT TO SPEND THE ENTIRE TIME MAKING-OUT THEN I GUESS WE WILL JUST DECLARE ZAC AND I THE WINNERS!!!!" Taylor and you go over to Isaac and Taylor says "Fine if that's how you want to be then I've made my decision." He steps closer to you and kisses you again. In the middle of the kiss you hear Isaac saying Oh come on guys! Please! Can't we just finish the game? You break apart and Taylor grabs the ball from Isaac saying nothing but "Sure!"
